would life ever get better for me?
2008-04-18 20:33:03 UTC
Why can’t I stop taking cocaine drugs?
I'm 24, male and feel so miserable.
Divorced with two kids. No job. Useless. I have no fear and feel evil. I was abused sexually when I was a child. Feel like no one cares. I do illegal activities to support myself and I am at community service and 2 years probation since 2006 for fraud. Nothing makes me happy. I'm being sent back to court for breaching probation but I’ve explained to by Probation officer but she is still returning to court. Since January 08 my temper has gone worse. I feel to fight and argue with everyone. I feel to end my life but my mind and body is so sad. I eat a proper meal once every 2-3 days. I’ve been homeless for 2 weeks but when my parents are away, my brother lets me stay. The council won’t find me a shelter because I’m not priority in their eyes. Therefore I’ve been living in a crack house and I’m using more cocaine and started smoking heroin. I’ve told my P.O but I just think no one cares. I seriously want to finish my life so all this problem can end. I think the government are placing Masonic symbols in signs and signals to brainwash the public. I think I see and feel a present behind me but nothing is there. What a crappy wasted life. No future for me.
47 answers:
2008-04-18 23:11:24 UTC
You are probably deeply depressed, and may be suffering from drug induced paranoia. If you continue to take drugs, you will never get better, and they not only cause physical addiction, but change the pleasure pathways of your brain, which takes some time to recover from. If detox/rehabilitation is not available, you will have to do it the hard way, but if you at least inquire about those options, you can mention it in court, which will help. Contact your county/local mental health agency, and find out what help they can offer, since you suffer from depression, and possibly a schizophreniform disorder, and ask to be able to talk with a social worker, because they have many suggestions, and contacts. Find out what services are available, and contact charities as well. What about Social Services? Benefits? Are there soup kitchens, and shelters, locally? Your brain needs adequate amounts of good quality food, to function properly. Drugs, suicidal thoughts, depression, child sexual abuse, bipolar disorder, & schizophrenia are addressed in sections 52, 5, 2, 20, 10, & 40, at ezy-build, below. ANGER MANAGEMENT: If you can't deal with it by using one of the techniques, such as counting backwards from 20, to 1, (and prevent yourself from making yourself angry, in the first place) is important to express that anger appropriately, at the time, and to the person who caused it, if possible, or immediately afterwards. If not, maybe by walking away later, and bellowing your rage. In some situations, such as work, or school, it might be better to cover your mouth with a cupped hand, bandanna/handkerchief, or use the crook of your elbow, to muffle the sound. Some people find that it helps to journal those thoughts, and emotions soon afterwards.

Anger, which is repressed, rather than healthily expressed, tends to fester, and later may cause explosive fits of rage, or depression. It helps to have someone you can talk to. For more physically inclined people, a punching bag, or hitting your pillow, can be an effective release mechanism: visualise, as vividly as you can, that you are striking back at the cause of that anger. "But next time, when you get mad, just remember this quote: 'Those who anger you, conquer you.' It's basically saying that when you give someone the power to make you mad, or let it get to you, it's like they're controlling you. When I realized that, it made me mad, so I try to control my anger and not let people see it. You can still control your anger without being walked all over. You just have to draw a line." Anger management is addressed in much more detail than can be included here, in section 4, at including multiple weblinks.

The following is worth trying, to see if you find it effective. (It is a variant of EMDR therapy, which has been used successfully for those people suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, insomnia, and anxiety: it is easily learned, quick to use, yet can be very effective). Prior to using either of the methods in the above paragraph, first sit comfortably, and take a deep breath. Then, without moving your head, move your eyes from the left, to the right, and back again, taking around a second to do so (say: a thousand and one: this takes approximately a second). Repeat this procedure (without the words, although you can count, subvocally if you like) 20 times.

