I saw a really scary movie and now i'm a wreck. What do I do?
2006-07-16 20:18:59 UTC
I absolutly hate scary movies and usually don't watch them. My cousin convinced me to watch the Skeleton Key at a little sleepover we had and said it was just a thriller and not scary in the least bit. I believed her, but the movie terrified me! I'm a total wreck. I can't sleep, and terrified of the night, am becoming depressed in the evening (because I dread the night), can't look at mirrors, and so much more. I tried watching two of the scariest movies i've ever seen (Wedding Crashers and Just Friends), but it didni't work. I tried watching little kid movies, romantic movies, sad movies, everything. It works temporarily, but once the movie's over i'm back to scared.
I'm miserable. What do I do?
59 answers:
Hatake Seraph
2006-07-16 20:20:30 UTC

Get out a Bible.

Works for me everytime, and I sleep better knowing that He sends angels to guard my doors when I am afraid.

=) Sweet dreams, chica.
2006-07-16 20:33:00 UTC
Try to remember that what you saw was a fabricated story, complete with special effects put together by technicians and a story-line put together by writers along with a lot of other fancy camera and lighting and sound efforts all in the name of making money from consumers. An orchestrated optical illusion, in other words. A load of garbage packaged as a film all for the sake of making money off of anyone willing to buy the film.

Now, why not shift your focus to reading about real and pleasant things, like maybe a book about travelling in the South Pacific Islands. Notice I mention reading: the effort to read will help divert your attention. Also, you might consider buying an aquarium DVD (Amazon sells these)--basically a recording of fish swimming about with either soothing music or the sound of aquarium bubbles. Why do you suppose many doctors offices have aquariums? Because aquariums tend to have a calming effect on people.

Finally, if you are of any particular religious faith, I strongly recommend talking to a religious leader about the film and what bothered you about it. A good religious leader should help point out that there is good in this world, and that evil does not have a complete hold over everything.

If you prefer a purely secular approach, you could see a psychologist, or even a psychiatrist, either of whom can point out how the brain and mind work, and how the mind runs on inputs to the brain, and how if the inputs are false or otherwise distorted, that your mind might be perceiving a false sense of reality.

Hang in there! That dumb film will become nothing more than a stupid small speck in the existence of your lifetime.
2006-07-16 20:26:43 UTC
According to the reading I have done regarding hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), the brain, when it senses that blood sugar is low, will do sometimes strange things to get the blood sugar (glucose) out of storage and into the blood stream. Adrenaline is one sure way to do this. If the movie caused you to get into "a fight or flight" state, that releases adrenaline. As you now can't get over the fears, then low blood sugar may be the cause.

Suggestion? Go to the kitchen and get some protein, meat, a can of tuna or whatever, and eat it. Also have some carbohydrate, like a handful of chips, an apple, or some carrots/celery, and also some peanuts or peanut butter. Eat at least 2 ounces of the protein. Then drink a glass of water and do something that makes you think about something else than your fears for 30 minutes - singing, exercising, answering Yahoo!Answer questions, videogames, whatever. You may find this has helped your fear to lessen a bit.

Chronic low blood sugar can also be the cause of depression, self-esteem problems, anger management problems and a whole bunch of other physical and mental nasties. You may want to check out the symptoms link on, and see how you check out.
2006-07-16 20:28:03 UTC
Better yet read a good romantic novel.Start reading good and kind things, kids books and comics. Just think it is a movie and nothing else behind it. But I know what you going thru because I hate scary movies too. Don't let people talk you in to see scary movies if you don't like them. Do some praying when you get scared of get the horrible feeling again.
♪ ♥ ♪ ♥
2006-07-16 20:23:50 UTC
What you need to do is KEEP THE TV ON ALL NIGHT while you're asleep. Make sure it's a funny movie with NOTHING scary. Turn the volume down low enough so you can sleep, but not so loud that it disturbs you tremendously. You don't want to sleep in the dark or in silence because that just begs all the scary thoughts to creep into your head. Good luck and stay away from the scary movies!
2006-07-16 20:25:48 UTC
aww, hey, it's ok. people have different tolerances for scary movies, you don't need to feel bad about being so sensetive. i've seen the skeleton key too, and i can see how it could really scare you. but think about this... the movies that usually terrify me even after they're over are the ones where the situation in the movie could actually happen to me. in the skeleton key, the situation was very fantasy-based, and could not ever happen to you in real life! you don't need to fear for your safety. i saw the movie as a really beautiful representation of new orleans as it was before the hurricane, and will probably never be again. anyway, best of luck to you, i know you will be ok.
2006-07-16 20:23:41 UTC
I'll admit this too - after watching the Skeleton Key, I didn't want to look into mirrors either! You need to remind yourself that it's only a movie - not something that is going to happen in real life. Whenever I get scared and I'm home alone, I turn on the radio or TV, or crate my dog around with me everywhere. :) Then I feel as if I'm not alone. Try sleeping with a night light (I know, little kiddish... but it might help) or turn your TV on when you go to bed. Good luck! :)
2006-07-16 20:24:12 UTC
Movies are just movies. They are fiction. Instead of watching more movies, try to do something else: exercise, go for a walk, walk the dog, do some chores around the house, go to the beach, read a nice book, call somebody and the phone and gossip a little, etc

