2015-06-23 21:17:03 UTC
I hate this mundane existence, i hate being a slave to society and working most of my days away for minimum wage, washing freaking dishes by the boat load, making soups, and other sh!t, i hate my job , going to bed and doing it all over again just to get by, i have no purpose , nothing to live for, nothing to work towards, i am NOTHING!, i don't know what the fck to do either, i'm almost 23, i feel lost and without a reason to live this horrible life, like i want to break this depression, i'm on anti depressants already but idk what to do
120 answers:
2015-07-04 11:00:03 UTC
You say nothing about hobbies, sports or any interests at all outside of work. Unless you are working all your waking hours then you do something else besides 'work'. What are those something elses?

If your answer is 'nothing' or 'watch T.V.' or 'mess about on the internet' etc. then I'm not at all surprised that you are depressed. I would be also.

When you arrive home from work - unless it is impossible to do this - eat something and then go for a walk (regardless of the weather unless it's a horrendous storm). Just get some fresh air into your lungs and give yourself time to think without working at the same time or staring at a screen of one kind or another. Don't take a 'phone with you on these walks. Just relax and look around you. Say hello to a few people you pass. Start with short walks but increase them gradually. Your lungs need fresh air and your legs need brisk exercise to improve your circulation.

When you go back home don't go back to doing what you normally do - do something else - read a book or the newspaper. Start thinking about a hobby or learning something new (this will all be governed by how many hours the job takes out of your day of course) but start making small changes in your life NOW and then they'll become bigger changes.

The more different things you can introduce to your life the more different will become your conversations with others. You will become more interesting and you could make different friends because you are interesting. Having new friends could change your whole life.

Your job will still be a major part of your every day because we all have to earn a crust but you'll have more interesting things to share will people and, as you become a different person yourself it will become easier to try to find different work. Interesting and confident people are much easier to interview and to employ and those who don't use expletives in everyday language are more likely to be employable than those who do. At interviews never give one word answers unless you are told to answer that way.

There are lots of small things which you can do to make your life better - things which no-one else can do for you.
2015-07-06 17:18:54 UTC
Can you look for a new job ? If you are a good worker, show up on time etc., your managers can give you a decent reference. On your days off, can you put in an application some where else for a different type of job ? Call Centers are easy places to get work. You sit at a desk with a head set and answer calls. You go thru training and are given a manual. It's really structured. It is not as stressful as working at a restaurant.

You usually only work 40 hrs a week.

Also how long have you been on those meds ? I recently got off my meds because they were making me too tired. Also the meds were giving me suic*** thoughts! I am now on just a mild anti anxiety med.

I have had jobs where you work non stop, you come home go to sleep and do it all over again.

It is also really tough to get a break to get a decent job.

Seems like w/ your current job : it may not be a good fit for you. If they are working you to death like that, you may want to look for something where you like the environment more - where it is not a SWEAT SHOP.

Qualify of life makes a huge difference. (not just the pay).

I also hate my current job but am doing it for the work experience and pay.

I don't get a break to look for new work either. Plus I have some other personal responsibilities that are weighing me down !

Take care of yourself like eat well, exercise, rest. When you have some clarity and free time, put in some applications. If you have connections somewhere, maybe you can get a lead. is a good job hunting site and Ask your friends, who is hiring.

Don't give up on life. The meds are really tough - they bring you down ! Keep taking one day at a time and fighting for your life. One advantage you have is your young age ! You must have tons of energy and your whole life ahead of you.

Have you thought about becoming an outsides salesman ? Like go door to door and sell stuff ? Or working as a FedEx delivery guy ? those jobs pay decent and you are out in the field - you have autonomy. Not stuck in a restaurant or office.

Whatever you do, don't give up. There are so many of us that have horrible jobs, co workers and bosses ! Life is a b****, you are not alone.
2015-06-29 10:20:46 UTC
Maybe the antidepressant you are taking isn't working for you. See your MD and discuss your options. You may need another type of antidepressant or to add 'talk therapy' to your treatment.

Some easy ways of helping with depression are exercise and getting 8 hours of sleep. Here are some others:

