I've decided to end my life.....?
2008-07-27 19:20:26 UTC
I'm going to end my life on my birthday which is in three days from now. But I'm happy everything is going to end for me. I will be 25 when I go ahead.
Thank you to everyone who posted comments regarding all my questions.
39 answers:
Stephen R
2008-07-30 11:56:49 UTC
Have you ever looked into religion? I really wouldn't recommend killing yourself, for one it will hurt others around you and secondly... what if hell exists? I suppose you have weighed up the options, but if you are so sure then why asked the question? Maybe there is still some hope.
2008-07-27 19:43:49 UTC
Well YOU NEED A DOCTOR! I'm serious. I've had a gun to my head more than once and it all made sense but not any more. There's this new invention called 'medication' maybe you should have some from a doctor and not speedy's midnight pharmacy! I'm not trying to shame or mock you but there'll be no changing a mind that's dead. Wouldn't you like to tell your grandkids just how bad it can get just before an amazing change. Oh yeah, if you don't have a God to believe in I'll let you borrow mine. You can't beat that deal! Suicide makes sense to a sick mind I know for sure. I used to regret waking up every day and watched with longing as buses and trains went by. Now I have 9 grand children. I'm within walking distance to the beach and going to college for human services. Kawabunga! God showed me the grace to live again and if you hang on to your pubes and start talking to someone about how shitty you feel you just might feel better. It worked for me!
2008-07-27 19:32:53 UTC
You may want end your life and since you are happy that things are going to end for you share it with your family, let them know that you have found a solution to your problems. Maybe that will make them happier too or maybe they can help you get the professional guidance you really need. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Maybe you are looking for a solution and that is why you have posted this to Yahoo Answers, maybe you really don't want to kill yourself and need people to help you figure out how to feel better. The thing is that this forum is not going to be the best at helping you with this, you need professional help. I hope that you decide to stick around, life has a lot to offer if you seek it.
2008-07-27 19:33:55 UTC
seriously? I mean ok if you feel that you have nothign to live foe than yea go for it. But take for consideration what the other person said. Get a credit card and max it out getting alot of things. But you really think you should end it now? I mean have you seen everything that your life is now complete and you can let it go. You know what sucks you said that you are happy, but there are many out there are not even lucky even to know what that is, and you plan on throwing it away lie tha. Call it what you want but it is still throwing it away........... Don't be too selfish
2008-07-28 12:39:58 UTC
Well...I'm sure you'll regret after, but then it will be too late.

A friend of mine did "that" and we found out some papers he had written a month ago. He was full of projects 30 days, I wonder HOW all changed in his last few days.

You have al the right to end up ur life , I just hope you wont regret when its too late.

Best of luck on your decision though. THINK.
2008-07-27 20:49:27 UTC
Baby Face ,

Of course you want to end your life. Every person who feels that they are a low life loser wants to end their life. I've even thought about doing that myself when it seems that all hope is gone. But then I slapped myself into reality. If I end my life today I won't know what tomorrow has in store for me and I might burn in hell for all eternity if I should take destiny into my own hands. I mean, I didn't have any proof that I wouldn't burn in hell. So, Baby, I just decided to believe that there is something better for me in life. Hey, I didn't have any proof that things wouln't improve for me. To thine own self be true and let no one and nothing still your joy. I live by those words and my life is peaceful and I am reaching my goals one day at a time. Unless you have a crystal ball or can predict your every tomorrow, don't give up on your tomorrows. A better day is coming.
2008-07-27 19:32:37 UTC
I don't think you really want to...judging by the way there is a question mark at the end of the title--and that you are telling us about it. I can tell you, no matter what, things will eventually get better. My life completely changed from 25 to 26...I hope you talk to someone and get your feelings out---it sounds like you want to.
2008-07-27 19:34:03 UTC
please dont kill yourself! i know i dont know you personally, but there has to be another way to escape the pain, or pressure, or whatever it is thats making you suicidal!

there are phone numbers you could call that offer help, you could go see a life coach, you could even emit yourself in a hospital, where theyll watch over you for a while

think of all the things you'll miss out on, all of the people that will be devastated and left missing you forever. what you need to remember is that , no matter what you think, there are at least 10 people out there who love and care about you. when you die, a part of them will die with you. and i'm sure that after you do it, you'll regret it even if its just for a split second before you die. theyll be left devastated and greiving becuase youre gone.

take life one day at a time! dont think about the long run, just each day at a time.

please dont kill yourself! think about everyone that will miss you when youre gone, dont make them go through that!
2008-07-28 00:20:37 UTC
If this is real that wow i think its so selfish. Yea people are in so much pain but when you end you life in only hurts the ppl around you. Not yourself in so many ways. I have had friends who have blown there heads off because of drugs and depression. Dont be stupid. Why would you post this i cant belive it, Good luck
2008-07-27 19:30:59 UTC
I hope your not serious, your only 25 and when in 5 years when you look back at this time in your life, you'll be so proud of yourself that you got through it, do you really want people you know to feel guilty about your doing that their whole life. ( would you want them to kill themselves?) and if not what advice would you give them. go to 1-800-273-talk. Hey, what's a phone call, only takes a minute and you might find a little hope in life. I always tell myself my life does stinks, but at least I'm around to enjoy it and laugh about it, becaue its that bad I think it's quite funny!!! I'm Olivia, ask me another question, and promise me that at least you'll do is call 1800-273-talk!!!! (for me and the ones in your life!!!)
2008-07-28 03:05:06 UTC
OK, I am Psychiatric Social Worker and I just wanted to say that most people who commit suicide DON'T forewarn people, they just go ahead and do it!!! Do you have a plan on how you're going to commit suicide??? Most people who commit suicide have a plan!

