Orlando shooting, more incentive for gun control?
2016-06-12 06:51:47 UTC
Orlando shooting, more incentive for gun control?
394 answers:
2016-06-12 07:00:27 UTC
The people who committed this shooting were not ones to buy guns legally so gun control would not have done anything to stop them from buying guns off the black market.

This shooting is more of an incentive to stop ISIS where we can and get other countries involved in the global destruction of ISIS because it has already attacked so many cities across the world, including their own homeland. No one country will be able to defeat ISIS on their own because ISIS is so ingrained in different countries that it is harder to spot insurgents and the only way we will be able to defeat ISIS is by the complete demolition of ISIS' ideology.

Before you ask or insinuate, no I do not mean the religion of Islam because, as much as the news makes it out to seem, ISIS is made of extremists and terrorists but not followers of Islam.
2016-06-12 21:22:12 UTC
The problem is too complex for gun control. The ideal is that initiating gun control would bring Australia-like reforms but in reality, the problem wouldn't get any better. There's already too many guns out there. Even if gun control became strict, it wouldn't slow down the circulation of illegal guns nor would it account for cases where the guns used are borrowed or stolen. Though to speak a bit about the other view, less gun control isn't a better solution. There are some people who have absolutely no business with a gun and I shake my head whenever I see people trying to lobby for automatic weapons. That would only make the problem worse.

I think the Orlando shooting showed the flaws in our current gun laws. Personally, I think gun advocates need to put their words into practice and set the bar for Americans. Imagine the headline, "Mass shooting averted after mother stops gunman with handgun". Terrorists attack civilians because they are the easy targets, but their tactics mean nothing if the people they are trying to scare fight back, because with the threat of lone wolf attacks, we really can't wait for the Police to arrive anymore, especially if the suspect is a "man on a mission" and not just a disgruntled citizen who couldn't outrun the stresses of life anymore. This is becoming more true as many gunmen take their lives at the sight of any opposition, many before the police even arrive on scene.

Additionally, I think more focus should be put on picking up on red flags, particularly a person's history because there is usually an inciting incident to these things.
2016-06-13 08:32:11 UTC
The problem is too complex for gun control. The ideal is that initiating gun control would bring Australia-like reforms but in reality, the problem wouldn't get any better. There's already too many guns out there. Even if gun control became strict, it wouldn't slow down the circulation of illegal guns nor would it account for cases where the guns used are borrowed or stolen. Though to speak a bit about the other view, less gun control isn't a better solution. There are some people who have absolutely no business with a gun and I shake my head whenever I see people trying to lobby for automatic weapons. That would only make the problem worse.

I think the Orlando shooting showed the flaws in our current gun laws. Personally, I think gun advocates need to put their words into practice and set the bar for Americans. Imagine the headline, "Mass shooting averted after mother stops gunman with handgun". Terrorists attack civilians because they are the easy targets, but their tactics mean nothing if the people they are trying to scare fight back, because with the threat of lone wolf attacks, we really can't wait for the Police to arrive anymore, especially if the suspect is a "man on a mission" and not just a disgruntled citizen who couldn't outrun the stresses of life anymore. This is becoming more true as many gunmen take their lives at the sight of any opposition, many before the police even arrive on scene.

Additionally, I think more focus should be put on picking up on red flags, particularly a person's history because there is usually an inciting incident to these things.
2016-06-12 16:19:09 UTC
I think the Orlando shooting will promote more security rather than more gun control. The reasoning of gun control is not black and white, which makes it hard to deal with. Yet, I do think we would benefit by having more security policies at this point, and also only allow certain types of guns to be manufactured.

Give me thumbs down, tell me that most people wouldn't kill people(which is true), and tell me that it's a person's right, but rememver that people's safety is more important than whether getting a gun is easily accessible or not.

Plese note that I am not for getting rid of guns, but rather that only "law following" citizens can get, and that unnecessary guns such as Ak-47's be eliminated, and that guns not be allowed except for on property or places where guns are particularly allowed ( such as a shooting range)
2016-06-12 17:55:33 UTC
Yes, as with most gun control passed by other countries this attack doesn't end this way. He was under FBI watch and was still allowed to get a gun legally. In Canada this would have put him on any do not sell gun to list.

Tactical Rifles, and Assault rifles should be banned pure and simple. They belong in a warzone. Not to be used as peace keepers.

True he may still have tried something without a gun, but lets face it. Guns kill people as that is what they are made to do. Could they have come in with a baseball bat sure. Would he have been allowed to cause such damage with just a Louiseville Slugger. Very likely he would have been stopped after a few swings. With no casualties.
Shihab Uddin
2016-06-16 12:23:56 UTC
Yes, as with most gun control passed by other countries this attack doesn't end this way. He was under FBI watch and was still allowed to get a gun legally. In Canada this would have put him on any do not sell gun to list.

Tactical Rifles, and Assault rifles should be banned pure and simple. They belong in a warzone. Not to be used as peace keepers.

True he may still have tried something without a gun, but lets face it. Guns kill people as that is what they are made to do. Could they have come in with a baseball bat sure. Would he have been allowed to cause such damage with just a Louiseville Slugger. Very likely he would have been stopped after a few swings. With no casualties..
Hermit on sabbatical
2016-06-12 11:49:36 UTC
Of course the Orlando shooting is more incentive for gun control. The government puts out a new shooting every couple of years to keep its people in fear. People who are afraid will do anything you say.
2016-06-15 13:04:56 UTC
No it is more incentive for government to allow its citizens to have the ability to protect itself. If you remove every gun from planet earth today, there will be guns for sale in a month. Firearms are pretty much 18th century technology and with the tools available in almost every city an effective fire arm can be built in non time. All gun control had done is ad to the number of people who are jailed for no crime other than possessing a firearm for what ever reason. A gunman in most states now, understands that he is unlikely to face any resistance. Not only because people are unarmed but also people have been programmed to think guns are invincible. Time after time people cower in fear as they are killed. I've seen people say they ran right past the gunman. These aren't supermen, but government has taught us to wait on them when I believe fifty years ago people would have tried to end the shooting themselves many times. In any case unarming the rest of us isn't going to end killings
Does It Well
2016-06-15 12:54:13 UTC
You think cold hard criminals and the emotionally disturbed will listen to gun control laws? Just like criminals are able to possess and sell illicit drugs, they will definitely find a way to posses guns and the innocent people who actually follow gun control laws will again be at a loss. It isn't the guns. A gun is an inanimate object it can do nothing until a person puts it to use. Criminals usually start off mentally disturbed (although I don't agree this should get them out of jail time). We need to care for the mental health of the people who even have the remote ability to have access to guns before they reach the breaking point and shoot up the place! And I don't mean locking them in closets and shutting them up with meds that have ridiculous side effects
2016-06-12 14:50:01 UTC
Gun control is an absolute necessity else does one person kill 50 did the shooter gain access to an assault style rifle..I know millions are against gun control regardless of insane acts like this..they tout personal protection..

How many storiesdo we hear daily of homicides ..even innocent kids dying while playing with a licensed gun..adults killed while cleaning a gun..the list is endless

This incident just brings up the fact that security is needed everywhere..dont clubs have security..what were they doing they were the ones who should have had the guns.

I havent heard anything about the security..Abar that can host over a 100 people must definitely have had some security..lets talk about inferior security practices not on guns ..a topic that only brings up hate.
2016-06-12 07:02:12 UTC
"It's a shame that none of the nightclub patrons had a gun. Or at least the bartender."

There was an armed police officer at the club who couldn't stop the guy. Two more cops showed up as backup and couldn't stop the guy. What could a bartender do if a cop couldn't stop him? It's dark, there are strobe lights, there is loud music, there is a smoke machine, people were running and screaming. In that type of situation, there is so much chaos that it's very difficult to find where the shooting is even coming from
2016-06-12 21:04:36 UTC
Absolutley not.if you look at the facts,states with harsh gun control tend to have more take school shooting for example,usually when some nut decides to shootup school its a massacre,because noone has a gun and by time police come its too late.regardless,with or without gun control there will be more shooting,its just a matter of how many,and how many people died.the only way to stop bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun....let me ask you this,are more gas stations robbed or more gun stores robbed? Obviosly more gas stations,even though they carry less money.and that is simply due to the fact that everyone in gun store usually is carrying a firearm.besides,90% of people that murder people with a guns have it illegally,and also there is 3 times as many murders and assualts with knive,bats,clubs etc. Then with firearms.believe it or not but facts dont lie, areas with less gun control have less firearm related violent crimes.not to mention its our consitutional right.
2016-06-13 12:28:49 UTC
Yes, I do not know why Americans are in love with guns. They are lethal weapons. They were designed to kill. I know many idiots trot out the tired, old cliched canard that it is not guns that are the problem but those who misuse them. This is an argument that is pathetic in its basis and cruelly indifferent to those killed and those who mourn them. It is the availability of guns that are the problem. No matter what you do there will of course be crimes committed with guns. However, these can be significantly reduced in number if guns are not so readily available. In Western Europe guns are not easy to get hold of. Consequently, the number of gun-related murders other gun-related crimes are relatively low. Many Western European countries have less gun crime per year than some US cities have in a single day. The USA is the only western country that regularly has such mass shootings. It would be nice if Orlando marked a turning point in the USA's love affair with guns. But, it won't be. Members of the NRA rate their right to own a gun higher than the right of individuals who do not want to be murdered whilst going about their daily business, attending school or enjoying a night out with friends.
2016-06-12 17:44:01 UTC
Gun control? 20 elementary school students were murdered in cold blood in sandy hook and that did nothing in regards for gun control. This man was on an fbi watchlist and was able to legally purchase high powered weapons, what will change? Instead of gun control I have a sense more security will be present. I have a feeling more people will want to purchase guns after this happens. Nobody wants to go out like those 50 people did. May they all RIP.
2016-06-13 10:02:40 UTC
Dear USA, I am very saddened to hear of the latest mass murder in your wondeful City of Orlado Florida. Here in the UK we took very draconian steps to limit the supply of arms and ammunition to the general public, yes the gun lobby kicked off but they were defeated. The USA must start somewhere, yes the arms are out there and it will be difficult to call them in BUT why not control the ammunition, the consumable items that will need to be replaced. This will allow people to retain firearms but with a reduced ammunition supply, this will reduce the available ammunition and thus reduce the use of firearms. Yes I know that if you REALLY wanted ammo you would get it some how, but an assult rifle will fire many rounds in a short time, most of which miss the target, so it will make such attacks less devestating for the victims and families. See some sence guys, you have a great country, don't screw it up!
2016-06-13 08:54:13 UTC
There's a balance. Guns shouldn't be allowed into the hands of idiots or psychos but I believe in the right to bear arms. I'm an Australian and haven't had access to guns for my whole life, but I always think what's stopping someone from just going on a killing spree with another weapon? Sure guns are a lot easier and if rules are implemented I'm sure the US would see a huge change in shootings, but it's not necessarily about the guns or religion or beliefs, it's about a persons state of mind

Change is necessary in order to evolve.
2016-06-13 06:36:11 UTC
One would think.

Unfortunately, every time this happens the country calls for MORE guns and LESS gun control. Which is exactly what leads to more shootings. At some point, that will lead to all 318 million of us having a shoot out with each other, and all 318 million of us being shot up and in the hospital or dead.

There is something wrong with the country.
2016-06-13 00:27:27 UTC
Gun control is far too complex for a simple yes or no. Gun control is something you need to consider the many variables in order to see the full answer. Will gun control cut down on violence? No. People will be violent with anything they can use as a weapon. Take Britain's knife violence for proof. But it will make it more difficult to acquire a gun legally which can in turn make it seem that the issue is guns. In reality gun control works to an extent. Making it difficult to obtain a gun legally cuts down on people buying guns for rage induced killing sprees to a small extent. But there is, and always will be a black market and there is no psych eval in the black market. Most places where killing sprees happen are in strict gun control areas. Less people with weapons to defend themselves. Generally speaking. No it doesn't help so people shouldn't be pushing it. I say just give places better security to keep guns out of buildings. Not make them illegal entirely. Does no good.
2016-06-12 10:36:54 UTC
Good God, I'm tired of seeing stupid questions like this. What you dumb-***** don't understand is that controlling guns, banning guns, and all that jazz will solve ******* nothing. If some psychopathic monster wants a gun to shoot up a place, they WILL find one by any means necessary. If not guns, they'll use something else as a weapon.