I have been depressed, too but have come out of this with help from a therapist. I had to quit work for a while. I went to school for a BA in Human Services during this time. I would read my assignments then take a walk. It was a change and not boring. Maybe you need to examine your work choice and if it a big problem for you look into some other field.
2015-06-27 21:19:26 UTC
Hey dasfpaoghfj, sorry you are feeling this way. Dealing with depression can be really hard but its important to understand it so you know why you are feeling this way with life. Trust me, I deal with it as well. Know that you are not alone in feeling this way, there are so many people out there that hate their jobs and feel like they are going nowhere at your age as well. Its always good to know that. It's also important that you learn to see the positive things in life. For example there are a lot of people without a job and thus are making no income. You should be thankful! I'm pretty sure there are other things in your life that you might be thankful for. Maybe a car to commute, a place to stay, good health?? Theres always something you can appreciate in your life that others might not have. I think its pretty normal to feel lost and without a purpose as a teenager. You need to take sometime to find your calling, what makes you feel fulfilled, and what will satisfy your being that will make you feel like life is worth living again. There is something out there, you just got to look for it. Don't be too hard on yourself. Never give up, there always hope. My prayers are with you.
2015-06-23 21:27:55 UTC
It sounds like your job is the problem. If you hate it, look for something better. It's easier to get a job if you already have one. You're 23. This is just the beginning of your adult life. You can't expect a fulfilling life to fall into your lap. You have to take charge of your future, and improve it. If you want more than what you can find now, go to college. You may have to work hard, but advancement IS a purpose. It's a reason to wake up in the morning. Trust me when I tell you that it's worth it. Now go build your new life.
2015-07-02 17:39:57 UTC
One way to find some meaning is to look for even one small thing you are interested in and pursue it! I've been there, and what worked for me was the decision to take up art and listen to some great music every day. At first I could barely draw stick people, but I used youtube as a way to take art classes for free. I needed one small thing to take my mind off of the mind numbing mediocrity my life had become. I also decided to spend one hour a day after work working on a resume that would make my limited experience look better than it was and after that I spent an hour each day job searching online. You'd be amazed at the opportunities you can find when you dedicate the time to searching. Many jobs provide training, and it would be a goal to work toward, something to look forward to! Set a goal to do something more with your life and don't settle for less! Don't become complacent in a job you hate. The right job is out there, but you really have to dig hard to find it!
2015-06-29 22:36:46 UTC
Dude, I am SO with you. I feel the same way. I also have health problems though other than depression that make it 100000x more hard to even get through the day physically let alone emotionally, I'm so torn. Life needs to have a balance of work and play. You need to find more leisure activities to do on your down time. I'm sure you don't work every single day, right? If you do, you may need to change that.
2015-07-03 15:25:36 UTC
I was currently there too man. 22 years old, dropped out of school my last semester because I was so depressed. I'm on zoloft and it does help a little. What I found that really helps is going on runs. Find the time to do it man. Also, what the people above said, find something you're interested it and pursuit it or at the very lease dream about it. Keep your mind occupied with what you want to do with your life and realize that everything you are doing now is just a stepping stone to what you truly want to do. Hang in there buddy, it does get better.
2015-06-27 06:40:57 UTC
'I hate.....' is your problem really. Not the things you enumerate 'hating'. You do them for a reason: to earn money to live your life because money is a necessity. Every single thing you put on the list has another side worth doing. And, by the way: you can look out for a better job. But take your time to feel better first, because your depression will lure you with false promesses and easylooking solutions, that's what depression does.

Your depression -because depression there is- should be properly treated and taken seriously. Maybe antidepressants are'nt good enough...
2015-06-29 23:24:18 UTC
Start by removing everything in your life that make you unhappy. One thing at a time, tick these things off a list. Small steps are satisfying.

If you don't know what do, research and try something. I wanted to do sports when I was younger but always gave up on them, either because lack of motivation and training, needed to commit to a set timeplan or didn't feel like part of the group.
2015-06-24 08:16:18 UTC
You are important and there's a purpose for every life on Earth. You have to go and figure out what that purpose for you is! People have changed their lives around in there 50s, 60s, and sometimes even 70s. It's not too late for you. You have to do what makes you happy. Make a plan, determine what it is YOU want to do, not what anyone else wants you to do. Work very hard on your dream. Goals take time, but with a lot of work, you will reach them. Have fun with your dream and don't quit!
2015-06-24 13:26:38 UTC
All I can tell you is that I have been, or am in the same boat. I decided to go back to college, but honestly I feel like its just making things worse, and now i'm going to be in debt for the rest of my life. I will say this though, it's never too late to change things, I know that may not be possible atm, but don't give up. If you need a friend, someone to vent to, here is my email ashleygregory884@yahoo.
2015-06-30 15:00:23 UTC
The weather has something to do w/ this overwhelming towel throwing in feeling of being over stressedc i tink? I feel similar too.I wash dishes too. I clean all day long too. It feels good to do something at end of work to make a transition like bath after a nice walk and a good DVD to listen too after that but before completely going to sleep. We all must work if we haven't won The Lottery. Most of us are not rich and work is a part, a very big part, of the adult, and young adult life partly too. Some do mental work but most eventually all work physically once the big college ride is over we all work hard or reside on a park bench and eat out of garbage cans. But you should fin something you have a Passion for and take some time to do a little at a time to complete something w/in an area you would like to practice like sports or school or research other careers for your future that you may be interested in doing eventually like cooking school. Your job would be the perfect prep for that.Our 20's is such a time of doing and in failing or in succeeding. Therfore you must have passion in what you do and do it well whatever that may be.
2015-06-24 08:01:51 UTC
Sounds like you need a hobby. If you don't know what do, research and try something. I wanted to do sports when I was younger but always gave up on them, either because lack of motivation and training, needed to commit to a set timeplan or didn't feel like part of the group. I took up jogging one summer but that didn't last because it was too monotone, needed something else with it. I wanted something I can do on my own and that my dedication would show. I read about bodybuilding and nutrition and now I love going to the gym. There's people around me but I can train on my own.

