2013-03-18 17:47:55 UTC
Right. I've always been a positive person, I'll have sad days and there was a time 2 years ago I cried so hard for about 10 hours because I realised how lonely I was (I don't have real close friends near to where I live, I survive off of my parents and "mates"), except that I've always been positive. I'm one of the most talkative people and I'm up for anything, extremely excitable and have a lot of motivation (e.g I can do an essay to good standard really last minute, I just get sh*t done).
However I've also had a sort of social anxiety (undiagnosed!), I got bullied quite badly during primary/high school (I went to 4 primary schools due to military background) and had some bad social experiences as a kid, so now I get anxious around people I don't know to a crazy level, I'm too anxious to try and make friends (though I do manage to get mates though in college I made about one I was so lonely and still am) and my hands sweat like god knows what.
Basically, I've always been happy, but recently I started seeing a guy and he was absolutely perfect, it wasn't for long so sounds ridiculous (literally 2 weeks), but stuff went down and he stopped meeting me (he has a pretty bad mental disorder-takes antidepressants) .... I cried for a month every. single. day. and this wasn't just a bit tearful this was actual weeping in my bedroom, I didn't go out or interact in social situations (except about 3 times I got dragged to do mini karaoke in a bedroom and went out for a night out - only went because he would be there). I was an absolute mess. Even before I didn't get to see him, if I thought I wouldn't see him one night I would cry because it was such a good match, I haven't experienced love before, and I didn't want to lose what could be something great.
After a month I met and chatted with him for about an hour, went home, cried. I saw him a few days later two nights in a row and it was so lovely, but he text me saying to not wait for him cause he can't see me and won't be with me. I broke down like god knows what. Also the day before I broke down because he said he might not be able to see me. I was so distraught I wanted to overdose on something. I've had suicidal thoughts twice or three times now since this stuff went down which scares me, as I've ALWAYS been SO SO against self-harm/depression. I know I won't take my life I'm too worried about pain/my family, but I completely lose the will to live. I realise I have nothing except my mum and dad, life is bleak, I feel hopeless that nothing will get better, love is all I need and I won't have it, I have so much love to give but nobody to give it to. The only reason I didn't was because a friend had asked if I wanted to try cannabis that night and I wondered if it would make me feel better. For this whole time I have been drinking a lot on my own and smoking cigarettes when I'm feeling reckless, I went for a run in the dark in a fairly dodgy area, I went on shopping sprees alone running around like a mad woman, I become desperate to get drunk and take drugs and I have a pretty high libido, except when I'm on a low, in which case I don't want any unless it's from him. I've looked into buying some things I shouldn't from a mate.
It's like I'm either in a horrible place (I've actually started knowing when it's going to come on and I have to force myself not to think about anything and stop myself crying), where I cut my own hair, get drunk, sob like someone's died, don't interact, I didn't eat much at all for a couple of weeks and missed a lot of university lectures because I had zero energy/motivation, OR I'll have better days, where I go on these shopping sprees alone, I feel almost unstoppable, I feel like I can do my essays well in no time at all, I want to go out at night and experiment and I talk loads and I'm really really energetic and up for anything.
I don't know what's wrong with me but the uncontrollable crying to the point I'm nearly screaming with distress and the thoughts of taking too many paracetamol and doing drugs have made me think it's something more. I know I have at least a slight anxiety and/or slight OCD because I repeat things during phases (light switches, blinking, sniffing, taking sips etc), but I looked into different disorders and manic depression seemed all so familiar, with the phases of being unstoppable/reckless/spontaneous (though I'm like this most of the time) and then these newer phases of completely horrific down times where I don't want to be alive anymore.