please dont kill yourself! i know i dont know you personally, but there has to be another way to escape the pain, or pressure, or whatever it is thats making you suicidal!
there are phone numbers you could call that offer help, you could go see a life coach, you could even emit yourself in a hospital, where theyll watch over you for a while
think of all the things you'll miss out on, all of the people that will be devastated and left missing you forever. what you need to remember is that , no matter what you think, there are at least 10 people out there who love and care about you. when you die, a part of them will die with you. and i'm sure that after you do it, you'll regret it even if its just for a split second before you die. theyll be left devastated and greiving becuase youre gone.
take life one day at a time! dont think about the long run, just each day at a time.
please dont kill yourself! think about everyone that will miss you when youre gone, dont make them go through that!