You can also study and get a job that feels more rewarding. I've been struggling with my studying for a long time but want to finish it so that I can get the kind of qualification I want and to prove I was able to pull through all this. Education or other kind of proof for qualification (such as hygiene passport) can open up more job opportunities. The amount of work it will require feels overwhelming at times but it's also rewarding.
2015-06-25 16:02:11 UTC
I'd Love to have what you have, people have no idea how debilitating pain can be first I'm 65 and I can't do anything because of my pain. I'm sure you make more than I do on disability, I can't afford to use my a/c because my mobile home is so old. I have two dogs and I take better care of them than I do myself, but even I know there are people worse of than I am that doesn't make it any easier to put up with my extremely boring life , but I do have my life and with that there's always a chance things can get better. Just recently my 14 year old dog looked like she was going to die , but somehow she turned things around and is doing much better. You can cry and think woe is me , but just remember there people who have it much worse than you do and they still value their lives !
2015-06-29 09:24:37 UTC
You can't expect a fulfilling life to fall into your lap. You have to take charge of your future, and improve it. If you want more than what you can find now, go to college. You may have to work hard, but advancement IS a purpose. It's a reason to wake up in the morning. Trust me when I tell you that it's worth it. Now go build your new life.
2015-07-01 22:47:56 UTC
It’s easy to forget what an amazing gift life really is. Our lives are nothing but a cosmic blink. Even our seemingly all-encompassing world is just tiny blue dot circling an average sized star spiraling around a galaxy of 200-400 billion stars, which itself is just one galaxy among billions more. Yet for one brief moment, we get to experience the wonders of existence, of consciousness.

Of course, there are times when it’s difficult to feel cheery or positive – life can be difficult. If you’re having trouble seeing the cup as half full instead of half empty, reading some positive quotes about life can help you snap out of your funk. Here are some inspirational life quotes to help you see the amazing potential that life has to offer.

Having a positive outlook on life is a crucial part of finding inspiration. In the paragraph above, did you feel inspired reading about the vastness of our universe and our unique place within it, or did you feel overwhelmed and depressed at the insignificance of it all?

Our brains are wired to find things we’re looking for – if you’re always cynical or waiting for things to go wrong, then your life will reflect that. On the other hand, having a positive outlook on life will bring you joy and provide you with inspiration when you least expect it.
2015-06-23 21:25:14 UTC
Well suck it up. I don't mean to be harsh, and I know it's hard but a lot of people have it way worse than you do. Some people aren't even lucky enough to earn the money that you do to get by. Keep working hard and remember that you'll acheive a lot more with a positive attitude towards life than with telling yourself that you are nothing. Stay strong.
2015-06-24 06:28:07 UTC
Take control of your life. Consider doing something different. Look for another job or check into going to college. If you are having a difficult time with depression then seek help from a Mental Health Professional, such as a Psychologist, who can help you better understand and deal with what you are going through.

If you would like to discuss this further contact a Hotline in your area and speak with a trained counselor anytime.

Take care of you and know that your life is what YOU make it.

Stay strong,

Counselor AH
2015-06-27 18:37:24 UTC
I would hate life with a job like that too and it paying crap. Never can get anywhere its just an endless cycle of no gain or loss. Luckily I found a better job and get paid way more for less work. Granted I still have to work 8 hours but I get to sit in a chair, and 4 of those hours are me on youtube and whatnot....just taking a break....But life will get stale and old even then. You have to have things to do to enjoy. If you got friends go to the beach. The extra money helps make life better. There are a lot of problems in the world, try and fix them...
2015-07-01 10:16:45 UTC
Okay, it sounds like depression.. I have this feeling sometimes.

Some people do as well have this problem so you are not alone on this.

I don't trust anti-depressants.. maybe save some money do some courses or go invent something for the world like arts or something.

Hope that you will pick up soon and feel better. Some people have this problem too.
2015-07-05 13:58:34 UTC
have you considered online courses? You can work and take classes on your time till one day you ll finish your degree and that will open many doors. The higher an education one has, the more (monetary worth) one is worth; doctors make money by he load full and not to mention lawyers, they can win or lose a case and they still get paid. When I was attending the university, a professor stated that our paths--educational aspirations were less paid than that of a Radiologist. The entire class was dumbfounded by this statement. So why not do some research and see what courses you can take after you have determined your own path---career? Moreover, you sound like a very smart and articulate person but depressed and on meds for it. I hate prescribing meds to my clients. As an LPC, I have to refer them to a doctor for that because meds are prescribed like candy by some mental health professional over finding the source of the depression (sure, some individuals NEED meds due to their state of mind or due to a mental condition---PTSD or such).

So I am suggesting you find your reason for this depression--work, personal situation, environment, relationship, unfinished business--an unfulfilled goal or dream, etc. and try to overcome that reason or reasons (i.e., a bad job makes a person feel lost in this world, fell hopeless, unappreciated, etc.. so the reason for the depression in this case is the job which makes the person feel hopeless and unfulfilled yet he or she reminds trapped in that job due to a limited education. Then, the person must consider a solution to escape this job and that is a higher education on campus or online---technical careers have a long life and will always be in demand, academics takes a longer path to gain a degree but those jobs are highly paid.

Please consider seeing a therapist because you do have a bright future although you can t see that (depression tends to blind the person to the many paths), I can see your determination and I hope you can see that for yourself and I do hope you do consider taking online classes.

