I think you need to stop doing that and just go out and start moving yourself.
Prayer man. There is always an oppurtunity in everything. BUt I just pray and let the spirit lead me man. Let God work it out. Turn your stress and anxiety over to him. Let Him deal with it
How heroes use this problem and turn it around and face life
So what you can do is write down all the things you DON'T want (the way your problem is) and then write down the exact opposite...
The point is always in ACTION. Thinking about it is the first step... the second step is believing in it... the third step is acting like you believe in it... and the fourth is in being in a place where you can receive it.
Check all these desires of yours against those steps.
Sometimes you are where you are supposed to be for a reason. Perhaps it isn't time for you to move on. Don't give up on your dream. Work a little at a time to prepare yourself for the time when you have the success that you want.
Get things in order. Use this time wisely as you may become very busy soon and feel overwhelmed if you don't have your home and affairs in order.
It sounds like you have decided upon one path to take. Often life presents more than one way to reach your goal. I believe opportunites will come and you must be open to new experiences. Even if you think it isn't your chosen path this new occurance may lead to other opportunities in ways that you may not recognize at first.
As long as you keep your eyes on your goal and keep moving forward success will come to you
I believe that toxic people can make you sick, even shorten your life. The best thing to do is to do something for yourself, leave so you can live by yourself and go after what you want in life. The more you stay with the same people, the more your life will stay the same.
Also, every time you catch yourself saying something negative, keep changing it around. You're seeing how it works to some degree... just intensify it.
My suggestion would be for you to attend school. Do you have your high school diploma yet? If not, go get it.
2. go to college. Do not sit in your house & worrying. Get out into the world and get busy.
3. Talk with a counselor at the college so you can find out what careers pay well. Then decide which one would interest you.
4. Do not stop educating yourself until you are at the point where you can earn big bucks and become that "extremely successful" person you want to be.
5. The key is to work hard and Get out in the world and DO something else
Another one is Thinking positive thoughts
Thought is the only power that can produce tangeble riches from the formless substance. The stuff from which all things are made, is a substance which thinks. A thought of form in this substance produces the form. Original substance moves according to its thoughts. Every form and process you see in nature is the visible expression of a thought in the original substance. As it thinks of a form it takes that form. As it thinks of motion, it makes that motion. That is the way all things are created. We live in a thought world. And this world is part of a thought universe. The original thought of a moving universe, first extended throughout the formless substance. The thinking stuff resulting from that thought, took the form of systems of planets. And continues to maintain that form. thinking substance takes the form of its thought and moves according to the thought.
If you can build an image in your mind and hold it, you will attract all that is required for the manifestation of it.
Look at it this way, Your hand is made of energy. It's a mass of molecues at a very high speed of vibration. What's a glass made of? Energy. What's water made of? Energy. Now if you take and boil that water that water is not called water any more it will be called steam. It's the same energy, just moving at a different speed. What's the glass made from? Energy. Use to be sand. what we've done is alter the molecular structure of the energy and we've turned the sand into glass. Still the same form of stuff.
Thought and energy is one. Thought waves are cosmic waves that penetrate all time and space. There is one original formless substance, and which all things are made. Where does everything start? it starts in thought and whats thought? Thoughts energy.
Thought in substance produces shapes. A human being is a thinking center, capable of original thought. So you are a thinking center. You're the center of thought. Thoughts are on the present, thought energy is everywhere. And this energy moves in to your conciousness. And you can think anything that you want to think.
If anyone of us can communicate our thought to original substance, we can cause the creation or formation of the thing we think about. That's a Huge Idea
So.....begin right now to calm your mind. Bring yourself to a place of peace and be open to loving direction. Keep in mind that the direction or help offered may not be what you thought it would be. It is important that you not dictate. When I say submission....I mean submission. Also, in order to receive miracles and blessings, YOU MUST BE WILLING TO ACCEPT THEM! Be on the lookout for small things offered. Give thanks and receive the gift. (Even if it is something as small as advice). Be aware. Search
When inspired with guidance...now, you must pick yourself up and take action. Swift action. You'll know if it is divine revelation. If the guidance is life affirming, (either to you or someone else)...get up and just do it! Don't wait. Yes, it is possible for something to be handed to you; but taking action on guidance should be just as much of a miracle to be realized
Everybody's journey will be different and unique to their own personal experience although what I've suggested here is the beginning foundation necessary.
After you've worked yourself out of an immediate crisis; a few important questions should arise for your consideration. How do you move forward and close the gate behind? What are you going to do to build a better life? I don't think you want to come back to this horrible wretched place again...right?
Well; to build anything, you must start on a firm foundation. You've started your building process by changing the way you think. You've planted the good seeds. Now, the good seeds must be fed and nurtured to grow. But what about all those weeds? The weeds must be pulled up, one at a time or they will over run the good seeds of your garden again. There is still more work to be done for a good foundation
I know some are thinking they already have a good foundation in place and want to start moving forward on their journey. I suggest they ask themselves a question before beginning; Look at your surroundings right now....what do you see?
If your life is in chaos, your surroundings are a mess, (literally and figuratively), your health is substandard, have addictions or a number of spirit killing situations....then you need to work on yourself FIRST. Remember...God is not the author of chaos.
This is also true for those who have asked for advice, paid for programs and/or coaches and nothing seems to work. If the advice received is good and nothing is working; then something of a higher priority should be attended to. If you are in bad health or physical pain...your body is trying to tell you something. Listen to the alarms going off! Your state of mind has manifested EVERYTHING you are experiencing right now.
Working on yourself first before starting any new venture, or relationship is absolutely necessary because it is YOU holding you back
Somehow...someway...you got to where you are now because of how you think. I'm going to make a suggestion Please take the time to read a very short book, - You can also go to any bookstore in the "classic" section and buy it. It's called, "As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen and was written in the 1800's. This book is deep and every single sentence has wisdom; so it is something that has to be read and studied slowly. I highly recommend this little book, because it changed many life in a profound way.
After reading, "As A Man Thinketh" and ABSORBING what it says...you will begin to understand why I am sending you in this direction before starting your journey
My idea - "How to win friends and influence people" is an awesome book and I highly recommend you pick it up. The book goes into detail on how to be more of a selfless, encouraging, and humble person and those attributes we'll attract people to you. One of my favorite lines of the book says that 'you can make more friends in two weeks by taking an interest in others then you can in two years trying to tell others about yourself'.
My suggestion to a book it’s a book called the conversations with God. There are 3 in the series. You may want to read them and see where that takes you as a start to getting your life on track. You can go on the web and search Neale Donald Walsh as he is the author and has several very good sites
Life can always be difficult at times. The key is to realize that there is another Law called the Law of Polarity. For every negative, there is a positive. For every up, there is a down. We tend to stay focused on the negative, but the sight should be on the fact that there is a positive in direct proportion to the negative. Always keep your focus on your dream and possibility, and never on your current situation. CREATE what you DO want in your mind, and ignore what you DON'T want. And don't let the present situation that you don't like be your focus, againfocus on what you DO like and want. Then TRUST and BELIEVE. If you do not, then your situation cannot change.
I'm wishing you well and sending love your way. Hope this helps, Warm Regards, and thank you for your question