Then close your eyes and relax. Become aware of any tension or discomfort you feel. Then open your eyes, and take another deep breath, and repeat step one, closing your eyes, and relaxing afterwards, in the same manner. Then, repeat the procedure one last time. Some people may find that this is all they need do. With experience, you may find that you can practise this in public, with your eyes closed, which greatly widens the window of opportunity for its use, and avoids attracting unwanted attention. ~~~ Life WILL get much better, if you give up the drugs, and address your mental health, and lifestyle, employment, and accomodation problems, but it won't be quick, or easy. The alternatives are not worth considering (experience). If you relapse, don't give up, just learn from it, and start again: best avoid your former associates, and hangouts, for a good while, until recovered. Depression: I now advise people to: (1.) Take 4 Omega 3 fish oil supplements, daily, (certified free of mercury) with an antioxidant, such as an orange, or grapefruit, or their freshly squeezed juice. If vitamin E is used, it should be certified as being 100% from natural sources, or it's synthetic, avoid it. (2.) Work up slowly to 30 - 60 minutes of exercise, daily. (3.) Occupational therapy (keeping busy allows little time for unproductive introspection, and keeps mental activity out of less desirable areas of the brain). (4.) Use daily, one of the relaxation methods in sections 2, 2.c, 2.i, or 11, and/or yoga, Tai Chi, and/or the EFT, in sections 2.q, 2.o, and section 53, at whichever works best for you. (5.) Initially, at least, some form of counselling, preferably either Cognitive Behavio(u)ral Therapy, or Rational Emotive Behavio(u)ral Therapy. (6.) As options, if desired, either a known, effective herbal remedy, such as St. John's wort, or a supplement, such as SAMe, taken with a vitamin B complex which is certified as being 100% of natural origin, or Inositol (from vitamin and health food stores, some supermarkets, or mail order: view section 55).

If the amount of daylight you have been exposed to recently has reduced, perhaps due to the change of seasons, see Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.) in section 2, at and, instead of taking around 4 Omega 3 fish oil supplements, daily; replace 2 of them with cod liver oil supplements for the winter months only! (or, as probably a better alternative to the 2 cod liver oil supplements: 1 teaspoonful of cod liver oil, with a little butter, to ensure its use; I take mine on sourdough rye bread, or toast, covered with fishpaste, and pepper, to mask the strong taste). Optimal levels are 50 - 55 ng/ml (115 - 125 nmol / L). It should be above 32 ng/ml.

Don't use medications and supplements together, without medical advice, except for Omega 3, which is safe, anytime. Omega 3 fish oil supplements: EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid (omega 3) ----360 mg.DHA (docosahexaenoic acid (omega 3)-----240 mg

Take enough supplements to attain, or exceed the levels (no possibility of overdose) of those every day, with an orange, or the juice of a freshly squeezed orange, grapefruit, or other antioxidant.

(make sure the epa is higher then the dha) important for adults... kids need the opposite levels: more dha than epa, but all are beneficial, if you can't achieve the recommended proportions.

They should be certified as being free of mercury, and if containing vitamin E, it should be shown as from a natural source; otherwise it is synthetic: avoid it! Consider having your doctor test your vitamin D levels, (60% of depressed people have low vitamin D levels!) using the 25 Hydroxyvitamin D test. Those people who receive adequate exposure to sunlight, daily, won't need the vitamin D from cod liver oil, but many people, particularly those in latitudes far from the equator, find this difficult to achieve.

If the above is insufficient for you, after several months, (unlikely) try one of the alternatives, such as the neurofeedback, magnetic, or low current electrical stimulation, or EMDR therapy, (see section 33, at ezy build) keeping ECT back, as a last resort. Read: "Lift your mood now." by John D Preston, Psy.D. 2001, New Harbinger Publications, Inc., 5674 Shattuck Avenue, Oakland. CA 94609 may be worth trying for this. I have read many books on depression, but if there is a better, more easily read, and quickly implementable one, I have yet to encounter it.
I don't know
2008-04-19 01:07:58 UTC
It really sounds to me like u have so many problems it would be hard to think positive at all. But.. when God closes a door he opens a window and there are ppl that really care about you no matter how bad it may seem. I would suggest getting help with the addiction to the crack. I don't know anything about crack except it is bad for u, but it seems like u are addicted to it. which is the beginning of your problems. I think you love your kids-u r just a little shaky now and probably not able to take care of them like u want to. Well, I care about you and what happens to you, ok? and so do all the ppl on here that took the time to answer your questions. I have also been abused, but it isn't something I dwell on anymore since I can't change it. You sound like you are very run down both mentally and physically. You aren't eating right, but I have always heard drugs would make you not eat well. I do a prison ministry and the court system can be useless at times. It also sounds like you can't talk to your p.o.and that stinks--I have several imates that can't talk to the p.o.--you do have the right to ask for someone else which will be left up to either the judge or the p.o.--they have almost more power than the judge does. I think u have a lot of anger that is pent up inside you--just try and calm down and call the local crisis line and see what they tell you. U don't even have to give them ur name or anything like that. If u have a minister or church nearby sometimes those dudes r ez to talk to. A lot of churches have shelters that will help u,cause u sure need to get out of the crack house. I am not sure what's up wit the Masonic symbols--that is so secret where I come from--they don't tell ya anything. You sound somewhat delusional which may be the drugs talking and making u see and hear things. Get help asap.
2008-04-18 22:27:41 UTC
You mentioned 2 people who truely care about you in the first 3 lines of your post. You are not useless. You are a father...which is a gift that not everyone is given. The power to quit the drugs is WITHIN YOU! No one else can make you have to do it for yourself or it doesn't work. There is a plain and simple fact with kills. I've had 2 people that were close friends (before they started using) that died from heroin overdoses within the last 2 years. They were both 21 years old. If something happens to you do you want your kids to grow up knowing their father used drugs and that's how he died? The stuff you see and hear is because of the drugs...that's what happens. The mood swings are because of the drugs. Your life does not have to be can fix it by getting rid of the drugs. You should be strong for your kids because they love you's not a love that you have to earn to get. It's unconditional. Please, find a drug rehab place on your own...don't wait for your P.O. get the help you need and be there for those kids as they grow up. You could have a great future but you have to get the junk out of the way before you get there. Good luck!
gotta luv da Li
2008-04-18 20:57:05 UTC
Don't do the heroin. It is new. You don't need another addiction. One is bad enough.

