PLZ read this is you have depression or anxiety...?
2010-02-09 22:25:50 UTC
Alright... so last night was the worst night of my life.
I'm a 15 year old female.

I went to the hospital because I took too many sleeping pills.
In fact, I took the whole bottle :/
So around 11:00pm I told my mom and she rushed me to the hospital.
They put me on an IV and after 3 hours of throwing up, they said I was fine.
I went home about 3am and skipped school today.

Soo... I took those pills because I have had depression for over 3 years.
I've been on anti-depressants for 2 years and we've changed them a couple times because they didn't work.
I've gotten a lot better, but a couple months ago I was diagnosed with depression bipolar disorder.
So when I took those pills, I wasn't myself at all.
Usually I am a happy go lucky person... but when the mood swings kick in... all hell goes loose.

I regret doing that so much, its crazy. I could have died that night if I hadn't of told my mom.
I'm okay now though, thank God. and I've promised myself to never take another sleeping pill in my life, not matter what.

Ok soo I put this on Y.A. not for you to feel bad for me or anything, but I wanted to tell those of you who have depression or anxiety something important.

I want to tell you that what you are going through, you are not alone.
I know that you feel like hell at times and that nobody in the whole world cares about you... but it's not true.
I know that it's hard being a teen or young adult or even if you are older and have depression, i know it's hard... but you HAVE to hang in there.
You can't give up and commit suicide, because there is so much more to life than that.

You have so many years ahead of you and you're too young to go on with life like this.

So I recommend seeing a counselor.
I don't even recommend getting anti-depressants, because they work for some people.. but I believe that you guys and me will get through it without those.
If you do have to take pills though, then go for it... because you need to do everything you can to get better.
Just hang in there, okay?

As for me, I'm going to be fine. Tomorrow I'm going to school just like every day, and I'm going to start seeing a counselor (that's what the doctor told me to do), and I promised myself no more pills ever again. Well I can't anyways, because my mom took them away. But I'm going to fight this depression. and I know that you can too.

thanks for listening to my story.
and please do something for yourself too

You are not alone.
Thirteen answers:
2016-04-10 08:06:21 UTC
I have also suffered from both anxiety and depression and was on several medications for both. But, what helped me and has allowed me to live a somewhat depression free life, was actually facing the depression head on. I saw a therapist who explained the reasons I could be feeling depressed or anxious. These were topics I had never thought would have effected my life so many years later. When I was able to talk about the issues I was going through, my depression subsided. I also learned how to train my mind to move away from anxious or depression triggers. When I was starting to feel depressed, I prayed. This was my choice, obviously this wouldn't work for everyone. But, I was able to get my mind off of how I was feeling and I instantly felt a sense that "everything was going to be ok." I do not know if this was just my experience or if this will work for you, but so far no medicine has helped at all. They have actually made me worse. One made me also "zombie" like, I felt no emotion. The other made me loose my temper frequently. The feeling of not being myself kind of scared me. Because, aside from the depression, I like who I am. Hope that helps!
2010-02-12 13:07:38 UTC
I have heard that it is likely you will not keep that bipolar diagnosis. Bipolar symptoms in children are not predictive of bipolar symptoms in adults. Later they will know what is really wrong with you, and hopefully they can treat that. It is very likely that you are on the wrong medications or the wrong dosages. Childhood disorders are very difficult to treat, especially when doctors don't talk to psychologists, biologists, chemists, teachers, or social workers. They feel their profession is far superior to others. It is even more difficult, if they don't listen to the patient. Please let yourself be heard.

I have seen some very important research which is unfortunately being overlooked by those who treat depression. I intend to get you a copy an article about this. It implies that NSAIDs may be a better treatment for depression than antidepressants. I think there may be alot to this, because it connects to other things I know about depression and biology, and also it may explain a personal experience. I was in the hospital for pnemonia caused by MRSA, but at the same time I had unexplained (at least by medical professionals) pain in the area of one of my hips. My psychiatrist was worried when he found out that I had pnemonia (he also should've been concerned about the hip too, because I value being able to walk), becuase he thought the stress might bring on another depressive episode. It did not, and I think the NSAID medication I was taking for pain was responsible for that. Also it may be that I, for the most part, wasn't thinking negatively about what was happening to me, and I had lots of social support. Remember stress isn't necessarily bad.
2010-02-09 23:20:34 UTC
You probably just made a lot of people feel better about what they're going through :)

Your story is very similar to mine. I also have bipolar, not the depressive kind, the manic kind. I also recently took a bunch of pills, a few nights before you did. It's true, many people feel alone and like no one else is experiencing what they are, but of course, many people do know what they're going through. I'm going through a depressive mood swing right now, I barely got the energy to go online. The only thing that gets me through is knowing that this will be over within a few weeks to a month. But after reading this, i'm starting to feel a little better. Thanks :)

And good luck, I hope you feel better soon. :)
2010-02-10 00:31:01 UTC
Thanks for coming back out of the depths of hell to help others, and I and others are hearing your message. I thank God that you are all right.

Just one point: a lot of the antidepressants you have been on were for depression, not bipolar. Some antidepressants can have an adverse effect of people with bipolar. I wouldn't give up on medicine. Without medical treatment, persons with bipolar stand a 1 in 5 chance of committing suicide. (Can't find my cites, but found two medical sites that report this.) Being on lithium alone helps to get that statistic closer to that of the general population. There are whole classes of medications designed for bipolar disorder. If you don't get any satisfaction out of your psychiatrist, go to another one. Doing that once saved my life.

Seeing a counselor should be very helpful, and I applaud your decision to do so. A good therapist keeps you from feeling so isolated while making you stronger. My therapist has given me back my smile and my sense of humor, while making me stronger.

