Please help me I want to kill myself?
2013-09-28 12:01:50 UTC
I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like suicide is the answer to what I'm dealing with. I have urges to harm myself and kill myself all the time and I can't take this anymore. I daydream about killing myself. Self harm used to be a distraction from my suicidal thoughts but that doesn't hurt enough anymore to be a distraction.
I think I have anxiety and depression.
I'm 16. Please help me. I don't know what to do. I can't talk to my parents because they think I'm better and they'll freak out. I attempted suicide last year.
Please help me. I don't know what to do and I'm so scared.
64 answers:
2013-09-28 12:35:00 UTC
If you did not recieve help after your suicide attempt last year, do yourself a favor and seek help with a therapist now. It is not too late to feel better. It would be better to tell your parents the truth - that you are not better than to have them realize it after another attempt. Suicide hurts everyone involved. To the people on the sidelines, they wonder how they could have missed the signs or not realized you were still hurting. Do yourself a favor and speak honestly to your parents for help. Once you are honest about your thoughts and feelings, then you can begin to heal the pain.

Stay safe!

counselor KA
2014-02-24 17:09:55 UTC
You should think of the possibility that its probably a medical condition and go check out yourself to some doctor. Also having in mind that your 16 you are probably having a hard time at school or something. There is no reason for you to be scared it is normal to have these thoughts when you re depressed. If i were you i would talk to a professional in order for him to help you through your problems. And even if it freaks them out you should talk with your parents. Life isnit that bad and believe it goes by really fast so enjoy it. Write down whats making you feel depressed than conversate with someone that you trust and feel safe to express yourself if such a person isnt in your life then try talking to your parents or friend. Where theres a problem there is always a solution whether it has to do with your appearance or whether it has to do with problems that you go through in your everyday life. If you cant solve the problem and you tried there is no need to take such fatal measures youd did what you could therefore you have to come in terms with it an move o with your life. We all have problems but killing ourselfs is never the solution. There are so many wonderful things out there that cannot be experieced when you re a corpse ;) I hope i helped and i hope you re ok if you have a particular problem just post in on this page and i am sure that everybody will be willing to help and support you :)
2013-09-28 15:15:15 UTC
I was going to end it all after about 18 months after a loved one died suddenly via suicide January 2010.

I had the noose over a door and an electrical appliance plugged into me to make sure.

I'm not exactly certain what happened between that moment of life and death that saved me.

However i mentally came round with the thought in my head "For better Or Worse No One Is Ever Alone" which is so true by the response you are getting here from many that care for you and love you.

Still to this day i have depression bouts & illogical dreams over the bereavement as i never properly came to terms with the death..

If only you knew how much you're needed and loved you'll find it a saviour.

I'm not a religious church visitor nor am i an atheist but i do acknowledge there's a reason for me being here and i also acknowledge there's a reason for you also being here therefore speak with, be with your loved ones that care for you for with them you may find the answer to being happier and less stressed out.

Be safe and strong and NEVER alone.

Love and best wishes
2016-11-12 12:00:12 UTC
Wanting To Kill Yourself
shawn p
2013-12-26 16:52:35 UTC
The only reason you feel this way is because you don't know any other way and sometimes for many people on the struggle this is just what happens.....theres a big world out there and trust me, from travelling this world for 12 years the world is a great place. YOU are someone who is designed for a purpose...and just because you don't yet know what your purpose is and just because you think the world is a *****...the reality is that you are in a place.........and that's just what it is a place........and when you see the door and walk through it you will see that there are infinite possibilities to what your capable of and that is my friend the way things are......just because you dont see it yet dosent mean its there. Wear different goggles!!,It dosent mean that you should give up....the answer to your problems is and always has been right there next to you. you just need to let go of your past, your wins and losses and see what you are about. you are meant to be seldf contained anything you aquire on the way is just a bonus but i will say to you now the answer to your life is in the bad **** you and the good that you do.....there is energy there like there is with everyone, you just need to see it and understand and respect it and enjoy it x
2013-09-28 12:14:54 UTC
I want you to think for a second or two about what you have done in the past that makes you feel good about yourself. Of course not right now, but I want you to think as far as you could possibly remember, what you did that made your existence worth while.