Is their any clinic or drug rehab your PO can get you in? Can you request one when you are in court? Ya know, spill your guts and ask for real help. Ask for counseling about the abuse. Not sure what your hearing is about or whether you can do this there, but if there is an opportunity, go for it. Doing so could save your butt.

If that doesn't work, check on your own for rehab or social services that help with addiction. You have a couple kids who would really benefit from a cleaned up father in their lives. They would bring you great joy, too. Your life is not useless and washed up. It's just side tracked. Get the drugs under control, pick up a job - any job, and start to pull the pieces together. Baby steps. You'll get there.
2016-04-09 11:21:33 UTC
If you face life with a positive attitude you will always be happy. But you'll probably need to be completely insane to have to be positive enough for every aspect of life to seem great. In my opinion life does get better at some point or the other. Right now life may seem relentlessly disappointing to you but I'm sure that there are little things over the years that have made you happy so just focus on those incidents and be happy to have had them than no happiness at all.
Cheese Fairy - Mummified
2008-04-19 07:24:06 UTC
In all seriousness, go to a local social services office. Tell them you are an addict- if you can admit it to us, you can admit it to them- that you are homeless, jobless and considering suicide- but that you want help to get clean.

Your P.O. sucks, but that's pretty common - If you ccan get into a rehab/therapy program, that can help you a lot. However, it might mean willingly committing yourself for a while. I know there is social stigma attached, but you have to do what is the very best for you.

Remember, you got babies who really do need their dad to grow up stable and healthy in body and mind. Doesn't matter if she hates you, the babies love you. Always remember that -t he babies love you, you are their dad, and you owe it to THEM if no one else to get yourself clean and in a better mental place. Once you're clean, other things in life will start to flow in the right direction.

About the Masonic symbols - no worries - Masons are not bad or evil; take the symbols to mean they are keeping a benevolent eye on us all, to help us all succeed.

Feeling a presence behind you - happening in certain places? That can be caused by bad wiring in a house- the elctro magnetic field caused by bad or old wiring makes you feel like someone is in the room watching you.

Or it could be someone is trying to watch over you and keep you safe - feel comforted, not afraid.

I hope you do well - please get some help.
2008-04-19 09:22:13 UTC
I know how you feel, when I had no job and was reaping benefit, it made me feel as bad as you are, suicidal even, many times! One minute I was laughing, next minute felt like I was worthless and I may aswell give up..

I've never been on drugs, but I know how hard it must be hearing the words, you have to give it up (the one or many substances that help you pass the days)..

Listen, you have 2 kids that deserve to have a father who can provide, and be there for them. Committing suicide will destroy there lives, and Im sure deep down inside you want the best for them in everyway, THEY NEED YOU!

Giving the drugs up and finding a job wont be easy, but at least you can do the right thing for them and yourself and start your life over, a clean slate.. ITS NEVER TOO LATE!