Why can't you goddamn fools get this **** through your head? Makes me wonder if you're all the ones who need a bullet put in-between your eyes instead...
2016-06-12 12:42:44 UTC
I've said this a hundred times before and I'll say it again. Sane people who own guns don't walk around shooting people. What baffles me is that people actually think stricter gun laws will help prevent these situations. I firmly believe that this is caused by several things. The mental health care system and the governement. Our mental health care system is so flawed it's scary. My older brother has been in and out of the mental hospital over the last time. Every single time he has been released to early or still showed signs that he was unfit to leave. My family and I begged the hospitals not to release him as we knew he wasn't ready. Mental hospitals really don't care about their patients to them you're just a number. I also blame the government for not being more proactive for these terrorist watches. Time and time again you hear how shooting suspects were watched but nothing was prevented to stop them.
2016-12-17 09:35:17 UTC
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2016-06-16 15:41:24 UTC
If Sandy Hook, San Bernardino, Fort Hood, and the DC Naval Yard were incentives for liberals to initiate gun control, Orlando won't be any different!
Jane S
2016-06-13 01:50:10 UTC
My idea of gun control is a very steady aim. 50 dead? Why this is a 2-3 week total in chicago, Strangely I do not hear a peep from the wack job liberals. The guy was a democrat? Have you notice since the half breed took over as president we have had several shootings, Could there be any relation? The fool that says a Ar15 is a powerful weapon, My 12 gauge shotgun makes it look like a pop gun, hell my deer rifle makes it look like a pop gun. Half cock liberals who spout off about gun control has no idea in hell of what they are talking about. Have you notice the person who bomb Boston was the party responsible, but yet in Florida the stupid liberals says the gun is responsible. I guess in their dim witted minds the gun walked into the nite club and shot itself.
2016-06-12 12:58:52 UTC
If anything I think it's more incentive for everyone to have a gun at all times. Did you gun control idiots not read or hear the part about how a gun stopped the killer?
2016-06-13 04:43:25 UTC
To an outsider -not an American we offer our sincere condolences to the families of the 50 people who lost their lives so tragically in Orlando.

The question for and against gun control are many and various. I'm amazed in usa how easy it is to buy automatic weapons with seemingly no control or investigation?

in UK all the gun shops selling to the public were closed, new laws passed saying it's illegal to import guns into UK -our customs recently intercepted a ship trying to import guns into UK, and illegal for a member of the public to carry a gun of any sort or a knife with a blade over a certain length.

Gun amnesties were set up for members of the public to hand over any guns in their possession to the police. Our police don't regularly carry guns.

Would any of this work in usa? When will the killing end?
2016-06-12 14:04:34 UTC
Yes . No civilian should be needing assault rifles that can kill hundreds of people in few seconds .

Whether it's terrorists , mental patients or extremists , if there are no assault rifles out there , they could in no way result in this many fatalities . Whether you talk about white mental guy in Connecticut mass shooting or Muslim guy in Orlando mass shooting , they have one thing in common . Military style assault rifles .

You can't kill that many people with hand guns or knives for that matter .

The bottom line ban assault style rifles , like they can't be obtained both legally and illegally . Collect all those out there and lock them up in a military facility . Or the numbers of casualties will be only higher .
2016-06-12 10:39:44 UTC
Listen. If we had a button we could push that would cause all weapons to dissappear, in order to stop senseless violence we would push the button. But it does not exist. Instead, we must be decent human beings and defend ourselves from the arguably large population of psychotic people in this country. I don't know a single person who has ever had the thought of shooting up a building full of people just *pop* into their mind as casually and understandably as a suicidal thought might pop into an average citizens mind. to leave ourselves defensless, to take away our own right to defend ourselves, would only cause more destruction to innocent lives. How else can you prevent some animal from committing a mass killing? we're not even close to perfect, so don't throw some bullshit unity project out there for consideration. Humans simply are not capable of banding together in this way yet
2016-06-12 06:54:36 UTC
Gun Control = Aiming
2016-06-12 18:32:08 UTC
I don't know if "gun control laws" are what's needed, or if we need more "what kind of guns can/should civilians be allowed to have laws". Honestly, I don't think any civilian should be allowed to have a gun that can kill/injure over 100 people as fast as the weapon that he had today. I mean, is it really necessary for people to have these? Okay, I get, some people really love their "army grade" type guns and want to target shoot and all that- but do civilians need to actually OWN them? If somebody really wanted to target shoot some high powered weapon like this, couldn't they just pay a temporary rental fee at the gun range, shoot it like crazy at some targets, and then return it. Do they really need to have a weapon this powerful in their ownership? I don't mind people that have handguns and hunting rifles and hunting shotguns because they are sport and they typically aren't guns that can kill and harm 100+ people that fast- but assault type weapons that can harm that many that fast should, in my opinion, be controlled better. So maybe not all gun control laws need to change, just what type of guns allowed to be sold to civilians need to be changed. Yes, I know, there will always be a black market for these things- and psycho terrorists always seem to get a hand on them if they really want one, but wouldn't it be a first step in the right direction to start controlling these ultra-high powered weapons a little better?
2016-06-12 19:21:49 UTC
Only 15% - 25% of Muslims are Islamist Sharia Jihadist so we can't Chastise all Muslims.

Only 1% of Legal Gun Owners commit crime therefore 100 million Law Abiding Gun Owners should be criminalized & Chastise.

Criminals: Home Invaders/Robbers, Murderer, Rapist, Reconquistadors, ISIS/Al Qaeda infiltrators will have a field day on the public and possibly local government to usurp its rule. Gun Smugglers across the southern borders will keep supplying the criminal element.

There is a reason why every Sovereign Nation in the World has a Military & Law Enforcers, otherwise it will get taken over.

The Vietnam Arms Ban just got lifted, why? Self Self Defense from aggressive/threatening Neighboring Countries.

Rebel Fighters in Syria were given arms without registrations & background checks. U.S. Soldiers had to register, sign for & list serial numbers of their issued Fire Arms.

Would Ranches & Farmers have tamed the west and defended themselves from outlaws, hustlers, & raiders, if they were disarmed?

Did Pirates have free reign in every raiding campaign without opposition?
2016-06-12 12:04:43 UTC
Gun control is complete BS. Honestly, the security guard that failed to check the guy for a gun should be fired because you aren't supposed to have a gun in a bar in the first place. More thorough background checks on people that buy guns is what we need. It's not the guns that kill people. Some people enjoy hunting or target practice, no harm done to people. You just have to keep guns away from the people that do this kind of stuff. There was a person that shot that gun. The gun did not pull its own trigger.
2016-06-12 13:45:11 UTC
Machine guns are designed to kill people en masse, not hunting, not target practice, there is no reason for anyone other than soldiers/law enforcement to carry them. If you think that government will take over Dictatorship-style if you can't have an AK or AR-15 you're deluded; a bunch of gun-toting undertrained civilians couldn't keep the most well-trained-well-equipped army in the world in check if that's what they really wanted to do.
2016-06-13 10:16:08 UTC
More incentive from liberal dolts, but any rationale assessment of the facts would indicate that gun control does NOT stop this type of attack. It didn't stop the attacks in Paris and Belgium where weapons are not permitted in the hands of their citizens. More gun control simply disarms the law-abiding, but Dem scum, like the Rahm the d*ck head, Mayor of Chicago is famous for saying never allow a good tragedy go to waste, and this is what we're seeing here.
Estela Anna
2016-06-12 23:40:26 UTC
I feel like AMERICA isn t doing anything about guns, maybe in some states they have protected the law and all. But every day there is something new about a shooting. Humans go out every day and these public places are getting more dangerous with people carrying a gun . Kids and adults are dying from a gun wound and we have to do something about it.
Jenna from Lost Creek
2016-06-13 02:31:22 UTC
Gun Control? How about CIA control? The good old boy club is budgeted 2 billion yearly. Lets take a little trip back in time to 2012, the CIA brings in an individual who is a US Citizen. They have reason to believe he is communicating is Islamic Militants in order to orchestrate a terror attack with mass casualties. The CIA concludes that he is not a threat and sends him on his way. Fast forward to 2014, the CIA at this point still monitoring his every move has solid evidence to believe he has traveled to Syria and is also communicating with Islamic State. The CIA does there amazing interrogation process and again finds him to be no threat. Jumping ahead to 2016 this man purchases an assault rifle, background check clear. He is good to go, days later we see the largest attack since 9/11. He just made a mockery of the entire process and Mr. Do No Wrong aka: Mr. Brennan of the CIA. I guess it would just make too much sense to cross reference individuals who spoke with the CIA not once but twice regarding his relationship with the Islamic State. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, its a duck. Scary part? We are at war, we are at war in our own backyards - these individuals are going to keep killing unless procedures are implemented in order to stop them. But Hey we are the US of A Strive on reactive and never think to be proactive. I guess he was speaking to his homeboys in Syria via encryption which we cant track IP address, individuals or create software ISO- FRONTEND JAVASCRIPT DEVELOPER WITH APACHE - need someone to pick up the new high tech dial up internet ISIS has implemented via Magic Jack. Get used to this happening because there is not stopping it, the power is in their hands, we can only hope and pray that the CIA can pull their heads out of their bigot asses and take come responsibility. Jimmy must have ran for a late night McDonalds run when he was on duty Saturday night and was unable to follow the attacker. Maybe they should hire insurance companies they do a better job finding people infiltrating the great world the insurance fraud then the CIA keeping tabs on someone who not once by twice was on their radar. Good luck and stay safe, they are always looking to have the upper hand and unfortunately they have always won on our turf.
2016-06-12 21:32:31 UTC
Shot answer: No. Long answer: Banning guns doesn't work. Look at Chicago: strict gun laws and rampant crime. Making more gun-free zones like Pulse, Aurora, Sandy Hook, etc will just exacerbate mass shootings like that. Also note: America is #1 in gun ownership in the world, but only #111 in violent crime in the world. That's not to mention the fact that gun owners are far more likely to use a firearm to defend themselves.
2016-06-12 15:28:30 UTC
Nah, it's more incentive for "people control" while flirting with civil war in the military. Every gun control law imaginable has already been passed that would not DIRECTLY VIOLATE the second amendment and gun free zones are of course a death trap and terrorist magnate.
2016-06-12 19:45:37 UTC
This whole incident stinks of a mossad op.Bet you anything they use this to try and push anti-gun propaganda but in truth this would make much better anti-muslim propaganda.

This attacks DESTROYS the entire narrative that we must have gays and muslims in our countries because if this story is a legit muslim terrorist attack then it means a muslim massacred a gay bar to kill homosexuals.

And if it's another mossad fake shooting well it still both makes muslims look bad and will prompt more people to finally BAN PISSlam and deport all muslims and it also especially makes the libertards look bad.

After all these marxists keep saying we need to have gays everywhere but also need to let muslims in our borders or else we're racists.

But muslims want to kill all homosexuals so let's see how the libertards react to this one.

Flooding the borders with muslims while having all these LGBT parades is like pouring gasoline on a forest fire.

