What are your tips for dealing with depression in the workplace?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What are your tips for dealing with depression in the workplace?
92 answers:
2008-05-05 11:24:02 UTC
Have a life outside of work. Today we tend to 'define' ourselves by careers and what we do at work. When things go wrong at work, our worth is called into question as human beings. By having family, friends and interests outside of work that can validate and support as an individual, allows me to temper the effects of depression.
Cecil M
2008-05-05 11:47:03 UTC
1. I would suggest that you learn how to Relax.

2. Then find a purpose for going to work.

3.Most people I have facilitated with depression do very little for themselves are often focused on pleasing others.

4. What have you done for yourself lately?

5. You need to be able to discuss with your doctor how you feel and what effects the medication is having on your system.

6. I f you have difficulty expressing yourself or feel intimidated, get another doctor.
2008-05-05 11:25:17 UTC
it can be so simple, just a pad on the shoulder or some nice words, but most of the modern managers have forgotten that
2008-05-05 12:18:23 UTC
I'm in kickboxing, so the days that I have it right after work are a god send for me.

I definitley get stressed and depressed from work. There have been a couple of days I've called in sick because I couldn't stand going into the office. That's pretty bad.

But if I'm on the verge of a melt down, I go for a walk or to get some air.

I think also having ALOT more counselling and therapy options for people. There is help, but alot of the times it's not free and too much money.
2008-05-05 11:48:29 UTC
Here are a few tips that helped me:

1. Say a prayer every morning when you wake up thanking the Universe/God/Goddess/Spirit for the opportunity to live another day, and ask for protection from negativity.

2. Drink lots of water throughout the day. Staying hydrated contributes to having high energy (limit your caffeine intake as it tends to be an energy robber).

3. Avoid negative people (which I call energy vampires). If you can't avoid them then don't respond to them as much as possible.

4. Take a 10 minute break every couple of hours and go for a walk around the office and say hi to 2 to 3 people and have a mini-conversation.

5. Leave work at work. Once the work day is done leave the office and do something fun, i.e. watch a movie, read a book or magazine, visit an art gallery, that has nothing to do with work.

If all else fails, change jobs! Make it a goal to find a new job, and set a deadline as to when you want to achieve the goal. Knowing that there is an end coming automatically makes you feel better.
2008-05-05 11:44:06 UTC
First, get over "perfect job" syndrome. There are dull and depressing things about every job. Second, be enthusiastic. You may not be able to control the job, but you have control of your own attititude. If you whine and complain all day, you bring yourself and everyone else down. Come on, it's not that bad, is it?
2008-05-05 11:30:38 UTC
One of the best things I can do when feeling stressed at work is to go for a walk during the break. Something about being in nature helps to relieve stress. It is also important for me to totally limit my caffiene and sugar intake. Meditation is also helpful and can be practiced anywhere.
2008-05-05 11:56:37 UTC
Don't let it become depression. Alter your extreme inner dialogue. Instead of I always disappoint the boss. Use today the boss seemed disappointed.
2008-05-05 11:44:53 UTC
You should be always busy. Get your imagination going. Write down the work to be done during your day or for the coming week. Then look back and verify your accomplishment. You should report your accomplishment to your supervisor and then your result will tell you if did a good job or not. good Luck
2008-05-05 10:41:24 UTC
I used to work around the public all day, constantly near people. Depression became very intense.

My theory is, it was because I was absorbing people's negativity.

A little bit here and there, which in each person isn't much.... but it adds up.

And so eventually, they told me to quit working there.

How can anyone help themselves? The best is to be aware of the emotion, and not to be the emotion.

And you can use the mind to visualize mirrors covering you that bounce away the negativity.
2008-05-05 11:45:32 UTC
Depression in the workplace is a defendant problem and also includes me.

I have another employee who is very bothersome and annoying which makes it difficult to work. Being the only female employee in the office and having to share that office with a male employee is waring on my emotions.

He tries to control all situations of my job,including who I speak to and where I go throughout the building.

I have found that my mood changes the closer I get to work. I am normally a very easy going and happy person but to have to deal with an office jerk is extremely difficult.