If you really want to get scared watch the evening News.
Walter J
2006-07-16 20:23:30 UTC
Try to remember that movies are Hollywood hype and keep in mind that those movies are a lot of special effects. Those things do not happen in the real world, they just dont.

If that doesnt do it for you then do the same thing my kids do when they are scared...come sleep in my room/bed. Hahaha.

Seriously though, try a nite light or turning the mirrors around in your room, or taking them out all together. Good luck. Write me back if you want to talk about it more...
2006-07-16 20:26:12 UTC
Wedding crahers isn't scary! lol

U need 2 tell urself that its NOT real!

I'm terrified of horror movies but if i get scared, I always pray 2 Jesus (I'm a Christian)

when im scared and it REALLY helps.

Plus just don't look at the movies!

I'm scared of the Gingerbreadman now. lol U don't want 2 know.

But really if a commercial comes on just turn the channel or close ur eyes and plug ur ears till it's over.

The commercials don't bother me anymore cuz i've learned 2 tell myself that its not real!

Just remember its not real!!!!

I'll pray 4 u! Good luck. :*)
2006-07-16 20:23:30 UTC
Keep telling yourself that it was just a movie. The things that happened in The Skeleton Key weren't real. People cannot take over other people's bodies through hoodoo, witchcraft, or anything else. It was just a movie. It was not real. And it cannot happen in real life. Try reading a funny book or romance novel in bed until you fall asleep. It will keep your mind on something else.
2006-07-16 20:25:30 UTC
Hi! Ok, first of all's going to be ok. Try using a little Lavender essential oil on your temples, or some lavender soap when you take a bath or shower. Also, some Chammomile tea will help you rest. Above all, get some of your favorite commfort things as well to take to bed. It sounds to me like you are very sensitive to energy and need a Reiki session as well, if you can find a practitioner. I am at if you have any questions. Try to rest!
2006-07-16 20:25:24 UTC
even though you may not want to watch the movie, you should rent the dvd and watch the special features, like the making of it and the actors commentary. after you finaly realize how the scenes that scared you most were made, watch the movie again this should help u cause it wont scare you as bad the second time
2006-07-16 20:28:02 UTC
I don't watch scary movies at all any more and won't let anyone bully me into it. Stick up for yourself and do that from now on. Then just remember that it is all make-up and camera tricks. There are real people just doing a job to make money.
Jeff B
2006-07-16 20:21:33 UTC
Watch Napolean Dynamite.
2006-07-16 20:25:40 UTC
I had this same problem after watching IT as a little kid.

I can at least tell you it goes away after a month or less as you begin to forget about it. Until then, sleep with lights on. It costs more, but you can fall asleep when you get tired enough. And try watching madea's family reunion. "gritball"...hehehehe.
2006-07-16 20:23:20 UTC
ok, well idk the plot of that movie but when i saw the ring i got scared a bit, until the seventh day when i was supposed to die but didn't. that reassured me that nothing was going to happen to me. just do what ever was supposedly was the thing that made every1 die or whatever, and when nothing happens everything will be ok. and if you're too scared get a friend to force u too, you'll thank them later, trust me

also, what helps me is think about all of the things that couldn't possibly happen, pick it apart and focus on the absurd and it will all seem like fiction
2006-07-16 20:26:12 UTC
I know you're upset but you really have to face your fear or you'll be dogged by this for the rest of your life.

There is nothing to fear in the dark. Leave the lights off and walk around in your home.

When I was a kid I was terrifed of the dark, ghosts, scary movies.. all of that. My mom finally forced me to face my fear of the dark and it worked. She told me something funny that might help, "Girlie it ain't the dead you've got to be afraid of, it's the living!" and she was soo right.