Life is not fair but you can sit there watching time pass by or change it by trying to earn a higher education to which you will find new opportunities that are endless. I hope I persuaded you to hold on and won t stop reaching for that dream you had.
2015-07-02 05:33:34 UTC
I really know how you feel. I'm a year younger than you and have dealt with depression about 1½ year without anti depressants, which I should have taken but did not. You really need a break though. Try reading about philosophy, start working out, learn about eating healthy ect. Because that's what ultimately makes me feel way better. That and philosophy. I occasionaly fall into depression but get out of it quickly thanks to working out and reading stuff.

I think you need to find your true way of life. Depression makes you feel lost so that's why I'm suggesting you to read about philosophy and life.

Books by Lao Tzu (Great Chinese Philosopher):

Tao Te Ching

The Way of Life, According to Laotzu

I hope this helps. Lao Tzu is truly a great philosopher. He will guide you to success.

Even Bruce Lee read books by Lao Tzu and quoted him sometimes.
2015-07-05 14:39:15 UTC
I used to think like this. But you cant bring yourself to quit? That means a spark isn't giving up in you and is resisting those urges. The advice I can give you man is find things that drive you, and give you that spark to live. Eventually your perception will change and you will see you will be a changed person. I feel your pain man and yes society is corrupt and everything might seem stupid. But you got lots of years ahead of you and you are pretty much making yourself a prison instead of your paradise. Do things that make you happy man, and want to succeed, **** what society thinks and what anybody else thinks. You are in this world for your own evolution. Make it count!
2015-07-05 07:34:50 UTC
dasfpaoghfj, I know exactly how you feel! Everyday you wake up to the same thing. It is a monotony of events that we become "slaves" to you fill in the blank. You have to find the reason why your life has led to such a pattern. You have the ability to make that change. You are 23 years old and still young enough to live a lifetime of experiences, except you do not realize this because you have allowed yourself to limit your mind to just your small existence. Empower yourself and feel that you and only YOU have the ability to make changes. Learn to live every moment as if it was your last one (you are too young to believe this) yet if someone were to look at you in the face and tell you that you do not have long to live, just think for a moment how would you live the last moments of your life? What would you do? How would you like to be remembered? Good luck to you. Telling you from advise from someone who has lived it.
2015-06-26 15:52:50 UTC
Are you physically healthy? If you are, that right there is SO much to be thankful for. Not being in physical pain is such a blessing in itself. But I understand, happiness is the most important. You need love. To need to realize who/what it is that you love, and you need to love yourself, and one day you will realize that you are loved by someone, even more than one person. Start with family. You may not have a good family life, but family is the bond that most affects everything about you and your life, whether you will admit it to yourself or not. Be kind, even when it's very difficult to be kind to unpleasant family members. And eventually, you will see things starting to turn around in your life. Be honest in every aspect of your life, including and especially to yourself, and finally, seek some sort of philosophy that makes sense to you and comforts you. Something that really gives life some meaning for you. Maybe buddhism, or just God himself. Good luck
2015-06-30 23:15:48 UTC
I highly recommend going to your states rehabilitation commission and find out what services are available to you. They might be able to pay most if not all of your education IF you attend a state or community college. I would also suggest volunteering at agencies to test out what type of work you would like to do before investing in an education and then finding out that is not what you want to do. I, too, have just a high school education. I volunteered many years doing what I really enjoyed doing. I put this experience on my resume in place of the paid work I did during the same period of time and listed both my paid jobs and volunteer jobs under the title "EXPERIENCE" and NOT delineating whether or not I was paid to perform the work. This worked for me. I started my career as an administrative assistant and was able to eventually work in the human service/social service field as a case manager/advocate. I was able to get paid 36K with just a high school education.
Serene E
2015-06-23 21:45:47 UTC
1. Are you still depressed? If so, you need new meds.

2 what do turn really want so with your life? Be a doctor, a therapist, an accountant? Trade schools are only two years inside of college. Going to school be a medical assistant, dental hygienist, can make $30000 starting.

3. Find religion. Loss of different religions. But they have a community, met regularly, have activities.
2015-06-27 13:42:38 UTC
Me too, but although you may feel severely depressed do not ever try committing suicide. Try and improve your life as much as you can but trust me, I have tried slitting my wrists, drug overdose, hanging myself, and (although slightly unorthodox) sanding all the skin off my face and left arm. All suicide does is leave very bad scars, emotional as well as physical. I hate my life and all I want to do is die but suicide made life in school much more depressing for me and made it very awkward for me to be around my family.

What you need to do is find a new job, gain new friends. And you need to seek professional help. I haven't even left academy yet so I can't advise too much on jobs or anything like that but I would advise professional help and maybe even try volunteering more for optional things. Try and help people out. I believe greatly in karma.

This answer may just sound like rubbish to you, and it probably is but just remember, there will always be people there for you and you'll never be as useless as me or Justin Bieber.
2015-07-03 01:46:32 UTC
I was on the same boat as you my friend a couple of years ago I was into heavy S#@!. I didn't know what to do I wanted to end it all because I had lost hope and my medications wasn't helping. I was at the point where I was going to kill myself. And one day was I was taking a shower I got on my knees crying and begged for Jesus Christ and GOD to come into my life & my heart and take the all this pain away, I can still remember that day and remember the gun on the sink . And now I am on my way to finish college and get my degree. Remember GOD loves you and he can help you just give him your heart. NO B.S.
2015-06-30 13:46:18 UTC
Go live off the grid! And take me with you :) I feel the exact same way. It's assuring though that people are waking up to the fact that it's not a way to live, in constant routine and mundane tasks and working for others. Either find your purpose and start your own business. Or just go live off the grid before that becomes illegal too.
2015-06-30 22:42:34 UTC
It sounds like your job is the problem. If you hate it, look for something better. If you hate it, look for something better. It's easier to get a job if you already have one.

