I don't want to be a christian, but I view atheism as even more deplorable?
Black Wolf
2014-11-09 20:51:29 UTC
I'm didn't abandon christianity because of evolution, I abandoned it bc I got sick of all the bigotry and hatred. I wanted to be a nice person, and the only way I saw to do that, was to just disregard all the teachings of the bible.

But at the same time, I can't be an atheist. As far as bigotry and hatred go, they aren't anymore better. Now, I just view it as a consequence of human nature rather than belief system. I also cannot stand the hopelessness and endless pessimism of atheism.

But I can't go back to being a christian. Like I said, I don't want to be a bigot and besides, I can't be a christian after finding out about the book called 'a history of god'.

What should I do? Should I see a therapist? I'm afraid to, bc its likely they'll just try to talk me into their own religion, with no regards for weather it is the best for me, and besides I'm afraid of what they might try to do to me. If they think there's something wrong with you, they want to completely re-write your entire personnality believing that it will fix you.

What am I to do?
85 answers:
2014-11-10 19:40:55 UTC
First of all, you're assuming there is only one religion to choose from, when there are hundreds if not thousands. You might be happier as a Buddhist, or Wiccan, or a Jedi. Do a little research.

Secondly, you're confusing the acts of individual people with the teachings of their religion. You can find hateful bigots in any religion, but you can also find many good and loving people in all religions. Just because someone does something in the name of Jesus or Islam or the Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't mean that deity actually endorses those actions.

You also have a strange idea of therapists... and it borders on paranoia. A well-trained therapist never tries to talk you into anything; they simply encourage you think carefully and logically about your feelings and motivations until YOU come a decision.
The Jester's Dead
2014-11-11 08:16:35 UTC
What a lot of people seem to forget is that you either stand for a religion or you don't. There's no middle ground. If you aren't a Christian, Muslim, etc., then you aren't one. You don't believe in God. That would be called "agnostic" (where you believe in a higher power) or atheism. I'm not saying you NEED to follow your religion, but it's no wonder why are stuck.

I agree with the first poster. Look into different religions, but if none of them work out, maybe religion wasn't meant for you. You also can't hear what anybody says, but what that deity is telling you. And you need to make sure that you UNDERSTAND what that higher power is speaking. The Bible is horribly misinterpreted a lot of the times, it's no wonder why people are deterred from Christianity.

Good luck, no pressure! I know you're stuck, but I was in a similar situation as you. With a little prayer and some faith, I retained my Christian title!
2014-11-11 02:32:18 UTC
As for guidance from others, You could go to a priest, or a therapist. Unfortunatly though, they can not help you if you don't already have an idea of what you believe in or want to believe in. They can't just wave a wand and based on your personality and emotions just pick out the perfect religion for you. It just doesnt work that way!

I feel that you are treating religion as if it is all black and white.... I strongly believe that one should not think in extremes, especially when considering matters of god and religion. First off, there are so many things between Christianity and Atheism. There are so many different religions out there. The only way to find out about them is to jump in and explore around you.

This is what the spiritual journey is all about! Start by picking out what means a lot to you. Look within you for YOUR OWN truth as you see yourself and the world. Start there and build on that. Once you ask for guidance, you will become aware that something out there was trying to show itself to you all along and you simply weren't aware/listening. If you don't like something or don't believe it, simply aknowlege that you don't find it helpful, but also realize that others might look at it differently than you. Its all ok in the end because we are all on our own path's of life and we are all 100% unique individuals. BEST OF LUCK TO YOU :)
Beelzebub III
2014-11-11 08:49:54 UTC
Atheist hateful and bigoted? If you are talking about online atheist then I see what you mean. That is just atheists having fun at something in inherently evil (most religions).

I an an anti-theist which is a militant atheist and I am a super passive and calm guy. You don't become an atheist, you just are one if you have no belief in a god. Everybody is an atheist in reality because we all disbelieve in thousands of gods (most of them pagan). It is not hard to disbelieve in 1 god more.

You also can't seek a therapist for something imaginary like god. If you lack a disbelief in a god you are an atheist by title. You should seriously start hanging around some atheists and stop using the Christian depiction of them.
The First Dragon
2014-11-11 15:58:48 UTC
Not all Christians are bigots. Not even most of them. And BTW, most Christians also believe in evolution.

And as you said, bigotry exists among Atheists, and in fact it exists everywhere.

I do not think this is a mental health issue, so I doubt that a therapist would help, but you never know.

