Just wondering because I never reply to messages. But only when it's a long message, I usually reply to short messages. It takes me a really long time to reply though. It could take me anywhere from 2 days to 3 weeks to reply. Probably ridiculous but I've always had a difficult time thinking of things to say in messages, I just feel like my mind is foggy all the time. Plus I constantly worry about saying something stupid or saying something that will hurt the persons feelings. I hate hurting others feelings, even when it's someone I don't like.... How can I stop worrying so much? Everyone I see seems like they couldn't less about what they say, even when it's stupid or hurts someones feelings. I feel like I'm the only one that worries about this..
My older sister sent me a long message 2 weeks ago and I still haven't replied. I feel really bad. Especially since I'm pretty sure she thinks I hate her. I told her that I don't; that I love her. But I don't know if she believes me.... I don't want her to think I'm ignoring her, do you think she does? I'm not. I just feel exhausted all the time and don't feel I have the energy to do anything, except eat and sleep. Not sure why... I haven't even bothered trying to think of something to say in reply, because I already know that there's no point. Since my mind is always blank, I must be dumb....