I was exactly like you. You are probably around the wrong people.
Try to meet more people, join clubs, take up some hobbies, do volunteer work. Helping others
is the best way to forget about yourself. We don't have very much time left on this earth, so make
the most of it. Jesus is coming soon! I can hardly wait! He loves you passionately. He wants to be your BFF.
Invite Him into your heart, ask Him to take over your life. You will instantly feel better. He will show you all the ways you CAN impact people around you.
Read your Bible, find Christian support groups, watch Christian programs like Hal Lindsey Report, End Time, 700 Club, Daystar and TBN TV, Books and DVDs: the Late Great Planet Earth, books by Paul Crouch. There's so much fascinating information to learn. Jesus loves you. Have fun learning :)