You could try a denomination of Christianity that you are not familiar with, just to see what it is like. If you were raised in a Fundamentalist denomination, try Roman Catholic or Methodist. Actually, you might like the Society of Friends [Quakers]. Kindness and openness are practically their main things.

If you do not want to do this, you really might look into Buddhism. Buddhism is more philosophy and spirituality than religion as we Westerners understand it. It helps you understand yourself. I think that anybody can benefit from some Buddhist type practices, and a lot of them have been assimilated into medicine and psychology.
2014-11-12 09:57:11 UTC
It's good to see that there are people in the world still searching for the truth. That is what you are searching for. You will be happy to know that there are many people like you out there with similar questions and under the same influences. If you will please go to and enter the topic Atheism, you will have access to a number of articles that will take you trough what others like you experienced. And you will also find the truth that you are looking for. The only thing I will advise you is to base your research on God's word, the bible. No man can give the satisfactory answers you are looking for... Only bible based answers will lead you to the truth. Jeremiah 10:23
2014-11-09 21:00:39 UTC
Regardless of the whole religion thing, that's not even close to what a therapist does. If anything, it's the complete opposite. Therapists don't "do" anything to you, re-write your history or try to change your belief system. They listen to you and help guide you to come to your own conclusions.

And there are hateful and bigoted people in all religions and belief systems. That's a characteristic of specific people, not a religion/non-religion in general.
2014-11-10 13:31:34 UTC
I agree with you.

I call myself a Christian. I believe in what I want. I pretty much avoid organized "religion". May attend a service on occasion.

You might look into, I'm OK, You're OK a moldy oldie book on transactional analysis. It explains reactions. Like how you talk to people (or how they talk to you) elicits responses. It is not a religion, but it is very interesting and still applies. They call it a self help book. I call it a great understanding..and the concepts are simple.

Religion? who needs it? You can call yourself a realist. OR "exercise your right to be free from religion".

I'd focus on some self-help stuff...if you want it...or better yet, go out and join a group of folks with similar interests and just enjoy life.

Go walk in the woods. By a stream or lake. Seek beauty. Find inner peace.

I like kayaking. Waterfalls.

(Oh yeah I FLUNKED "how odes it make you feel" uh techniques). Sorry. oops.

It is all good.

"OUCH"..interesting on how some folks attack you. WOW!

Sad but I can't express my true thoughts...for fear of being attacked.,_You%27re_OK
Sally says...
2014-11-09 20:55:40 UTC
Be like me. I am an agnostic because I cannot prove or disprove God, and I live my life how I see fit and no one tells me what to do. I feel like I am a good person and don't need to rely on a religion but I am also not against a possible belief in a higher being. Don't let anyone or anything define who you are; you make that choice. Good luck!
2014-11-09 21:09:09 UTC
If you legitimately believe in the existence of god, then continue to do so. You don't have to call yourself christian if you don't want to be associated with hateful bigots. If you don't believe in god, then you are an atheist. If you don't feel that these fit you, explore other belief systems, such as Buddhism, agnosticism, or Taoism. They all work fairly well.
Sagan Ritual
2014-11-09 20:54:42 UTC
All that matters in the world is suffering. Don't cause suffering, and you'll be an awesome person. Read books, learn about the world. Keep your mind open to new ideas, but be skeptical, especially when you hear extraordinary fact-claims that have zero credible substantiation. You don't have to choose a label. Just be a human.
2014-11-11 17:34:58 UTC
I myself am a Christian, but here is my take...

Society pollutes our vision of religion (example, ISIS, westborrow baptist..) but not everyone who follows a religion is like that. The bad parts get the spotlight. People take their own interpretations of any religion they follow and apply it to their life. Hence why Christianity has so many denominations. The important thing is that you don't let other worldviews corrupt your own. I've found it very difficult to separate fact from fiction myself. Every religion has something positive to offer, so hone in on that and find the parts that apply to you most. Hope this helps a bit :)
2014-11-10 18:36:46 UTC
so you have stopped running the race; fighting the good fight and now, here is where you find yourself--conflicted--one part of me wants to do what is right and the other wants to do what is wrong. I suggest you trust the Bible like that innocent child you once were before you read that you really think that these God-haters would speak positively about God? Please don't lose focus because the time is ever closer--china and Russia are becoming tight--they are not joining forces to attack..both are hecking our national comupters, Go to the Book of Rev. and there you will read about the harlot, the beast, the false prophet, the death of the Jewish people, the future for God's childern--those whom have claimed Jesus as Lord and Savior and have proclaimed the blood of Jesus over therm--Jn. 3:16,17

and don't worry about therapy, they WILL NOT try nor attempt to change your mind or convert you to their beliefs but they will try to help you answer your thoughts; why do you decided to walk away from what you believed, how can you change to be whom you want to become, to find reason to what you are enduring--conflicted, and go from there... you obviously have many questions about those whom hurt you--spiritually and if you decide to go, they will ask what type of therapy you want.. I use faith-based therapy when the person needs that kind of therapy but I don't force my beliefs on my clients.

