Can anybody help me with anxiety and panic attacs?
2007-09-17 06:16:00 UTC
Ive been suffering for 6 months with varous stress and anxious panic attacks im at the end of my tether, im shaking uncontrolably at bed time when i think about them? to the point of violent shaking and my husband calling an ambulance.
Please can anybody help me who has had them, im distrought. Thank you
Eighteen answers:
2007-09-17 19:41:24 UTC

Like all well-oiled machines the human body requires fuel to function and this be supplied to us in two forms, food and air. I will discuss the role of foods in anxiety disorders later. As we all know, air quality is vital to the health of the human body, polluted, smoky or stale air can lead to a variety of health problems.

The lungs and respiratory passageways are efficient at filtering much of the larger impurities out of the air we breathe but cannot assist us with breathing technique. What must be remembered is that the respiratory system has two functions, not only to inhale fresh air but also to exhale the by-product of respiration, carbon dioxide.

It is very easy during times of stress to neglect correct breathing. Subconsciously, our autonomic nervous system - the part of the nervous system responsible for carrying out the automatic bodily responses like breathing, digestion and brain activity - becomes affected by muscular tension and other stress reactions, altering the breathing patterns we take for granted.

These changes are not dangerous, but are enough to upset the normal body chemistry associated with good health. As blood oxygen and blood carbon dioxide levels fluctuate under stress, certain systems become affected causing sometimes quite severe and disturbing symptoms; these are visible as panic, anxiety and stress. Correct breathing can:

* Decrease heart rate

* Decrease blood pressure

* Decrease metabolism

* Decrease muscle pain

* Increase circulation

The symptoms associated with bad breathing are numerous and include, dizziness, shortness of breath, pins and needles, pains in hands, feet and muscles, pain over the heart and shaking to name but a few.

I cannot put enough emphasis on the importance of rebalancing correct breathing. The autonomic nervous system works because it is a totally involuntary set of nerve impulses, which regulates a multitude of bodily functions without having to involve your conscious thought.

Whether you are awake or asleep, your body continues carrying out these functions. Now add stress and your body mechanism is disrupted, its daily blueprint is altered like a clock that's running too fast. The breath becomes shallower; this is recognisable as shorter breaths, which expand the chest above the diaphragm, (the sheath of muscular tissue which lies at the base of the rib cage across the chest cavity), but leaves the stomach still, this is called hyperventilation.

The breathing also becomes quicker combining this with shallow breathing results in imbalances of oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood. What we have to do now is re-set the clock, retrain our bodies and slowly move the correct breathing technique back into place. This is not as difficult as it sounds and as it happens through correcting breathing, the subconscious mind is learning new behaviour and rebuilding new habits.

During hyperventilation, you might find you are experiencing some pretty scary symptoms and could be heading towards a full-blown panic attack. Through regular, light exercise, relaxation and breathing exercises you can take control of your body, redressing the imbalance, becoming free from your anxiety. Many hospitals run classes in the Alexander Technique and similar breathing techniques and exercises. Tai Chi, Yoga and meditation all implement correct breathing as part of their practice and provide muscular stretching and muscle toning exercises too.

If you spend a lot of time sitting, remember to walk around as much and as often as possible. Sitting at a desk very often produces bad posture, wwhich compresses the organs in the chest cavity and belly area, the heart and lungs become compressed and the digestive system slows. Move as much as you possibly can without straining.

Some people say that you should take deep breaths to calm yourself whilst panicking or experiencing high anxiety, this is wrong advice! Lots of prolonged in-breaths will make your more anxious and tense.

The rules are simple:

* Lengthen exhalation to relax

* Lengthen inhalation to stimulate yourself

So when you wish to relax, inhale fully (but stay relaxed) and then, without pausing, exhale slowly. Then repeat this as many times, as required.

Prepare for stressful events in advance if possible. Do this by practicing this simple breathing exercise as long as possible before the event.

