2010-02-09 22:25:50 UTC
I'm a 15 year old female.
I went to the hospital because I took too many sleeping pills.
In fact, I took the whole bottle :/
So around 11:00pm I told my mom and she rushed me to the hospital.
They put me on an IV and after 3 hours of throwing up, they said I was fine.
I went home about 3am and skipped school today.
Soo... I took those pills because I have had depression for over 3 years.
I've been on anti-depressants for 2 years and we've changed them a couple times because they didn't work.
I've gotten a lot better, but a couple months ago I was diagnosed with depression bipolar disorder.
So when I took those pills, I wasn't myself at all.
Usually I am a happy go lucky person... but when the mood swings kick in... all hell goes loose.
I regret doing that so much, its crazy. I could have died that night if I hadn't of told my mom.
I'm okay now though, thank God. and I've promised myself to never take another sleeping pill in my life, not matter what.
Ok soo I put this on Y.A. not for you to feel bad for me or anything, but I wanted to tell those of you who have depression or anxiety something important.
I want to tell you that what you are going through, you are not alone.
I know that you feel like hell at times and that nobody in the whole world cares about you... but it's not true.
I know that it's hard being a teen or young adult or even if you are older and have depression, i know it's hard... but you HAVE to hang in there.
You can't give up and commit suicide, because there is so much more to life than that.
You have so many years ahead of you and you're too young to go on with life like this.
So I recommend seeing a counselor.
I don't even recommend getting anti-depressants, because they work for some people.. but I believe that you guys and me will get through it without those.
If you do have to take pills though, then go for it... because you need to do everything you can to get better.
Just hang in there, okay?
As for me, I'm going to be fine. Tomorrow I'm going to school just like every day, and I'm going to start seeing a counselor (that's what the doctor told me to do), and I promised myself no more pills ever again. Well I can't anyways, because my mom took them away. But I'm going to fight this depression. and I know that you can too.
thanks for listening to my story.
and please do something for yourself too
You are not alone.