I´m feeling depressed and suicidal?
2013-03-20 06:28:56 UTC
I have already been diagnosed with clinical depression and given antidepressants for it and im also going to a psychologist. On top of that I also had (primary) Nephrotic syndrome at the age of 3.
Since I have been sick all the time I havent made any friends at all and I often had to talk to or play myself. Even now that im 16 years old I practically have no friends expect a few people who i can talk to with in school (but since im not that close with them theres really no point on telling them my problems). I have never even went to any practices or trainings and never liked sport anyway. Im socially very awkward and talking to random people is very uncomfortable for me. Probably the only kind of people I can tolerate the most are people that are quiet and nice, like my grandmother. Ever since the depression kicked in everything has gone downhill: Grades have dropped drastically, I talk even less now, I sleep a lot or too little (if little then about 7 hours and if a lot then probably 10 or more hours straight), I get distracted too easily by the littlest of stuff, lack of motivation, hard to concentrate and worst of all is that I forget alot. Even a simple conversation approves to be too much for me as I simply forget what I was doing before.
I know people tell me to be positive, but it feels too hard for me. I have told my classteacher about this and she did give me some advice such as go to a nightschool but the moment I told my mom about it, she immidiately told me to get a job if I was going there. And even now I dont want to talk about school to her and only tells me to get myself together or else she will kick me out of the house. Besides her my physics teacher is even worse. He expects the whole class to write his tests like we would read it out from our textbooks but without using them. And sometimes when someone doesnt do well in his class then he will just tell a morale story or how terrible he or she is in front of the class and there is just no way of proving your point to him because he will just smile at you and then find a very logical argument to it. Even tho all my teachers know that I have depression, no one will just tell me anything positive about me afterclass and yet the physics teacher even told my mom that im just too lazy to do anything. The only place where I can relax is at psychologist, yet an hour with her after ever 2 weeks seems to be too long.
I know that it is partly my fault that I refuse to tell people about my problems, but since everyone tells me its just how life is makes me even more depressed. I have already had suicidal thpughts for a month now and I have discussed them with my psychologist, but she only tells me to ignore those thoughts. I already feel like I cant trust myself anymore and im scared of comitting a suicide yet I feel like im going to run away from home and never come back.
I just dont know what do to with my life...
I already have 2 cats and both love me, but it just gets really boring very quick with them
And appologies for making some grammar errors, because English isnt my native language.
Eight answers:
2013-03-20 06:32:18 UTC
counselor you really seam to need one could help you ALOT
2013-03-20 07:36:29 UTC
Visit for online support.. Also if urselfesteem is very low right now. U need to find ways toimprove it, look online for tips. Also try learning and doingnew things; start small and this will give u a sense ofachievement. .. Visit to talk to a freeonline councellor.. Look up exercise and depression online itreleases endorfins which improve mood and brainchemistry. and Art Therapy; channelling what ur feeling intosomething creative helps ur brain process the negativity inur head: a good technique is to doodle when thinking aboutthe things that depress u, doodling brings ur thoughts intothe present and stops u dwelling on the things that depressu. also find some volunteer work; helping others or naturebuilds selfesteem, gives life new meaning gives perspectiveand good karma... u dont have to believe in god but findingsome spirituality can really help and good karma is a goodstart... basically research all u can on depression then whenu find things that help come on here and share with theother deprrssed people, more good karma. Why not joinclubs groups and activities in ur community where you llmeet like minded people. Or challenge urself by joininggroups u wouldnt normally be interested in. and dont beafraid of going to ur doctor, be totally honest and they llunderstand and be able to help; medication or a change ofmedication can work wonders, like lifting a weight from urshoulders. people have all kinds of reasons for living. Thejourney of self discovery is half of the reward. Go on ajourney, tryng different ways of living until u find one thatmakes sense. Remember that the best form of suicide is to kill ur old life and build a new one. Change everything
2013-03-20 06:43:15 UTC
You probably don't know that there is a method that will help you resolve all your thoughts and feelings quickly, so you don't just have to 'ignore' them, you can acutally remove them.

So, instead of wasting time with a psychologist that doesn't know how to help you , then you can get someone that does, or do both,.