I think this will make even the stupidest libertards finally see that
2016-06-12 12:34:54 UTC
Gays need to be packing! Gay clubs need assault weapons so they can defend their patrons. If you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns. The incentive here should be to get a firearm: Probably NONE of the 103 victims carried a gun. No terrorist who would shoot 103 people is going to balk at violating some gun control law.
2016-06-12 13:46:10 UTC
Less incentive. The problem isn't guns here, it is radical Islam. Gun control controls legal guns. Terrorists and criminals get guns illegally, so it is useless. Had someone been armed they could've taken him down. Better immigrant vettitng could also have helped here.
2016-06-12 13:15:01 UTC
No. We law abiding citizens are supposed to have the right to bear arms. Removing guns from law abiding citizens, the current trend, puts us at more risk for invasion of all kinds. We have lost so many rights and crime has gone up not down. This should be more incentive to actually do something about these people on the fbi watch list.
2016-06-12 15:34:52 UTC
He was a security guard and had a license to carry a gun. Isn't that gun control, where you have to have a background check to legally carry a gun. These so called "assault rifles are just glorified hunting rifles.

Maybe Trump was right after all about letting the Muslims in to the country. Oh, I forgot, that's racist.
2016-06-13 06:52:03 UTC
I'm truly sorry that lives were lost but to be perfectly serious, this may be a call for more gay control. What I mean is people of any sexuality are frustrated that the gay agenda is always pushed in the public's face but if you dare to object, you are labeled a homophobe or even a latent homosexual yourself. (BTW, 'homophobia' is a truly stupid term, as if people break out in hives, hyperventilate, etc. like they'd react to a true phobia.) My point is this pathetic excuse for a human being lost what was left of his warped mind after he saw two men kissing in public some time before the shooting.
2016-06-13 15:48:11 UTC
That's the problem with politics in this country and those who think rules and regulations are the be all end all. Many people do things illegally, there might be laws for illegal actions but they aren't breaking a law until they are found out which is too late too much of the time. We have to police each other to the best of our abilities and do the right thing, after that there's nothing else we can do.
The Global Geezer
2016-06-12 13:44:17 UTC
Yes there will be more incentive, but it won't happen. Guns and arms deals bring so much money into the US economy. And people in the rifle associations bring in a lot of votes for both parties. Nothing much will change.
2016-06-12 09:51:23 UTC
What is lost in this is is the US, and the world coalition is doing a great deal to control ISIS. The right wingers go crazy claiming Obama and the US is doing nothing. There has been huge gains against ISIS in Fallujah recently. Likely, there are ISIS members being killed/arrested around the globe. You think the US or the coalition is going to advertise every gain against these terrorists and give up intelligence on the continued fight? The way some wackos go on, you would think the US is sending ISIS weapons via UPS. The truth is, there is a balance of fighting them without creating more problems, as evidenced by Bush's policies and ways of going about things. that simply does not work.

Dropping a bomb over the entire Mid-East is not the answer right wingers. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you will stop going insane with your hatred towards Obama and the current policies that are actually making gains. Please face the fact that you simply have no idea what is going on and you have no idea of the best way to fix it. Your ideas would throw the world into entire chaos.
2016-06-12 12:35:12 UTC
Unfortunately, those who hate the second amendment and who don't like people having the right to protect themselves will politicize this incident to push for gun control. We should be pushing more good people to get guns. Just think if some of the people had concealed guns at the club, how they would be able to protect/defend themselves. Instead, they were defenseless and more died as a result.
2016-06-12 10:48:15 UTC
I don't think so...think about it this way:

In many states, the purchasing and possession of marijuana is illegal. But does this make it impossible for people to get their hands on it? NO. Even if firearms were restricted and people were not able to get them, the "bad guys" would still be able to somehow get their hands on them. The answer isn't to limit the amount of guns in circulation. The idea is to increase it, so that the amount of "civilian cops" can continue to increase and protect things further. Who would want to rob a store when anybody within the store could also have a gun on them? It's not the weapons, it's the PEOPLE.
2016-06-12 18:15:23 UTC
Having more gun control wouldn't necessarily fix the problem, as the gun was obtained illegally. We need to go behind the scenes and fix the groups on the streets that illegally sell these weapons and bypass gun control laws. This would cost more tax dollars though, which most people will not be willing to sacrifice.
2016-06-12 17:06:57 UTC
How about we stop toying around with gun laws other than a background and mental compactly check. If more sane people was armed, this type of bull**** wouldn't happen, or the damage wouldn't be as catastrophic.

The 2nd Amendment is put in place for a reason.
2016-06-12 20:47:36 UTC
Although I do fall more towards the democratic party, I do believe that, regardless of whether we like them or not, it is important to understand that it is a guaranteed right in the constitution. Because of this, we should not ban gun usage overall. Many countries in the middle east that are fighting for democracy have started doing so because they lost their right to bear arms. This being said, assault weapons should be banned, but most other guns should be kept legal. I think that we should not violate the constitution because then that same violation could be used against us.

One more thing that I want to say to all the people who believe that all Muslims are terrorists is that since you say that, Muslims can draw the conclusion that all white people are part of the KKK. I, personally, do not believe this. I do not believe in stereotypes at all. I hate it when people are stereotyped, or yelled at for voicing their opinions, regardless of whether I agree with them or not.

2016-06-16 19:56:04 UTC
Actually the problem with terrorists will be reduced an even ended when there are millions of armed and prepared who are ready and respond to the threats. The opposite of gun control is the true answer. IF the government encouraged all law abiding and able citizens to be trained and armed, the terrorists would be dead or out of business very quickly.
trurider t
2016-06-13 10:25:25 UTC
Typical American Responses. The Guy had an Assault Rifle. Why do you need to own Assault Rifles let alone sell them. The Two most common arguments at present for Gun Ownership is that you need them to stop Terrorists and Nutters. I have NEWS for you - American Civilians with Guns = NIL Terrorists and Nutters = LOTS.

There are also comments about More Security on Buses, Trains, Planes, Malls and Clubs. Who is going to pay for all that? How about putting TAXES on Guns and Ammo to pay for it.
2016-06-12 20:53:12 UTC
Muslims are brave at bus stops, hotels, and any place where there is a large congregation of people. They are cowards on the battlefield.

They don't fight conventional wars because they can't win. So they resort to these under-handed, deceitful terrorism tactics. This is what drove USSR out of Afghanistan and what will eventually drive us out as well.

There's a reason a muslim country hasn't won a war since the middle ages.
2016-06-12 15:57:18 UTC
Gun Control? More like Sun Patrol cause I'm cruising around that baby at about 6 trillion lightyears a minute.

Pack it up America I'm BUH-LAAAAAAAZIN'
2016-06-13 16:23:04 UTC
The problem are not the guns or any other type of arm, but the Islamic indoctrinated big losers are. We need to go after all those preaching hate, and screwing up young people minds and once identified, must be immediately deported back to the countries where they came from, together with their very large families, we normally have to feed and house too. To finish the job we should never again elect Democrats to power, since they are backing immigration from those Islamic countries where our problems come from.
2016-06-12 16:10:06 UTC
As much as we need gun control, it won't do any good. They will find a way to get them and that is a given. I had someone shot in my family, and as much as I would vote yes to have them banned, I won't. I know that some place some where they will get them. They always do. Like a car with all the best of the best security, and they still steal it. You get my point!
Smokies Hiker
2016-06-15 18:40:10 UTC
In a way, yes. Some weapons definitely need to be controlled. The type of weapon, AR-15, this guy had, is more of a military weapon than anything else. It's designed for using high capacity clips and killing as many people as possible in a short amount of time. These weapons aren't used for "sport!"
2016-06-13 04:28:11 UTC
So a terrorist murders a bunch of innocent unarmed/defenseless people on behalf of ISIS & the obvious response from liberal geniuses is to go after the rights of law-abiding citizens until everyone is defenseless? This type of logic must require an Ivy League education or a total lack of 1 to understand, since most thinking people w/o the aid of regurgitated talking points, would conclude that the most effective way to stop terrorist attacks would be to go after the terrorists, rather than the majority of our population who were completely uninvolved. In keeping with this intellectually superior liberal logic, we should also disband our military& wave the white flag to any would-be terrorists because the mere existence of our guns makes it our fault, not theirs, that they are psychotic murderers?I just don't get how that works, but if the POTUS wants it so bad, he should go 1st & disarm the Secret Service protecting him & his family.
2016-06-12 14:29:20 UTC
More incentive to get rid of terrorism,not gun control.

If not a gun,there would have been a bomb.
2016-06-12 15:42:27 UTC
Absolutly. Politics are rigged and this gives more to debate about and use to back up both pro gun and anti gun points. (If Noone had guns this wouldn't happen) and (if everyone had guns he would have been shot before hurting anyone) which Noone really knows how it would have went down either way but it is still fuel to the fire
2016-06-12 10:03:49 UTC
No. He would've gotten the gun illegally. And isn't it the swat team's gun that brought him down?

Or maybe just add gun control for certain guns. Such as the ones he used to mass shoot. But I think he still would've gotten it some other way.
2016-06-13 14:38:26 UTC
Gun control is a requirement for the new world order system. These types of events are super convenient for moving people towards gun control.
Brianna Hoyt
2016-06-13 17:11:58 UTC
I know many are gonna disagree with this but I believe there shouldn't be such strict gun laws. No matter what, if someone wants to go on a rampage they will find a way to get a hold of a gun. Whether we make it much harder to get ahold of them or not, no matter what they will always find a way.
2016-06-13 16:01:02 UTC
There is nothing wrong with the gun control in America. It all has to do with certain individuals in society who have access to firearms and other deadly weapons. The US government and local authorities must establish more rigid restrictions with anyone who is considered dangerous and/or has some deep seated personal issues against certain groups.
2016-06-12 21:26:06 UTC
We are much more likely to die from diseases or accidents. Chances of dying from gun violence from a stranger is very low. Why do we get so upset about these crimes? We should, but it will not do any good. Guns are not the problem. Letting Muslims in this country is a part of the problem.
2016-06-12 12:25:51 UTC
Yes - How many more People have to Die before Gun Control can be Highlighted as a Real Issue?

There should be an Gun Amnesty in the USA.
2016-06-13 06:59:10 UTC
Taking away assault weapons would only put us at more risk, then the terrorists and insane would have advantage. Citizens that have rights to own weapons should BUY MORE because our Country is not protecting us. Prepare for war because we are hated the terrorists are here everywhere In every town and community plotting to kill us. We need a President that can protect our Country!
2016-06-12 10:38:24 UTC
sorry gun control laws will do very little for safety. people that want to harm others they will find away , yes he killed 50 and 50+ more injured . they reported e had explosive devices on him.. so take away the guns .. if he tossed 4 or 5 pipe bombs in the crowds you think he would have killed less? no laws will stop crazy it will many times find away to be effective . many people from many countries hate America and what it stands for so look for this to be more common in years to common. also with the boarder issues will only speed the influx in terrorism on American soil.
You Know . . .
2016-06-12 13:33:19 UTC
NO! It is not more incentive for gun control!

Obummer needs to admit that it's 'radical Islam' that's the issue, and AGAIN he refuses to use that phrase!
2016-06-12 06:56:34 UTC
It would be political suicide for Dems to use this as justification for gun control. This Muslim shooter was probably inspired by ISIS, and would've killed even if guns were not easily accessible.
2016-06-12 14:25:04 UTC
A great incentive for MUSLIM control!

If they can't use guns, they'll use knives (murder of Theo Van Gogh), box-cutters (911), or pressure cookers (Boston).
2016-06-12 19:55:58 UTC
I sure hope not, but like i tell all the gun control freaks, when in doubt listen to Jon Illaoi guns dont kill ppl, i kill ppl with guns song. It seems to really prove the point in a funny way everytime.
2016-06-15 23:36:30 UTC
It's complicated. But I think gun control is an absolute necessity.
2016-06-13 04:03:46 UTC
whats difficult about a 100% ban on automatic weapons?

whats difficult about a 100% ban on assault weapons (automatic or not)?

Can anybody explain why anybody in the US would need either of these?

you got 'em you can be shot on sight

you dont want to make them illegal cos of the constitution then why not allow anybody have them, an I mean EVERYBODY

if the NRA is such an advocate of the constitution then whats the problem?