If you don't know what do, research and try something. I wanted to do sports when I was younger but always gave up on them, either because lack of motivation and training, needed to commit to a set timeplan or didn't feel like part of the group.
2015-06-30 16:59:40 UTC
As you can see from all the comments here, YOU ARE NOT ALONE, people care about you- people who don't even know you. We care! Don't give up. I agree with everyone who is encouraging you to find a hobby or to do something to keep yourself and your mind active and pray, pray, pray. We may not be able to help you all the way, but God can. Pour out your heart to him and ask him to help you. HE WILL. I'll be praying for you too. Just DON'T GIVE UP!!
2015-07-02 13:58:26 UTC
Stop your pity party. What if you had to live your life as a paraplegic, confined to a wheel chair for life. Or if you were a blind person? If you hate your job, get a different one. You make your own choices in life. Maybe you could try working in the lawn and landscaping business. Or think about being a truck driver. There are other jobs besides washing dishes.
2015-06-24 16:31:10 UTC
Hey Man, been there, felt that! But now because of some medical problems, I can't work, or WALK. I have to take 28 different meds a day, get IV's every month, & give myself shots every week. If I can find a reason to live, o can you. That goes for little miss cutter too. Get real & be thankful for what you have. You never know what the next day may bring you. I've been homeless twice, & now I have a sweet little house. A few years ago I never thought I'd have a real home. Please find something to live for. Find another job!!!
unLa KEE 1
2015-06-24 08:30:56 UTC
I know what you are going thru although its slightly different. I quit a job that I absolutely loved, as far as the type of work because the people were so miserable, in fact I am still being paid by them, because I think they know that I could file a wrongful termination suit and prevail. I am absolutely depressed over the fact that not only did I lose a job that I liked, but I have failed to find another. To top it all off my partner ( or at least I thought he was) has not had anything to do with me in weeks ( all because I dont have a job) its sad to think that everything only has a dollar and cents thought to it, esp when we dont even live together) so I am not sure how its even really his problem. Believe me I know what you are going thru, just on a slightly different level
2015-06-24 07:06:52 UTC
I want u right this second to take a deep breath and think about what can make ur life lesS stressful, now think how u an live without that. If it's ur job, u need money so Do something u enjoy!! I love you!!!!😍😘😍😘😍😘😍😍😘😍😘😍😘😍😃😃😃😃😃😃😘
2015-06-28 23:26:32 UTC
You need goals. Short term and long term goals. Change the way you think and start to think positive! Law of attraction read a book on it and also read the book called the secret. Don't wait do it today!! You have your whole life ahead of you. Stop complaining and take action.
My Name Is
2015-07-06 02:54:36 UTC
hello my friend, I am struggling in life too, when I am down I like to relive my most memorable moments which are when I jenko in 22 jump street and I got to say the legendary line 'my name is jeff' this helps a lot when I am having a bad time In life
2015-06-23 23:28:40 UTC
well- with your kind permission- you're young enough to be my son- to begin with...

it sounds that at least part of the problem stemms from your job...

Probably something has to change about it...

and probably something has to change about your attitude- as well..

be sure you're deffinitely NOT the only one feeling this way- and probably even worse:lots of children and teenagers in various countries are even more slaves in that they are forced to work- hard physical toil incompatible with their they-and their families have no choice...instead of their going to school...

probably completing your education and/ or changing your location would be helpful...about both your wage and your sense of well-being and human dignity as well..

I know it's easier said than done- but-in my humble opinion- at your very young age-it's the best strive to change your life....despair which leaves to defeat is NOT an option...if you please...
2015-06-25 22:16:32 UTC
If you lived in a third world country, with no food tomorrow, if you had a terminal disease and are in constant pain......maybe it would be a reason. You determine your own life. Do something about it instead of feeling sorry for yourself. Make the necessary changes and stop your whining. Life is not easy for anyone, should we all kill ourselves. Let's do what we have to and grow up!!
great knight
2015-06-28 23:55:20 UTC
You have a job when people don't! Save up some money and get a girlfriend! you can't feel sad when you are. But most important- get a kjversion Bible and believe. Here is wisdom: "For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee."- The Word of God.
2015-06-28 23:08:25 UTC
sorry you are feeling this way. Dealing with depression can be really hard but its important to understand it so you know why you are feeling this way with life. Trust me, I deal with it as well. Know that you are not alone in feeling this way, there are so many people out there that hate their jobs and feel like they are going nowhere at your age as well.