If you want to talk (maybe just whats on your mind) email me in my profile :)
2008-04-18 23:59:14 UTC
i hv a crappy wasted life too, but not to such an extent of urs...its not like nobody cares about u, they do, but maybe they are afraid to show it, as u said, u hv mood swings, mayb they are afraid of showing their feelings 2 u, or mayb u have let them down sometime, but most of all, u hav let yourself down, imagine how life would have been if nothing had gone wrong with it?

u know u have the capabilities, u just need 2 recognize them, u are an adult, you're a father, learn ur responsibilities, think of this, there are people worse off than u are

do u believe in god? coz if u don't, in my opinion, u are at a great loss...

what is ur aim in life? what are u living for? who are u living for? what is anybody living for? its all because people need u.

everybody has their ego, they wont admit it, but the truth is that they do want u..n also u want them!

as for the future, it is already determined, it is based on ur actions and ur deeds, so if u wanna secure it, just change ur attitude, start showin the good part of u, the one u are trying to run from...n seriously by taking drugs, ur just making it sure that life turns 2 hell.......

i say its all in ur hands, it mite b difficult, but nothng is impossible...
Vera Gabriele
2008-04-18 23:08:19 UTC
First you do need to help yourself.. by making a genuine effort of wanting to change your got to admit taking stronger illegal drugs is not the answer at all.. it's a means of escape and all those drugs are only messing more with your mind...if you want to get off them.. I am sure you get help even where you are now.. they would let you see a counsellor to get off the serious drugs...your pasts was harsh, true but so is that of a lot of others... not all turn to crime...People will start caring if you accept that you messed up big time and that you really want to become a better person.. not only to please society.. to please yourself and to be one day able to say.. despite all the hardship.. I got through a though time but I came out the winner.. People will be willing to lend you a hand and forget the past if you really make your utmost efforts towards becoming a different and better person.. others can help you... only you can want it...There is a future out there for you but with crime and drugs you throw it all away and you can't blame it on the past.. those who did that to you will get their due punishment in the hereafter you have to think about the now...and that's up to you...we can help but you need to make the first step..

2008-04-19 00:54:44 UTC
my fiance was crazy, deep in drugs he lived a horrible life before he met me. He was homeless a few times i thought a lot of his stories where untrue until i met his mom, heard her side of the same stories. He said that where he'd grown up was a bad place, and it made him a monster. I think that you should move once you get off probation. some places are just not good for some people. talk to people. find lots of new friends . whatever you do don't think that nobody knows how you feel or that nobody cares. just think of how many people have lived and died on this planet throughout it's centuries in time. there's got to one of them who've shared the same thoughts or feelings as you. Whatever you do don't give in.

The road to a better life might be really hard. It might be a couple years away. but believe me my fiance was a monster and now he's beautiful and happy. it took a lot for him to get here, but now he's as happy as i am that he'd never taken his own life.
Karen Q
2008-04-18 23:03:09 UTC
ei there pal... cheer up i am here not to give you a fool-proof way to solve your problem.. i cant give you suggestion though, got this from a movie>>> 1) goal setting 2) start today 3) no shortcuts 4) be motivated 5) be happy... i know it sounds easy, but it is actually hard specially when many not so good things are happening in your life. you may fail or be stuck along the way through this five steps but all you gotta do go back to step one. you dont have to do drastic things on your life, just take it one at time. what is important is that you should start from yourself. you would get the power to do all these things for the betterment of your life not from other people but from you and only you... dont loose hope.. as long as you're alive.... there is hope. if all things fail, try to get medical help... good luck, you can do it....
2008-04-18 21:42:13 UTC
your not useless at all, your just having a hard time because you are abusing drugs. you admitted that you have a problem and that's the first step, and i think that u want 2 end your life, but at the same time you dont really want to because it's a cry 4 help. just go to your local rehab center, or the nearest asap or go to a phychiasric facility. you have 2 children, they need you, you need them just as much as they need you. im only 17 yrs.old but i can relate to feeling useless and no point of living anymore, when i do, i have talk 2 somebody, cause if you keep these feelings bundled up it can turn into something worse. well theres more i can say but so little time. if you need to talk 2 someone, you can talk to me just e-mail me..i wont judge you..and i mean that from the bottom of my heart:) just let me kno how everything goes with you, update me please.
Moo C
2008-04-19 09:33:51 UTC
Honestly if you keep doing it, it's a sign you are too weak to stop. You either stop, or you don't. You say it's a crappy life but at the same time you won't stand up and change it. You will argue with others, but you won't fight for yourself. So cry me a river. Who cares if you're sexually abused as a kid. That was in the past. It's your own life and guess what? You have nobody to blame but yourself.
Warren D
2008-04-19 09:22:34 UTC
You need to get on a program like Drugs Anonymous or AA which will help you with your recovery.