You could have done many things. You could have played a musical instrument, you could have done some community service, you could have went to a party or two with some friends of yours. You could have done plenty of things. We, humans, are fortunate enough to enjoy our lives than most other mammals. If you haven't done any of these things, it's alright.

It is far from being too late to do some of the things you want, acquire any skills that you want. Getting involved will almost guarantee less depression. You can go as slow, or as fast as you want. After all, it's your life. As for anxiety, I'm pretty sure that you can see a counselor or a peer mediator for something like that.

Just know that it is way too early for you to give up on life, especially within this time period.
2013-09-28 15:32:39 UTC
I am sorry you are going through this, I have been there and long had thoughts up until 2004 and I also have OCD and Generalized Anxiety. Things have gotten much better and I would have destroyed many lives around me had I committed suicide. You mention people who could use your organs but they can use other people's as your loved ones would be destroyed. Also, it is a sin and we don't know what punishment could come in the next life after a suicide and if it could be eternal.

I encourage you before acting on anything to call 1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-273-TALK. I had to once and it helped remarkably. You can express all these feelings to them and share anything you choose to. Also, if you have family or close friends you could seek them out for help, in my case it was my father as my mother was unstable and I was more comfortable going to my father.

Please consider these thoughts and call 1-800-SUICIDE / 1-800-784-2433; Call 1-800-273-TALK / 1-800-273-8255.

Good luck and my prayers to you. Please do not commit suicide as the consequences are too grave and life does get better as hard as that is to see right now. I know it is tempting as I have been there and wanted to do it.
2013-11-05 19:30:43 UTC
Please Please think this through. You will never get a second guess after you commit.

Last year my principal at our school hanged herself 5 days before Christmas. I cannot even explain the sorrow in that school. Everyone wondered why they didn't see this coming and they were all extremely hard o the selves for not noticing the signs. She had 1200+ students and co workers mourning her death when we should have been happy for the Christmas break. To this day i still see her hanging there from her basement ceiling from a rope. Suicide effects everyone around you and it doesn't make anything better. Just talk to a friend or a random teacher at school. you have so much to live for and later on in life you won't even be able to remember what happened when you were 16.

Look forward to seeing you happy in the future,

Mike Z
2013-09-28 13:15:07 UTC
PLEASE DON'T KILL YOURSELF!! YOU HAVE SO MUCH TO LIVE FOR. I used to go through what you are going through. I had depression and anxiety from severe bullying and the death of my family (They all died in a fire-I survived) I was so depressed I was suicidal, I thought about killing myself all the time and I tried to 4 times. Luckily I'm still here and I'm happy. I'm happily married and I am expecting a child. It was not easy but I found people to help me. Tell your parents, they love you so much. If they freak out its cause they care for you and want you better. There is light at the end of the tunnel and its not death. Sweetie, things will get better. Have faith!! <3
2014-01-27 20:22:59 UTC
I know how you feel, like you i too am 16 years old. My life has always been hell, i always had anxiety and depression. Don't be scared though ignore all those people saying that suicide isn't the way out, personally i'm an atheist and i don't believe in god but once you find out about all those lies that you will go to hell after you kill yourself are not true, you will find that killing your self isn't that bad. I do however acknowledge that you must have a strong reason upon doing so, not just because your boyfriend/girlfriend left you.
bobbi deena
2013-09-28 12:14:57 UTC
Relax dear, things will be get better. In this situation you really need to talk to someone.if you like, you can talk to me:) Sometimes the problems causing our anxiety are a lot smaller than what they seem like in our minds.

I'm not going to judge or blame you for wanting to commit suicide. I would however like to know why. Why don't you try an online help forum? You are not alone, kidshelp phone also can help you.

You rock, and you deserve to live. These kinds of feelings aren't a disease, it is not easily treated, it does not simple "get better" after only one year.

If you need a friend, worry not. The Y!A community is here for everyone.
2013-09-28 14:57:01 UTC
Just remember that the teen years are the absolute worst time of your life. I'm surprised any of us survive it. You are struggling with so much stress, pressures, changes... Your body and mind are trying to cope but ... it's hard, dealing with unpredictable hormones and roller coaster emotions.