You can heal from depression and it does not have to take forever to do that, with the method I just gave you. So do that, if you want to.

You can make a support group of your own, and decide who comes in it or not.

There are support groups for this at and other places online, also.

So, you cannot just wait around living for the time you see the therapist, you must take action to build up your support and surround yourself with people you like, and get on with life.

You could learn from cats, that they take each moment in a peaceful , enjoy the moment way, and give out lots of love, so they get lots of love back. They don't sweat the small stuff, they don't worry, they take life like a buddhist, or just take life as it comes. they don't look for trouble, and they do a lot of meditation and relaxing. Yet they always know what is going on. They do their best to stay clean and healthy.

People could learn from them.
2013-03-20 06:50:22 UTC
I have a sixteen year old daughter. And I know its tough to be that age. I also have been diganosed with depression. So I know how tough that is, I recently went to the doctor and asked him if I could ADHD. He gave me medication and it has helped me so much with conversations and keeping on task. I really think you should ask your doctor if you could have ADD. My brain was everywhere before and I would have scary thoughts every now and then too. The medication has worked wonders. And I know alot of people are against ADD drugs, in fact I was before I started them. My six yr old was diganosed with ADD and I refused the medicine for her. But now seeing what it does for me, I have changed my opinion. Talk to your parents or another adult about your feelings PLEASE. I promise, it will get better, you are stronger then you think and you can get though this. I really do understand what you are going through. But I promise someday you will be happy, happier then you ever thought was possible. You just need to get through the storm to find the rainbow.
2013-03-20 06:47:02 UTC
You sound abit like me, but i have this type of depression where i do not really have any good friends. I can feel strange symptons in my chest all the time, i dont know why. It kinda hurts abit every day but its an uncomfortable feeling, its depression. I am depressed because i cant make any new friends and move on away with my old friends, they expect too much. I do not even get the time to really socialize with someone, because there is too much to do. I am 18 years old and i have to improve my syntax, grammar, puncuation. Improve my maths mentally. I am finding it harder to learn things because of this depression condition it does not allow me to concentrate, and worst of all i am socially awkward, i simply say some silly things, that would make me feel better inside but people would not be laughing with me but at me. But i do not care what people think, and i know that you should too.

Hang in there man, like me. I am hoping in my 2 years to make it into university and make new friends and hopefully later on they are good friends.

Bro it is ok to be arrogrant, swearing, just know your level. Also i am trying to do a little charity atleast it might make me feel better as i am working.

Do you also lose the interest of all the fun things you just did? it is like boredom depression. Bro i never had suicidal thoughts, dunno why you would, are you living your life for your friends or you?
2014-09-19 01:10:29 UTC
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2016-10-06 03:09:35 UTC
locate good books, bypass on a seek to locate a favorable mindset. by potential of the sound of it, you're being bullied at domicile, for regardless of reason this difficulty has surpassed off, it does not help in any respect to be detrimental. i comprehend it may be stressful to confirm magnificent now that that's obtainable to shift your psychological place from the only you're in. I presume they are actually not abusing you bodily and that a roof is presented over your head and you get 3 nutrients an afternoon. that's simpler in case you are able to artwork which contain your loved ones to make your strategies up on the area so as that each and each member of your loved ones can stay harmoniously. yet whilst that's quite not obtainable, the only component you have administration over is your guy or woman strategies. learn daily, make daily count variety for something. you're actually not the full sum of your adventure interior the kin. you're a resourceful, completely clever, unique guy or woman with loose will, you have a direction laid out until now you this is unique to you and ultimate walked by potential of you than by potential of anybody else. you are not getting to chosen your loved ones yet you maximum incredibly can chosen what you cost as valid on your existence. this suggests all your problems until now you to be stepping stones to bigger and simpler existence which you incredibly deserve. think of roughly it, you are able to basically approximately be everywhere in 5 years time in case you place your strategies to it. Its all sooner or later at a time. interior the propose time, get good books and different source to enhance your beneficial strategies. do not validate the detrimental concepts that are seemed to be thrown at you by potential of your loved ones. I choose you success and a non violent strategies.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.