2009-04-29 12:44:30 UTC
- Spends all after school time on computer
- Falls back in school because they don't do homework or study
- Looses track of time when on computer (gets on at 3 pm, checks time regularly but feels like it suddenly is 2 am, which it is)
- Feels more comfortable, confident, secure and at peace at computer
- Sometimes looses closeness with friends because virtual friends/internet gets in the way
- Would rather spend time on computer than experience life
- When not near computer and unoccupied, has the urge to get online or check email on phone
- Can literally sit at the computer basically doing nothing but doesn't want to get off.
- Plans weekends around/about computer for all day.
So is this a sign of computer addiction? If so, besides getting help what can you do to help yourself.
Btw, saying 'get off the computer' isn't an answer. Seriously, it's harder than you would think and i need some tricks or methods to steadily get myself to go on the computer for an hour or two and limit myself without the craving.