The brain is a very complicated and delicate thing. It can get messed up and be unable to produce any or enough serotonin. This is called a chemical imbalance which is easily treated, very common and nothing to be ashamed of.

It can cause depression, anxiety, panic, obsession, self harm/self hatred, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, sleeping problems, aggression/rage, anger, phobias, fears, helplessness, hopelessness, hypochondria, ADHD, paranoia, OCD, headaches, lack of interest in things, lack of motivation/ focus and much more.

Ask a dr. for anti-depressants. Zoloft/Sertraline is a good one; most people thrive on it and it has no side effects. With antidepressants, you will be much better, happier, calmer, confident, relaxed and feel normal. What a difference it makes!

According to nearly everyone who’s been to therapists, they don’t help much. They aren’t even allowed to prescribe appropriate meds to help you get better. Don’t stop taking the meds once you start to feel better. You need them, so stay on them.

But meds can do only so much. God is the ONLY one who knows what you’re thinking, how you’ve struggled and what you’re going thru. He loves you passionately and wants to be your BFF. He has a super deluxe custom made plan for your life that’s beyond anything you ever dreamed of.

BUT He waits for us to ask. Invite Him into your heart; ask Him to take over your life and your problems. You will feel so much better. You are His special masterpiece. He planned for you before He even created the universe.

Watch Him ease the stress and give you peace in it's place. He is on YOUR side. He never stops thinking about you. His thoughts toward you are more than the grains of sand on the beach (Psalm 139).

Find a big, HAPPY church, attend some groups and have fun. Talk with the pastor or youth pastor; he has more wisdom than you or I. And where else can you get counseling for free? Troubled people need PEACE. A good pastor can show you how to have perfect peace.

God loves you more than you can possibly imagine!! :)
2013-09-28 12:42:14 UTC
Please ask your parents to make you an appointment to see a doctor immediately. If you have to, walk yourself into the nearest ER. You are clearly suffering from clinical depression and you CAN be helped. There is no instant cure... but you can feel ok again. Exercise (outside!), Healthy Eating (no caffeine, no sugar!), Quality Sleep, Vitamin D supplement (helps with depression) and Meditation combined have proven to help people with anxiety and depression. Therapy and meds (if needed) also help. It's very difficult to think logically when you're depressed, but you sound like an intelligent, compassionate, kind soul... we need you on this crazy planet of ours so please fight for your right to be here!

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (free online chat):
2013-09-28 14:29:36 UTC
if you cant talk with parents talk with someone else. an consuler teacher friend. someone at least. never giv up on life becuase of some problems which i know are roguh to deal with. i have depressiona nd anxietty and other mental illness as well. one thing thouhg is to never give up. ive though about it myself but i turn it down cause god has a reason for me in life along with u and others. u are meant for the world no matter if you feel like you dont belong here. you do. never let life slip away . i would defintly talk with a consuler is best and they can give u meds for depression and anxiety and hopefully in a few weeks you be bettter. best of luck to u
2013-09-28 15:14:44 UTC
Hey, Im 16 too. I have those thoughts too, and and I do that as well, but what I do is light a candle and talk to a friend. You can even chat to a random stranger, just dont give out personal information. Just the best thing to do is to talk to someone. If I could, Id talk to you to help you. C: stay strong
2013-09-28 14:17:55 UTC
Look,im 14 and you probably think I'm too young to understand but i knoe the feeling.

I also attempted last year,but no-one knows.

Imagine how your family&friends would feel? imagine your teachers or people that see you around school,it'd make a massive impact on them. And if you do it someone close to you might feel what you feel right now. I know its awful and you think the only way you'd be better is being dead. but its not. tomorrow could be the bestest day of your life? you'd never know?!. Just please smile:). It hurts me to know you feel this way.

You could write tasks down to be happy on sticky notes and stick them all across your room?

I hope i helped<3.
2013-09-28 12:41:13 UTC
I think you have anxiety and depression too - and it's not a crime to be ill this way!

