Outside the Box
2013-06-03 21:04:21 UTC
The thing is, day before yesterday he played a HUGE show. The place was packed, several of my friends came, people he had never seen before were singing his and his band's praises. He wore this great form-fitting suit that night and looked incredible, and he was just glowing with accomplishment. I've probably never been more attracted to him. But he turned down sex that night because it was late (like 3am) and his set was nearly two hours long, plus he'd had a couple beers. He promised tomorrow night we would. I accepted that and went to sleep.
Last night, we went to bed a little earlier than normal and talked about goofy, trivial stuff for a while. I tried making physical and verbal hints that I wanted to sleep with him, but he either didn't get them or was completely uninterested because we ended up going to sleep.
Now tonight, he's gotten into the zone with programming. I kinda want to let him know that I've been waiting on him for days now, but I don't want to upset him, either. He will sometimes beat himself up when he gets really into something but knows he has other commitments (i.e., me).
Lack of sex/intimacy has been an issue in our relationship before, and I don't want it to become one again; marriage is in our future (we plan to get engaged officially in about a year). But I just am not sure whether to tiptoe around this issue plus his syndrome, or confront it head-on. Or something else entirely.
Help? Advice of any kind, or what you would do in this situation, are both extremely welcome.