1. Yes, Bullying can make a person "go crazy".
I am an adult survivor of lifelong Teasing and Bullying (Peer Abuse) up to this present date in which has resulted in me having lifetime emotional problems and lifetime psychological problems including attempted bullycide (suicide) in my early twenties, chronic low self-esteem issues, Psychogenic Amnesia (Dissociative Amnesia), Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD), hard to trust people, keeping people at a distance, being a shy introverted person, depression, and etc. By the time I graduated from Senior High School, I was extremely deeply afraid of ALL people (male and female) including some family members due to Teasing and Bullying (Peer Abuse).
My only child is also an adult survivor of Teasing and Bullying (Peer Abuse).
2. Here are some various personal reasons that can cause a bully to pick on a person that are listed below.
Anger Issues
Low Self Esteem Issues
Personal situation at home
Trying to look "cool"
Trying to impress friends or other people
Trying to gain power and leadership within a circle of friends or other people
Trying to prove their strength and that they are stronger than other people.
3. The bully made no accidental mistake when they deliberately picked you as their bullying target. Here are some reasons why a bully will pick an particular person as their bullying target that are listed below.
Revenge purposes
Being a new student in school
Being seen as an "Outsider"
The bully target appears to have lack of self confidence or being shy, or being weak in some way.
The bully target appears to be different in some way like being overweight, or having some type of Disability or wearing glasses, or having a crooked nose, or having "buck teeth", or wearing school clothes that does not look "cool", and etc. ANYTHING that makes a person to stand out and be seen as being different will give the bully a reason to bully the person.
4. Here are some steps to help prevent you in being bullied that are listed below
Report the bully to the school teacher or school principle.
Tell your parents about the bullying.
Have your parents file Harassment Charges against the Bully/Bullies. There has been some Bullying victims that has filed Harassment Charges/Civil Suit Charges against bullies while being in school.
Have you parents check to see if the school has an Anti-Bullying Policy in place and to make sure that the school is reinforcing the Anti-Bullying Policy. Public schools ARE MANDATED by federal law to have a SAFE and conducive learning environment for their students.
Do NOT show any emotional reaction when being bullied.
Walk away from the bully.
Show Self-Confidence, boldness, and a strong personality.
Walk with a medium brisk walk, your head held high, and your shoulders back.
Do NOT look downward and DO look people in the face.
Have a "Buddy System" which will help decrease the chances of being bullied.