After trying to deal with this person myself and getting nowhere, I have spoken to the owner and requested that he be removed from my office space. I do not want him to lose his job, just respect my work space.

This is the only way that I think I will be able to deal with the stress and depression in my workplace.

***Remove the source of the problem.***
john c
2008-05-05 21:24:11 UTC
O-R-G-A-N-I-Z-E: If your desk starts to look like an episode of "Sanford&Son" it could contribute greatly to this epidemic.If the top of your desk (once again) is cluttered,frustration will soon ensue.This will be in the form of "Papers you cant find when they're urgently needed.A continuous "search and rescue"to find a pen or a pencil.By this time you may even be looking for your crayons.This scenario also can have a phsycological effect simply because the miniscule cubicle you have been working in,will appear much smaller than it already is..How is your Caffeine intake? Is it more than one gallon a day?.....or worse two? Maybe you also have the type of boss that wants everthing completed,"Yesterday".Check your job descriptions.Your duties are entailed in there.Do what it says to the best of your ability,and omit what you've been doing over and above your call.Lastly,the cliches,the gossip,the watercooler banter.DO NOT GET INVOLVED.You can't hide the fact that you were talking behind the persons back who's now looking you straight in the eye. Your face can be read,like a dimestore novel.Easier said than done,is this.Leave your homelife AT HOME.Make work a safehouse where you can shed the doldrums of the daily routines (good or bad) that you are faced with at home.If you are capable of M.Y.O.B. the battle is almost won.Gossiping,or running someone down ALWAYS gets back to the subject.You want more air that you can't cut with a knife? Keep up THAT trend and you'll probably need Zorro.Lastly keep in mind that this is how you've chosen to work and you knew beforhand of the entailments of the job.If you can function following these few tips? You still have 66% of your day left for yourself.Good Luck to All.
2008-05-05 19:22:33 UTC
If I am starting to get depressed because I feel overwhelmed, I take a deep breath. Get some cold water to drink. A short break. Then I work on something else and go back to the problem later. It helps to not plow through the same thing all at once. The worst thing about being overwhelmed is the feeling that you need to rush. I don't rush because I would probably make mistakes. It works to calm me down so that I can be more efficient. If I am afraid of forgetting, I put it into my schedule, and move that item. I like to plan things out.

If I am depressed because of something else going on at work, I talk it over with co-workers I trust. "Hey, what's your opinion about this?" is a non-threatening way of getting someone else's valuable opinion and take on something that bothers me. I can see things in a different light and it helps me to figure out how to deal with it. I would even say, "What are possible things that I can do to fix it?"

It really helps if you have a supportive atmosphere. If you work in a place where everyone hates each other, if you work in a place where you feel like your IQ is dropping and you are literally starting to get sick every month, then listen to your body. That place is probably not for you. Start looking for another place that will suit you better. Of course, not everyone can quit right away because of personal financial duties, but you can start looking, I hope. And tell people that you trust that you are looking; they can help by giving you information about new jobs.
2008-05-05 21:15:28 UTC
I have suffered with depression for many years. I would get especially depressed when working a job. So now I work from home and I love it, even though I am not quite making what I earned during my last job, but I am getting there my way.

I will never again let someone rent my brain for $15 or $20 an hour. My time is too valuable as a self-employed person for that.

One of the biggest pitfalls about jobs is egos. Constantly having to deal with people's frickin egos, cuts drastically into productivity.

There are soooo many resources on the Internet today that help people with self-employment. It's much more efficient time-wise, saves on gas, allows for more personal time with family, and greatly reduces interruptions (if you are disciplined). It's great!
2016-05-17 15:36:13 UTC
I have been suffering from post partum depression for the past one year when I gave birth to a baby boy. I couldn't stop thinking about how my husband loves him more than me and how things might be better if he wasn't born at all. Thus, I stayed away from him because I knew that I might do something I will regret for the rest of my life.

Almost instantly I went to a therapist and convince them that I need help. Among other things, I've tried herbal supplements and other book to treat depression but nothing works like the Depression Free Method. So now I'm proud to say I'm one of the happiest mother in the world. My husband loves us both very much and I thank the Lord for the blessing he gave us.