please take a moment and listen to You are I am by Mercy Me, to Remind me whom I am by Jason Gray, to Need you now by Plumb, to I am forgiven by Sanctus Real and find your way me, the end is closer but like in the times of Noah, many will not come to Know Salvation... remember, it is a choice....Jn. 3:16, 17 and that is the foundation to all whom believe.

don't stress about how ohters behave, God will deal with them so don't give up on can email me if you like...
2014-11-12 02:44:16 UTC
There are lots of other choices.

Agnostic, spiritualist, a host of other religions or even a different branch of Christianity.

What you need to do is study a wide range of different beliefs and find what YOU belive in.

You don't have to put a label on it, just find what you feel comfortable with.
2014-11-12 21:33:05 UTC
Here's another option for you :

"The religious aspect of the environmental movement pt.3

Pantheism, pledges and earth worship

The environmental movement has as its basis a religious perspective - mother Earth along with pantheism. This is the progressive replacement for God; deifying “Mother Earth,” and a unified theory of all creatures, teaching that we are all interdependent of each other and the earth."

there is much more to this belief. The link at the beginning of this answer is to the page where the rest of this information can be found. There are lots more pages with information on worshipping the Earth and each other.
2014-11-11 05:50:24 UTC
Then do as I have done, and create your own religion.

Mine is a religion without beliefs, without faith, with no priests, no churches or temples, and no heirarchy, or leaders.

There is no afterlife, or resurrection, although all of us get to lead at least many billions of lives; in fact, as many lives as there are.

It borrows from many belief systems, is solely evidence based, can take on multiple forms, such as group silence, for 20 mns, while people either meditate, practise a relaxation method quietly, or just recline comfortably. In Buddhism there is group meditation, but the above has more options.

In the Rastafarian religion, they refer to each other as "I", and "I", which fits in well with the above, so I decided to appropriate it.

In Roman catholicism, they have confession, which is psychologically healthy, so I plan to incorporate it, online at first.

It is democratic in nature, and requires no donations, or tithing. Meetings can be anywhere suitable, in public places, parks, beaches, or online.

Humanitarian values, common decency, a commitment to becoming more environmentally responsible, for the benefit of the generations to come, a desire for peace and co-operation, (rather than cutthroat competition) and, like Bhutan, measuring success by national happiness levels, rather than the accumulation of material wealth, and wanting the betterment of people everywhere, seems like a good starting point.

Science, technology, and learning are valued, and evolution is so fundamental and accepted that it is only discussed by those with a particular interest, in separate meetings, something like non denominational services. Agendas can be proposed at set times, and voted on, without those dissenting being discriminated against.

What would yours be like?
2014-11-09 21:03:53 UTC
Yes. Adopt the following method, which is considered the best among all.


Equanimity is one of the most sublime emotions of Buddhist practice. It is the ground for wisdom and freedom and the protector of compassion and love. While some may think of equanimity as dry neutrality or cool aloofness, mature equanimity produces a radiance and warmth of being. The Buddha described a mind filled with equanimity as “abundant, exalted, immeasurable, without hostility and without ill-will.”

The English word “equanimity” translates two separate Pali words used by the Buddha. Each represents a different aspect of equanimity.

The most common Pali word translated as “equanimity” is upekkha, meaning “to look over.” It refers to the equanimity that arises from the power of observation, the ability to see without being caught by what we see. When well-developed, such power gives rise to a great sense of peace.