I used to get anxiety when I was your age. Now that I think back I realise that my mum was VERY upset when I told her - so yes telling your parents may make them very sad and unhappy that you aren't better. BUT I can tell you what would absolutely destroy them - if you kill yourself without even telling them how you feel and giving them a chance to get you some treatment.

PLEASE PLEASE do not take your own life. A workmate of mine killed himself one Christmas - just a workmate - not even someone I was close too but it was literally YEARS before I stopped blaming myself for not "doing something" to help. And I didn't even KNOW he was feeling suicidal!

Your parents will never ever get over it if you kill yourself. Please believe me. In fact we had a case in my county where a girl killed herself, and then so did both her parents, one after the other, because they couldn't get over losing her. Tell your parents, - it may hurt and upset them now, but it will be nothing like the absolute agony they will suffer if you should kill yourself. I know it feels like you have no alternative right now, but with therapy, drugs, treatment, you will get through this and put it behind you.
2013-09-28 12:22:26 UTC
Hi dear, try to get a help from a good doctor. because, in my opinion, u really a want a help from a good doctor.try to tell any other trustable person in ur family, good friends, or get a help from school councellor etc., after that, try to busy u at all time. be strong, do exercise, play games, read good books, listen music with earphone, chat with ur friends, do swimming, walking , choose garden, go for an outing etc., feel better, don't think too much. have faith and have a successful life GOD BLESS U.
2014-04-17 13:51:21 UTC
just kill yourself.

Iv wanted to since iv been 14 and attempted a few times - hardly anyone knows.

Im now 33 and still feel the same.

lifes a waste of time. Hopefully soon my next attempt will be the last and works.

PS - God dont exist, if he did people wouldnt suffer
2015-08-04 12:00:34 UTC

Please help me I want to kill myself?

I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like suicide is the answer to what I'm dealing with. I have urges to harm myself and kill myself all the time and I can't take this anymore. I daydream about killing myself. Self harm used to be a distraction from my suicidal thoughts but that...
2014-07-11 09:56:19 UTC
There is NO reason on this earth as to why i have purpose. None whatever. Unless it was to be mistreated, hurt, in mind and body, and abused in every way possible. Its my fate. Now i have lost my job, and my wife and daughter hate me. Theyre out just now, but when they get home they'll find me dead i hope. I just cant live this miserable shameful existence that is my lot in life. Given the choice; i choose death. This world has nothing to offer, but misery, brutality and hardship. Dont anyone start on about "gods plan for me"; there is no god, and there is no plan. I want an exit.

Its totally untrue that "life is what you make it", my life is a misery, caused by other people. I have no choice, its my fate.
2013-09-28 12:07:31 UTC
Don't!i know it might seem like the answer right now but it's not!things will get better!imagine how your parents and relatives would feel if you passed away?and what about friends?suicide is never the answer,talk to someone!good luck.
2014-04-04 10:35:13 UTC
Add your answerthere's no going back if u do this. just remember there's people who would long to have a life like u have, u should appreciate it and not waste it. we all feel this way at times, yours has just gone on a little longer. open your eyes. imagine seeing someone in a car crash and the expressions on the faces of the family members in the car with them. they weep and weep, they pray and beg, they would do anything for that persons life back, and your just going to waste yours? your going to inflict that pain upon your family, parents holding there child's body, and they'll probably blame themselves for the rest of their lives and feel as you do now. see a doctor or physiatrist to sort u out, there's no shame in it. please think carefully. 2 years ago a member of yahoo posted a very long answer to a similar question, their name is 'death cab' I think, search him up if u want to read his thoughts, they are very well said and I couldn't agree more. (apologies for his name) you can see yourself u don't want, its up to u, so don't!!!

hope this helps, don't kill yourself!!!!!
2013-09-28 21:42:33 UTC
I have had two attempts.. one wasnt one i thought about.. it was a spur of the momment... and let me tell you.... it made me want to do it again. People say they 'wake up' after an attempt... but i seemed to have fell more... I know that its a generall misconception (by myself to) that suicide is the cure... I still am not sure what to do with my life.. but i know (im also 16) our lives are just starting.. its a rough starts.. but its only just begun... message me if you ever need to!
2013-09-28 13:38:57 UTC
You need to talk to someone. I can't stress this enough. If you can't face parents then book yourself a doctor's appointment. They can arrange therapy and counselling for you, and they will deal with the problem. Call a helpline and ask for advice. Talk to a trusted teacher, because teachers are there to support you and they do know about these things, you'd be surprised.

