i'm crying out. i need help. i want to die. i don't want that to be the end. i don't want to die. i want to die. every where i turn people don't hear me i am begging for help but they don't hear me. I'm not okay anymore, i wont be okay, why don't they hear me. i am alone and i am slipping, i'm clawing at the edge trying to stay here but i am slipping why don't they hear- my family, friends anyone i go to they don't hear i am trying to tell them i am crying out but they don't notice, they can't hear it in my voice they don't even know that i will die soon. i want to die. i want to die. i know people on here will think i am attention seeking and not serious, i don't expect anyhting from you because i know that it doesn't matter to you, just another 2 points right? but i'm pleading with you to take me seriously, to hear me and to help because no-one else will, i'm so afraid that i'll fall. i'm gouging my nails into the earth to hang on as i dangle from the edge but i am growing weak i am