Listen, I don't think you're going to end your life because you've been posting comments on this for ages and you know what??? I'm going to tell you to call your doctor's surgery and get referred to a specialist.
2008-07-27 19:26:51 UTC
Is this a cry for help? If so, please call a help line. Don't make us feel guilty for your misconceptions of the world, or how you think the world feels about you.

During my time here I have a plan. No matter how bad life gets, there are things / actions I can do to make it better. Try touring the world first. Get a credit card and max it out. Don't worry about paying it back. (no one else does) Enjoy as much as you can. Then decide then about your fate.
2008-07-27 19:53:23 UTC
I'm also saying please don't do it! My life was a living h**l until I turned 26 and I moved away from my childhood home and started a new life. I am now married with a 6 year old. Instead of killing yourself, why don't you start your life over again, make changes in your life?? It can be done, believe me.
2008-07-27 19:31:30 UTC
You're too young. Please don't. Even if there ARE too many humans. Why in the world would you be happy about the end of your life? Why not do something good for yourself and others? Maybe go for a walk in a forest or somewhere where life surrounds you. Perhaps even go to a therapist or something. Just don't do it, please.
2008-07-27 20:02:39 UTC
Go ahead,this world will not notice another ant death.If possible just do it in a clean way so your family don't have to sort out the mess.
2008-07-29 09:50:13 UTC
Life is a gift from God. If you end your life the Bible says that you will go to hell. Don't do it. Live your life for the Lord, because once you're gone, you'll be gone for eternity.

God Bless.

2008-07-27 19:29:50 UTC
I know things can get bad. I've been there. But Im here to tell you (thank God) that life turns on a dime. Dont quit before the miracle happens.

God Bless
2008-07-27 19:32:49 UTC
call out to God.. He will make things right. I promise you my friend. Stop running away from your problems. Clean yourself up, see a psychologist and/or councelling, whatever it takes to stay alive. You are still very young and believe me, life has a lot more happy surprizes if you stick around. Life can be beautiful and it only lasts a short time. Enjoy it because your soul will live on after you die. You don't want to go to hell, right? Imagine gnashing of teeth and eternal burning.. You don't want that, right? Nobody does truthfully. I've been through "suicide phase" before when I was younger. Now, it feels like that was such a stupid thing. I've learned to respect myself and others through the years. And the best thing of all.. I've found the love of God.
2008-07-27 19:29:14 UTC
Please don't kill yourself. I just posted a similar question to yours bc I am feeling suicidal. I don't think I am going to kill myself though. I am sad but I will not let all the ppl that hurt me win.

Please don't do it! You have so much to offer. Don't let those ppl win. The best revenge is success. You can do it!

Please don't give up!
2008-07-28 07:50:22 UTC
i dont understand why you have posted your final farewells on yahoo answers - perhaps this is a conversation you should be having with your loved ones. however, i hope you receive some sort of guidance before your bday.
2008-07-29 05:57:36 UTC
Think about the people you are leaving behind the PAIN they will feel.

Your young-Life can change totally.

Get help.
2008-07-30 11:09:43 UTC
life is too precious to throw away. i have attempted suicide before but was stopped by a friend and now i know how lucky i was!
2008-07-27 19:25:52 UTC
Call 1-800-SUICIDE

Life is should enjoy it!

Best Of Luck!!!!!!!

2008-07-27 19:29:33 UTC
I hope you have a nice afterlife. It's sad that you have made that decision. I will pray for you.
Ginny Jin
2008-07-27 19:29:45 UTC
Please call the Samaritans. There is so much you can acheive after 25. Life is just beginning for you.
Get Real
2008-07-27 19:26:27 UTC
Poor me, poor me. Sounds like you are just seeking attention. You think you are the only one with a hard life?
2008-07-27 22:00:13 UTC
Call 1-800-SUICIDE as soon as possible, dont stay alone
2008-07-27 19:29:05 UTC
opening a door which is not yet closed is far too easy
The Machine
2008-07-27 19:33:30 UTC
theres nothing else you've always wanted to do? no goals to reach?
2008-07-27 20:10:26 UTC
Don't do that, thats terrible. suicide is a mistake u can NEVER take back!!!!
Just Me
2008-07-27 19:28:27 UTC
don't do that!

i dunno what could be so bad to you right now but i promise its not worth it.

and thats a really selfish thing to do. do you not care about your family, friends, anyone? do you know what they could do to the people you love? Please, don't go through with it... : )
2008-07-27 19:50:30 UTC
all people has their own problems....

keep patient...!!

don't make such a fool action!!!
2008-07-27 19:24:37 UTC
cya. theres way to many humans anwyayss
2008-07-27 19:28:04 UTC
Your family and/or friends will be devestated!!

2008-07-27 19:26:17 UTC
i hope your about to say.

you just been punk'd.

dont do it.
2008-07-27 19:24:47 UTC
tsk tsk tsk
2008-07-27 19:25:39 UTC
quit being selfish.
Taylor W
2008-07-27 19:28:39 UTC
ending your life is the greatest sin in the world. seek help, please. do it for everyone on this, and especially your friends and family. they love you. so does God. please please please please seek help!
2008-07-27 19:28:03 UTC
dont dont dont dont dont dont do it u have a wonderful life dont do this to ur parents ur parents want you to be happy and if u die on ur BIRTHDAY then ur parents heart will be broken they brought u into this world and they want you to stay as long as u can so please dont please please please please please dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.