2013-12-04 14:46:39 UTC
Mary has always enjoyed literature and reading. She can lose herself in books and block out all forms of distraction by reading books of poetry, novels, or writing short stories herself. At about the age of 12, some of Mary’s writing started becoming dark and gloomy. These writings were shared with parents at a parent/teacher conference. When questioned, Mary stated that sometimes she just needed to get some of the bad stuff she was thinking, “out of her head”. Parents initially saw this behavior as a prepubescent stage and told Mary she was not to write any more “of that crap” at school. Mary then began keeping journals at home and in her backpack so she could always have access to a place to vent her feelings.
Mary continued to utilize the journals the following year when she was transferred to a new school for talented and gifted students. Here Mary felt she fit in with the students at the school. Many of them had an artistic side as she did. Many saw life in a more serious manner as she did, and were more sensitive to life's injustice. Mary started to have more success at school, but more conflicts at home. Her brothers, now in intermediate school, heavily into sports, being boys, being loud and messy, aggravating their older sister on a daily basis. From the time her brothers got off the bus from school, until her parents got home there was a constant battler of 2 against
Mary soon found ways to avoid going home after school until her parents got home. Then she found ways to avoid going home until after dinner. Finally she would make up excuses to not come home at all. Mary’s parents noticed severe mood swings, changes in her hygiene habits, her unwillingness to eat,or she would eat all the time, her inability to sleep, or she would sleep all the time, staring off into space, stop talking in mid sentence, or having conversations with noone present and uncontrolled and inappropriate laughter.
Mary’s first suicide attempt was her junior year of high school. There are two camps of thought for this incident. Some do not believe she was really trying to kill herself. Some believe that she was just trying to stop the pain and the voices.
Mary has been hospitalized twice more since her junior year in high school. Both times due to her parents inability to control her, Mary’s repeated pleas for someone to “make the voices stop”, and her multiple physical broken bones and severe lacerations.
Mary is now 22. There have been 2 subsequent suicide or ending the pain incidents. Each time these occur, Mary has been off her medication and stopped seeing her counselor. Mary reports that she does not like the medication and will not take it.