Part of your problem is that you have nobody you can depend on. You are delusional and lacking in direction. (Sorry to put it this way, but you don't need a sugar coating on your life--you've done too much of that already.)

Living in a crack house will lead you nowhere except downhill. Get help from somewhere and get clean. Believe it or not, you are plenty young enough to make something useful of your life--but you have to turn this around and you are the only person who can do that.

God bless.
2008-04-18 20:53:16 UTC
They say that often people have to hit rock bottom before they turn around their lives. I think you're about there. You can't see it now but maybe you needed to get this miserable to make a major life change you need to turn your life around. Just like how even an atheist prays when an airplane is getting really rocky I sometimes think God uses this sort of circumstance to make us wake up and give him a call.

Yes, you've got to cut out the drugs. But also with addictions and depression you can get to a point where you can't help yourself anymore. I don't know how you find someone who will stick with you but you need to find that person. Our church as a recovery group for people in trouble.
2008-04-18 20:47:36 UTC
1) What State do you live in?

2) What employment position do you want or would like to have?

3) Get off the drugs (courts will and can deny you from seeing your kids for admitting or discovering you are doing drugs)

This help line is not for drugs. It is for:

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

1-800-342-2437 (English)

1-800-227-8922 (English/Spanish)

1-800-344-7432 (Spanish)

1-800-243-7889 (TTY)

(24 hours)

CDC National AIDS/Sexually Transmitted Disease Hotline

This is a fact if you continue doing Drugs. In the long run you will hate yourself if you get it.

Oh never say you have no future -

if you wanna talk I list my email on my profile and it's public.

Oh I definately don't do DRUGS!!! So, no Jive.
2008-04-18 20:44:47 UTC
Wow were the same age...The first thing you need to do is to get of the drugs!! I know its easier said then done, but the reason you are feeling so miserable is because you are using. (You already know this) Yes, your past was very bad, but that should not be an escuse to keep doing drugs. Everyone has some skeletons in their closet, but dont dwell on the past. The past is the past and tomorrow is a new day. If you continue to do drugs then you will get more and more depressed.
2008-04-18 20:44:20 UTC
Do not give up. If you care about your kids get clean and take the first job you get. Being around your kids will make you want to be a better person and give you a push to change. believe God is there to help. At one time, mygirlfriend said she wanted to kill herself. She was a single mom, with three kids and no money. the child's father was abusive. Then, she found out the baby was handicapp. But things do get better. Now, we are engaged and she is finally happy.But it took time, that was three years ago. Pray for God to show you the right path. Give up drugs, they will only make you more depressed, because they fool your mind to think that is the only way to be happy. Find something that makes you naturally happy, like art or music. I wish the best for you. God bless.
dolores s
2008-04-18 21:07:36 UTC
After your next snort or smoke walk into the ER, sign the log with your name and in the area where it asks why you are there put "I'm going to kill myself." You are 6 inches from rock bottom. Go all the way sweetie, because then you'll only go up. You need some detox and you need some psych care. It's do or die time. Don't be a statistic. Someday soon, you could get back to being a dad.
2008-04-19 10:36:39 UTC
If you're ready, you may want to get treatment for your cocaine addiction foremost, which is probably your attempt to 'self-medicate' from some of the deep rooted unreseolved problems from your childhood. Childhood sexual abuse is one of the mayor factors why people turn to drugs/addictions etc. For male survivors it's even more difficult, because they're not taught to ask for help, but they're expected to fix everything themselves. But you wouldn't attempt to get your appendix out in a surgery, right? So, for this complex mental health issue, you need outside.

Call the health department of your state, city, or county (should be in the blue pages). Ask for help! There is a good way to get out of all of this and turn your life around, it is worth it!
School Nurse
2008-04-18 20:49:10 UTC
I think you already know that all of these problems, feelings, and emotions are due to your drug adictions. You need to do whatever you have to do to rid yourself of this noose around your neck. It won't be easy and you really have to WANT to do it and make a commitment to do it or it won't work. Your life WON"T get better unless you do it. Isn't that a lot of motivation to do so? To make your life better? Making the decision to do it is the first step. Then make a plan. Go into rehab, decide that you will NOT hang out with your friends or others who do drugs, don't go to the places where you will be tempted to do drugs, what are you going to do instead?, Go to school?, Train for a job? to name a few. Like I WON"T be easy. Do you want a better life? DO YOU WANT TO BE HAPPY? You really need to think about it. There aren't any shortcuts. Decide that you will do it, whatever it takes. I wish you luck.
ɥsıq ʎɯ sı ɐʇuɐs
2008-04-18 21:51:51 UTC
I feel bad for you,really.

