2011-10-19 13:47:35 UTC
I simply cant stop wanting for things i'm in no position to afford & i resent bitterly not having the money to get the things i want & i often have violent temper tantrums and mood swings as i cant get my mitts on the things i crave and covet after.
I feel that fed up i just stop in bed a lot-i cant afford to leave our home & go any where as my benefit money all goes all at once each fortnight so i have to stop at home until the next payday all because i've blown my money.
If i cant get the things i want then i'm in a foul mood all the time-i only temporarly feel better each time i get my benefits and can go out spending neglecting paying the proper amounts on my bills and putting decent food on the table.Once the moneys gone i'm in the depths of dispair again.
Can anyone put a name to this mental illness i obviously suffer from thats making me like this?
Why do i crave after money so i can buy ''Material Things'' that i WANT & if i cant get them i'm pernamently angry and depressed and curse amnd swear at everyone.
I ditched christianity as i couldnt be a born again christian if i tried cause of my problems.There was too much pressure in that cult like elim pentecostal church to chance your ways of living and follow Jesus-and i just couldnt do that as i'm much too materialistic-i want to go my way all the time-not follow the bible-like those religious crackpots wanted to do.
I only started going as i enjoyed the lively modern songs they sing & in a hope the church might help me out with money.
I believe in God but couldnt live the kind of life these so called ''Born Again'' christians do.
I was brought up in a sane ''Normal'' traditional church of england church and thats the way i'm staying.Those extremist pentecostals have i think just made my mental illness worse-they are so dictative and controlling telling you what you can and cant do and how to live your life.
They kept telling me i'd go to Hell because of the way i am with my uncontrolable spending and been in debt etc.
I'm glad i'm away from those nutters now.
Is there anything i can do myself to cure myself of wanting things i just havent got the money for & never will have.
I dont get enough in benefits to save up for things i want & i couldnt save anyway-i'd just keep breaking into the money and going out spending it.
I feel on edge and restless all the time as i cant get anyone-not even my son or ex husband to buy me the £600 i-phone i badly WANT.
I doubt as i'm a middle aged lady that i could even use a i-phone as i'm not used to touch screen and i would proberly find an i-phone complicated to use as i'm used to using old nokis with a key pad just for talk and text.I think i just want to be seen with an i-phone to keep up with the joneses-as a lot of people do have these smart phones these days-and i feel such an odd one out as i cant get one.I keeping trying different networks but because of my debts and bad credit they will not let me take out a mobile contract-all i can ever have is pay as you go with cheap handsets.
As i'm on a debt relief order it will proberly go against me if the official receiver finds i've been trying-unsuccessfuly to obtain an i-phone-so how can i get over this WANT and accept that i cant ever have one & to accept it and be content with my old nokia 6700 as its not that ancient-it does talk,text,photos etc.
I know i've got a problem and its taking over my whole life-is there aay out of this mental illness thats making me this way.
Sorry folks! have had to go under a different name as yahoo have barred me from asking anymore questions now so have had to use my middle name and change my email address in order to ask questions-but this is the final post now i'm canceling this account after my replys have all finished coming in.
Hope someone out there is a phyciatrist or something & can tell me what this mental illness is & can it be cured as its stressing me out not ben able to control my spending & having to go without much in the way of food and clothing & not being able to get my mitts on the i-phone when everyone else is allowed to have them