When you state that she is on drugs do you mean medication or do you mean illegal substances? I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and at the time of my diagnosis was heavily using cocaine . When I quit using Cocaine "mysteriously" My bipolar behavior disappeared. Giving me the belief that my "disorder" was directly related to using drugs. When I was "using" my behavior was eratic,to say the least,I had a very short temper and an even shorter attention span.(which doctors tried to say it was ADHD)If you do not know how cocaine affects the brain I will give the the quick summary. Cocaine causes the brain to accelerate the production of dopamine when the user is coming down off of the cocaine "high" the brains output of dopamine is hampered because it was working "overtime" to increase dopamine when the person was using. Thus the "high" now becomes a "low" . And it causes mood swings and all things associated with the brains decreased output of the dopamine.And because of the information I just gave you cocaine is a mentally addicting drug. Being that it also affects ones coping skills. Now if your family member is using METH. That is a whole otherr ball of wax. There is a 92% relapse rate and the horror stories that I have heard people tell and have seen are unbelieveable.
If her son is in danger becaiuse of being in an "unstable" enviornment it is your duty not only to the boys mother but the poor child involved. It will force her to make a decision.
1. Is it more important to continue using and have a pity party for myself and complain about my miserable life.
2. Quit using drugs and realize that her son is the MOST IMPORTANT thing in her life and that he needs his mother to be a mother.
My mother chose the first answer and it affected me for a very very long time.(25 years)Causing me(I do not blame her,BTW) to follow the same path have a fear of commitment.And a fear of accepting responsibility and having people count on me.
Please help that poor boy. He can not help himself. And it SHOCKS me that your other family members do not feel the immediate need to get "involved".AS far as your family "falling for her lies" they are totally enabling her and they KNOW the truth but are turning a blind eye.In hopes that she will pull out of her tailspin on her own. I can tell you from personal experience she won't until it is forced on her one way or another.
My uncle was just like you in trying to help me when I was a kid (and too young to understand) . And I am eternally thankful to him for him doing what he did for me.
So if anything know that when your nephew is older he will understand what and why you HAD to do what you are diong /done. And he ,too , will be greatful for getting him out of a volitale messed up situation.
It got so bad that my mom was taking me to the bars with her(I was 7 years old at the time) to meet her "boyfriend" instead of being a mom. Please don't let it happen to your nephew.
God Bless You,Friend
Additional info.
your family is definately in denial about her situation. And are afraid of being responsible enough to give tough love. Hell watch the show "Intervention" on A&E.
If she is trying to break into your home it isn't for grocery money......................