2009-09-22 04:09:33 UTC
He is highly intelligent but when we have a domestic dispute or an argument he seems to regress to having the mental age of a young teenager, he'll be stubborn, selfish, won't consider anyone else's point of view, he'll sulk for days, say the meanest things about me and our relationship, he feels NO sympathy or regret for the things he says. When someone cries in front of him, including me, he will say they are faking emotion and that he just doesn't understand why they are upset. Arguments can get blown out of all proportion and usually resort to him giving me the silent treatment for days on end until HE decides to come around, there is no reasoning with him when he gets like this and he just turns into the most petulant difficult person ever even though we are best friends, have a rock solid relationship and can normally share anything with each other.
I sometimes think maybe he has aspergers, his range of emotions just seem so much more different from everyone else's and his reaction to certain issues is just very odd - he will act like he doesn't know me if we have an argument and just puts a wall up and treats me like a stranger.
On a good day he will admit that maybe something is wrong with his personality and that he just feels "bad" inside and sometimes even says he feels "dead" inside.
he can also lose his temper quickly at the oddest things and gets frustrated easily saying that he just doesn't understand a lot of social situations but then this temper may only last an hour or so and then he'll be ok again
I'm not looking for relationship advice but just maybe some pointers on this type of behaviour? thanks very much