Just remember you can always sleep with the light on.
2006-07-16 20:34:13 UTC
you said, "I tried watching two of the scariest movies i've ever seen (Wedding Crashers and Just Friends), but it didni't work."

those aren't even scary! you must be messed up.

oh yeah, say this out loud: "IT"S ONLY A MOVIE!"
2006-07-16 20:30:18 UTC
Pray and read the Bible. It works every time.

Here is a prayer of protection for you. Repeat it and memorize it:


(The Living Bible)

We live within the shadow of the Almighty, sheltered by the God who is above all gods.

This we declare, that He alone is our refuge, our place of safety; He is our God, and we are trusting Him. For He rescues us from every trap, and protects us from the fatal plague. He will shield us with His wings! They will shelter us. His faithful promises are our armor. Now we don’t need to be afraid of the dark anymore, nor fear the dangers of the day, nor dread the plagues of darkness, nor disasters in the morning.

Though a thousand fall at our side, though ten thousand are dying around us, the evil will not touch us. We will see how the wicked are punished, but we will not share it, for Jehovah is our refuge! We choose the God above all gods to shelter us. How then can evil overtake us or any plagues come near? For He orders His angels to protect us wherever we go. They will steady us with their hands to keep us from stumbling against the rocks on the trail. We can safely meet a lion or step on poisonous snakes, yes, even trample them beneath our feet!

For the Lord says, “Because he loves me, I will rescue him; I will make him great because he trusts in my name. When he calls on me I will answer; I will be with him in trouble and rescue him and honor him. I will satisfy him with a full life and give him my salvation.”
2006-07-16 20:26:14 UTC
guys.......don't scare her/him like that

this kinda happen to me when i watch scary movie and it freaks me out but not badly as u went throught

i will tell u this.........this isn't a true story and u will be just fine...just say to urself..this won't ever to urself in a bedroom will help, just don't talk out loudly, talk quietly

if this doesn't work then try to talk to ur family members about anything....and ur friends too

well this is summer and i am assuming that u are on summer break...try to play your hobbies, talk to ur friends, play a game, watch a lifetime moive that will make u cry or laugh or something...

this will keep your mind off after a few days

so good luck

p.s. try to be happy
2006-07-16 21:38:35 UTC
Just friends and Wedding crashers are not scary movies.