Nowhere does the constitution say criminals shouldnt have them

nowhere does the constitution say children shouldnt have them

nowhere does the constitution say the mentally ill shouldnt have them

sorry "gary" but "ISIS" has nothing to do with the gun problem in the US

If somebody in the US wants to go out and kill a lot of people the US allows them to get the means to do it

"ISIS" is their excuse of the moment cos they know it will grab the headlines, and they will have their 15 minutes of fame"

.Fact is the US had the problem years before ISIS was ever heard of.

If it wasnt ISIS they would think of another "reason".

fact is - they just wanna go out and kill people

Personally I think its far more to do with the psyche of the US citizen ingrained in them by US society and culture
2016-06-12 16:05:22 UTC
I DEFY you to tell us how you intend to get the guns from people who are ALREADY prohibited , BY LAW, from having them. Failing that, as you will, tell us how the paw abiding taxpayers should defend themselves from the criminals. I DEFY you to tell us how you will ever be able to predict what anyone will do with any product they purchase. I DEFY you to tell us what "gun control" law would have prevented this if the 20,000 we already have didn't do it. "more incentive for gun control"? No. How about incentive for enforcement of EXISTING gun and IMMIGRATION laws?
2016-06-12 23:22:58 UTC
Atsa me Atsa you?
2016-06-12 20:09:21 UTC
I own guns, as with a lot of my friends....guns do not walk off by themselves as you know and kill people.

The Orlando nut case had mental issues, according to his wife....he lived here, bought a gun, NO DAMNED BACK GROUND CHECK ON THIS IDIOT.....that is the problem.....!
2016-06-12 10:21:21 UTC
He had tons of explosives on him which he didnt get from the second amendment. No one has said yet where or how he got the guns he did. There is plenty of gun control in France and that didnt stop them there.
2016-06-13 00:59:00 UTC
More like, assimilation control. And not PC assimilation. American, George Washington assimilation. Based on the documents that made the country. Specifically the part about freedom of speech and expression, not being stopped because you feel offended and are passionate about a religion.
great knight
2016-06-12 18:30:45 UTC
Jesus Christ is the truth, the way, and the life! Jesus loves you. Get a king James bible and believe. Read John chapter 1 and 3. Read Romans chapter 5,8,10. Read 1 John chapter 4. Read 1 Corinthians chapter 1 and 15. Did you see this news about more than guns,
2016-06-13 02:21:56 UTC
Such a disaster. America really need some reforms. I'm heartbroken and frightened of the kind of people that live among us and carry guns around
2016-06-12 11:11:06 UTC
You could have all the gun control laws in the world.

Nothing could have or would have stopped this guy.

His commitment and time had come. He had made

peace with Allah. And he was bound to make his

message clear and to the damn point. And he did.
2016-06-16 17:53:28 UTC
I say after the Orlando shooting they should at least put up more security at Disneyworld, Universal Studios, all hotels and all special events!
2016-06-12 10:31:07 UTC
Orlando shooting, more incentive for gun control?

NO," Gun Control " that is for DUMASSES like YOU , YOUR KIND to believe in ... the problem is WHY PEOPLE TERRORIZE, not HOW PEOPLE TERRORIZE .... even CORRUPT ASSHAT POLITICIANS don't CARE about WHY , CORRUPT POLITICIANS who make TERRORISM, POLITICIAL and about GUNS are the CORRUPT ASSHATS - especially Democrats, Obama and any one else who makes TERRORISM about GUNS, HOW and NOT WHY TERRORISTS happen !!!
2016-06-13 10:49:30 UTC
The Obama administration knows that the Gay communities will back gun bans with vigour in most cases! especially if a psyop "terror style"(or rather an event called Terrorism) event is used to motivate them, but alas people do not tend to believe that Governments do wicked staged events for their NWO agenda's.
2016-06-13 03:42:23 UTC
Congress passed an assault weapons ban in 1994 until 2004 which withstood court challenges .

It was grandfather in that weapons prior to this date were allowed.

It has never has passed in Congress since then.

This massacre of innocents might be the catalyst for another ban to be passed.
2016-06-12 10:46:07 UTC
No sir. It is, however, incentive to quell hatred, which prompted the attack. Also, he carried a device which he may have used had he not had any other weapon. The point is moot. It only serves to divide and confuse people about the real issue, which is extremism.
2016-06-12 19:48:22 UTC
Countries with strict gun control laws very rarely, if ever, have mass shootings. Why are Americans so stupid?
2016-06-16 21:46:25 UTC
2016-06-16 06:05:11 UTC
2016-06-13 04:50:58 UTC
I hate Guns But i would relax the requirements so people without Guns dont need to wait to take one Home as long as they only Kill cult members

i used to realy hate guns but if my government said you must wear one to protect my self for terrorists then i want a dirty harry gun

the most powerful gun in the world

and a vulcan gun on my truck
2016-06-13 12:40:28 UTC
If everyone at that club had a gun what do you think would have been the death toll? Maybe 2 or 3?
2016-06-13 00:22:55 UTC
2016-06-13 01:50:58 UTC
Americans are too stupid. The solution is simple. Get rid of Guns! People can't kill people when they have no guns. Make Automatic Guns illegal, and that will end massacres
2016-06-12 15:28:46 UTC
No silly. Not at all. It is an incentive for more guns. More guns = less crime
2016-06-16 06:59:16 UTC
Look at Chicago. Is gun control working there? Is it working in Baltimore? No. Our ability to defend ourself via updated firearms needs to be preserved especially when they are importing killers to hunt us down like animals.
Prosthetic Tongue
2016-06-13 15:02:56 UTC
More control ? Really. If three or four patrons in that bar had conceal carry permits, I guarantee many less than thirty would have lost their lives due to immediate retaliation. We have to let Joe Citizen be able to make a defensive stand in similar instances............
2016-06-12 19:46:55 UTC
More incentive for catching Islamic terrorists.. Duhh
2016-06-12 10:54:32 UTC
Gun control and immigration control are needed
2016-06-13 01:45:37 UTC
Gun control pathway for new world order open your eyes (most shoptings are inside jobs like Sandy Hook) but no one gives a F because your media brainwashes u!
2016-06-13 11:32:48 UTC
I'm ready to see more gun control. Easy access to guns makes it way too easy to kill people. Make it harder to obtain a powerful and easy to use lethal weapon and this will give the killer time to possibly talk himself out of the deadly path he intends to follow.
Donnie Doom
2016-06-12 13:59:51 UTC
No, but it's definitely more incentive for anti-immigration policies.
2016-06-12 19:46:53 UTC
2016-06-12 15:41:59 UTC
Of COURSE IT IS! And THAT is why they sponsored this deed ! ! ! Yeah I know you think I am crazy for believing that but you are ignorant for REFUSING to even give it a glance! And that is why they are having a hay-day with it all. There will be another mass shooting before it rains again.
2016-06-13 12:01:28 UTC
This is simplifying an issue rather than addressing that HUMANS kill, not guns, and that this was terrorism. France has strict gun laws, as does Chicago--how is that working out?
2016-06-12 10:05:22 UTC
How about criminal control? We have more than enough gun laws already! We need to enforce the laws that we have and execute ALL that is on death row! With that said crime WILL DROP because they will think twice before hand!
2016-06-16 14:49:09 UTC
If gun ownership itself was the problem, wouldn't Switzerland, world leader in per-person legal gun ownership, have the most. Are forgetting that many of these take place in/on/around public schools,,,, where possessing/carrying firearms,, ,,, ,,, IS ALREADY ILLEGAL?!
2016-06-12 21:59:54 UTC
Absolutely, since this would just try to help curb gun control by unlicensed persons.
2016-06-16 06:16:56 UTC
No. Florida does not allow people to carry guns into bars. Perhaps if there had been some armed citizens there, they could have stopped him.
2016-06-13 05:54:13 UTC
Yea I just found out about this incident in Orlando. Wow the world will never change. RIP to the victims.
2016-06-13 05:47:14 UTC
Yes and more incentive to attack Islam for being a barbaric and regressive political ideology
jason w
2016-06-12 14:50:42 UTC
2016-06-12 10:01:26 UTC

Stupid or crazy people who are going to commit violent crimes are going to do them whether or not they have a gun, or could get a gun even if they are made illegal. Why are you so dense that you can't comprehend that?
2016-06-16 15:32:28 UTC
The anti Constitutionalists will use it as they have done in the past. If he didn't use a gun,it would have been a bomb of some kind.

These people were killed by our sworn enemy...a radicalized, Islamist Muslim.
mark F
2016-06-12 21:13:21 UTC
This Man Was A Hero. those with a reprobate mind are worthy of death. ROMANS 1:28. its time amercans paid for their sins against YHWH. much more of these things will happen in America in the days and months to come.GOD/YHWH/ALLAH hates America and the sins/freedoms its people hold so dear.
2016-06-15 12:25:57 UTC
The usa should have a manual way of doing gun licences and not automatic checks. Their should be more training like they do in Canada
2016-06-15 02:30:16 UTC
2016-06-15 01:46:39 UTC
2016-06-15 01:36:44 UTC
Gun bans won't solve the problem It will make it worse, think about it, there are more of those towel heads in the country right now, so we can expect more terrorist activity from them and it will get worse, if guns get outlawed we won't be able to protect our selves from them, the best action would be to hunt down these terrorist groups in the country and deport them or kill them, and then take preventative actions so we can regulate who gets in this country, we can't have innocent people getting killed like this anymore, today it might be 50 but tomorrow it could be 100 or 150 or even more! We can't just set back and blame guns for the deaths of those people, it takes a person pick it up and pull the trigger. So ultimately, banning guns would hurt us! Here is something to think about if you're against guns, People will kill people but that's no reason to ban guns because if that person is a murderer then a simple gun law won't stop them from killing you they'll ignore it and kill you in cold blood.
Linda R
2016-06-14 21:21:02 UTC
Seriously? Sane, smart, common sense conservatives do NOT kill anyone.

Give into Obama and Americans lose ALL of their 'right's' and 'freedoms'!
2016-06-14 13:28:46 UTC
If "gun control" means proper background checks, then yes.
2016-06-14 12:41:52 UTC
Incentive towards nothing. The problem was his untreated mental health
2016-06-14 11:48:12 UTC
No! Quite the opposite! 103 people got shot, 50 of them fatally, because they did not have guns. If you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns. A mass murderer who would shoot 103 people will NOT obey a gun control law.
2016-06-14 10:17:45 UTC
No, we need to control the Islamic extreamism.
2016-06-14 09:07:47 UTC
more incentive to stop people from losing their ******* minds
2016-06-14 08:59:18 UTC
You are not controlling drugs and you will not control guns. We have a legal right to bear arms. We have no legal right to use drugs. Controlling guns will not stop Ishmael's children. God told Hagar who her son and his descendants would be. Genesis 16:12 KJV "And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren." In Hebrew this actually means defiance/disregard and denotes hostility on the part of Ishmael and his descendants toward his brethren Isaac and his descendants and even among Ishmael's own people such as the Sunni and Shiite today. These people carry a great hate for Jews and Christians because they are the descendants of Isaac and Jacob who is Isaac's son. God changed Jacob's name to Israel.
2016-06-14 08:46:23 UTC
2016-06-14 01:13:36 UTC
Should be a law to control arms handling.
2016-06-13 22:33:50 UTC
2016-06-15 01:39:10 UTC
Although the American colonists used the taxation question as a reason to fight against the British, they appear to look upon gun ownership and its inevitable consequences when they fall into the hands of the unstable as a kind of tax which they are more than happy to pay. I do not believe in God but many Americans do, so I only hope that their God will help them one day. Until then, please ensure that gun ownership reaches 100% so that you may see gun battles on every corner as every US citizens exercises his/her Constitutional right. The civilised world will look on with horrified fascination hoping for the day when the USA grows up.
2016-06-14 20:45:35 UTC
I been saying for years things will only get worse because America would rather blame Muslims than find real solutions to gun violence. And even after all these horrific shootings people still do NOT get it. Americans just continue down the same road of blaming Muslims and not instituting any real solutions.
2016-06-14 17:07:28 UTC
It has nothing to do with gun control. A gun that isn't in the hands of a nut job, don't kill innocent people. People are talking about gun control as if the guns themselves are raising up and firing at people on their own. If a black person shoot someone, the dialogue about gun control never come about. The dialogue is always what's wrong with black people in general. Someone white or someone who is classified as white who is Muslim ( because Muslim isn't a race, it's a religion), the discussion about gun control come up so that the focus can be off of what's wrong with white people and their obsession with guns and killing people in masses. The guy who drive from Philly and killed those two cops was Muslim, but the focus wasn't on gun control nor any problem with Muslims, the focus was on him being a dangerous black man and the focus was on blacks in general. And the internet opened up with every racial slur towards his crazy a** and every other black person. Come on now.
Slade Cutter Whips Quiet Riot
2016-06-14 14:52:40 UTC
No, according to Ted Nugent.
2016-06-14 12:57:46 UTC
2016-06-14 12:33:22 UTC
When there is a shooting every month then I think we can safely say that gun control and firearms are a factor.
2016-06-14 11:39:03 UTC
The problem is too complex for gun control. The ideal is that initiating gun control would bring Australia-like reforms but in reality, the problem wouldn't get any better. There's already too many guns out there. Even if gun control became strict, it wouldn't slow down the circulation of illegal guns nor would it account for cases where the guns used are borrowed or stolen. Though to speak a bit about the other view, less gun control isn't a better solution. There are some people who have absolutely no business with a gun and I shake my head whenever I see people trying to lobby for automatic weapons. That would only make the problem worse.

