Google: "chat rooms + forums + support groups; cerebral palsy" and check them out. Try I know that is for those with mental health problems, but I'm unaware of any similar for cerebral palsy, although there is nothing to stop you from starting a group, at Myspace, Yahoo, or Google, or a free website at for that purpose, and occasionally post a question here: "Are you aware that there is now ...
The five simple rules to be happy:
1. Free your heart from hatred.
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.
An old Spanish saying goes: "There is no happiness; there are just moments of happiness". A more recent American one goes: "Most folk are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be."
So you want to be happy? : stop chasing happiness and feel good - most of the time
by Sherwood, Peter. New Holland, 2004.
The happy plan : the complete diet and lifestyle plan for natural happiness
by Yabsley, Charmaine.
Collins & Brown, 2006.
"Better than Chocolate 50 proven ways to feel happier": Siimon Reynolds. Penguin Books. ISBN 0 14 300296 1 (THE SPELLING IS CORRECT!)
Why Your Life Sucks, by Alan N. Cohen. This book helps you focus on the ways we sabotage our own happiness.
Check out Use the relaxation methods at or
or and/or Tai Chi, Qi Gong, or yoga. Also where there are several to choose from.
Some people are still dismissive of them, but scientific testing has demonstrated conclusively that they increase activity in the left prefrontal cortex, when practised regularly, and will enable you to find a way of being; awareness, without suffering, when you need it, and is a valuable means of helping you through the worst parts of life. Learn them at least a few hours apart, and preferably on different days, in the morning, or early afternoon. Use the one you find most effective.