why won't anyone hear me? i am not okay i need help?
2007-01-21 15:47:46 UTC
i'm crying out. i need help. i want to die. i don't want that to be the end. i don't want to die. i want to die. every where i turn people don't hear me i am begging for help but they don't hear me. I'm not okay anymore, i wont be okay, why don't they hear me. i am alone and i am slipping, i'm clawing at the edge trying to stay here but i am slipping why don't they hear- my family, friends anyone i go to they don't hear i am trying to tell them i am crying out but they don't notice, they can't hear it in my voice they don't even know that i will die soon. i want to die. i want to die. i know people on here will think i am attention seeking and not serious, i don't expect anyhting from you because i know that it doesn't matter to you, just another 2 points right? but i'm pleading with you to take me seriously, to hear me and to help because no-one else will, i'm so afraid that i'll fall. i'm gouging my nails into the earth to hang on as i dangle from the edge but i am growing weak i am
34 answers:
2007-01-21 15:52:35 UTC
I hear you and I've been there.

I have little to offer you, except I will carry hope for you, as you seem not to be able to carry it for yourself right now.

msg me from my 360 page if you would like.

I care. I really do.
2007-01-21 15:55:45 UTC
You need to talk to a professional about this. Yahoo Answers is no place to seek the kind of help you need. Most of the people on here are just goof offs just trying to waste some time, anyways.

It sounds like you are really depressed. That can be fixed. There's medication, counseling, therapy, all kinds of options. Don't give up until you've tried absolutely everything. Depression is just a chemical imbalance in your brain; it doesn't mean you are a weak person.

Sometimes family and friends just don't see what's going on. Talk to your schoo counselor, a trusted friend, or even call 911 or go to the emergency room if you feel like you want to kill yourself. They can get you in touch with the resources that can help you.

Email me privately for more info, or call this number 1-800-SUICIDE or check out this website
2007-01-21 16:10:44 UTC
There is more to life than what meets the eye, for that is the way God intended it to be. If he wanted us to be satisfied with life on earth then he wouldn't have made us human. Everything happens for a reason, even life. God is merely showing us what life without him is like. Its meaningless and filled with dead ends. That is what the sinful life is. Its natural to want to commit suicide. I would expect any rational human being to think about it at least once in there entire lifetime even if its only for a split moment. You must learn the reason why you are here and learn to appreciate every single thing that happens, because it all happens for very good reasons. Whether they are to develop your character, wisdom, sense of appreciation and peace, or anything else. I suffer incredible anxieties that cause temporary insanity, and I am being very litteral. I strongly advise you to read the "Purpose Driven Life" so that truth may be unveiled to you. You may think you have it bad but its your calling and if you are wise you will answer. Read that book and learn that as a human being alone you are hopeless but God is hope and it is in him that you can be hopeful, whether you are concerned with earthly matters or the matter that succeed this world. Life is a lesson, learn the big picture.
2007-01-21 15:53:29 UTC
I am really sorry. Do you have a history of this?

Maybe you should be seeking help from a more qualified source instead of begging for responses from ignorant people on a website?

If you understand that something is wrong, then you are already on the right path. Look to a community outreach or talk to a professional on a suicide hotline.

Remember that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I have never met you but I care and I really hope you dont go through with this.
2007-01-21 15:55:21 UTC
Your message is quite disturbing, if indeed this is how you feel. I can't help you because I don't know what is wrong. If you want to tell me I will listen. Suicide is not the answer, think about the people you will leave behind. I know the world can be a lonely place for not just you, but everyone. You need to get help now, call a suicide prevention hotline and they will lead you in the right direction. I hate you feel this way and I hope you get help. I don't want you to die either, whatever the problem is, it will get better.
2007-01-21 23:23:00 UTC
You know what you should do. You said you are scared and you don't want to die. Of course you don't, you want things to get better. They will, you have to try to be strong and you have to take steps to make them get better. I don't know how old you are, but I know that no matter what, there are people who love you and would be devastated if you took your own life. I've seen what suicide does to family members, it's tragic. If you have felt like this for a long time, then you probably need to be on medication, its not your fault. I know what its like to be depressed and I know it makes it really hard to see things clearly and to take action. You dont even want to get out of bed, let alone call a doctor but there's really no other choice than to continue to be miserable. Please, try to look ahead and see that this time in your life is only a small portion of the whole. THINGS WILL GET BETTER. Talk to someone who has experience dealing with these issues. but don't give up.
2007-01-21 16:02:47 UTC
If all those people can not hear you crying for help, either you are not making your request clear enough or this is something you have to do for yourself. This is just life, dude. Everyone i nervous, everyone wants help. The only person that can make you happy is you. There are plenty of great self help books out there - there are plenty of health practitioners out there ready to help - but they can not make you better, you have to do the work. If you are not willing to do the work, then there is nothing that anyone can ever do for you.

