You are simply coming out of denial Jen, and it hurts and it feels shameful, and it is really scary.
I didn't want to tell either, and when I did I lied about the reasons because I still "had to" keep part of it secret. Why? So I could still have my disease all to myself. I wasn't ready to give all of my disease to anyone - just in case I needed to fall back on it. Deep down I felt like the secrets about why I did it were too important to give up. I someone knew the whole truth, they would make me do something about it.
I felt torn in half. I wanted to be honest, but I couldn't be totally honest. Not at first. I felt like if I gave up the secret I would be betraying my self and someone else.
When I started to give up part of the story I felt exactly like you, that I betrayed myself and God. What I couldn't know yet and I wasn't ready to hear yet, is that my eating disorder had replaced God. It had become my god. My life revolved around it. The lying, hiding, pretending, denying, where I would eat, how I would eat, what I would eat, who I would eat in front of, weighing myself, looking at myself in the mirror, being so afraid to gain, being excited to lose weight, hating people that commented on my weight or how much I ate blah, blah, blah. My whole life revolved around my disorder. All my thinkin was focused around me and my disorder. I took care of it, I hid it, I lied for it, I threw up for it, I lived for it. That's how it got to be my god, that's how I served it. With all my mind, body and soul.
You want to leave your doctor because you're a little bit terrified that he'll pry for more information and that if you told him the whole truth you would panic. You wouldn't be able to get the words out of your mouth. If you tell him you give him power over it, to do something about it, you're letting someone in on it that will take it from you. It will feel like your world is ending. Your world with your eating disorder will end.
That's why you say "I don't even deserve to have an eating disorder, because I told...I feel like I failed God by telling, I'm so disappointed in myself for telling...the guilt over telling is making me really sick...I just want to forget I ever told...I said it would be bad for me to ever open up to anyone..I'm never going back...please make me feel better...I just want to forget I ever told, it's not like I'm spreading the 'don't talk' message..."
Don't panic. Everything is happening just the way it should be. It feels so wrong but what you did was right, telling is the right thing to do.
Please, please believe me and take comfort in that.
Telling is okay. Telling will help you get well. Telling is what we need to do. Please go back to therapy Jen. Your doctor wants to help. Your mother wants to help. Stop telling them no. Say no to the eating disorder, you will, you are trying, you made a giant start, now please trust in the process of recovery. I made it. It was hard and I was scared out of my mind, just like you, but I made it, and you will too, dear child, you will too, you will be okay and you are okay and wonderful and very special. God Bless you on this journey to health and recovery.