I Need Help..I Cut myself..?
2008-02-05 20:05:49 UTC
I Cut myself i dont no why but i do..
I dont want to tho. but i cant help it..
i cant tell anyone either they wont care.
Please i need help..
I dont know what to do.
42 answers:
2008-02-05 20:10:03 UTC
I think you should tell your school counselor about it so she can talk to you and help you with your problems. That's what they're there for, you're probably not the only student at your school who does it. I think you are in emotional pain and hurt yourself physically so that you don't feel the pain inside as much so you need someone to help you deal with what is going on inside of you. I hope you will get help so you don't suffer or end up hurting yourself even more.
2008-02-05 20:12:00 UTC
They care, and nobody wants you hurting yourself. Cutting is a coping method in your head. You think that hurting yourself, will take away whatever other thing is going on, and cutters do really feel that relief at that point, but it doesnt in the long run, it makes things worse. So, if you go to church, they have social services, that you could get some counseling. If you dont go to church, contact one, they will help ya out. And most of all, tell your parents, i dont know them obviously, but i would certainly care ALOT if my child went through this. My parents did.
2008-02-05 20:12:35 UTC
Ok hun you want to go to a doctor and tell him/her your problem and they will help you out. If you feel uncomfortable about going alone to the doctor take someone that you trust very much to go with you. I hope this helps you out. Don't cut yourself your a beautiful person even though I don't know what you look like. I think everyone is beautiful inside and out. Don't be hard on yourself! Good Luck! And be happy!
2008-02-05 20:10:57 UTC
I am a cutter too. email me. You need to talk to a counsler, there are people who will listen. Maybe think about going to a facility like mercy ministries, that's what i'm thinking about. Just as a warning people will answer your question with hurtful responses. Just try and brush them off as best as you can, they don't walk in your shoes. How old are you, and do your parents know? Email me if you want to talk. I'm sixteen by the way.
2008-02-05 20:09:24 UTC
I know that it is hard to do this but... you need to talk to your parents. Parents can be the biggest help out of a problem like this. Find something that keeps yourself occupied, like art, music, sports, etc. Talk to a school counselor. Just find a way to get someone involved in your life.
J's stuffed animals
2008-02-05 20:12:43 UTC
don't u have a family doctor, you need to seek help asap because u could injure yourself very severely or even die.

is there a minister or counselor or some responsible adult that you could talk to. call 911 or go straight to a emergency room in a hospital. NOW!
2008-02-05 20:12:17 UTC
I have been doing that myself before.... i did that because i was numb from stress from college and i felt i was not noticed... main reason is that i wanted to feel.. i wanted to know if i am still here. I stopped it because i realized it was NOT good.... as for me i have this attitude that i rather solve it myself rather than go to other people for help and so i did. If you really do not know how to stop... then i think it is time to ask your parents some help...
♥Due with baby#1 06/08/09♥
2008-02-05 20:09:34 UTC
Your family will care if you tell them. If you really think that your family will not care then you should speak with your school counselor if you are still in school. If you are not in school you should be of age to seek counseling on your own or turn yourself into a pschiatric ward for help!
I can only be me
2008-02-05 20:10:52 UTC
You just told me. I don't know you but I care/ My friend use to do that. It got nasty. You have TO MAKE YOURSELF STOP. As you get older its going to look nasty. Plus what does cutting do for you anyway. You have the right mindset. Meaning you want to stop. So just enforce it. Nobody can make you stop you have to want to and then do it. So all you need is the do it part. Seems easy I know but its better said the done. So whenever your about to do it think about this.....Do you really want to be doing this? If the answers no. Then don't.

Good luck!!!
2008-02-05 20:12:19 UTC
Don't cut yourself! THATS HORRIBLE thing to do to yourself! You do not deserve it!!! You are a wonderful person and should not be wasting your time hurting yourself! Read a book, watch a good movie, write as story, write a song, go somewhere, call someone and talk to them!!! DO NOT hurt yourself! Please, just stop it RIGHT NOW. I know this is just online, but you must care somewhat if you took the time to write this! Please, you are a great person and you deserve to have a good time. You should pray. I'm praying for you. You really need to tell someone! I hope you can stop! Please, stop!
If you only knew
2008-02-05 20:09:32 UTC
*If You Need Immediate Help Call*