Start by removing everything in your life that make you unhappy. One thing at a time, tick these things off a list. Small steps are satisfying. Make your life worth living, you are important and there is a reason you are in this world.
2015-07-05 12:49:38 UTC
There's a purpose for you mate. Try as hard as you can to move along. Someday it will be easier. Go to a community college or something affordable and try to get a good job. Carry on.
2015-07-02 06:28:40 UTC
Supporting suicide means a bunch of people will report me. But seriously, you should quit your job. You only live once so do things that you enjoy doing. Our lives have no meaning but that's why they're special. With no meaning, reason to do anything, you can make one on your own and find your own reason to get out of bed every morning. Idk I'm babbling. Good luck i guess. Survive.
2015-07-05 06:30:27 UTC
I don't know if your ready to hear or accept this but I will say it anyway because it has been forever true... God loves you and is always in pursuit of you with His love. But God will not change your life unless you invite him in. It is very common that people have to get to their lowest point of brokenness where we see nothing else but God, Invite God in and have a radical transformation. You will never be the same. Blessings to you my friend!
2015-06-30 13:54:30 UTC
poor didn t even start your real life and you are already fedup.when you young folks would learn how to deal with life s problems?It s just because you really don t know how to spend your time or have fun other then face book,twitter and your smart phone and computers or worst case you just like to do parties and thats what you call enjoying life.look over in the world.many ppl have nothing that you have but they never complain and enjoying their life and happy with whatever they have.Majority of young ppl have same problem..dump face book,twitter and internet and do something creative.I am sure you will survive.Good luck.
2015-06-24 23:35:39 UTC
Yes. I fully agree with your point of view. It happens when you do not frequently update your knowledge and expertise about Mental Health, which is only given highest predominance and emphasis here. If you concentrate your mind and focus your full attention and if you don't unsettle or deactivate your precious mind, you will never get such doubts, confusions, suspicion or fear.

It is absolutely therefore necessary for us to have crystal clear mind and pristine pure heart to avoid such pitfalls in life.
2015-07-01 02:25:11 UTC
Don't worry, I have been in your situation. And now 20 years later, I am still there. I turned to alcohol.
2015-06-26 10:51:31 UTC
You have a right to be angry; our society is seriously dysfunctional. If you are treated with disrespect and other degradations on a regular basis, it's only natural to get pissed off about it. The good thing about your situation is that you KNOW that something has to change, and SOON. And you seem to be healthy, and intelligent, and young enough that you probably still have lots of energy. You're also young enough that your anger will probably give you additional energy (rather than just wear you out). With luck, you can use that anger to redirect your life.

My advice? FIrst of all, IGNORE the following types of advice:

...a) "Everyone's life sucks, so stop whining and just suck it up"

...b) "My life is worse than your life, so stop whining and just suck it up."

...c) "Get a hobby and stop whining..."

...d) "Find God/Jesus/Allah/Buddha/yoga/Thor/Woden and stop whining..."

...e) "Get (better) medication to help you stop whining..."

...f) "Get a better job (so you can get more money) and you'll have less to whine about."

None of these things address the problem, though they do offer ways to hide from it. You might try these steps to tap into your anger and redirect it toward positive change:

1. Define the problem in clear, concrete terms. What is it that makes you the most angry about your situation? It might help to imagine how you want things to be, and then compare it with your current situation. Can you pinpoint the difference(s) between what _is_ and what _could_be? That difference is the problem you need to work on.

2. Put your problem in context. How much of it is something that can be changed, and how much is just the way things are? (Be brutally honest about that!) Also figure out how much of it is a matter of personal circumstances, and how much is bigger than that. Maybe there are lots of other people suffering from the same circumstances as you. Maybe they're already working on solutions, or maybe you're the one will bring people together.

3. Get information. This step is crucial; making a successful transition often hinges on how reliable and complete your information is. Whether it's a personal issue or something bigger, whether you decide to deal with it alone or with others, you need reliable, detailed information. Who do you know that has experience or expertise in this problem? Don't be afraid to ask for information and advise from trusted friends and relatives, but also remember that your local library has a wealth of reliable information resources, including books, but also online databases with literally millions of articles from serious researchers. And librarians are eager to help you find the information you need (and it's their job!), so don't be afraid to ask them for help.

4. Define your goal(s) and make a preliminary plan of action, if possible. It's always best to map out the steps you need to take, even if they're only vague at first. You can adjust and refine as you go.

5. Prepare yourself for hard work and perseverance -- good things rarely come easy.

A word of advice from someone who's been there: keep your eyes on the prize -- don't get caught up in fame, glory, quick fixes, easy winnings, petty distractions or entertaining diversions that come up along the way. Having said that, however, also be sure to include your loved ones in your journey and take care of them and yourself as needed to stay healthy. Sometimes it's a balancing act, but maintaining healthy relationships is also crucial, and if they're healthy, they'll also help you to get where you need to go.