I think the Orlando shooting showed the flaws in our current gun laws. Personally, I think gun advocates need to put their words into practice and set the bar for Americans. Imagine the headline, "Mass shooting averted after mother stops gunman with handgun". Terrorists attack civilians because they are the easy targets, but their tactics mean nothing if the people they are trying to scare fight back, because with the threat of lone wolf attacks, we really can't wait for the Police to arrive anymore, especially if the suspect is a "man on a mission" and not just a disgruntled citizen who couldn't outrun the stresses of life anymore. This is becoming more true as many gunmen take their lives at the sight of any opposition, many before the police even arrive on scene.

Additionally, I think more focus should be put on picking up on red flags, particularly a person's history because there is usually an inciting incident to these things.

Yes, I do not know why Americans are in live with guns. They are lethal weapons. They were designed to kill. I know many idiots trot out the tired, old cliched canard that it is not guns that are the problem but those who misuse them. This is an argument that is pathetic in its basis and cruelly indifferent to those killed and those who mourn them. It is the availability of guns that are the problem. No matter what you do there will of course be crimes committed with guns. However, these can be significantly reduced in number if guns are not so readily available. In Western Europe guns are not easy to get hold of. Consequently, the number of gun-related murders other gun-related crimes are relatively low. Many Western European countries have less gun crime per year than some US cities have in a single day. The USA is the only western country that regularly has such mass shootings. It would be nice if Orlando marked a turning point in the USA's love affair with guns. But, it won't be. Members of the NRA rate their right to own a gun higher than the right of individuals who do not want to be murdered whilst going about their daily business, attending school or enjoying a night out with friends.

Absolutley not.if you look at the facts,states with harsh gun control tend to have more take school shooting for example,usually when some nut decides to shootup school its a massacre,because noone has a gun and by time police come its too late.regardless,with or without gun control there will be more shooting,its just a matter of how many,and how many people died.the only way to stop bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun....let me ask you this,are more gas stations robbed or more gun stores robbed? Obviosly more gas stations,even though they carry less money.and that is simply due to the fact that everyone in gun store usually is carrying a firearm.besides,90% of people that murder people with a guns have it illegally,and also there is 3 times as many murders and assualts with knive,bats,clubs etc. Then with firearms.believe it or not but facts dont lie, areas with less gun control have less firearm related violent crimes.not to mention its our consitutional right.

Of course the Orlando shooting is more incentive for gun control. The government puts out a new shooting every couple of years to keep its people in fear. People who are afraid will do anything you say.
2016-06-14 11:28:49 UTC
Oversimplification at best. Why should those people who abide by the rules be punished for those who don't? Don't forget the news likes to cover stories of mass shootings, hard luck stories of the destitute and how evil the wealthy people are! News will cover stories of a little boy who gets run over by a car that was on the honor roll and was just one week shy of graduating from grade school. The media wants to cover the very small amount of people who don't abide by the rules. No that shouldn't be incentive for gun control. One way to reduce crimes is to provide people with high paying jobs and educate people about guns.
2016-06-14 09:19:21 UTC
Whether your a republican or democrat, please listen to this argument. Gun control is NOT what we should do to stop gun violence. Sadly, 49 people were killed in the nightclub. The problem is, if ONE of the people in the nightclub had a gun on them maybe only 2 would have died. Just like the war on drugs, the war on "guns" won't stop gun violence and mass shootings. The government can try to make more restrictions on guns but they won't help. Hmm.. Let's see, maybe start by closing the borders? ANYTHING can come through our southern border (borders Mexico). Guns, Drugs, and SOME bad people come through the border and Obama grants them amnesty. If more well trained people had guns, mass shootings would be down and less violence would happen. For example, if someone is going to shoot up a nightclub but they know 10/20 guys may have a gun on them in there, they are not going to even try and shoot up the nightclub. MORE guns in the hands of trained legal Americans = less CRIME.
2016-06-14 07:17:53 UTC
Of course not! The gun nuts will never admit guns need to be controlled. Gun nuts, too.
2016-06-14 04:44:26 UTC
2016-06-14 04:13:29 UTC
Clearly, Gun control should be the first priority for the United States, except farmers etc should be able to use it with some sort of restrictions
2016-06-13 23:13:18 UTC
2016-06-13 22:53:23 UTC
I honestly think that a terrorist will not listen to gun control laws...
Steve M
2016-06-13 21:33:31 UTC

Gun control is a political issue.

Incentive in politics has nothing to do with reality or facts or right versus wrong.

Dianne Feinstein sponsored a Bill in the Senate in December to restrict anyone on the terrorist watch list from purchasing guns. Anyone as in Omar Mateen. How quickly do you think the gun lobby got it shot down?

Americans have let the gun lobby frame gun control in the most ridiculously dishonest way possible. 99% of Americans agree on the simplest gun control laws but no one even realizes it because of the outrageous bs the NRA buries the issue in.
2016-06-13 19:38:59 UTC
more incentive for the NRA to give even MORE $buck$ to mofo politicians god dam it to mother-foikin' hell god dam it.
2016-06-13 19:29:42 UTC
Take this L ring a bell send your azz to hell
2016-06-13 18:38:25 UTC
No, it isn't the guns that are killing, it is the people. The guns are only the tool. If it wasn't the gun, it would be something else. A bow and arrow or something. If a bow and arrow was used should all bow and arrows be removed from society? How about a butter knife, if somebody was killed with a butter knife should all butter knives be removed from society?

Society can not remove what kills, it is the person that is doing the killing that is the problem, not the object of use.
2016-06-13 18:04:27 UTC
No...In the USA we have around 270 million legally owned guns. Around 192 million of them are Pistols and about 3.5 million of them are assault rifles. This guy had one pistol and 1 assault rifle. Include all the guns ever used in something like this.....How many legally owned guns have been used in mass shootings?
2016-06-13 17:54:10 UTC

hughs from Spain
2016-06-15 11:59:28 UTC
more incentive for fag control
2016-06-15 08:44:07 UTC
2016-06-15 07:33:24 UTC
Do you think terrorists and criminals will obey new gun laws. We don't have gun issues we have crime and terrorist issues. Far more people die in auto accidents than guns, want to ban or have more laws for cars? How many more rights do we give up to feel safe?
2016-06-15 03:50:43 UTC
2016-06-15 01:21:54 UTC
2016-06-14 23:52:35 UTC
Not really, intention of killing can be done many ways, remember there is the bombs! As well the polices always will use their guns for defense of themselves!
2016-06-14 16:43:51 UTC

Than the terrorist will win, they hate our freedoms and each time Muslims attack we lose more and more


Enough already, gun control is not the solution.
2016-06-14 14:38:59 UTC
The laws we currently have to control gun is not working because its not enforced. I say make every where there are a gathering make it a free gun zone hidden weapons legal. Then if some idiot will think twice before he get the urge to kill someone. Also DO NOT give the NAMES of the suspect to the media this cause him to realize that he's a nobody and he loses his moment fame and any harm he does will not improve his chances of ever being famous its just plain simple math
2016-06-14 14:11:48 UTC
30 million government workers and thousands of gunfree zones,,the most restrictive gun laws in the world,,,ya want another raft of guvermint newhires to enforce 300 more rules & regs?
2016-06-14 13:43:31 UTC
NOPE. If there were simply more security armed with semi-automatic weapons present at this night club....the death toll would have been FAR smaller. The solution is NOT to take away LAW ABIDING CITIZENS is to EMPOWER THEM and allow them to PROTECT OTHERS.
2016-06-14 12:53:29 UTC
Yes, there should be an incentive for gun control. Let's start from the beginning. Since Obama became president, we have seen a shooting occur almost every day on a calendar year. Compare this with other countries, such as Canada or the U.K. who have seen possibly 1 shooting in the past 20 years. This clearly points out something is wrong. Now, why is that the U.S. sees so many shootings while other countries we barely hear of violence (such that a person takes a gun and shoots up people)? Because those countries have strict laws and regulations that prevent a person from blatantly walking to a shop and purchasing a gun, no questions asked. Furthermore, this person, as in the Orlando shooting, could walk up to a club and shoot over 50 people in the midst of seconds without being stopped shows how powerful firearms are. People are helpless in front of a gun. A gun is a weapon that can not be stopped, it has done more damage than good. When do we hear people saying the used a gun for protection? On the contrary, guns enforce violence and give people incentive to go shoot people up, especially when they are so easy to obtain. Why not the U.S. just try enforcing a strict no guns law, and see the change? How long, how many more shootings until America realizes guns are the problem. Now, I realize mindset is a big part of it. These people who go shoot up places, they form a plan first, their twisted mind realizing they need to murder innocent people to satisfy whatever disgusting needs/desires they need to fulfill for themselves or their religion, but had not guns be so easy to get their plans will be much harder to accomplish. i'm not saying it's impossible to kill people w/out a gun, yes they could use bombs or other things, but those are much more complicated and harder to obtain/make. It amazes me that there have been shootings after shootings, yet all the government [president] does a give a speech after each one and blah blah blah, yet nothing concrete is ever enforced.
2016-06-14 12:21:19 UTC
2016-06-14 10:47:08 UTC
It won't make any difference to the murder rate because the criminals will still be able to obtain guns illegally
2016-06-14 08:27:43 UTC
Blaming the Orlando Massacre on guns is like blaming box cutters for 9/11. It is NOT the weapon used, but the perversions of Islam and their terrorist followers. This was not just a mere "hate crime", it was a terrorist attack against America. It could just as well have been a Jewish Day Care Center, a Women's Rights organization or even a Christian Church. We must all know by not that Islam does NOT mean "peace", it means SUBMISSION. I, for one, will NOT submit! Will you? Will you? OR you?
2016-06-14 06:55:57 UTC
Ban all guns now!!
2016-06-14 05:45:22 UTC
2016-06-13 21:08:54 UTC
1. police

2. military.

one these two groups should have access to guns. only these groups should have guns.
2016-06-13 20:55:27 UTC
I think it is a call for political correctness control. You know what has not been mentioned yet ,is the liability of the club owner. All the doors were all locked except for the front door. I think that is against the law . Although the shooter could have locked them . I think they were pad locked. Fox news has been doing a good job covering the story. On Hannity they showed a whole room full of relatives and survivors ., Very sad. We need to help those refugees where they are . To have terrorists mixed in with them is inviting more trouble for us.
ashlee l
2016-06-13 19:29:15 UTC
That's what they WANT people to believe... but in the end it's for government control!!
2016-06-13 19:19:05 UTC
Gives the Democrats a way to pretend they are doing something about a situation that is beyond their ability to control. We need Trump.
2016-06-15 04:22:37 UTC
Poor Orlando now there is a toddler that got taken by a gator at Disney world. What next?
2016-06-14 21:14:08 UTC
It seems to me that it has been reported that this muslim man obtained his guns AFTER passing 2 NICS background checks. This after he had been investigated by the federal agencies not once but twice for suspicious dealings with radical muslim people. The same people who removed him from any watch list are the same that approved his purchase of his weapons. Gun control is not about guns, it s about control. I have owned guns for over 45 years, and do you want to know something; they haven t killed one person yet. However, one rifle has fed my family with some very tasty venison. (I know that will open a whole new can of worms)

Guns are tools. Guns are inanimate and incapable of doing any harm on their own. The problems we face besides a slow flow of information to NICS computers is 1) insufficient prosecution of laws pertaining to illegal possession of firearms at the Federal, State and local levels. and 2) stopping the illegal flow of weapons from outside this country and those stolen from homes and retailers.