Depression Free Method?
2008-05-05 13:11:36 UTC
Work usually contributes to 50% of a person's well being. If we are not proud of what we do when tend not to be proud of ourselves.

For some it's as easy as leaving to another job but for others they are not so fortunate.

To be happy at work these are the things that I can recommend most.

1. Turn co-workers into companions - Invite a few out for a drink after work. Invite the boss or co-worker for dinner to meet the family. It's easier to cope when you're among friends.

2. Work / Life Balance - No one forces you to work after hours adn if they are they are, talk to them. Sometimes a heavy workload goes unnoticed or tolerated if the individual does not speak up.

3. Participate more at work in the extracirricular items - Most places of employment offer lunch time walk clubs, sporting events, and/or other clubs to join. If your work doesn't have one, start one up.

4. In mental straining jobs take a physical break, In physically straining jobs take a mental break - If your job has you sitting at a desk crunching numbers then Suduko is not for you to relieve stress... try going to the gym. If your pounding metal all day then maybe follow those Suduko junkies or something otherwise less strenuous on the body (Audio Books are also great).

5. Remember, no matter how important you think it is it is only a job - Career is a fancy word for "long term job". No matter the level and no matter the importance, there is always another job you are more than qualified to do. If you are truly uphappy, seek other employment. However, remember this AND THIS IS MOST IMPORTANT: "When seeking out a new job remember what made you unhappy in the previous job or you just may end up back where you were again. Be VERY patient and thourough in your future employment selection... joining a company because you were unhappy in the previous job is not a good reason to join. Look for other "POSITIVE" qualities. Even talk to other employees and get their opinion... if possible.
Bob R
2008-05-05 11:55:42 UTC
The best way to fight depression or a disgruntled attitude at work or anywhere is to notice the upside of you situation... rather than noticing the downside.

Its just as easy to notice the things you have going for you as it is to notice the things that do not work for you. You might also want to try Vitamin D therapy as well... take around 2000 International Units of "D" per day... some people may need around 4000 units. I've found this to actually make it impossible to have a negative thought all day!

You can also get some sunshine on the weekend... if there is some. That and exercise which helps to boost a person's natural endo-morphines which keep you feeling euphoric about stuff.

But, like I said, when life hands you lemons... make lemonade... or even better... make a symphony out of the lemons.... Start noticing the things around you that make you happy. Do you get paid to work? Bonus!!! Do you get to eat something for lunch....? Bonus!!! Did someone smile at you today? Bonus!!!! Do you have a cool car or bike...? Bonus!!!! Once you start taking stock of the positives in your life and work, you won't have time to notice the negatives... and things will be looking and getting better... all the time!
2008-05-05 11:33:20 UTC
because of the global competition that exists the nature of the workplace has adopted this dog eat dog mentality and employers have no conscience about their employees. The almighty dollar is the bottom line.

The report about Canadain workplace is really true. Most companies are American ( foreign) owned and the treatment of staff is based on the American way of doing buisness ie no recognition that Canadians are less aggressive than they are. When you have a big company like GE that has buying powere and can come in and take over a section of Canada's oldest retail (credit department) then you know that there will be a back lash.

A time for UNIONS to revive themselves and wake up from their sleep.
2016-05-16 02:58:08 UTC
Can it be true that every single living individual has the capability to realize their dreams simply through using the power of their minds? Do you are one of those individuals? The first response we already understand due to the fact that we see effective person every day however if the 2nd response is no then you just discover properly to change your life completely and this just happens this book Manifestation Miracle, a book that you can discover here

Manifestation Miracle will teach you ways to face the question: What' your perspective on yourself, your life and on others? Because, how you see yourself, your life, and individuals you decide surround yourself with will eventually frame how you believe ... which controls what you attract ... which controls the quality, joy, and fulfillment of your life.