First,get you a good job.

Go to rehab secondly. Your children don't need to see you like that. I'm sure they love you very much.

My father was a drug user and an alcoholic and it isn't that great to see someone you love in that position. Please do it for yourself and your children. It is not too late for you to be happy. I promise,you can get clean and live the life you want.

Take counseling up for your anger,and maybe see about getting that sorted out,along with what seems to me like depression and for the problems in the past.

IT is NEVER too late to be happy,I promise. Just don't give up and keep will see that even something like this can pass.

Good luck.
2008-04-18 21:49:28 UTC
You know life has it's ups and downs and life can be a b17ch sometimes, but think about your kids, think about those whom care about you such as your bro. Suicide is a easy way out for the individual to escape, but is havoc to those closet to them and it could cause them to severly suffer from your demise and I don't think you want that. The first thing to do is get a hold of youself and build your self confidence up and to stop using drugs. If you have to call the police after using the drugs and turn yourself in. Then after your detoxified, tell them all about your issues and the help you need and I bet they'll help you out in some way. Next is to establish yourself with a job as well as rehab. REventually you'll snap out of it and will relook upon those troubled times and learn from them and hopefully will encourage others who are in the same predicament as yours. Have faith in God for it shall all work out in the end, get imediate help (even if it means commiting yourself into rehab, tell them about your suicide issues and they'll help and worry about finances later") and believe in yourself and that everything will be alright in the end

God Bless Ya and May the angels and saints guide you
2008-04-19 01:27:42 UTC
There is a future if you want it. It isnt going to be easy, but if you work at it you can get your life back together.

First of all you need to get off the streets, go to a shelter. You dont have to wait for someone to find one for you, just go to your local church and tell someone you need help and they can point you to the direction of a shelter and help into a detox facility.

After you are sober find a small entry level job and a little place of your own. you just have to work at it, there is hope.
Rodney T
2008-04-19 06:07:33 UTC
Hello there,

You do sound very low now and a bit paranoid. I'm sure you need to think of yourself first, and to try to get yourself well. I must feel horrible that you have so litte control over your life now. I think you need some residential help. Try seeing the P.O. again and ask for more help. They must be aware of what you are doing, but not of how terrible you feel.

Good luck
Pilot ~ canine son!
2008-04-19 09:33:47 UTC NEED to go for counseling, now. The drugs have taken your every breath of life away, and family. Now it's time to fix it by getting medical help. Make the call. Many have turned around and made changes for the better, an you can too.

Please go do the right thing. Hugs with a strong push to do this!!
Thomas B
2008-04-18 22:20:23 UTC
Dude there is TONS of things to live for on earth. You have to find them. We all get depressed at some point in our lives. You have two children that absolutely care and love you. Spend time with them!

Get a job first and for all. Even if its not much pay, get one. This will help you buy your own food. I think you have self esteem issues and confidence problems. I think your major problem is self esteem. You have to higher your self esteem and become yourself. Doing drugs isnt what anyone is. We didnt come on this earth to do drugs. We came here from god. This world is just a big test to see what you can handle, and if you can handle all the hard times, then you can go to heaven. One thing you need to do is go to church. Maybe a church can help you out too if they know your problem. God isnt make believe either. And if you end your life, you will be nothing outside of this world, where other people who do make it past this hard life, will be something outside of this world.

The second thing to do is get counseling. If I was you, and I was heading back to court, I would write a letter and personally hand it over to the judge. Write about what your wrote on here and everything. Write another letter to your P.O Tell them you want help, hell judges can give you court orders to go to counseling and make it required if you want too. I went to court and I was in this program where I have a mentor. He wrote a letter to the judge and afterwards I was over my problem, I wrote a personal letter to him thanking him for what he has done to save me from going to juvenile camp. I might be younger than you but I have some experiences with the court system.