2014-11-11 12:23:39 UTC
I think I understand where you are coming from, I also do not have or want a religion, I need/want to read the Bible chapter by chapter and verse by verse and believe what no man tells me and no religion, I am a Christian and I hear the Bible here and the Truth also no religion, just Bible.( Jesus was of no religion ) as I told you chapter by chapter maybe this is for you. give a listen.
2014-11-09 20:57:13 UTC
I was raised Catholic and no longer belong to any religion. I'm spiritual, but no religion "fits" what I personally believe. And that is perfectly fine with me. Do you need a religion to define what you believe? Or can you take your beliefs and be all right not belonging to any organized faith? It's really up to you
El Nerdo Loco
2014-11-09 20:57:03 UTC
You do not have to identify as an atheist if you do not want to. While I think your view of atheism has been influenced by those who do not like us, the idea that you are with us or with your previous worldview might not be a useful way of looking at things. Just be you. Form your own beliefs and question everything.
2014-11-10 17:13:04 UTC
You seem to want to "be" something. Stop that.

You are blaming Christianity for the wrong reasons. Go live in a Muslim country for awhile, then report back about bad religion. If you are still alive, that is.

Learn science. Knowing how the world works, is the key to happiness.
2014-11-14 05:09:48 UTC
Just be a theist, or agnostic theist - which is what I'm pulled towards. I was raised a Christian (Catholic), then agnostic for many years, then atheist but now I am re-assessing things. Best of luck. Hope you find your way.
2014-11-10 10:20:58 UTC
You are confusing RELIGION with FAITH. I agree with you about the religiosity of so many Christians. They are mere humans, like us all...imperfect, and driven by self.

Faith means you believe, and walk in that belief. I believe in my Christian based faith. I believe the Bible. I dont go to church. I try to live and walk in a way that I believe God wants me be a blessing to others, to be blessed and so on. I want to see the world and people as much as they way God does as possible. I want to know the things that make him sad (religiosoity being one I feel). I give out of my need, believing in Him for everything.

Changing "religion" because you dont like the people is a dead end. Every "religion" is made of imperfect people. Stop trying to find your "religion" and find your FAITH in what you have already been shown.
2014-11-13 08:09:38 UTC
Trust your own inner voice and seek God through your own path that you are walking. You are looking for answers from what other people view or think or have found to be their truth. FIND YOUR TRUTH. GO WITHIN. We all have spirit guides and guardian angels who can assist in leading us on our journey here. ASK them for guidance to find your truth to the knowledge of God. Become spiritual and comfortable with what you feel is right for you. There is nothing wrong with you. You are just becoming aware of who and what and why..
2014-11-09 20:53:57 UTC
Bigotry and hatred in Christianity where? Which city(-ies)? Which country? Have you travelled abroad? How many countries have you visited extensively, thereof experiencing Christianity? How many continents have you traversed?

Have you concluded "bigotry and hatred" from within a bigoted and hateful culture?

You have attempted to present a strong conclusion, therewith accusation, and I challenge you to present broad evidence. Waiting.

Without such required broad evidence, then your accusations are dismissed as biased.
2014-11-09 20:53:24 UTC
Perhaps you can join a similar religion. The most peaceful religion is Buddhism. Hope you don't go to Hell.
2014-11-16 19:05:32 UTC
2014-11-12 20:01:52 UTC
Check out Buddhism.
2014-11-15 17:13:01 UTC
Check out Buddhism.
2014-11-14 03:48:04 UTC
Check out Buddhism.
2014-11-11 00:56:55 UTC
Check out Buddhism.
2014-11-20 03:42:07 UTC
Check out Buddhism.
2014-11-13 22:00:03 UTC
2014-11-11 15:23:28 UTC
If you need to believe in a god then think of it as the unknowable source behind evolution and the Big Bang etc. I dont need.
2014-11-20 04:18:05 UTC
2014-11-19 23:25:18 UTC
2014-11-17 14:46:10 UTC
Check out Buddhism.
2014-11-17 14:23:30 UTC
2014-11-17 08:56:17 UTC
2014-11-17 06:30:23 UTC
2014-11-17 05:45:13 UTC
2014-11-17 02:07:13 UTC
2014-11-16 06:26:15 UTC
2014-11-16 04:51:15 UTC
2014-11-16 01:01:20 UTC
Check out Buddhism.
2014-11-15 22:33:39 UTC
2014-11-15 21:34:58 UTC
2014-11-14 00:39:24 UTC
2014-11-13 19:19:21 UTC
Check out Buddhism.
2014-11-09 20:55:03 UTC

or you can try becoming a atheist, if you feel uncomfortable in it, then don't be an atheists.
2014-11-20 03:21:37 UTC
2014-11-17 12:45:26 UTC
2014-11-16 07:15:08 UTC
2014-11-16 04:36:40 UTC
2014-11-16 01:51:49 UTC
Check out Buddhism.
2014-11-15 16:38:49 UTC
2014-11-15 13:41:27 UTC
2014-11-15 09:05:22 UTC
Check out Buddhism.
2014-11-13 08:51:04 UTC
If you are kind to others and enjoy life, stop worrying about what others thinks and be yourself.