I know for fact that a person not allowed to own firearms, is more than able to obtain what they desire from any one of a hundred underground sources. Hillary claims that Australia s gun control model works. I m sorry but the whole story does not support that claim. There are numerous sources that will show that most violent crime against people has increased because now the law abiding are at the mercy of armed criminals. Criminals don t care about the law, that s why we call them criminals. STOP trying to take the 300 million legally owned firearms away from law abiding citizens and concentrate on improving the system that allows the shooters in these mass shootings to obtain them.
2016-06-14 21:11:57 UTC

Our society is free and opened. If we don't do something about these high powered weapons that freely fall into the hands of terrorists and nutjobs then our society will become closed. You already see it in the lingo we use today. We blame Muslims, Gays, Mexicans, etc. Build that wall!

In the future you will see a completely different America. One that looks more like closed societies. Where people seldom venture out to public areas. We will live in even more fear than we do now. I know I avoid places like clubs, malls, walmarts, targets, movie theaters. It's not worth the risk anymore. And you can't count on companies to protect your life. Even if you have an armed guard, which is totally unrealistic. You can't keep your guard up all of the time. Nor should you have to.

We should be smarter about certain weapons. At least give folks time to run when a nut job goes crazy. If only they were restricted from having high powered weapons the death toll would be much lower.
2016-06-14 19:26:42 UTC
States has gotta change those damn gun rules if they want to stop these horrific killings. Won't be seeing any change unless.
Jan C
2016-06-14 18:54:08 UTC
When our country gets a means to stop people who are suspects, former convicts and mentally incompetents. It is so unbelievable that an 18 year old kid can go into a gun shop and buy a military style rifle? These rifles are absolutely not needed in this country, other than law enforcement. How far does this killing have to go? I care not what the NRA says but we, the people must take a stand. Our current President (whom I don't care for) has at least tried to get something done but our congress is obviously determined to not allow anything to be done.
2016-06-14 17:41:42 UTC
More of an incentive for SELF-CONTROL!.
2016-06-14 16:16:48 UTC
Religion control. In order for humanity to survive, religion has to die.
2016-06-14 16:14:26 UTC
Gun control in my opinion is STUPID. I mean If guns are banned,terrorists and criminals are going to start using other alternatives like bombs and explosives which are 100 times more deadly than a gun. And also If someone really wants to get hold of a gun, there are dozens of ways to do so without the goverment getting involved.
2016-06-14 15:53:47 UTC
You could have 10 Orlando shootings over 5 days and the NRA nuts will claim it as incentive against gun control...
2016-06-14 13:11:51 UTC
Yes, this just goes to show that more of these mass shootings will continue to happen unless congress will do something about it. Otherwise, there's nothing stopping someone else from doing the same thing.
2016-06-14 12:37:14 UTC
no, more incentive for better security in places where a lot of people gather.

how did he get in the place carrying a rifle, handgun and all that ammo?

he didn't shoot his way in.
2016-06-14 12:03:59 UTC
I don't want gun control I want people to accept everyone :(
2016-06-14 11:10:25 UTC
The man who did the shooting passed background checks before he bought the weapons, therefore the gun control measures did not work.

Think about most of the mass shootings that have happened in this country in the past.

Most of them happened in places where guns were banned (so-called "gun free zones" like schools, theaters, offices, etc.). Most happen in cities or states that have some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation.

Gun control regulations didn't stop those!

In fact, someone who is going to break the law by murdering others is not going to obey the law concerning guns. And, if they can't get a gun, they will just kill by other methods (bombs, etc.).

Gun control legislation does not work because those law abiding citizens who would obey the gun laws would not commit crimes if they had a gun. Those who would commit crimes like murder or armed robbery would not obey gun control laws either..
2016-06-14 10:59:17 UTC
Yes, you are on to something here! I will buy a .45 like the one I used in the Navy and learn again 'close grouping' at the next door prison piston range that will give me 'Gun Control'
2016-06-14 09:41:39 UTC
There's gun control and there is fear of shredding the constitution and both extremes get the most air time. We won't get anywhere until we can come to a happy compromise in the middle. I am for gun rights but I don't think it should be easier to get a gun than get a driver's license. Both are deadly weapons in the wrong hands after all.
100% REP.
2016-06-14 08:33:38 UTC

Relatives of the dead and wounded islam killer radical.terrorista Oelando FL . a sues the FBI and Obama administration .for, be guilty of failure to comply with the obligation .that r have care for the safety and lives of the citizens of the United States just allow that an Islamic terrorist who was .in research from 2013 .le allowed to buy firearms .licencias to use .the failure to comply with the dever .that have .the does participate in the events in orlando..


Omar Mateen worked for a Department of Homeland Security contractor that provided security for Federal Buildings, nuclear reactors and other sensitive facilities.

Officials said Mateen had two firearms licenses -- a security officer license and a statewide firearms license -– both set to expire in September 2017. Mateen worked for the security firm G4S since 2007, the company said, adding that it is cooperating fully with law enforcement.. I think the obama government let he go knowing what he mite do, and he did, government to blame guns rather then there stupidity .

Orlando Killer Omar Worked For Dept Of Homeland Security Contractor - Downstream Politics

Omar Mateen worked for the Department of Homeland Security despite multiple FBI investigations. How widespread ISIS infiltration of DHS is not yet known..
ayDavvvid! ;D
2016-06-13 22:45:05 UTC
We should have gun control. Taking away guns wouldnt be smart in my opinion because its also one of our rights as citizens of the U.S. Even though there's violence, I believe that people need to protect themselves in times of emergencies. But guns should also be regulated. Some states in the U.S. allow over the counter guns to be sold which is crazy. But yeah, more regulation
2016-06-13 21:40:21 UTC
2016-06-13 20:08:35 UTC
NO!!! it is an incentive For the gay ppl to buy guns to protect themselves!!!!!!!!!
2016-06-13 18:02:39 UTC
absolutely not. if you think your going to solve the problem by another mis step from obama and the faithful you have far more serious issues than what happened in orlando to talk about.
2016-06-15 11:21:14 UTC
kalid isse
2016-06-15 00:23:05 UTC
Guns dont kill people katanas kill people
2016-06-14 15:15:23 UTC
2016-06-14 14:55:13 UTC
Steve bronston
2016-06-14 14:08:08 UTC
Doesn't matter what the laws are, if people want something they're going to get it.
2016-06-14 13:56:30 UTC
more guns not less guns
2016-06-14 13:26:47 UTC
think the Orlando shooting showed the flaws in our current gun laws. Personally, I think gun advocates need to put their words into practice and set the bar for Americans. Imagine the headline, "Mass shooting averted after mother stops gunman with handgun". Terrorists attack civilians because they are the easy targets, but their tactics mean nothing if the people they are trying to scare fight back, because with the threat of lone wolf attacks, we really can't wait for the Police to arrive anymore, especially if the suspect is a "man on a mission" and not just a disgruntled citizen who couldn't outrun the stresses of life anymore. This is becoming more true as many gunmen take their lives at the sight of any opposition, many before the police even arrive on scene.
Brandi Davis
2016-06-14 12:12:19 UTC
That's the plan my friend. To take away the American people guns and freedom.
2016-06-14 12:06:46 UTC
You don't really need a machine gun to protect yourself. Also gas the muslims race war now.
2016-06-14 11:52:36 UTC
Florida is another Stand Your Ground gun control state.

Which has a high body count because of victims who

could not run away fast enough. Increasing gun laws

did not protect Florida. What did protect Florida was a

person trained in self-defense who had common sense

enough to allow more victims an opportunity to escape.

Where in the USA do we see citizens having that degree

of paid previous experience apart from YouTube examples ?
2016-06-14 11:19:21 UTC
2016-06-14 10:40:20 UTC
NO! Everyone is hell bent on gun control and fail to address the state of the person behind the shooting. GUNS DO NOT KILL PEOPLE, PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE! How would you feel if your neighbor was a psycho-path with an automatic rifle purchased on the black market and due to tighter restrictions, you were limited to a .22 pistol and it took a year to get approved? No one can prevent your right to the 2nd amendment!
2016-06-14 10:21:28 UTC
Easy answers to complex questions never work very well. If some people had guns when he attacked, they could ve defended themselves. One might argue that we need more guns, not less.
2016-06-14 09:45:08 UTC
2016-06-14 07:21:27 UTC
2016-06-14 03:06:17 UTC
2016-06-13 23:39:04 UTC
I'll bet that every person this bum took hostage wished that instead of having a cell phone to call mom to tell her they were scared, they had a pistol to defend themselves. I'll further bet that many of the survivors will never again attend any large gathering unarmed.
2016-06-13 22:53:01 UTC
2016-06-13 21:43:22 UTC
Not sure.
2016-06-13 17:57:54 UTC
2016-06-15 12:42:57 UTC
We should give guns to monkeys
2016-06-15 12:18:29 UTC
2016-06-15 03:05:15 UTC
John Kendrick
2016-06-15 02:46:59 UTC
ban muslims till they weed out the problem plain an simple if he wasnt trying to be Muslim the gun would of never been fired guns aint the problem just look at 911 we cant ban airplane just muslims
2016-06-14 19:57:32 UTC
We need Muslim control!
2016-06-14 19:40:05 UTC
No far more people die of cancer and automobile accidents and alcohol and tobacco is legal. Enough with this gun control nonsense.
2016-06-14 16:17:34 UTC
It want god wants stop being twisted.
2016-06-14 14:50:33 UTC
there have been enough incentives in the past...ABOUT guns. Something definitely needs to be done!!!!
2016-06-14 14:24:12 UTC
I personally think that people should be allowed to have guns. However, there's no reason for people to have guns that can kill so much in so little time. I understand that people want to fight against oppressive government. But until something is done, there will continue to be violence. I also personally wonder if these shootings are really a false flag operation done by the government for a specific reason.
2016-06-14 13:51:27 UTC
Every time the N.R.A. see's shootings like this they see dollar signs. They use it as a way to sell more guns.
2016-06-14 07:18:03 UTC
It's NEVER about gun control because people hell bent on killing will always find a way!
2016-06-13 20:48:38 UTC
Yes. Guaranteed propaganda
Dr. D
2016-06-12 15:45:09 UTC
People say this guy had anger problems, and still had an assault rifle. Why? People under FBI investigation should not be permitted to have an assault rifle.

We also need better protection against Islamic radicals here in our country.
2016-06-13 06:48:30 UTC
More incentive for mental health man. Dude was f*cked in the head to begin with.
2016-06-12 17:38:50 UTC
Gun control doesn't stop murder, it limits the amount of deaths.

Sure less people will die, but people will still die nontheless.