If Truly Feeling Suicidal Call 911
fishin for answer
2008-02-05 20:12:36 UTC
you are doing the right thing by asking for help,but you need to ask someone who is physicly there who can help.on here all you can get is advise and you need help. my daughter did this for a while until she talked to me about it and we worked thru it together. try talking to your mother or father first.they are the ones who can better help you even though it may appear that they are upset with you cutting yourself.if you cant talk to them,then talk to ANY trusting adult who can help can find an adult at school also(doesnt have to be your teacher). please dont cut yourself anymore.whatever is causing you to do this can be worked out. you are on the right track by seeking help,but we on here,....can only give you advise.

EDIT:ok so you dont want to get your parents or someone at school your case,either one of the two would really be the best place to start to get you help.its ok to be bashful(i am also),but put that aside because your situation is serious and no one is going to even notice you being bashful,muchless care about it when you let them know your problem.if a "friend" threatens not to be your friend,then they arent a true friend to begin with . true friends will stick with each other ,confide in each other and help one another . you will only be able to hide your cuts for so long,so please just ask to see a counsler at school and you dont even have to say a word to her/him . by showing your arms,it is self explanatory. they will automaticly know what you are doing to yourself ,and that you want help. a person who isnt seeking help will hide thier wounds from people . you can do this with your mother also . "accidently" let her see your arms . she is your mother and she loves you . she is the person who can help you out the best .dont be afraid of her getting mad at you . as a mother myself,i wouldnt get mad ,my first thought would be to get you help asap . if i dint mention it before , my daughter used to do the same thing you are doing . in this case,she came to me and asked me for help . im sure it wasnt easy for her to do it, but she really wanted to stop the cutting and wanted help. please get help . stop putting up barriers for doing so . you need help . none of us on YA can help you,we can only advise you on how to get the help you need.
2008-02-05 20:11:21 UTC
You need to confide in your parents, or in an adult you trust. Find the strength and courage and do can go nowhere as things are now....You are special. You are meant to make a difference in the world - but first you must love yourself enough to ask for help.....we need you in the world.....we need you healthy...your smile, your very being will make a difference - please - ask someone you know for help.... xo
2008-02-05 20:10:16 UTC
You need to tell someone. You don't say your age, but I'm going to assume you're in school. Go talk to a counselor at school. They should be able to help you. Trust me, people do care. Don't ever forget that.
Patti Wray
2008-02-05 20:15:23 UTC
Go to a doctor find out why you like to cause your own blood to flow, why you like to inflect self pain. Fall on your knees,get a bible, and do some serious begging for help from the only one that can truly help you. GOD......I'm PRAYING with YOU.
2008-02-05 20:09:09 UTC
Uh oh. That's never good. See a doctor or a counselor. Seriously get help.
2008-02-05 20:08:46 UTC
dont cut yourself. What The??

The best way to clean a cut, scrape or puncture wound (such as from a nail) is with cool water. You can hold the wound under running water or fill a tub with cool water and pour it from a cup over the wound.

Use soap and a soft washcloth to clean the skin around the wound. Try to keep soap out of the wound itself because soap can cause irritation. Use tweezers that have been cleaned in isopropyl alcohol to remove any dirt that remains in the wound after washing.

Even though it may seem that you should use a stronger cleansing solution (such as hydrogen peroxide or an antiseptic), these things may irritate wounds. Ask your family doctor if you feel you must use something other than water.


Bleeding helps clean out wounds. Most small cuts or scrapes will stop bleeding in a short time. Wounds on the face, head or mouth will sometimes bleed a lot because these areas are rich in blood vessels.

To stop the bleeding, apply firm but gentle pressure on the cut with a clean cloth, tissue or piece of gauze. If the blood soaks through the gauze or cloth you're holding over the cut, don't take it off. Just put more gauze or another cloth on top of what you already have in place and apply more pressure.

If your wound is on an arm or leg, raising it above your heart will also help slow the bleeding.


Leaving a wound uncovered helps it stay dry and helps it heal. If the wound isn't in an area that will get dirty or be rubbed by clothing, you don't have to cover it.

If it's in an area that will get dirty (such as your hand) or be irritated by clothing (such as your knee), cover it with an adhesive strip (Band-Aid) or with sterile gauze and adhesive tape. Change the bandage each day to keep the wound clean and dry.