Go sleep with you parents
2006-07-16 20:22:22 UTC
The Skeleton Key scared you? I didn't think it was scary...suspenseful perhaps. Just realize that it's something about how they made the movie.
Katherine C
2006-07-16 20:27:08 UTC
I know this sounds different, but why not get your bible and read the 23rd psalms, it will help you. I have used it when I'm afraid or unable to sleep.After you read it say a little prayer, "Lord please watch over me while I sleep, protect me from all things evil and give me peace of mind Amen". If you've never prayed before, just talk to God, like you would talk to a friend, he can hear you and he will help you. "God bless you".
2006-07-16 20:24:07 UTC
get a song stuck in your head. Just listen to a song like 5 times ina row and youll be good. Youll be so preoccupied and annoyed with the song in your head youll forget about the movie.
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2006-07-16 20:23:38 UTC
awwww... how old are you? the Skeliton Key was'nt that scary, well, to me it was'nt. Try eating chocolate and watching really funny movies. I reccomend The Jerk. Even though its rated R its soooo funny!!! if not that, try Napoleon Dynamite. It's an instant classic.
2006-07-16 20:21:39 UTC
Just keep telling yourself that it was a MOVIE, it was not realistic in any way. Pray to God to help you through it & stop watching scary movies from now on. Depsite what anyone else says...if you are scared then don't torture yourself for someone else's benefit. Good luck!
2006-07-17 10:09:22 UTC
My mom watched the emily rose movie and holy watered the house. It's ok to be scared.
william the wizard
2006-07-16 20:21:30 UTC
I would buy a nightlight. The other day I saw JUST FRIENDS and I was so scared that I had to sleep with all the lights in my house on, and I called the neighbors and asked them to leave all their lights on too!
2006-07-16 20:23:11 UTC
try not to think about it..i saw that movie too and didn't think it was scary but everybody is different...if you think about it when you see the mirrors take the mirrors down until you get over this or cover them up..also try reading it always gets my mind off everything AND puts me to sleep.
Just come a while
2006-07-16 20:22:19 UTC
Think rationally, that was just a movie. But next time avoid seeing those kind of movie at all cost.
2006-07-16 20:24:29 UTC
the best way to get over your fears is to face when you think that you hear or see something at night get out of your bed and go see what it is another thing that you can do to help you be able to face your fears is to pray and read God's word so that he can comfort you he is the creator of everything and controls everything he will answer your prayer
2006-07-16 20:24:06 UTC
anyone can freak thinking about it, but in reality it is just a movie so stop thinking about it, I can create all kinds of monsters if i think about it. like laying in bed in the dark, I am ok and start thinking about scarey things and suddenly the towel hanging over the chair becomes a man standing staring at me and my heart races and it is only a towel so it is only in your mind and if they scare you so much don't watch them!!!!
2006-07-16 21:04:41 UTC
I didn't think the movie was scary...but I don't really get scared from those movies.But just think it's not real and they are stupid from doing what they did that girl shouldn't have drawn that white circle.So it was her own fault.
2006-07-16 20:36:26 UTC
Do what all crazy Americans do, and sue the A$$ off the director and producer, you'll get millions in compensation, and send some to me, for suggesting it to you in the first place, ($100,000) should do the trick.
2006-07-16 20:22:57 UTC
what was that scared you? you need to confront this. Let your brain kick in, and snap you back to reality. The you movie you watched was fiction. Fantasy, make believe. Its not true, it wont happen to you. these things dont happen.
2006-07-16 20:25:17 UTC
pray to the lord to take those fears from u , pray it everynight before bed , it will work ,i went through that once with a bad movie i saw ,and my mom told me to pray and it worked, and i don't watch those movies no more , good luck and god bless u
2006-07-16 20:21:20 UTC
wow im so glad im not the only one. well.. its not as bas as urs. but well.. u gotta convince urself that those kinda things rnt real. have someone ur rele close to spend the nite in ur room for a few days. but, it took me a long time to get over those things. :Sgih: good luck
2006-07-16 20:24:34 UTC
I know exactly what you mean!! I listen to music while I try to get to sleep and that usually helps a little.
Tyler H
2006-07-16 20:24:58 UTC
hey I have the same problem all I do is lock my windows and put something by a door that will make nosies so if their is something their I can hear it you'll be OK after that .

hope it works good night.
2006-07-16 20:23:32 UTC
Watch something else, or read a book or story, to replace the images with something better.
2006-07-16 20:20:46 UTC
that was not even a scary movie. I was surprised at the end of it though. Kinda wierd, but not scary.
2006-07-16 20:22:06 UTC
Watch another movie real quick.
2006-07-16 20:23:29 UTC
Wow, that's sweet! Get out your laptop and write a screen play about your will sell for millions...then you can hire a fill time bodyguard and can sleep well forever and ever....amen. :)
2006-07-16 20:26:22 UTC
tell me about it i just saw the grudge and it scared the crap out of me but what i do is just think about something nice like if youhave a dog think about how much you love him/her this works with anything that you love
2006-07-16 20:23:36 UTC
oooh i'm sry that really sucks...i havent seen the movie yet but it sounds good...well u can think of sum happy thoughts or sumpthin...idk
2006-07-16 20:24:56 UTC
I used to be the same way.Just try not to think about it.I know it is hard but just try it.
Theresa M
2006-07-16 20:22:10 UTC
Get over it! It's just a MOVIE!!!
The All-Knowing Sam
2006-07-16 20:21:01 UTC
Lion King, trust me. Trust me, trust me, a million times, trust me.
2006-07-16 20:20:58 UTC
you know whats worse about this movie? just hearing that spooky song that papa justify was singing on that recored over and over and over again...........!!!! agghh!
2006-07-16 20:20:49 UTC
yeah, wedding crashers is ****** scary
2006-07-16 20:22:34 UTC
Pray, and say I rebuke the devil and all of his devices in Jesus name.
2006-07-16 20:24:29 UTC
it is fiction! Get a grip on yourself!
2006-07-16 20:21:32 UTC

Were you scared

I knew that.

oh look behind you
2006-07-16 20:20:20 UTC
leave the light on when you go to bed..BOO
2006-07-16 20:21:59 UTC
dont eat
2006-07-16 20:20:47 UTC
lol, just 4get bout it!

word u
2006-07-16 20:20:37 UTC
GO TO SLEEP.... IT MIGHT JUST COME BACK TO HAUNT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-07-20 19:35:35 UTC
have sex or masterbate..

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.