Dear BG,
That's a terribly rough and emotionally painful diagnosis for both of you. While you're both doing the best you can to cope with the challenges as they come, don't forget to focus on the positve - what your Mom can do and wants to do.
For the support of others who have "been there," check out the Alzheimer's Association, by asking your same questions on their message board for issues dealing with "Younger-Onset A.D." at:
Call their 24/7 Helpline at 1-800-272-3900 to ask them:
1. if there is any local community support group just for you (and/or your mom), that is focused upon early onset A.D., which is now referred to more often as "Younger-Onset A.D." Here's an example of one such group in Chicago (which has been written up in several articles at the bottom of the web page:
2. if there's any literature they can send you on planning options or guidance on how to cope with an the early onset A.D.
3. those other questions you have.
See their website section on younger-onset A.Z., at:
Beyond their online & community "support groups," also see their
"Alz Connected" section for a few other possible types of available help:
You spoke of getting some help with a plan. So, see their
"Alzheimer's Navigator" section at:
It's a long-shot, but just check to see if there's possibly any "Young Onset Alzheimers" group near you by going to: Here's an example of what one of those MeetUp community support groups look like:
Hope this may be helpful to both of you.
Be sure to take good gentle care of yourself and your Mom.
- Ed