Just please get help and talk to someone.
2014-02-21 06:52:01 UTC
Having a bad attitude toward life, my friend, is like having a flat tire...if you do not change it, you will never go anywhere, and things will always be the same...have faith in yourself, you are only 16 years of age and a life to look forward not give up and talk to someone who can help get these thoughts put of your mind.
2013-09-28 12:08:55 UTC
I've felt suicidal before, like not that long ago, I don't know what to say though. You have to find something to live for, and you do, your family may not seem like it but they would be distraught without you, they love you. You just gotta keep calm and carry on as they say.

Having a job really helped me as I have something to get up for and I reason to live on, I'm doing something with my life.

You will be fine I hope, I'm sure lots of people care and love you <3
2013-09-28 12:10:55 UTC
There are many options to turn to. Tell your loved ones about the problem, they will be freaked out at the moment but they will be willing to help you. Go to the local church and talk to the priest or what ever religious leader you would consider. I have read many situations like this on yahoo answers and they all seem to be at the same age. You will grow out of it.

Now, think of your family. Do you love them? If you do, make them your goal to stay alive. It would be very selfish to kill yourself because it will make them very heartbroken and sad. Just a thought.
Miss T
2014-03-15 10:53:22 UTC
This question was posted 6 months ago and I hope you got the help you needed. This is a good article from a spiritual standpoint.
2013-11-26 05:23:07 UTC
I want to too... I feel like God hates me because no matter what I do he doesn't answer and people don't say he gives us opportunities because what I've faced through there is no opportunity.. I want to kill myself too
2013-10-14 13:29:28 UTC
Im sorry to hear that :( I know its hard but you need to talk to someone, talk to a teacher at school that you can trust, you dont have to be straight forward about it, just say something along the lines of "Mr/Ms (insert name here) I have a friend who feels like she wants to kill herself, what should that friend do ?" OR "What if a student wants to hurt themselves, how would that student get help?"

Please get some help , you have alot to live for :) whatever you're going through right now, its going to get better one day .
2013-09-28 14:52:17 UTC
Dont kill yourself. Live and to hell with depression. OK. Get a job.Make money. Make love. Help yourself. Help others. ok. Self pity is not the way to go. You have two feet. Stand on them ok. Chemicals in your brain are telling you to kill yourself. Godamned start living...OK
2013-09-28 15:59:51 UTC
You're 16, you're still very young!! Go see a doctor or something they'll help you! But don't kill yourself!
2013-11-21 02:06:53 UTC
I'll help you. Grab a goat, some stairs and a shovel; and meet me in the toilets at 7:31pm precisely.
2013-09-29 09:13:56 UTC
Talk to someone. Now! Do you know what effect you killing yourself will have on others? Your mother, father? Friends? Teachers? Every single one of them will feel guilty! Don't do it you have a long life ahead of you don't blow it!
2013-09-28 12:36:29 UTC
If you're seriously worried that you might harm yourself, you need to see someone and get help. Even if it would worry your parents all over again, it's better than hiding it and risking your own life.
2014-01-04 10:14:16 UTC
You're young and your hormones are playing a very influential part in your life right now. Mood swings are common and depression often develops as a side-effect. Please, tell your parents. They would rather deal with your problems then deal with the emotional pain of burying their child.
Broken Record
2013-09-28 12:25:42 UTC
This is proof that self harm was useless in the first place

Why don't you tell your parents that you need help. Tell someone who can get you help in person. Not yahoo
2013-09-29 16:32:16 UTC
I wish we could switch problems but guess what we cant you need to find someone to vent to and get psychiatrist. Also tell your parents I bet they would much rather be helping you face this t hen to come home and their son dead
2013-09-28 17:49:35 UTC
I think all what you need to do is to have faith about God and try to read his words especially THE QUARAN you will find your answers there trust me i know much people like you or more than your situation and now feel better .
2014-01-24 21:21:02 UTC
Just waiting for the pain pills to kick in...should not be much longer!