It really does help!
2016-05-18 04:50:43 UTC
I am so happy, it was only a 35 minute drive ( 70 minutes total) but absolutely no sign of anxiety or panic i shopped till I dropped - brilliant! I will now go for the next stage DUAL CARRIAGE way, probably at the weekend, with my husband accompanying me first then the solo drive, if successful the final stage of driving on motorway

Beat Anxiety And Panic Attacks Naturally?
2007-09-17 06:25:37 UTC
I have panic attacks and sever anxiety and depersonalisation (though that hasn't been diagnosed). I took pronanalol for three months, i'm trying to get off of it, but i'm thinking of going back for another prescription. For you i think you shouldn't go for the medication at this point, because it will become addictive, go see a doctor who will refer you to a psychiatrist, who can help you tackle the root of the attacks and help you with techniques you can use to sedate yourself.

In the meantime, do what i do, know that what your going through will pass and that nothing is happening to you, its all in your head. I know its hard to imagine when your having a panic attack, but if you try hard enough you'll get better at managing them through this technique. Everytime you have a panic attack just think 'this is just a panic attack, it'll pass' and before you know it, it will have =)

Good Luck
2007-09-17 06:27:07 UTC
My husband used to get terrible anxiety & panic attacks, he thought he was having heart attacks several times and sometimes he would just explode. He went to his general practitioner and she precribed him Ativan (I'm not sure how to spell it) and he took 1 a day and then would take one when he would start to feel anxious. She also suggested more exercise to get out his frustrations. He really hasn't had any problems since then. Talk to your doctor to see what's right for you and ask them about ativan or some anti-anxiety medication.
The Instigator
2007-09-17 06:34:52 UTC
I've been recovering from a pretty bad anxiety problem for awhile now. I've also had depression for most of my life, so perhaps my problem is much different. Regardless, here is a previous answer of mine that was directed towards depression. The same techniques apply to anxiety. Feel free to email me for any reason.

Following is reprinted:


diet and exercise. fish oil pills are the easiest change to make. everyone is different, so diet/exercise may not help so much, but you need to optimize them so you can narrow the problem down. (the idea here is that you are sensitive to something in your diet that most people don't notice) if you get stuck on research, email me. research all of these: (also search with the word depression added in)

diet, good fats/bad fats, omega-3-6-9 ratio, fish oil, acid/alkaline diets, dehydration, carbohydrate addiction, candida overgrowth, MSG labelling, glutamate cascade, mild sleep disorder, tongue thrust

i like this book, "from fatigued to fantastic" by jacob teitelbaum, M.D. He has a website.

also has good info on vitamins and minerals.

get a whole bunch of exercise, most of it intense cardio. also work on posture/strength training with yoga or pilates or something
2007-09-17 06:23:19 UTC
I have had them for 5 yrs now. I am on zoloft. I still get them now and then but not bad. If you know what is causing them try to avoid the situation. You should see a doctor before they get even worse. I hate them, and the thought that they are taking my breath away scares the heck out of me. My hubby usuallly has to take me out side. It is a little relief. Malls are my main problelm, I use to love shopping I hate it now. But, see a doctor. Good Luck I know how you fee.
2007-09-17 06:20:43 UTC
You should see a psychologist and get to the bottom of what is causing these panic attacks - in the meantime, don't forget the paper bag - breathe into it.

Try taking time out for yourself every day to soothe your anxiety - bubble baths with candle light, etc.