A machete can kill someone just like a full auto machine pistol can.
2016-06-12 15:29:04 UTC
Gun control will not solve the problems in the U.S.....Electing a president with some guts might...and I do not mean the Liar Clinton!
2016-06-12 08:45:34 UTC
Not at all. Everyone in the US should be required to take a gun safety course so they can at least be knowledgable. Most people who are for gun control to the point of taking it away completely don't know anything about guns except what they read in a newspaper. Those who do know more, should know better.
2016-06-12 12:56:46 UTC
Gun control won't solve problems, and it won't prevent mass shootings.
2016-06-16 09:32:31 UTC
103 victims, 1 gunman.

What if the victims had a gun on them instead of pleading for their life?

Think about it America.
2016-06-12 13:43:35 UTC
OR more incentive for gun purchasing !
2016-06-12 18:59:00 UTC
Christina S
2016-06-12 09:01:42 UTC
That's two shooting's here in O town. I'm moving out of Orlando to Melbourne. I have 3 babies and twins on the way this area is not a great place to live at the moment. Granted there is trouble where ever you go. Florida's laws suck. I wish I lived back in Wanaque NJ.
2016-06-13 00:21:11 UTC
USA needs a rigorous gun control - most urgently.
2016-06-15 22:29:35 UTC
nope. Australia crimes are way up since they banned guns. Criminals dont follow laws.

Wanna ban guns? okay, no guns for police then. Got it? yeah didn't think so. Argument gone.
2016-06-12 14:45:51 UTC
More incentive for quarantining all the Muslims into the shitholes they've already ruined.
Black Dog
2016-06-12 09:42:37 UTC
We have a society so diverse as to have gay couples kissing in public all the while mixed in with people who practice religions as repressive as Islamic Sharia. Any one who could not see an incident like this would happen sooner or later has their head stuck up their A$$ !!
2016-06-12 14:53:21 UTC
I will get back to y'all cause I have to feed my unicorn in the lala land coral. I'll be taking my gun just in case
2016-06-12 06:54:43 UTC
It's a shame that none of the nightclub patrons had a gun. Or at least the bartender.
2016-06-12 13:58:39 UTC
They blame it on the guns , which can't shoot themselves. Just like Hillary Clinton, her computer didn't magically delete her files it's was the USER .
2016-06-13 04:18:24 UTC
Guns aren't the problem in the USA, a country that's always had plenty of guns. Lack of morality is the main problem.
2016-06-12 23:00:01 UTC
Gun control ? Really that's the problem? No the problem is society and what they have been brainwashed to believe.
2016-06-13 12:21:21 UTC
No. More incentive for speaking up about mental illness.
2016-06-12 15:04:20 UTC
We don't need to ban guns, we need to ban Muslims and nonwhite immigrants from entering the country. Stupid left wingers like you want to disarm White people and leave them totally defenseless while importing violent criminal nonwhite immigrants that want to kill Americans. Left wingers are stupid.
2016-06-13 04:45:27 UTC
Surely the answer is for DARPA to develop a much more controllable weapon I.e.the PHASER, since the weapons currently available to use within the remit of the 2ND Amendment can only maim or kill!
Mr. Wizard
2016-06-13 14:34:22 UTC
Violent, murderous criminals will NEVER obey gun control laws; common sense of this fact SHOULD seep into the LIBERAL mindsets of Obama and Hillary.
2016-06-12 22:16:14 UTC
I don't think anything is bad enough for some of these jerks. A room full of kindergarteners wasn't enough. They just pretend it didn't happen. Grow up. Your toys are killing everybody.
2016-06-12 14:33:34 UTC
No, just keep them out of the reach of stupid crack head thugs, hillbillies, rednecks, anyone who worships an imaginary psychopath of the Abrahamic beliefs (Yes that includes the Christians, and Muslims,), people with severe psychological disorders, and those who don't understand the severe responsibility of owning one, and you will be fine.
2016-06-12 10:33:53 UTC
Gerry G
2016-06-13 07:03:54 UTC
Nope, it sure is not. We must address this as a terrorist attack and deal with our attitudes about radical Islam. Only through stronger leadership will be put a stop to this type of activity.
2016-06-12 19:54:52 UTC
Gun control is not the problem here. Homophobic people will always find a way to perpetuate violence against gay people.
2016-06-12 12:06:51 UTC
This makes me sick. Why take these horrible events and publicize them and use them for political gain.

Guess what the guy got what they want most of the guys that do this want to be infamous. More often than not they get the national attention they want and other sick people see that and want to copy it.
2016-06-12 21:48:33 UTC
Uh NO!!

It's called putting those shooters behind bars and not the guns!
Tad Dubious
2016-06-13 10:28:23 UTC
He was an employee of a security firm; he would have legally had the gun either way. Peace.
2016-06-13 07:46:34 UTC
With all of the unnecessary killings around the world, we need to look at the value of human life and educate that value to all....BUT its not always the firearm.....Its the Human and the tools he/she will use to commit those killings.

Lets look at two factors.

1. Mass grave reveals prehistoric warfare in ancient European farming community.

2. FBI Stats for 2014 on Murder rates in the U.S.

1. - 7,000 year old mass grave in Germany reviled 25 adults & Children.

"In the seven metre-long, V-shaped pit, researchers found the skeletons of 26 adults and children, who were killed by devastating strikes to the head or arrow wounds. The skull fractures are classic signs of blunt force injuries caused by basic stone age weapons".

They used blunt objects to kill other humans, "GUNS" didn't exists back then, which is one proof that we as humans do have the ability to kill others, WAY before guns were invented.

2. - Firearms are just 3 sets of tools out of many tools to commit murder. (Handgun, Rifle and Shotgun).

In 2014 the FBI Statics came out and here are the numbers (

Total murders in the 50 states & 2 territories

Total Murders: 11,961

Total Firearms: 8,124

Handguns: 5,562

Rifles: 248

Shotguns: 262

Unknown: 2,052

*Lets look at some of the other tools that can cause a Murder/Homicide, thats in the same report.

Knives or other cutting devices: 1,567

Other Weapons: 1,610

Hand/Fists/Feet: 660

If we take the stance of more gun control, with the Liberal and Media press making the "assault rifle" to be the ultimate killing machine, lets look at how many people died by this so called "assault rifle" - 248 people in 2014.

Lets look at some of the other tools that can cause a Murder/Homicide.

Hands, Fists and Feet killed 660 people, about 3 times more than Rifles...So, lets "BAN" All of these martial arts studios, and MMA training studios in the U.S.! Makes since, go after the source of what provides the person to kill.

If we use the logic that the liberal left uses with gun control and apply that to "Pressure Cooker" then we could have prevented the Boston Marathon Booming.

Just think, if we had to go through background checks, serial numbers for pressure cookers, a licensed dealer to purchase the pressure cooker, the same with firearms, it would have prevented the booming, right!!!!!

Lets not stop there, lets extend this out to Knives and other cutting instruments, its gonna stop stabbings all over the U.S. just by having background checks and serial numbers on knives..

It's the Human being, NOT the tools that the human uses to carry out the murders. We need to educate, educate, educate.....
2016-06-13 03:33:03 UTC
Nope, Republicans want to buy even more weapons so they can try to go up against the US Military if their Donald doesn't win.
2016-06-13 07:58:23 UTC
Yes, there does need to be stricter gun control.
2016-06-12 22:39:24 UTC
The opposite.

More guns should be in the hands of the good. Not Bateman, Travis Bickle, or Muhammad.
2016-06-13 05:05:23 UTC
Im suspecting that even subtle gang stalking might have something to do with the wave of shootings
2016-06-12 19:41:39 UTC
Heck no! Taking guns from honest citizens wouldn't have prevented this or any other hate crime or terrorist act.
2016-06-12 18:35:56 UTC
Absolutely. It is never right for a unauthorized man to have a gun.
2016-06-13 09:20:24 UTC
Big cities run by liberals already have massive gun control and look how bad it abiding citizens cant even protect themselves and criminals have guns.
2016-06-12 14:18:14 UTC
I don't see why it should be. If they were willing to kill those, do you honestly think the LAW is going to make them stop carring. You can get anything you want for a price.
2016-06-13 01:46:36 UTC
Yes, it is time that we ban guns in the United States.
2016-06-13 15:15:30 UTC
We should definitely have more gun control
2016-06-16 16:53:24 UTC
Well yes and no if it was another gang fight yes but this was Isis doing not the community itself Isis is trying to over take USA basically
2016-06-12 08:42:44 UTC
It's crazy
2016-06-15 12:44:15 UTC
Imagine this, what if the shooter walked in there and half the people their pulled their guns out when he did? I guarantee you their would be a lot less dead bodies.
2016-06-13 03:49:23 UTC
What about Muslim control, using guns?
2016-06-15 20:44:05 UTC
I think based on the constitution that all Americans should have guns
2016-06-12 07:01:43 UTC
you want gun control yet the people who stopped this violence had guns you know the police. you take guns away from the people you have to take guns away from the government, wait it wouldn't work.
2016-06-13 11:08:20 UTC
Yes. Don't listen to these people who say No. They are stupid. No one really needs to tell you anything you already know what it's about you just need more details.
2016-06-13 07:55:25 UTC
1. if you try to deal with other countries' problems,

They will want to kill you for sure.

2. idiots talk about "hate" or "love".

People should discuss how to protect themselves.

That is separation.

You lock your doors of your houses and your countries.
2016-06-12 20:09:42 UTC
obamas first comment was just this... DID HE MENTION FAST N FURIOUS??? didnt think his gun running with the criminal holder would come up. obama backs the criminal hillary ONLY BECAUSE HE WOULD BE AND IS IMPLICATED AS COMPLICIT IN HER ILLEGAL EMAIL mess... "BEHOLD YOUR SIN WILL FIND YOU OUT" hillary and obama... you can not live evil lives and escape the consequences for there is a God and His name is not Mohammed... there are no virgins awaiting the martyrs and Islam is going to be destroyed along with this present earth... God is not mocked... prepare for eternity folks for it starts on earth...
2016-06-12 19:35:02 UTC
Morons will say that's the case but to a thinking person, it's obviously the opposite.
2016-06-12 13:51:39 UTC
Hillary clinton said that muslims are peaceful people.

We need foreign people control.

But first we need public servant control. They forgot who they are working for and what their job is.
2016-06-13 09:03:11 UTC
Yes absolutely!
2016-06-12 10:42:50 UTC
All these crazy incidents are still not an excuse for gun control. The government, police, and criminals would still have the guns. "Thou shalt not kill."
2016-06-12 14:23:14 UTC
Well the fact is that nobody in the nightclub had a gun,except the terrorist and thanks to Obama they are all exempt from any laws regarding gun control.
2016-06-13 08:41:48 UTC
muslim controls instead? you cannot let every race and religion full a country , it won't work and is a totally stupid idea.

its just gonna lead to a civil war in any country
2016-06-13 15:48:12 UTC
Next week it will be forgotten. Gun makers speak louder.
2016-06-12 13:16:45 UTC
People who think gun "control" is the answer to terrorism aren't thinking.
2016-06-12 23:45:56 UTC
Yes for Muslims,they need to be blocked from buying guns if they are suspected of radical killing.
2016-06-12 20:35:00 UTC
It would help I guess but criminals will get ahold of a gun one way or another if they really want to.
2016-06-12 12:18:19 UTC
I will say this mildly, Trump doesn't seem so crazy to me. From my own personal view, this situation is only going to get worse.
2016-06-12 09:09:14 UTC
people who do these things have something wrong with them. mostly mental issues. there is nothing we can do to stop them from thinking this way, but we can do something to prevent guns from getting into their hands. This goes for every shooting. we should make it harder to possess a gun. how many more lives will it take?
2016-06-12 12:12:38 UTC
no, more incentive to control Islam.
2016-06-12 12:40:45 UTC
ONLY lgbt people should be allowed to carry guns
2016-06-15 17:22:07 UTC
Gun control won't stop the problem.
2016-06-12 14:19:50 UTC
No, security with guns
2016-06-12 12:47:29 UTC
Anyone can shoot a gun if they own it
2016-06-12 07:08:06 UTC
Oh, I see you are a good little stupid brain dead liberal idiot that regurgitates the LIES your liberal gun control bigot handlers tell you to regurgitate.