Then I will just get sleepy and never wake up again!

No more more life!

Finally over!
2013-09-29 11:59:03 UTC
Please don't! You may feel like you need to but think about those who care and love about you, they would be devastated if committed suicide. Maybe you could go to a doctor or talk to somebody you really trust.
2014-02-08 19:46:33 UTC
Listen, I understand how you feel, I went threw it, talk to a counseled, sorry I am no help BYE and don't DIE
2013-09-28 12:32:50 UTC
You must see your doctor. It is scary but it can be dealt with, you need the help. You have to tell your parents, the sooner the better.
2013-09-28 12:08:37 UTC
Hi me,

I think your best action is to phone the Samaritans day or night. You will get immediate anonymous help.

I do hope this helps. David
2013-09-28 15:15:48 UTC
DON'T!!! look i have/had the same problem. calm down, and i know when people say to calm down if freaks people out more, but do. just take your m,ind off of EVERYTHING. just sit down, and concentrate on something nice and sweet. do EVERYTHING but that. its not the end. people say you just want to die, no, you want to be saved, and like, okay, you don't want to die to end it all, you might want to die because you dont want to later, okay i have that same thing. just relax, talk to someone you trust with your life. <3
2014-02-02 19:11:21 UTC
i am 16 and feel the same my mums an alcholic and my entire life i have been bullied and hurt life is **** whats the point of going on if everyone i have ever meet hates me i have no freinds my famiy hate me whats the point of living if all there is is death arguements and people who hate me
Jan C
2013-09-28 12:41:15 UTC
You need to see the Doctor. You appear to be depressed and that is not normal for a 16 year old. Please talk with a trusted adult or your school counselor. Do get help. God loves you.
2013-09-28 12:39:04 UTC
You THINK suicide is the answer? Your wrong, it only makes things worse, if you committ suicide youll go to a place much worse where theres eternal sufferi g HELL & its real! Dont kill yourself you only eliminate the chances of your life getting better. Instead seek GOD he's the answer to all your problems. Visit this website and translate to English once there. There's Audios about depression, & bipolar disorder & sooo much more. give it a chance if you really want change. I'm sure you've given plenty of other things a chance. . If you need more help feel free to email me!
2013-09-28 15:27:27 UTC
Please call the suicide hotline! I have been through what you are going through, just don't make any rash decisions, even if they seem right at this moment! Suicide is never the answer
2013-09-28 12:07:27 UTC
being suicidal and self-harmer myself, i would advice you call your local suicide hotline (08457 90 90 90). they will help you and they'll know what to do. just please, hold on for at least a little more. you won't loose anything by calling the hotline, so why dont you give it a try? please
2013-09-28 14:52:04 UTC
You should tell how you feel right away so you can get help your family will help I'm sure
Danielle A
2013-09-28 12:56:19 UTC
Why do you want to kill yourself? Think about it . Jesus died for your sins. Think about what Jesus had to go through for us. Im not trying to have church on here or nothing like that im just saying don't waste time trying to kill yourself you're 16 you have lots more things to get in life .
2013-09-29 04:05:28 UTC
Your life is precious, to everyone you know. Think before you wasted it.
2013-09-28 12:08:58 UTC
I know you don't know me but if you want to talk about it kik me k3elan. I know exactly how you feel, just don't hurt yourself its not worth it.
2013-09-28 16:10:02 UTC

they helped me when I tried to overdose
Hydro sKunK
2014-06-12 15:37:08 UTC
Im lookin for the support to kill myself too. Its not easy for as everybodys too selfish to agree with wat u want.
2013-09-28 12:04:23 UTC
Calm down pls..... and visit a dr..... u maay have some mental related problems.... bt thats not the end of the world..... ok fine u don want to tell ur parents.... fine bt at least u can go and viait a psychiatrist. ...... pls don hurt your self....
2013-09-28 12:11:32 UTC
Get on your knees right now in your closet and cry out to God. Repent of any sin in your life, confess it directly to Him. If you confess your sins with your mouth and repent of your sins in your heart, Jesus Christ is faithful and just to forgive you those sins.