Certain wounds, such as scrapes that cover a large area of the body, should be kept moist and clean to help reduce scarring and speed healing. Bandages used for this purpose are called occlusive or semiocclusive bandages. You can buy them in drug stores without a prescription. Your family doctor will tell you if he or she thinks this type of bandage is best for you.

Should I use an antibiotic ointment?

Antibiotic ointments (such as Bacitracin) help healing by keeping out infection and by keeping the wound clean and moist. A bandage does pretty much the same thing. If you have stitches, your doctor will tell you whether he or she wants you to use an antibiotic ointment. Most minor cuts and scrapes will heal just fine without antibiotic ointment, but it can speed healing and help reduce scarring.
2008-02-05 20:36:20 UTC
Try the rubber band thing. That sounds like a good idea.
2008-02-05 20:09:33 UTC
If you're asking publicly you obviously want to stop.

So stop.

Get all of the razors and scissors away from your room and bathroom. Talk to a counselor, a friend, your parents, someone will care.

Don't hurt yourself, that's never good =/

Nobody wants to see someone they know self harm, seriously and die, think of others, think of yourself, think of me, who you don't know, but hates to see others in pain.
2008-02-05 20:09:20 UTC
Dont cut yourself get a hobby play basketball.
2008-02-05 20:09:39 UTC
OK RIP A T-SHIRT AND PLACE IT ABOVE THE CUT TO CUT SIRCULATION AND STOP BLOOD FLOW, THEN FIND A BOTTLE OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE (SALT WATER WILL DO) soak then apply a lotion and wrap a t-shirt with tape around the wound, go to the emergency room or nearest health care place.
2008-02-05 20:09:11 UTC
Talk to your school counselor. They actually will care and can get you help. If your school has a psychologist you can talk to them as well. You need to talk to someone.
2008-02-05 20:10:56 UTC
See self harm, in section 16, at and contact them, when you feel the need to self harm/cut. Seek therapy, to help you address the cause.
2008-02-05 20:08:17 UTC
Go to the doctor
2008-02-05 20:09:18 UTC
How did you cut yo self .... dont cut yourself thats bad thats like doing a suicide dont do it ok its not worth it !
2008-02-05 20:09:14 UTC
just find another habit u cant break. I used to bite my nails all the time now I just chew gum alot. lol kinda weird I guess.
2008-02-05 20:08:57 UTC
talk to someone you trust and love and then get help. Its ok and things will get better but you have to take some action
Amanda [Taylor.]
2008-02-05 20:09:27 UTC
you need to seek professional help.

tell someone you trust (an adult preferably).

there is many people in the world who care about you.

good luck.
2008-02-05 20:08:47 UTC
They will care.

Get help .

talk to a friend.

talk to a school Consler.

Talk to someone
2008-02-05 20:09:13 UTC
i did 4 a while to n what i did to help me stop was i wore rubberbands n instead of cuting myself i flicked myself with rubber bands
2008-02-05 20:09:07 UTC
get a psychologist, tell your parents (they love you, they care), if you feel the urge to cut yourself, do something else.
2008-02-05 20:09:06 UTC
Each time you want to cut yourself, do 20 jumping jacks instead.
2008-02-05 20:08:33 UTC
There's Art In Everything
2008-02-05 20:08:40 UTC
can you talk to a school counselor? IM me if you need to talk.
miss sunshine
2008-02-05 20:09:59 UTC
ok. first you should evaluate your life. why are you unhappy? i think you should talk to a counselor/teacher/doctor, or whatever adult you can trust.
2008-02-05 20:08:59 UTC
tell parents go to a theropist they will listen.
2008-02-05 20:09:34 UTC
go to a rehab center
2008-02-05 20:08:54 UTC
Dress it with hydrogen peroxide and cover it up with a band-aid.
2008-02-05 20:08:32 UTC
Buy some plasters.
2008-02-05 20:10:44 UTC
i do to tell ur parents
2008-02-05 20:08:51 UTC
please see a doctor

it may help that i care

i feel your pain

i feel your unjust need to cry

but please get help its imperative.
2008-02-05 20:08:44 UTC
all you gotta do is remember one word "STOP!" thats it, its that easy

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.