Take a deep breath in and exhale to the count of seven.
2016-02-02 18:47:03 UTC
anxiety panic attacs
2007-09-17 06:25:08 UTC
My sister has them. She couldnt breathe and we rushed her to the hospital. You just need to take up something like yoga (it soudns retarded but it works) and take some time off to just "get away from it all". My sister and our family to a 2 week vacation and she does yoga 2 times a week (our doctor recommended it) She hasnt had one since last summer! It really works
2007-09-17 06:28:33 UTC
are you on antidepressants they do work i have the same feeling especially at bed time i was taking 50mg for about 6 months but was still getting tingles and lump in throat Doctor put me up to 1mg i feel heaps better i don't think all the feelings will ever go away their is nothing wrong with going on antidepressants you really do need them to con troll the chemical balance in your brain it does get better
2016-06-22 17:51:40 UTC
Cure Social Anxiety Shyness :
2016-06-22 12:18:00 UTC
Cure Social Anxiety Shyness -
2016-06-22 07:40:38 UTC
Cure Social Anxiety Shyness -
2016-06-21 12:19:52 UTC
Cure Social Anxiety Shyness -
2007-09-17 06:21:50 UTC
See panic attacks, stress, and anxiety treatments, at ( on pages 8, 42, and 6.
2007-09-17 06:39:33 UTC
It is not easy to suggest as we don't know what kind of a person you are,what are your personal traits.A general advice is to engage yourself with things you like.I like creative things and I draw or write diary when I have a bad day.So think what you like and just engage yourself with it.
2007-09-17 07:00:22 UTC
First hand knowledge- I had my first attack in a grocery store- didn't know what hit me- shaking, panic, heart racing, felt like I was closed in an going to die.

This began when I was about 22 and had them right up till when I got pregnant at age 27. I went to therapy, and one of the therapists told me I was just seeking a way to cop out of things in my life, I told him to kiss my @ss and stormed out, then went to another and all he did was shake his head yes and write things down, didn't help me, $100 for someone to write things down on paper and shake their head?

I then began to go back into places where I had the attacks, difficult as it was, I did, then instead of standing in line at stores thinking about how I had to wait and fearing an attack, I would strike up conversations with people in stores, this took my mind off the focus of being unsettled and more on the interest of the conversation.

I also was referred a book called Conversations with God book 1 by Neale donald walsh which I kind of laughed to the person who informed me to get the book because at the time I felt I was at rock bottom, depression set in and i really didn't want to get into religious crap or even know if I could understand it but to my surprise I did get the book and it had nothing to do with religion and everything to do with life, emotions, experiences, reasons why, and tons of common sense that most of us kind of already know but it is a confident builder, and over time I began to stop having these attacks- that book played a huge part in the reason why.

Everything else seemed to fail and drugs just were a band aid, I didn't want to be dependant on anything that would just mask the problem, I wanted to rid it and the only way is mind change- changing the way of thinking.

Anxiety is a fear- basically of nothing but I do know after 911 and all the crap on the news, more people have it now than ever. I still sometimes fear having one, but I think in the past several years I have only experienced one tiny one. Again, it is mind control, changing focus.

Self esteem is another part that plays it's role with anxiety, negative thoughts, negative vibes from others- etc..

I never understood jealousy, my sil is a real "beeeach" she forbidden my brother to attend my wedding because my parents paid for our wedding and hers did not pay for hers, etc.. jealousy thing... in this book it said that in life we have 2 emotions we react upon, LOVE and FEAR- and jealousy is nothing more than a fear of losing or fear of never having.

These common sense things really touched home with me, allowing me to better understand life, others and most importantly myself.

You have to make your goal to accept yourself and be comfortable with yourself in order to become comfortable with others and the world surrounding.

Meditation is also a good thing to try, yoga as well.

Start with the book, and see if you cannot practice mind control- relaxation methods, even if you begin at home with some DVD's that teach yoga, this way you don't have to go out of the house to do it. My anxiety was so bad at times I would stare out the window watching people drive by, walk by with their dog and ask why I cannot be like them NORMAL and do things like Normal people do- Some days I would sit in my car in the driveway and not be able to leave the driveway, I would shake and cry and not be able to even drive to the store, and if I did make it out of the driveway, I would get a few blocks down and turn around and come back. It is frustrating not to be able to do the simplist of tasks like just going to the store. Now, I go and don't think about it, I focus more on what I am going to buy, seeing people I know who work there which is a comfort. Get to know people who work in places where you shop, this way, you can focus on going to see them, say hello, and this will bring comfort to you when you have to go out.
2007-09-17 08:45:18 UTC
if you have aspartame in your diet, be sure to remove it! good luck.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.