Hi - nothing is going to happen, hopefully.
However, you MUST understand that taking painkillers like paracetamol in overdose form very often doesn't give you any symptoms, BUT you are in fact poisoning your liver and the damage is irreversible.
SO many people have died after necking bottles of paracetamol, and then hours later realised that they 'didn't mean it, didn't want to die'. Sadly, those people then went on and died later in hospital. It is impossible to reverse the effects of paracetamol poisoning, once they have been digested.
Drink plenty of clean fresh water, eat plenty, get to bed early.
7 painkillers are unlikely to kill you - the beer and the cold remedy have combined with the painkillers and given you a nasty bilious hangover.
Learn from this and remember what I said - painkillers KILL, in overdose, often long after the actual swallowing of them.
If you tried to overdose, consider a visit to your doctor to discuss why you did this, clearly you were unhappy about something (unless it was an accident, of course - a very dangerous accident if it was).
Good luck.
(link below about Paracetamol OD)