After that begin reading in Matthew repenting of any other sins that come to mind. Ask God to save you. As you obey God more and more He will give you joy in your heart that will surpass all understanding.

May God bless you.
2013-11-19 21:07:50 UTC
Even i wana kill myself, please suggest some easy way
2014-03-23 04:03:56 UTC
Please don't. Youre here for a reason and your beautiful. Please keep your head up.
2013-09-28 12:11:05 UTC
!!!!PLEASE READ!!!!!!!

I'm willing to help you.


Please contact me.

(This problem requires more than only a reply here, don't listen to people like @emperor. Just mail me.)
2013-09-28 12:12:41 UTC
@sam is a complete moron if he thinks my advice doesn't help, it's helped dozens of people, just read it all and you'll be happy you did i promise.

NO! **** happens to everyone, but only the strong push through and come out on is so wonderful, are you really going to throw it all away? don't you want to have a family or continue your family lineage? do your ancestors mean nothing to you? Do you not care that you could really hurt your loved ones by doing this? What if they decide to do the same? do you not care about experiencing true happiness? you can by working for it. the first step is taking my advice:

You need to get your mind off it. Exercise is the best way, especially sports like karate or boxing that will toughen you up as a bonus. Else try video games or rock climbing or w/e. speak to a counselor, and talk to your family about this, talking makes everything better. Only a real human recognizes when they need help. What I always do when I’m sad is watch vine or cat videos and such, or read mike Tyson quotes. The past is the past, wondering about it accomplishes nothing. it's the future that's important. Focus on the present. You’ll never get anywhere in life if you care about what randoms say about you; you need to ignore all hater. You need to stay strong and slam on, that’s the ticket to success.

You’re not a waste of space, everyone is special, and everyone has the potential for greatness, just like you. Stop sulking over problems that does nothing. No one ever got anywhere by crying about it. Use your humility earned from suffering to be a batter person. You are very lucky, you know what pain is, and you know how to avoid it. Looks are meaningless and can be changed with surgery or exercise, a good heart is what matters. Once you have that, you’ll need nothing else. You’re just a person- everyone is just a person, yet many have done incredible things and lived incredible lives. You could be next, you just need to believe, and then achieve. All you need in life to succeed is willpower. If you don’t like yourself, CHANGE yourself. If you want something, TAKE it. Everyone is born with a unique range of talents different from others; you just need to find them and use them to achieve greatness. Ignore all haters; let nothing stand in your way, just like heroes of yore. If you want a purpose in life, try helping others for a change. Lots of people are suffering in the world- and you have the power to help them it’s expected if you're religious. If you do good in the world, then everything will work out for you. Consider lions club international which is a great club where you get to not only help others out, but also meet new friends and potential lovers. It’s great in every way. Or you could even join the police. Don’t be a random good for nothing anybody like everyone else. Be different, be superior. Don’t let evil win.

Remember that killing yourself is a selfish coward’s act, and you'll go to hell for it. So many people are suffering in the world, are you just going to ignore them, and kill yourself? Are you so evil you don’t care about the suffering of others? What about your family and friends? Have some balls man. Or are you a little p()ssy?

You think you have it rough? There are people with infinitely greater problems, take a look at these types of videos, they’re guaranteed to cheer you up: , if they’re missing limbs yet still get by in life, then you sure as hell can to! Cherish what you have. Most people don’t. As a last resort you could convert to religion, it usually helps. Priests do everything in their power to help others; you’d be among good selfless people who would only want the best for you in Christianity.

don't give up ,life is so beautiful, so full of love and joy and purity, you just have to fight for it first.

if you ever want to talk just email me, i'll help you in any way i can, i mean it. Just remember to ---UNBLOCK YOUR ACCOUNT STUFF--- so I can reply to you back : )
2014-01-15 02:57:12 UTC
do it do it

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.