6. Lastly, find out what keeps you inspired, and don't give up.

I wish you the best of luck.
2015-06-30 08:38:26 UTC
find the joy in your job

start loving your job and try to figure it out how you can enjoy them

try to ignore if there is bad people

when you show enough love to them they will bring the changes in you the way how you want

let the nature decide

you love your life

and now try to love your work

and if you really do not enjoy do not be there for a minute also

a person who can dare to take decisions in his life with out any fear only will become a success full
2015-06-27 14:23:43 UTC
I think you need a distraction go out biking on ur day off or hang out with coworkers after work. Maybe start a new job something from a different category.
2015-06-29 12:23:54 UTC
You should leave your job, sell your house, and go on a road trip. Oh, buy a dog. No, adopt one. Go away from where you live; that always helps. Go live somewhere else! Get a fresh start. Maybe move to a diff country!
2015-07-01 07:13:34 UTC
2015-06-24 18:15:35 UTC
Wait until you pass your 20's when life gets even sweeter.
2015-07-01 09:24:35 UTC
Join the Army Same job but the Pay get's better over time.
2015-06-27 12:08:55 UTC
Do you are did you ever have any plan? I found it good to plan goals from early on (age 8). Joseph Campbell said FOLLOW YOUR BLISS, meaning do what makes you happiest. There is compromise of course to make money. Money is really to find freedom, to do noting if that is what you want. Borrowing is slavery to banks.
2015-07-01 02:43:14 UTC
Dear Sir/Madam,

Count your blessings not your sufferings. Here your blessings are good life, job. Thank God. For your are blessed. There are some who are jobless and they want jobs. There are some who are poor and are living on one meal a day and then falling down. God has blessed you with a job so thank god. Your thoughts make you. If you have happy thoughts you will be happy. It you have sad thoughts you will be sad.
2015-07-02 04:02:23 UTC
Do you have any dream in your life,Like want to do something. Contribute to your dream sometime everyday. Like if you want to be a singer. Sing for a hour everyday. As you will improve in your voice you will start feeling better.
2015-06-25 05:16:35 UTC
Sweety be grateful that you live in the US. I am here visting the middle east and there are so many people who wish were in your position. Poeple here who dont have jobs, face obstacles everyday such as death. No matter how hard life gets know that there are others out there going through worse.
2015-07-03 11:16:04 UTC
2015-07-01 15:47:01 UTC
Thank you loving Father that you love this person so much. This is your precious child. When you look at him/her, you see the infinite value and potential that you created in him/her before he/she was ever born. Thank you Father that Jesus Christ gave his life in order to restore this person to the perfect state and identity that he/she was created to live in, which is love. Thank you for showing your love to him/her so that he/she is no longer in desperate need of love or acceptance from anyone, but rather is complete in his/her identity because of your unfailing, unconditional love for him/her. Let him/her grow into your image, which is simply a giver of love. Amen.
2015-06-25 19:42:56 UTC
Go to YouTube, look up Bashar. There's many tens if not hundreds of videos, look through the titles till you find one that resonates with you. there will be dozens that will speak specifically to your situation.

Good luck
2015-07-04 00:11:44 UTC
go to school and find something that gives you purpose. Make that jump and define your own existence. Don't be one of them, be higher and better.
2015-06-28 21:53:25 UTC
Get use to it, the great president did this to the USA. After my job was eliminated I have not had a decent job since. Good luck on making a living part time and on minimum wage.
2015-06-26 04:36:01 UTC
im going to keep this some what short, no one will make you happy but yourself. if you really want to get out of that day to day routine and you really want an EXTREME change in your life i would say join the military not everyone will agree with me on this somply because they dont like being told what to do but thats what you do at normal jobs but it opens up alot of doors and when you get out and WHILE YOURE IN you can do college trust me if you want A DRAMATIC CHANGE AND BE DEBT FREE AND LIVE A DIFFERENT LIFESTYLE the navy airforce and army can do that i would say the marine corp but they have it rough im station in camp lejeune and trust me its rough still appreciate them though RAH!

2015-06-24 17:10:28 UTC
You're only just learning what everyone else already knows. Life is a pile of 🍤. Most people just get on with it the best they can. The best way to get through life is to get into a regular rhythm. It makes the years pass quicker. Sleep - Commute - Work - Commute - Sleep. Repeat for weekdays. Weekend get drunk. Repeat.

You have the 1st World Problem. You have food and shelter. Stuff that most people worry about every day. So because you have these given to you you've got nothing to worry about so you make stuff up. This is overfed American ennui.
2015-06-24 12:26:41 UTC
I went back to college when I was 23, to get a better education and to escape a dead-end job. I have never regretted it.
2015-07-02 08:19:39 UTC
maybe you need religion to guide your life. you live but your soul is empty. You need God to guide you.

You are bored with everything you do? drugs or alcohol is not the solution. Try to make your self more pious and socialize to others. it makes your life more colourful and peace. sharing everything to friends is one of the way to lessen your problem
2015-07-07 03:06:06 UTC
remove anyhing makes u unhappy.try to find a good friend esp opposite sex.use comedy . enjoy your life and don't give a ****!
El Icebmi
2015-06-26 13:23:25 UTC
change your life. you are here for a purpose. find it. find a way to help others. make your life meaningful. nobody else can do that for you. nobody or nothing on this earth makes you feel or do anything. it all comes within. take control.
Broken H
2015-06-29 09:43:33 UTC
I feel the same way, but that is why I am trying to find something to invent, something that will make problems, like free energy.
Eli Dixon
2015-06-25 14:49:42 UTC
Don't take antidepressants. They f@@@ed up my life. I'm dead inside.
2015-06-28 05:07:11 UTC
Frankly speaking, LIFe is nothing but fun, entertainment , amusement, enjoyment ... and so on . if I think LIFE is only work ,then I suffer . HaHaHa, I normally try to ENJOY my life at the best of my ABILITY .

try yourself :)
2015-06-24 17:13:25 UTC
I would hate that life, too. Go to college and get a degree. With that, you can work at almost any job you want...something way more fun and interesting.

