1. Don't give the impression that you are negotiating options, have a clear objective, and stick to it.
2. Alcoholics and Addicts are liars, and caught up in a habit of self-deception and deceiving others.
3. Do not try to accomplish yourself what properly belongs to a physician or mental health professional.
4. Generally speaking, alcoholics and addicts will not change until there is no other option.
5. The person will become angry and defensive and if you cannot handle this reality, you should not participate in an intervention.
6. Alcoholics and addicts lose all sense of priority in terms of the things that are really valuable in life, do not be surprised is your appeal to things like children, friends, or even their own life and safety fall on deaf ears.
7. Be objective. Simply point out the facts about the person's drinking and tell them what the course of action should be-- appeals to emotions will simply be used by the alcoholic or addict to manipulate the situation and deflect attention away from the real issue.