Ask to live with your parents. What about your girlfriend? Can you live with her? Even if she has a boyfriend, show her that you can change and are willing to change. She might dump her boyfriend and come to you. You need someone to love you and guide you in a positive way each day until you can get better enough to know that your life is great. I live in a poor house, I love my mom and dad both. They've called the cops on me 3 times and I almost got arrested. Theres time where I have suicidal thoughts and I think just like you. But I get over them and pull myself. I dropped out of high school, but I got a job working at a grocery store and I support my ownself and im only 16. I make enough money to buy myself decent clothes and I eat my moms home cooked meals lol

If you have any problems, feel free to e-mail me. I will try to guide you and help you get into the right direction.
Suzanna Rose (SFCU)
2008-04-19 07:18:06 UTC
My dear man, I don't want to give you advise. I want to HELP you. I care, and believe me, I am not the only one.

I don't want to give out information in a public way like this. So, please go to my profile page and send me a private message and tell me how I may contact you, by private email or otherwise.

You really don't need advise. No advise could be good enough to help you and transform your life. You can't do it alone, and I would really like to help you.

Just as a note, my husband and I helped drug addicts for many years, and yes, we have seen many die hard drug addicts have completely transformed lives! Oh, and by the way, my husband is one of them. So, I know there is hope.

Let me help you. Message me.
2008-04-18 21:40:02 UTC
you wont be miserable for the rest of your life. please dont commit suicide your children will be so sad. try reducing the drugs little by little to get off of them...make a monthly plan. also try reading the bible or going to church they will REALLY help you! i am a religious person and i beleive that God can help anyone. your will feel like a new person, and if you try out the church idea, it may help you a lot knowing that when you pass away then you will go to heaven where your past is not there. please try this idea.
2008-04-18 21:08:11 UTC
You HAVE to deal with the drug addictions. Please listen to RoofinRobert2006 and contact the recovery groups he mentioned.

Life can get better for you, but you have to be determined and persistent, and you have to believe. I suggest watching positive programs like Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, and Larry Huch. Larry was a drug dealer & almost died; then he turned his life over to Jesus, and God turned his life around. It still wasn't easy, but he made a new beginning with God's help.

You should also contact local churches to see what other help there might be available for you. Many churches have food pantries and might be able to give you some food.

A book that might help you begin to heal from the childhood abuse is "Victims No Longer" by Mike Lew.
2008-04-18 20:46:41 UTC
...there are shelters out there-but your lucky-your brother still cares-and I'm sure if you clean it up-everyone would help>the problem is you keep deceiving everyone when you use-that is why they don't trust you.You hav to quit-cold turkey-there is no other way-and life will get good again right away-trust will grow and so will you-now-ur past-stop making excuses-if something happened to you when you were young-accept the fact that it wasn't ur fault-and look forward-there you will find the answers to evrything if you jus take the journey>quit using,
boy george
2008-04-19 10:24:07 UTC
Do you love your children? then you would anything for them! I would get myself into rehab and do what ever i can to get clean. first you do not want to take the chance of loseing your kids to pertictiv service, and they will be all grown up one day and do you want them to say if someone ask them so what kind of mom did you have was she there for you ect. set your mind and do it, it will be really hard but if you put your children in your mind you will get help. you have to go for it it dose not come to you. your in my prayers. you can do it! tell your self this
2008-04-19 09:13:12 UTC
oh come on the most beautiful thing in life is life
2008-04-19 08:26:40 UTC
dude... cocaine isnt even addictive. do your research. sounds like youre just making up excuses. you dont need rehab, you just need a shrink.

