Bellow is advice I gave to the last cutter, much of it applies to your situation however I am getting a stronger feeling from you that you may have been abused sexually or otherwise. I apologize if I am wrong but if I am right you need to tell someone in authority to have it stopped immediately. In any case you need to love and respect yourself regardless of how any other treats you.
I am sincerely sorry for the anguish you are going through and hope you will find the help you need.
“Obviously you are in a lot of mental pain. Please do not confuse this self destructive behavior with self worth. You are worthy of everything good. I suspect somewhere in your life you started to believe you were not worthy of everything good and hence started done this path of self destruction.
I also believe sometimes people physically hurt themselves to distract them from mental pain. It gets them out of their heads by shocking them into the present moment. There is a safer healthier way to gain presence. If I may suggest, read a book called the Power of Now by Echart Tolle. This book helped save me a world of grief, and if you take it seriously I believe it can help you too.
When it comes to any health issue they need to be addressed in a (w)holistic way. There is no one magic bullet. Start by right desire followed by right thinking which cascades into right eating, sleeping, exercising, etc. If you can accomplish this you will find yourself acting rightly and in a manner that brings joy not only to yourself but overflows out into the world.
I know it can take lifetimes to reach such a state but step by step we can move ourselves in the right direction and see immediate results by such willful direction.
I know you are hurting and probably need some help. I suggest asking around for a good psychologist. You may even need medication.
On an alternative medicine level there are many herbal, nutritional and homeopathic options. For example most people are depleted in magnesium which is a natural muscle relaxer. When we are stressed our levels of magnesium go down. You are obviously mentally stressed which is intricately connected to your physical body.
If you are experiencing anxiety the amino acid GABA could help and or Kava Kava could help mellow you out. If it is depression you might try the Amino Acid Tyrosine or the herbal Saint John's Wort. In all probability you are experiencing all these symptoms. At least get on the magnesium and from there try to isolate if you have more anxiety or depression and alternate depending on which is more prevalent.
In your case these supplements will only temporarily help alleviate the physical symptoms. This may give you some breathing room to gather the strength to address the root of your issues which obviously stems from some past psychological issue.
Remember you have to start at wanting to get better. Nothing can be accomplished without this desire. Once you are aware of what you want it is only a matter of setting the right things in motion.
For now I will leave you with a simple exercise that will help get you out of your head and ground you into the world. Every time you feel like you are going to freak out bring your attention to your breath and just notice it. It will naturally start to relax and deepen on its own. Also try walking while noticing the soles of you feet. This as obvious as it is, is missed by most people as beneficially grounding. Take seriously what I say and I believe in all probability you will be just fine.
If you need advice, an ear, or just a friend please feel free to e-mail me. I know what extreme mental pain feels like and I truly do care.”