You never let anyone down except your self, by wanting to give up.
You see life a challenge, it can make us stronger or it can break us all.
Life’s challenges can either make you a stronger person or destroy you as a person.
We choose to what direction we want to take Happiness, joy or misery .
Never give up, there’s always something brighter at the end of the rainbow.
Life is not about perfection it about who you are and what is in side of you that matter the most in life.
The world today tries to control all of us to be perfect in everything we do, and this is not what our heavenly Father wants of us, his children.
The lords way and Man way are to different things, God wants us to follow the example of Jesus Christ to love one another and serve one another, not with money but with kindness and caring .
The world wants us to get good educations, and hi paying Jobs and make a lot of money to help support the governments.
And if you don’t do this then you are consider a know body in the eyes of the governments, A lowlife.
But this matters not to me because I to have a very low grade education level.
I quit school before going into Grade 9 a failed two grads my level really is only Grade 6 . Do you think that I let this bother me know not at all .
Today I am a single foster parent with three foster daughters in my care I make $4000.00 a month .
You see life is not always about education its what and who you are that make all the different in ones life .
You never know the direction that our heavenly Father will take us in our lives.
Just to note I never new that I would ever be a foster parent and I AM male still single even after 17 years.
I am very good looking but being married and suffering with my wife 17 years ago turned me off from being in any relationship. I got hurt and it was not good.
But I ENJOY life and I have two lovely children who are 20 years old my daughter and my son 20 years old they became my best friends when I separated from my wife, and my children are still my best friends.