You don't give any information about what the specific problems are, so none of us can even give you specific advise. It is easy to feel that we need to wait for something or someone to help us in our lives, but that just wastes our time. You are the creative power in your life. You are the authority in your life. And the world will just wait while you sit in this crap and figure it out - because only you can make the necessary changes. Good luck.

2007-01-21 16:11:02 UTC
Hey, buddy, lots of people have been there. Need a friend? IM me. I'll be there for you. I don't ever want to hear of another suicide again. I can't stand it. Besides, suicide will not send you to heaven. It's the scariest thing I can think of. See a doctor for anti- depressants, to help you cope with this depression. I pray that you find yourself once again, I pray that you see life for what it really is. I pray that God will save you and provide for you a second chance. Hang on, buddy! It's not your time yet! Please, for the sake of your mother and fater, your family, your friends, your admirers, please stay for a little while longer! It will not be the end! You can do it, man! Fight the urge for suicide! I wish you the best of luck, and remember, you can always IM me.
2007-01-21 16:16:56 UTC
Hey, I hear you and I am here for you, you don't need to hurt yourself or your loved ones, all you need is to just speak up and

make your parents hear you. If for some reason that your parents aren't really listening to you please call the suicide hot line your life is worth so much and you are loved, you are so much more than you can imagine, your life has a purpose and whoever or whatever has made you think that you don't count in this life, they are the ones that need help, I am promising you at this very moment, you have a beautiful life ahead of you and you will make a difference in this life time. I am asking as a friend as A parent and as a sister or brother, please, don't leave us where would we be without you, you are their life and without you they will always hurt and wonder if they were the reason, did they hurt you, or was it just the fact that you hated them and wanted them to suffer, do you really want your love ones to be feeling all of this pain and living the rest of their life with these questions? Do you really hate them this bad to make them suffer for the rest of their life, you know that people who take their life has no regards for their loved ones, no respect, all they think of is theirself and their pain you are just being selfish, Please, don't hurt the ones that really love you get help and if to email me. I will talk with you and I will help you anyway that I can! PLEASE! DON"T DO ANYTHING STUPID!!!
Jay Jay
2007-01-21 15:52:43 UTC
I have been through this a lot of my life. To tell you the truth, what has gotten me better at this point is realizing that you ARE going to die eventually, so why take it before it's time? Really, you need to see a doc for some medications and psychotherapy. And stop the bad "self talk" that we seem to do to ourselves...very destructive. Think positively to yourself, you are a good person.
2007-01-21 15:55:14 UTC
wish i could give you a hug. I know how you are feeling because Im doing that death wish dance too. Flat out call a doc or hit up the emergency room. You dont need to feel like this and you sure as hell dont deserve it. You are asking for help and that is the first step. Its ok to seek help from someone. Stopping yourself from sinking is the first step. I hope ya make a call or tell someone.
2007-01-21 15:58:52 UTC
Don't give up. I've been in this spot myself for years I thought of killing myself, I was miserable. I didn't even know why. If your friends,family,etc don't seem to notice or believe how real this is, go to someone else.. There are churches who will council with you and try and help you. They have councellors who will council you for free. There are support groups, that are like AA, but are for people like yourself. Talk to your Dr. It may also be a chemical imbalance that you need medication to help you. Also, get involved in activities that you enjoy. Do not give in to this feeling, fight for your life. Most importantly pray to God for help, He will help you get through this. I'll pray for you.
2007-01-21 15:59:22 UTC
My dear friend you are not losing the fight. I was involved in the occult for two years as you probally are. I escaped through the help of Jesus Christ. If you seek a way out of lifes problems you can find a way through Jesus Christ. After I began to realize that God is our protector and that he can defeat our enemies my enemies had no power over me. God says that he will protect those who seek his protection. I know how hard it is. I suffered through divorce, occult and social banishment for 3 years. Then I realized God could save me, he can help you too. You are not losing, satan wants you to think that, after I realized this my life was no longer unbearable. You seek peace, love, and a way to forgive others, jesus Christ can help you, you don't need to depend on occult and other sinful ways of man, God is true love and he will help you to understand people. If you need someone who understands email me at
2007-01-21 16:01:14 UTC
I hear what you re saying, and I understand..