take care.
Ronda in GrandRapids, MI
2008-04-19 08:25:28 UTC
hey guy, i am so sorry to hear of your situation. i've been in your place mentally many times myself, years ago. many many things you've said ring such a familiar, unwelcomed bell in my memories. feeling like no one cares and nothing can be done to make things better, you just want to die to get away from it. the part, that feeling evil and wanting to fight with everyone, i used to have this massive pit of aggressive rage i coud feel right in the middle of my chest that scared the crap out me. i'm bipolar-depressed (there are 3 different types). i'm not saying you are, only you and a doctor can figure that out. it's well known though, that most people with mental disorders ineffectively "self medicate" with-out realizing that what their doing as an attemp to control their situation. i'm on legal, doctor perscribed and monitored medications and i live a pretty normal life now. it's taken years of screwing with the meds and their side effects and the disorder itself to get here. at the time i wanted to be fixed now, it just isn't that easy, but now i'm so grateful i was able to stick it out. there was light at the end of the tunnel even though i couldn't see it. my suggestion for you (suggestions are what your looking for, right?) is to get in-patient mental health hospitilization as soon as possible. i know it sounds scary, and it actually is at first, but how much worse can it be than the life your describing now? they will be able to help you figure out exactly what your problem is, give you massive amounts of different types of counceling, (irritating at first but you'll soon find most helpful) medications, if you and your doc decide, help you get off the drugs, give you a safe place to stay during this, and help you straighten out many other aspects of your life when you get out. if you choose to go this route thoug, be warned, you reall, really have to want the help and co-operate with the process of helping yourself. don't fight them, especially physically. If you do get physical, not only do you not get much help but you loose your say in what help you do get till you "behave". basically if you act like a child, that's how they'll treat you so use the brain you were given and except the help they offer, question it untill your comfortable with it, compramise, but don't fight the help. it can be very frustrating at times and you have to remember these are just people same as you, not miricle workers. if you sign yourself in, you can normally leave at any time, as long as your non-combative, but that is not something you want to do. from what you've said, this is all pretty insignificant compared to the hell your living in your mind. you can't help your kids or anyone else till you help yourself, and killing yourself to get away, is not going to help anyone, especially your kids. where i live and in many places you pick up a phone and call 211 and they can help you with just about anything. if you don't have that, call the police or walk into a hospital and tell them you think of suicide often and if you've already attempted it, tell them that too. it may not be easy but it's very important to make that clear to them in order to get serious help right away. i know there are so many other scary variables but they will get worked out, and this will go a long way for the court system as well, if you seek serious, long term help. but you have to ask for it and don't stop asking, till you get the help you need. e-mail me if you want to more about how things have worked for me but either way, i'll pray you get the help you need and don't give up untill it's all OK.
2008-04-19 07:46:41 UTC
wow that must suck but that will probally be me in 10 years
2008-04-19 07:31:52 UTC
you landed on an earth with no music, opportunity or adventure. not many choices of ice cream, either.
Jessica C
2008-04-19 05:12:57 UTC
email this counselling service they provide confiditial counselling for people who are full of despair distressed suisidal who depressed and low and you get relpys within 24 hours hey and we belive and care about you we want to help you i am a christian so i will pray for you i hope that this helps email 2 if it helps.
2008-04-19 04:33:19 UTC
You know ,, you could always get lucky ,, the cops could cetch you buying ,, and the judge that sees you could give you a chanse to speek and you could plead your case just like you did here and he could get you some help , ..... mabey you'll get luckey ,,,
2008-04-19 02:19:09 UTC
Hey U 24 man..... U have a life infront of u,,, full with pleasures... so stop turning that anger into selfpity... and direct ur anger at urself!!!!!.....u know what to do.... DO IT,, GET UP & DO IT..

& U CAN.!!
2008-04-18 20:39:37 UTC
It's like smoking cigarettes there is some way to quit but i don't know anything about drugs so i'm useless. I feel the same way but I don't have a wasted life like yours no offense!!!
2008-04-18 20:40:00 UTC
por thing......

all things happen 4 a reason of cause its just people get it worse then others.

its time u seriously think bout gettin a job....this will help u a relationship with ur childrein....TAKE COUNSELLIN BOUT UR DRUGS.....


go to the nx pg in life because in a coulple of yrs u will look back and b proud of wat u hav becamow after u did things to change the problem.......gud luck and all the best.


2008-04-18 20:40:24 UTC
eat tacos
frank w
2008-04-18 20:43:28 UTC
are you for real man?


if you got two kids then be responsible, Get off the drug and get a job. Start TRYING to find something you can do. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, think ABOUT your kids. If you want them to be just like you then be suicidal.
Just me again ☺
2008-04-18 20:49:19 UTC
You really need to seek help. Please visit these two sites if you are serious about changing your life. The first one is Narcotics Anonymous, NA. The second is Cocaine Anonymous. They can help and support your quest to quit your current drug problems. Which is where all your other problems are stemming from.
Bad Co.
2008-04-18 20:51:33 UTC
Quit being a weakling!! Take control get away from people who have the same habit. You and only you can make your life better, quit being negative and try deciding on what you want your life to be like and strive for it. Addiction is controlling you and it's damn hard to take control back. But ONLY YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! Buck up, be a man. Not a statistic..
2008-04-18 23:16:06 UTC
i would say wot i heard last week. God has a PLAN for you to make u happier than you could ever have imagined. Give your heart to HIM. my life is ok now but I thought i could only last one more year, God told me five so how he figures that I don;t know!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.