I don't know what type of meditation that you do but generally, in both Buddhist and Hindu yoga meditation, one of the goals is to quiet the mind and to not not think.
These sensations that you feel are to be ignored. They are a "distraction" from your meditation. There are specific yoga mental exercises to build up abilities such as telepathy. If you are on a spiritual path, these should not be done.
Sometimes when doing some meditations (actually exercises) to built up the ability to control your mind and to increase your ability to concentrate (focus your mind on a single point), you may find that you have gotten some extranormal ability, such as telepathy. In Hindu yoga these are called "siddhis". They are to be ignored and not used.
If you are a Catholic Christian and do contemplative prayer, it is also possible to develope unwanted extranormal powers. It is well recorded that some Catholic priests or brothers would at times levitate. I talked to a priest that had witnessed this.
A priest told me of a Brother (monk) would often levitate so high that when they were outside trimming the bushes, this brother would be up in the air so high that he would be near the top of the trees. His abbot (head of the monestary) would be angry about this and order the monk to stop it.
This was not under the Brother's control but stopped when the abbot told him that he was forbidden under "holy orders" to do this.
The point of the story is that these abilities are not good for you, they excite the human ego which turns the persons attention from God to the person. They also can entice the person off of their spiritual path as the person gets so interested in the extranormal abilities.
If your are a Buddhist or Hindu, they are a trick of Maya, the goddess of illusion, to try to keep you in ignorance and darkness. If you are Christian, they are a temptation from Satan, "the father of lies".
I am a Catholic Christian but I have a Hindu Guru, Sri Ramana Maharshi who is considered a Sat Guru. He said that no true Master ever cared one bit for powers (siddhis) because they are of no use to him in his normal life.
I hope that you are doing your meditation under the direction of a competent person. If so, he/she should have been able to tell you what I have just said.
If you don't have that type of teacher, There are 2 excellent books that can help. One is, "Concentration - a Guide to Mental Mastery", by Mouni Sadhu. The other is "Meditation", also by Mouni Sadhu.
I have used both books with excellent results. If you decide to use thes books, the author states that a person should succesfully complete the 1st 2 exercises in "Concentration" before starting the exercises in any of his other books.
Even if you don't decide to do anything but read the books, I think you will find much helpful information. You can get both books from Amason.com. I hope that something I've said has been helpful.