To address some other answers you already got - it is NOT appropriate to take medications for this situation, meds are not for problems of life, (in your case, grief), they are for bona fide mental illness. If it gets to the point where you are suicidal, then do consider medications, but since it isn't that bad, you are better off figuring out how to cope and letting time heal your grief. Support groups would be a good idea. Can you sell the house cheap in a hurry so you at least get some equity out of it, if there is substantial equity? Call up old friends and restore those relationships. Suck it up, and DO it. You have to FORCE yourself to do it. I'll give you my standard depression tips also:
Try meditation like progressive muscle relaxation or guided imagery. It reduces stress, & depression. See The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook by Edmund Bourne for examples. Free 15 minute guided imagery download at
***** #1 MOST HELPFUL Go out with friends, & if you don't have any, join a club & MAKE yourself go until you look forward to it. “Isolating” makes depression worse.
Exercise 1/2 hour a day, & anytime you feel depressed. Exercise is a great mood stabilizer & reduces anxiety. LOTS OF RESEARCH SUPPORTS THIS.
Insomnia?: Go to bed & get up the same time each day, even weekends. Don't use your bedroom to watch TV, read or use the computer. Don't do stuff that revs you up before bed, like exercising & using the computer. Light from computer screens & TV wakes you up. Use that last hour to wind down-Take a bath? Make the bedroom very dark, even cover up the alarm clock. Use a noise machine (makes wave sounds etc.) to cover up disturbing sounds. Avoid caffeine in afternoon & evening. Try for free relaxing sounds downloads.
Put a lot of colorful, happy things around the house. Do nice things for yourself. Make a list of things that make you happy. On my list: bread fresh from the oven, the scent of Jergen's cherry almond lotion, the crisp sound of a saltine cracker breaking, fresh sheets on the bed, standing in the boat flicking topwater lures onto the water, etc. Use all your senses & read that list when you are breaking down
Work on time management if you are overwhelmed. Cut back on other responsibilities so you can spend more restorative time with friends & family. Ask for help if depression makes it hard to keep up with chores.
DON'T listen to sad music! It makes things worse! Listen to upbeat stuff- same with movies & novels.
DISTRACT yourself when you are hurting. Read a novel, watch a comedy, go out with friends, play cards, play a video game, whatever is mentally all-consuming. This is a VERY helpful tip!!
Volunteer. Research shows that helping others makes you feel better about yourself. It also keeps you more involved in the community. Many people find comfort being involved in religion. Get help from your pastor. Be aware that some pastors from conservative faiths don't “believe” in mental illness & will tell you to go off your meds & pray more – don't go to such a pastor for “help” if your faith is like this.
Put a half-smile on your face. Changing your expression is proven to help change mood.
Cognitive Behavioral therapy is the most effective kind of counseling. Try free computerized CBT at Computerized therapy appears to be almost as effective as counseling, research shows.
Good luck. I learned this information from classes & books.