You need to get off the computer and call 911 for immediate help..

If you are serious, then do not hesitate to call right now..

Dont put off something this serious...

the operator on the 911 line will dispatch help to you tonight, immediatly...
2007-01-21 15:54:28 UTC
Sounds like you need to really talk to your parents or an adult that you can trust to take you seriously and will help you. Go to a priest or go check yourself into a hospital. You only get one life. What is so bad that it is worth killing yourself over? How old are you anyway?
2007-01-21 15:57:13 UTC
Please go to an Emergency Room; tell them what you have posted here. Don't allow anyone to talk you out of going to the ER. You can be treated whether family or friends want it to happen or not.
Wanda R
2007-01-21 16:09:02 UTC
My Dear Friend, I feel your pain and weakness. I do not know what brought you to this point, But I do know when we are feeling at our lowest point in life where there is no where but down, Just reach up and take the Hand of God. He is with you right now. He is reaching out for you this very moment. Reach out for him, call on his name. Please let me pray with you right now. Dear Lord Jesus, Hold this dear friend in your loving arms, Comfort and release him from the painful bondage that engulfs him. Let him feel your strength and love encompass him. Lord please give him strength and purpose and let him know you are there with him now. Let your spirit fill his very being loosening the grasps of the devil who gives him the feeling of being alone and uselessness. In Jesus name I command The devil to let loose of this young friend and claim the blood of Christ over him. Thank you Lord Jesus. Amen. Believe now my friend, Hang on to the Hand of God and let him Love you. You are special and important. You are his child. He loves you and will help you through this mess. I believe he sent me to this place to see your message, to pray with you.. You are loved. and Your are a child of God. God Bless you.
2007-01-21 15:52:34 UTC
2007-01-21 15:52:23 UTC
aww.. don't die, don't harm yourself.

you don't know how much is affects people when someone commits suicide.

all you need is love right. so talk to someone you trust.

you only get to live this life once.

make the most of it.

good luck.
2007-01-21 19:37:02 UTC
please save your own life call your local crisis hotline or just dial 911 Ive been where you are I care! If ihad succeded with suicide I would have missed out on SO much of what I needed ,My wife ,my first child my chance to be alive,someone once told me life is a gift thats why they call it the present .I have PTSD and I struggle with it every damn day but still i must face things one day at a time PLEASE CALL 911!!!!!!!!!!
2007-01-21 15:52:27 UTC
I know alot of people going through what your going through, it runs in my family. But the worst thing you can do is forfeit and lost the battle of life. Stay in there. Please. If you have a bad doctor maybe switch.
2007-01-21 16:05:35 UTC
Call own Jesus He can and will come to your rescue...You are precious in His sight...Why are you wanting someone to notice you and your state of mind...It is called self worth..And being happy.Imagine the suffering you would place own your mothers heart and all who love you...God bless you and pray...And call own Jesus know one can do this for you. you have to do it for your self...If you want help that is who you talk to....Satan is leading you if your feeling like this..Not Jesus but Jesus can save you...Lay your burdens own Him and let Him deal with the demon that is tormenting you...
2007-01-21 15:52:32 UTC
I'm not being rude, but you need professional help. You can check yourself into a hospital if you are suicidal and they will get you the help you need. Please, don't hurt yourself. There is help out there and people that do genuinely care.
Poker Face
2007-01-21 15:56:17 UTC
Stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself about your problems.Good luck and merry christmas in 11 months.
2007-01-21 15:54:07 UTC
Just speak up a little louder and talk to your parents about it, they should be able to get you some help.
One Hand One Heart
2007-01-21 16:16:09 UTC
I hear ya and if you want to talk I'm all ears, shoulders and kleenex.
2007-01-21 15:52:18 UTC
go to a shrink and get on some antidepressants
2007-01-21 16:05:52 UTC
go to your gp and take a copy of this post. he/she will take you seriously after reading this. please get some help. only a professional can help you - none of us. good luck
2007-01-21 16:11:18 UTC
Remember that the world doesn't revolve around YOU!
2007-01-21 15:50:57 UTC
y dont you jus call the suicide prevention line?
2007-01-22 01:14:30 UTC
I hear bridge jumping is popular these days.......good luck!!!!!!!
Pauly W
2007-01-21 17:05:16 UTC
I think you should get some help ASAP!!!!
Wild Honey
2007-01-21 17:02:40 UTC
take your meds.

I read all your "best answers" given to others and you don't sound all that depressed.
2007-01-21 16:07:03 UTC
i am here let's talk

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.