You need a degree to get a good job and have a successful life :)
2015-06-29 00:28:58 UTC
Smoke a blunt, better than antidepressants. Go back to collage. or join a multilevel marketing company. or sell weed

remember it was you and only you who put yourself in your current situation and you and only you will pull yourself out of that rut you put yourself in.

i suggest seeking god and also go on a date with someone.
2015-06-28 13:35:55 UTC
this it not the only activity there is to do the real frustration begins when you have so many choices fill out the fafsa look at your horoscope see were you best fit for an job
2015-06-30 20:41:07 UTC
Speak to your therapist, find a hobby, maybe talk about changing your medication.
2015-06-26 11:40:58 UTC
You need to stop bitching about everything. Take pride in your work and try to have a positive attitude.
2015-06-27 04:28:45 UTC
don't think too much about your life. try to be happy with what you have. pocs
2015-06-27 08:31:44 UTC
yes you do have a was taken out of the society to be politically correct

you were placed here to see how you will do in mortality.....just as all of gets mundane...but don't end it, because the commandment...thou shalt not kill also pertains to ourselves

war is under command of the gov......but murder of one self because of bordom.....will cause your eternal life to be in a dreary hell

stick it out like the rest of us........until the end

no glory
2015-06-23 23:52:51 UTC
keep going and don't give up.
2015-06-30 02:04:35 UTC
Close to 1,900 known multibillionaires on planet earth. They control everything. Most of us know exactly what you feel, and we know why.
2015-06-24 13:59:03 UTC
breathe. learn transcendence. meditate. find time for nature and hobbies and learn to love yourself and accept that you have the power to change things and for what you cannot you have to accept without attaching negative emotion. learn what triggers reactions in you and analyze why you feel them and why and realize that emotions are only emotions. your soul is higher than emotions higher than your life situations. you are connected to the entire universe you just have to find it in you and from there you will see changes in everything. its all about perception. connecting with the universe and trusting that you are exactly where you need to be and will go exactly where you need to go
2015-06-26 15:41:35 UTC
Start doing things you enjoy and help others less fortunate than you.
2015-06-24 15:12:30 UTC
Go to college, think of what you are good at. What are your hobbies, your hobbies can be your future. Do you like games, then maybe computer graphics. Maybe even something your not sure about like medical.
Mir Quasem
2015-06-29 23:48:57 UTC
Get your self among friends--exchange views with them.
2015-06-26 03:31:54 UTC
Get off antidepressants duh. They make everyone feel like shiit and under 25's suicidal. Your problem is not your life, its your state of mind. You were already feeling bad before and the antidepressants are clearly making you worse.
2015-06-24 05:25:28 UTC
look at it like this

your purpose is to breath and to be alive and everything else is a bonus to enjoy
2015-06-23 21:22:53 UTC
Find a friend in Jesus. Live for Christ.....seriously try it, what have you got to lose?
2015-07-05 22:27:31 UTC
Me too. We should have sex together and that will. Help. Jokes. Now that I scared u, u will go home and watch tv
2015-06-24 16:34:19 UTC
One thing I can say, once you start feeling positive, you will get a more positive life, your mind is your limit.
2015-06-25 23:26:11 UTC
Find a hobby
2015-06-30 10:56:13 UTC
If you dont like something, change it. Simple as that. I love you
2015-06-26 18:23:27 UTC
I find it easier to make others happy.
2015-06-27 00:26:56 UTC
You act like fight club movie
2015-06-24 14:41:45 UTC
You need a drive martial arts is mine you should find yours
2015-07-05 07:26:08 UTC
Christ will make it rain money on you if you let him. God want for us to be happy.
2015-06-27 21:03:44 UTC
do what you enjoy doing and try make a living from it *****
2015-06-26 02:52:12 UTC
I have tics and this is 10 time worse. remember you are not alone. but me<--- I am alone, only 0.3% get this syndrome.
2015-06-25 07:47:24 UTC
Its not your life thats the problem, its the job. So change the freaking job!
2015-07-06 18:04:29 UTC
2015-06-27 10:58:12 UTC
Same here.
2015-07-04 05:10:27 UTC
2015-07-03 15:28:12 UTC
2015-07-06 11:45:56 UTC
2015-07-01 08:03:40 UTC
you need a therapist
2015-06-28 20:15:41 UTC
keep living
2015-07-05 13:21:28 UTC
u shud see a doc
2015-06-24 09:43:50 UTC
depressants will kill you. don't take them.
anshul m
2015-06-26 06:51:49 UTC
same here
2015-06-29 15:46:22 UTC
69 lame *** answers from lame *** people.
2015-07-07 08:56:09 UTC
2015-06-26 14:40:18 UTC
2015-07-05 14:06:11 UTC
Well, We care about you :)
2015-07-03 16:38:20 UTC
ik how you feel
2015-07-01 22:38:28 UTC
2015-06-30 08:40:01 UTC
2015-06-27 10:38:13 UTC
what it do
2015-07-07 02:02:43 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.