2011-08-24 09:08:41 UTC
my despression and social anxiety restrict me from doing much and moving forward in life...
i haven't been able to hold a job, go to community groups and family life is basicaly none existent.
i can't dicuss the issues i face with friends because i don't want to seem like a self pitying sad sack and burden them.
sometimes i'm not even sure i have a real problem at all... i have been talking to mental health professional for many years and it never seems to get anywhere, we go over the same stuff but nothing fact most of the time i feel patronised and like they don't understand one bit and are merely sitting there thinking to themselves "this girl is an idiot most people have it worst than her why is she complaining...gah when will my day end"
i feel like i've reached a dead end in life, i want to call out for help but it's as if i've forget how to scream.
i would love to just say"emergency this is it i need help now, i'm on the verge of ending my life!" but it'll probably get me sent to hospital and that's not the way i want to go with this...
i guess what i want to know is, is there any hope? or any action i can take?
and no drugs/meds are not an option...not at the moment anyways