You can bet this scumbag illegal alien muslim piece of $hit hussein 0bama will use it to attack law abiding firearm owners. It is my firm belief that the liberal gun control bigot handlers have their stupid brain dead liberal idiots do these mass shooting to further their anti-gun agenda.

Here are just some of the mass shootings that has taken place since this scumbag illegal alien muslim piece of $hit hussein 0bama has been POTUS.

On November 5, 2009, one of 0bama's brothers Nidal Malik Hasan, a muslim, U.S. Army major, and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others.

In 2010 a mentally ill registered liberal named Jared Lee Loughner shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed 6 others.

In 2012 a registered liberal named James Holmes went into a movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.

In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger a disgruntled liberal shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis.

In 2013 a registered liberal named Adam Lanza shot and killed 26 people in a school.

In 2013 a disgruntled liberal named Aaron Alexis shot and killed 12 people in a Washington, DC Navy Yard.

On April 2, 2014 Ivan Lopez a disgruntled liberal shot and killed 4 people, and wounded 14 others in a Fort Hood shooting in Texas.

in Aug 27, 2015 a disgruntled liberal named Dylann Roof shot and killed 9 people in the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church.

One could go on, but you get the point, even if the media does not.

Clearly, there is a problem with liberal and guns, not conservatives and guns.

By a gallop poll 68% of liberals purchase firearms to kill someone with, on the other hand 78% of republicans purchase firearms for sport shooting and hunting.

Why is it none of the disturbed and evil men, who steal guns, or buy them bent on evil, to kill movie-goers and children in schools, has ever been identified as a conservative, Tea Party member, or NRA member?
2016-06-13 07:29:29 UTC
there needs to be a stricter policy on guns. Other wise these accidents will be more frequent.
Damian Z
2016-06-12 21:25:05 UTC
People will still get guns no matter what
2016-06-12 14:21:24 UTC
More reason to ban Muslims. Not all Muslims are bad, but look at the killings and see who most of them are.
2016-06-12 22:57:14 UTC
2016-06-13 10:01:25 UTC
Of course
2016-06-12 18:45:52 UTC
No, gun control is fe up
2016-06-12 19:01:11 UTC
Yes that is something America should have done in the first place, most certainly not hand them over to radical Muslim extremists.
Campbell Hayden
2016-06-12 23:27:16 UTC
Not A Chance.
2016-06-12 17:55:07 UTC
Ban all guns so the Mexican cartel will have something else to smuggle through the porous border.
2016-06-12 21:57:52 UTC
Criminals do not obey laws so taking guns from people who obey the laws and are usually the victims just makes it easier for the criminals.
2016-06-13 04:12:44 UTC
The freedoms we have, like the 2nd Amendment were born out of people fleeing religious persecution. It's the same religious persecution coming around again but from a different religion. They seek to destroy our freedoms and in exchange we'll have "safety, peace, etc" so they can control societies through religious oppression and fear. A society without self defense, is one they can control.

No, I don't think it's a swell idea to shred our freedoms and human rights for the chance of being held captive in religious oppression. You have to understand, we've only had real freedom from religious oppression for a few centuries. Much of the rest of the world has never known that freedom and fear it. They don't like seeing women with rights, gay people having the freedom to love each other, etc. That's the "Westernization" they demonize and hate. They hate Christianity and Jews because those two religions, for the most part have allowed Human Rights to be important... Human Rights inspired by the US Constitution.

The US Constitution is the foundation and core for all Human Rights. It is the heart of freedom. And to protect that heart of freedom, you'll need a stronger weapon than a sword when religious extremists grab your wife and try to rape her in the streets for not covering her face... in Europe they are powerless to stop it... the women are powerless to defend themselves. They are solely relying on their governments to protect them and the governments are out of control flooding these people's homelands with people who want to destroy them. The governments, despite outcries are turning against the people they're supposed to protect. We (civilizations born of Eurasia) didn't create the most powerful weapons to just set aside and be sheep to wolves... we have those weapons to defend ourselves.

If there is a problem in society pushing people towards violence, address that problem. Whether it be poverty, racism, religious extremism, etc... You don't just say "Let's disarm the people and be victims" in hope of everything being okay. That merely sets yourselves up to be controlled and oppressed.

When Christianity came to Europe, they slaughtered millions... Pagan Europe is mostly destroyed in the name of religious oppression. If Pagans had guns to defend themselves, maybe Christians wouldn't have been so quick to set fires to stakes in hopes of burning Pagans alive.

You can't propose major changes like this to society without consulting history.

"Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it."

Winston Churchill
2016-06-13 15:51:11 UTC
no but youre an inspiration for birth control
2016-06-13 10:21:26 UTC
It would be hard to do that because people can hide the gun in the home
2016-06-12 21:22:34 UTC
Whether it was "real" or "not", it's a great excuse for more hatred toward all Muslims, and more gun "control".
2016-06-16 10:19:53 UTC
The NRS will never allow any sensible gun legislation. And the cowardly pretend-machos who support such crap due to brainwashing and the desire to pretend they are tough..
2016-06-12 10:58:08 UTC
Not really, we just need to do a better job at security. Although to state I think assault rifles should be more difficult to obtain.
2016-06-12 10:24:47 UTC
Every mass murderer turns out to be a registered Democrat. Just like this Muslim killer is.
2016-06-13 08:57:50 UTC
If you don't think the U.S. government planned this for it's own benefit, you're a dumbass. It's that simple.
2016-06-12 06:52:14 UTC
Further proof that gun free zones don't work.
2016-06-13 13:11:06 UTC
Selling assault weapons to civilians, I mean come on - who do you think uses this except the military,police and mass murderers?
2016-06-12 23:50:01 UTC
Freedom may have a risk to it. But to me it's worth it.
2016-06-12 15:29:09 UTC
2016-06-12 14:24:52 UTC
The NRA and a lot of rednecks think he had a right to an assault rifle
2016-06-12 20:49:10 UTC
no more gun control
2016-06-12 14:46:37 UTC
It's very sad
2016-06-12 11:51:15 UTC
Yes, plus Christina Grimmie just died because she was shot too!
2016-06-13 08:16:50 UTC
Just shows we need better national security
2016-06-12 14:27:53 UTC
and absolutely no incentive to address who the attackers are or their motives
2016-06-12 21:18:07 UTC
Yes I thinks so
2016-06-12 10:39:41 UTC
Yes, and more incentive for gay pride.
Mir Quasem
2016-06-13 02:29:09 UTC
US govt. must control guns.
2016-06-13 12:04:58 UTC
That's the only way the progressives can use it to their advantage, which is what they care about.
2016-06-12 11:16:31 UTC
Yes, more unarmed people would be a great idea to protect the unarmed people
answer boy
2016-06-12 13:28:39 UTC
Americans and the Second Amendment, sacrosanct.
2016-06-12 22:51:43 UTC
Unfortunately I don't think so
You'll miss sunrise, if you close your eyes
2016-06-12 15:19:11 UTC
******* A. American is so stupid in its open gun law
2016-06-12 15:48:37 UTC
ONLY for Liberals, and Democrats.
2016-06-13 05:03:46 UTC
The problem isn't guns it's Islam
2016-06-12 15:35:23 UTC
2016-06-13 01:16:04 UTC
yes more incentive
Ashley Jane
2016-06-16 14:59:50 UTC
no guns. Enough is enough, too many people have died because of gun violence.
2016-06-12 21:50:46 UTC
2016-06-13 04:19:37 UTC
no, gun are nessasary for self-defence from these kind of incidents
2016-06-13 04:27:18 UTC
50 people isn't even the daily average in the US. 90 people are shot and killed in the US every day. EVERY DAY.
2016-06-12 20:12:02 UTC
2016-06-13 03:54:55 UTC
guns should be banded for good
2016-06-12 12:58:38 UTC
Yes, let ISIS have all the guns and no one else.
Grinning Football plinny younger
2016-06-13 03:15:10 UTC
No, it only means law abiding citizens should get assault rifles too.
2016-06-13 04:35:38 UTC
No, ban all Muslims and anyone that likes them.
2016-06-12 12:42:54 UTC
I dont know im in Kansas
2016-06-13 01:59:49 UTC
They should follow the example of australia
Sweetdaddy Rex
2016-06-13 10:07:11 UTC
LAWS only affect law-abiding citizens !
2016-06-12 08:56:08 UTC
It's a shame no one had a gun.
Elijah Tenenbaum
2016-06-12 07:08:16 UTC
The right-wing won't see it that way...but an assault weapon was used. And assault rifles only have one design inspiration: kill as many people as quickly and efficiently as possible.
2016-06-12 11:26:13 UTC
I think so. I'm just lucky to live in the UK
2016-06-12 15:16:08 UTC
People should still be able to protect themselves.
2016-06-12 06:55:18 UTC
Kick 'em out, and keep 'em out!
2016-06-13 02:14:01 UTC
Um no, we need to rid of the Muslim and Mexican filth. We need more guns for our fellow white people, please vote for Trump.
2016-06-13 00:15:45 UTC
I would like to personally congratulate the perpetrator.
2016-06-13 10:45:35 UTC
2016-06-12 14:56:13 UTC
yes. More background checks, at least
2016-06-13 04:50:07 UTC
2016-06-13 13:40:55 UTC
No we just need less violent people
2016-06-12 12:53:54 UTC
It would help (very little), if they would just enforce the laws in existence.
2016-06-12 09:16:30 UTC
How is taking our guns protecting us from Muslim terrorists?
2016-06-12 11:22:25 UTC
No, more so religion control.

2016-06-12 17:21:34 UTC
Yes. No better time.
2016-06-13 12:12:26 UTC
Yes for assault rifles
2016-06-12 16:42:46 UTC
I don't know
2016-06-12 23:37:52 UTC
How about more competent leadership.
2016-06-12 11:32:48 UTC
Muslim control
2016-06-12 23:13:56 UTC
how about "Read Our Lips; No New Muslims"
2016-06-13 13:55:17 UTC
I totally agree with you. it is essential
2016-06-16 11:01:31 UTC
Guns arent the problem, the crazies are the problem.
2016-06-12 19:04:11 UTC
yes its true america does
2016-06-12 16:24:06 UTC
Nope. Not even close.
2016-06-13 13:29:46 UTC
Oh yeah / every other agenda.
2016-06-16 02:32:23 UTC
yes!! in think so! the laws became tuff1 after this
2016-06-13 09:32:17 UTC
The problem is too complex
2016-06-13 11:17:18 UTC
Yeah, guns suck.
2016-06-12 15:53:23 UTC
nex time they come with a dirty bom
2016-06-13 03:23:13 UTC
2016-06-13 01:47:11 UTC
of course.
2016-06-13 00:50:30 UTC
2016-06-15 20:33:28 UTC
2016-06-15 19:29:48 UTC
2016-06-12 22:13:07 UTC
2016-06-12 21:55:35 UTC
2016-06-12 15:50:52 UTC
2016-06-12 11:11:29 UTC
2016-06-13 02:49:05 UTC
such and such pit and Gabriel(es).
2016-06-13 11:08:44 UTC
2016-06-12 06:52:39 UTC
Not if you think about it.
2016-06-15 18:02:29 UTC
can only hope so
2016-06-12 09:33:05 UTC
yes, big time
2016-06-12 20:43:17 UTC
2016-06-16 07:36:02 UTC
Austin M
2016-06-12 08:52:27 UTC
Hell yeah!
2016-06-13 07:30:00 UTC
2016-06-12 08:33:36 UTC
Or to not be gay
2016-06-12 23:32:27 UTC
Damn muslim bastards!
2016-06-12 21:51:35 UTC
yes please
2016-06-12 15:15:41 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.