hello honey,
firstley id like to say that you are very wise seeking help about this not being able to sleep,and haveing thoughts running around at 3.30 in the morning is not nice ,i think 1st you are settling down two late for 12 if you want to have a good nights sleep ideally you need to be in bed at about 9.30 - 10 to get to sleep for 12 ish. not to sleep but too relax and watch telly. if you look at profeshional footballers they go to bed to relax at 8.30pm because if you are an active person and i asume you are throughout the day at 12 ,you need your body clock to relax a lot earlyier as you are so wired which means obviousley a over active mind thats constantley buzzing, this is not a probleam and can be resolved as long as you dont over think it here is some of my tips for getting u to sleep for you honey,
try this tonight before you go to bed dos and donts
dont drink tea or coffee after 6 pm
dont watch telly after 10.30pm
dont listern to music after 10.30 pm either
and dont go to bed to relax after at least 10.30pm
take a nice relaxing bath at about 9.30 with radox you can buy some were it helps you get too sleep so ask your mum to buy you some use candales be carefull though lol pamper ,yourself do not take a shower though do that in the morning to wake u up honey.
do i would recommend reading, not watching tellevision as this makes you more tired than television it also relaxes you a lot more because say if your watching a fight film then your mind will be hazy read a nice relaxing book and this will sure work and inprove all your knowlede,english and wrighting try harry potter that gets my little bro to sleep.
also another good tactic is a nice room which as air and a hot water bottle
drink a cup of hot choclate as this will help you sleep more than you no do not have sweetners or sugar i repeat as this is prone to keep you awake just hot choclate and milk. at about 10.30 with a book
do turn down big bright lights and get yourself a night light as bright lights will obviousley keep you awake.
lie with your eyes closed now this is a hard one but it works once you have done all of the above close your eyes and do not open them make sure your bed is really comftable and lie and think of black satin fabric flowing this is hard at first and sounds rediclious, i tried it once and believe me if you keep your eyes closed and just keep thinking of it you fall a sleep.
buy a eye mask as this will keep all light out and will help you sleep so much quicker and better and if your family do not go to sleep early and you have noisy beggas like my family lol then buy ear plugs and im sure all of these if not some of these will work instantley
i wish you all the luck as i no what its like not being able to sleep but i promise if you follow my advise you will soon be sleeping like a baby also hot milk works a treat to hun,i whish you well and many sweet dreams let me no how you get on and do not be disheartend if it doesnt work straight away because it will. your body clock needs to adjust i whish u all the best hun xxxx