2009-08-10 15:20:48 UTC
I'm still affected enough by that experience that I feel awkward around people that don't know me well, which is something I've been struggling to fix for a long time, but my awful time last year only made my issue worse.
During freshman year, my family and I discovered a way for me to possibly cure this disease: by beginning an extremely restrictive diet where I'm prohibited to eat most things "ordinary." When I eat, people usually ask me why I'm eating so healthily (basically all I can eat is meat and vegetables) and it's a little unnerving and makes me self-conscious. Despite that, I'm determined to use this diet to cure my disease (and limit my medicine intake, because right now, it's pretty off the charts). That's the one decision I've made for sure.
Here's my dilemma: I have the choice to either go back to college for my sophomore year, or take a year off and find a job (or something to do) while I continue the diet at home.
Obviously, going back to school would be great because I'd be able to see all my friends, but at the same time its also extremely difficult to keep up this diet and it would be almost like the addition of another class to my already very busy schedule at school. Also, I wouldn't be able to drink and that would definitely hinder my social life.
At the same time, staying at home would be nice--I'd be able to continue with my food restrictions relatively easily (as I have been this entire summer) and probably get a job and keep myself busy. I'd also be able to stay in shape, which I've been doing this summer. But at the same time, would I have any social life? I do have a few friends that go to colleges around me, but I can't really make a life going to visit friends at colleges... Would I make friends at my job, or in night classes? I don't know.. Also, I'd still be in the same town as my ex girlfriend and I don't know if I can stave off the temptation to call her for an entire year. If I did and she turned me down that'd be pretty awful. Its been more than a year that we've been broken up, we don't even talk and I still can't get over her and get myself to talk to other girls.. I think college would be the only thing that would free me from her.
What would you do??? This is the hardest decision I've ever had to make and I feel like it will affect my life for years to come.. physical health vs. emotional health?