2013-01-03 01:26:11 UTC
The mean voice insults me, telling me how ugly i am, pointing out my flaws, telling me i should just kill myself.
The sweet voice tells me not to listen to the mean voice, and tells me im pretty.
The brave voice takes control fast and surprises me with the things it makes me do. I'd never do anything like this voice makes me do if I could control it
The intelligent voice uses big words that I don't know the meaning of.
Then theres this "i don't give a f***" voice that just does things wrecklessly, or, it makes me do them.
Theres the bossy voice, this one i hear all the time. it's always controlling me, telling me what to do.
When someone asks me a question that involves decision making, I hear all of them talk. I don't know what to say because their opinions are so different. It's like I don't have one, its their opinions. My thoughts become jumbled.
When I smoke marijuana or drink, i become one clear thinking person. And i become very calm, and happy that I'm in control of myself. I smoke marijuana quite often but it's only a temporary release.
I feel like someone's watching me at all times. I talk to myself out loud, but it's confusing to me which voice i'm talking to.
Anyone know or have any ideas what my problem is? Anyone?