so some insight on my situation - my family ensures me that i am a hypochondriac, but my persistant personality just pushes them out. So, i've feared it all. Brain tumors, cancer, skin cancer, MS, etc. I am 17 years old and I know my risk factors, yet I still feel I could be that one exception. My newest fears are diabetes, note: nobody in my family has it, and my great-grandma was borderline. my mom had gestational when she was preggo with me or my brother ? i don't remember which. I'm not obese. 5'3, 120 lbs. My mom laughs when I tell her, for she is so very confident I don't have it. SECOND fear I have is a blood clot, deep vein thrombosis, i've researched it and researched and am so very confident i have one. note: last year i got my mom to take me in for it and the doctors performed a d-dimer blood test telling me that it was more accurate than the ultrasound. i waited for my results and they came back negative, no blood clot. my fear went away and so did the leg pain. well recently the pain is back and i am back on the blood clot theory. whenever i get a chest pain or headache i jump straight to 'IT MOVED!' i read all these crazy internet stories about how this one time this one guy/girl got one under this circumstance. it just freaks me out. I am not on birth control, I haven't been on a plane since I was 4, I haven't had surgery ever, or any prolonged bed rest. Can someone give me an opinion? haha