I hope your ride is smooth and safe, and I wish you much happiness.
Amin K
2010-02-10 04:11:31 UTC
I also am diagnosed as bipolar depressed and have gone through all that you have gone through. It has been a situational depression that usually causes me to have problems. I also have tried pills in order to "end it all", but thank God I was able to recognize the seriousness of the situation at the time I did take them and was able to obtain medical help. I now know that the only ones that I was hurting trust wise were my family and friends. For the longest while I did not trust my own feelings in order to feel stable but through the help of a psychologist I have been able to tell her of the feelings that I do have and she has been able to walk me through them and show me how to deal with them.

I commend you on your ability to accept the help of others. I found out it was the hardest thing to depend on others as much as I found out I needed to do. I have also felt that it was a quality one could have to be able to solve your own problems without the aid of someone else. Now I know that that statement is not true and that it is not a sign of weakness to ask for help when it is necessary.
2010-02-09 22:45:20 UTC
In my teens I was taken to many doctors and such for a so called problem. I was never shown any books on the subject. I all I heard was generalize statements from my mom, "Youre not normal".

Later as I know now, mental illnesses are voted on and put in a book called the DSM. I was told by mom, "Well what you have isnt in the book yet", but doctors know that it doesnt have to be in there. The other cliches was " We don't like to use labels".

So I did some research on verbal abuse and bullying. Turns out that abusers like to say youre crazy as a common practice. Then I made a list of all my mom said growing up and it matched the statements on verbal abuse sites. I spent hours and weeks reading. I finnally showed the list to a psychologist and he confirmed I had been abused. I still wasnt sure so I went to a new shrink of my own choice without my family knowing. He called my mom. He then said that she made outlandish claims not jiving from his analysis and made it clear I should ignore her.

After I found out she was wrong and is the one with problems, my depression and anger have left and I never took any meds at all. Funny how many many docs made a false diagnosis and could not see my mom was a liar.

Did you know-psychiatrists have the largest crime rate? They have the highest rate of commiting rape, murder, assault, fraud, drug dealing and so on of all the medical professions. You can do some reading online and see all the fraud and non proven claims about drugs too. Some docs even get grants of millions from drug companies. That's not fair research. Prozac is shown no better than a placebo lately.

Be careful and research research research its all online....

Look up DR. Frank Minirth heresy- he fooled my mom and theres are websites about his failling out and no longer being on a radio show as before.

My depression is caused by verbal abuse. My depression did not last meaning no biological depression formed from the abuse. Its was all simply abuse. Anyone else go thru this?
2010-02-10 01:04:39 UTC
Note that bipolar disorder is currently "fashionable", and I am informed that it is much overdiagnosed, particularly with teenage girls, where mood swings are more likely to be as a result of raging hormonal fluctuations; see page R, at, below). I am confident that if those people were aware of the risks, and/or serious side effects of the medications used to treat bipolar disorder, including organ failure, and permanent tardive dyskinesia, it would be much less fashionable, and many more sufferers would opt for a trial of the alternative treatments for 6 months, to see if they were sufficient. Even if not, maintaining them as complementary treatments may well reduce the amount of prescription medication required. The wise, and experienced mental health professional may well defer a diagnosis until the teen years have passed, when a level of stability is usually attained in early adulthood.Consult a clinical psychologist, who believes in the use of the minimum amount of medications necessary. Because they don't prescribe, they are considerably less likely to be targeted by the sales reps from "BIG PHARMA". Ensure that you get a written copy of any tests performed (they may retire, or move, etc.). Antidepressants/anxiolytics either don't work for, cause side effects, or lose efficacy, over time, with a considerable proportion of people; probably more than 50%. See:… and I suggest that you view about depression, & pages B, & C. Check out & and wean off, in accordance with and begin the core treatments immediately, and the herbal remedies, or OTHER supplements, like SAM-e, 5-htp, or L-phenylalanine, when below 50% weaning dosage.

St. John's wort has anxiolytic, as well as antidepressant properties, so consider taking a recommended brand, along with a low dosage of 5-htp, (50 mg daily; no more!) which works quicker than the wort, and employing the core treatments shown for depression, and a relaxation method, and/or the EFT. SJW is thought to work by increasing the levels of multiple neurotransmitters moderately, rather than just boosting those of serotonin considerably, as with many antidepressants. Check out:…

At least, give the above a trial period of 3 - 6 months, after weaning off, to see if they are sufficient. If not, (which is unlikely) medications will still be available, but maintain the core treatments as complementary ones, because they treat the cause, rather than mask symptoms. Doctors and psychiatrists rely too much these days on medications, and are overly influenced by the sales reps of the drug companies, who profile them psychologically, and study their prescribing record, then offer rewards, freebies, courses, payments to lecture; even attendance fees to view lectures. View:… and… Use the SEARCH BAR, about how drug company money has corrupted psychiatry, & view: The feedback that I have received here is that antidepressants work, if they do, by blunting the emotions. Many users describe it as "zombification", or emotional deadness.
2010-02-11 20:18:58 UTC
You are very brave and kind hearted to share all of this. I know just, by reading this that you have touched at least one person and most likely more than you know.
2010-02-09 22:59:55 UTC
Wow...Your story is so much similar to mine...I have schizo-affective disorder and just tonight I was thinking of swallowing all of my medicine...Im so depressed...But reading what you wrote kinda makes me feel better :)
2010-02-10 11:18:50 UTC
Thanks for posting this on my question.

This was nice of you to write out and I hope you're doing ok now.

2010-02-09 23:00:24 UTC
its very good to know im not alone
2010-02-09 22:46:01 UTC
2010-02-09 22:38:48 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.