Religion should not dictate your life.
2014-11-12 08:02:04 UTC
Do without a title christian / atheist and just live your life as a good caring human being
Wonder Who
2014-11-12 06:45:23 UTC
You sound like a nice, kind person who believes in God Keep that as your religion.
2014-11-11 19:13:46 UTC
First, I would like to say that reading what you wrote made me a little sad, because the Christian's core and most important beliefs are supposed to be, "Love God, and Love Others (as you love yourself)." It is so sad that there is so much hate and judgement and that that commandment has been forgotten by so many. :'(

I would say, keep asking hard questions and seeking for yourself. I do not think seeing a therapist is necessary. Make friends from all religions, whether Muslim or Christian or even atheists, and ask them about what they believe, and if they have found satisfaction in that.
2014-11-11 13:29:36 UTC
2014-11-11 12:27:44 UTC
2014-11-11 10:30:11 UTC
Maybe being a christian isn't as bad as it looks. There is nothing wrong with believing in a higher power. people by nature tend to believe in something.. .even atheists believe in something... Science.
2014-11-11 08:52:47 UTC
Here's the thing: a religious affiliation is not needed to be happy. So many people get lost in religion that they forget the whole purpose is to have a relationship with God. Believe it or not, you can have a relationship with God WITHOUT religion.

You don't need to label yourself as Christian or atheist because after all, labels are for soup cans.
2014-11-11 07:30:52 UTC
You are blaming Christianity for being hateful, and that is wrong. It is not a hateful, bigoted religion. It may have people like that. You can believe in God and not be a Christian. You don't HAVE to be in an organized religion. You can just be a believer in God.
2014-11-11 06:36:44 UTC
Maybe you'll find a religion that "fits" you better than Christianity. I was raised a Christian, but I grew out of it. To me, the hatred and the inconsistency of people and beliefs simply didn't appeal to me. I consider myself agnostic. I live my life as I feel one should. Based on the ideas instilled from Christianity "do unto others as you would have done to you" and the like. I have found that I don't fit nicely into a conformed religion and I think it works out alright anyway. You are free to believe what you want, but from a young age, we are brought up in organized religion. I have no qualms with what anyone believes. I just live the way that makes the most sense to me. And I think that's what we all should do.
2014-11-10 23:09:01 UTC
Check out Buddhism.
2014-11-13 06:25:40 UTC
2014-11-10 20:05:18 UTC
Check out Buddhism.
2014-11-10 19:54:20 UTC
Check out Buddhism.
2014-11-09 20:54:41 UTC
Why not look into the countless other religions in the world, there is bound to be one that suits your needs and feels right.
2014-11-10 18:15:08 UTC
Why do you need a religion? Just live your life with integrity
2014-11-10 22:46:32 UTC
You're thinking too hard.
collins m
2014-11-11 17:10:22 UTC
Most Christians are not hateful but the opposite! My Church does a lot for others out there- Gay, straight, rich or poor. I will be praying for you ((HUGS))
2014-11-10 08:59:22 UTC
so . .....what you are saying cannot belong to any group if it is controversal?

putting away the bible simply says..................".you ' cannot live the either love drugs or smoking or drinking..or sex....all or one of them are having a problem with......its not the others that bother you...its the guilt of what you are doing.....................and cannot stop.

what you are doing in secret is deplorable................not the others....

you need to come to grips with what you are doing in secret.......and realize we all have problems in this life.....time for you to deal with your own flaws...and dont worry about others.
Tengu Bakemono
2014-11-12 03:04:26 UTC
You have free will, it's your choice.
2014-11-10 09:59:46 UTC
Why do you need a religion? Just live your life with integrity
2014-11-11 15:29:17 UTC
Youre all mixed up or you never took a course in bible apologetics.
2014-11-11 08:04:46 UTC
believe science and do sport is ok
2014-11-20 14:25:52 UTC
2014-11-17 07:55:25 UTC
2014-11-16 09:06:24 UTC
2014-11-10 19:32:53 UTC
Then be AGNOSTIC !!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.