There is basic wisdom in the typical saying, "Look on the bright side." Looking

on the brilliant side of life and finding the positive will help keep your energy and positive vibrations.
Liz B.
2008-05-05 19:16:33 UTC
The obvious answer may seem like quitting but there is more to being happy than quitting your present job. While some may have the luxury others do not. The best way to lose work place blues to have a life outside of work. If you don't, do some research and set yourself on a self discovery of your hidden talents. You may be surprised at what you find. Good luck!
2008-05-05 16:25:22 UTC
Sweet Jee-Sus people,

When you wake up in the morning, be thankful! If it's a sunny day, be grateful. When your friends surround you at work, be thankful.

I have (female) friends who hug me for no reason other than to be close. I am not depressed; oppressed, or anything else. I have to ask: Are you depressed; oppressed or feeling "small" or less than "important" because of your attitude?

All I can say is: Get over it; get on with life; realize you're not alone; the "other person" is not the enemy or the cause of your 'issues'. YOU are the person who is responsible for YOU. I think it's far too easy to find someone willing to diagnose you as "clinically depressed", etc. Do YOU work in a clinic? NO? Well you're not 'clinically depressed'!

Take charge of your life; realize there is more good than bad, and see the sunshine in each and every day. Our days are numbered on this planet, so don't waste your days.

2008-05-05 19:50:25 UTC
If you are depressed at work, obviously you don't enjoy your job. Find what you like about it, and build on that. Isolate the negative aspects of the job, and turn it to something positive.

If it's co-workers, find out what is causing friction and confront them in an appropriate manner. If you are being overworked, talk to your boss to find a middle ground. Being burnt out is less productive, so it will benefit both parties in the end to have this middle ground.

If all else fails, and you still don't enjoy your job, you are in the wrong place and need to find a different job that fulfils all your needs to be happy and successful.
2008-05-05 19:50:13 UTC
What I do is sing.

Though it may sound crazy it actually helps.

I have been in alot of jobs that mostly dealt with the public and have been severley busy it has really helped.

I find to even make a game of it is amusing.

Walking around singing different songs around different people seeing if they start to sing.

Also pushing myself into a better mood like maybe skipping or when a boss has called me into the office I litterally hop in and say "yes sir or maam"

Even the crankiest , crappiest, people I have dealt with I still smile and talk. To some people it furiates more which again puts a smile on my face because nobody likes someone who is nice and level headed when their angry.

And in most cases I have turned them around and had them appoligize to me.

Daydreaming helps too, even if you can sneak out of your job for 10 seconds and remember a friend or relative or even a time that just made you laugh, it actually brings a smile back to your face.

I have had my share of more than bad times in life, but I try to hold on to the memories that relieve me from stress.

Yes I am one of those people that will burst out laughing when all is quiet, some people think it's because I'm crazy.

But those who know of this stress relief laugh with me.

Try anyone of these and you will find yourself freed.

Even if for a moment.

Oh and just for argument sake I'm pushing 40. ;)
2008-05-05 16:55:13 UTC
1) Pay employees for all hours worked.

2) Reduce multi-million dollar senior management compensation and either give better employee benefits or hire more staff. Hate standing in line at the bank?

Just think how many more branch staff could be hired if the top 10% most highly paid bank executives took a 10% pay cut.

3) Promote from within the company

4) Clear performance expectations
2008-05-05 13:10:40 UTC
Find something about your work that you enjoy. Remember; you are learning skills (social, physical and intellectual) that will help you to function more efficiently in many other aspects of your life. Difficult situations and people can challenge us and will bring out the best -or show us where we are in need of improvement and growth. If you are totally unhappy in your work; use your downtime to upgrade your education, or network with friends to find alternate and perhaps more fulfilling places of employment. You may also be a person with multi-interests or talents who can change gears and be useful in many different work environments. Perhaps you are a leader and entrepreneur who has a business plan just waiting to be nurtured. Again, use your down time to build your strengths and make use of the many educational tools available to you. Volunteer some of your time to assist others in meeting their goals and aspirations.
2008-05-05 22:17:59 UTC
For starters I work in Customer Service for an airline. While some allow their jobs to get them down, I choose to watch people and try to figure out their characters. I enjoy writing short stories in my spare time so the people I meet and the situations in which I often find myself provide me with enough fodder for my stories. I also have my own web site into which I will soon be puting some of my experiences and the people I have met. I pray for those whose jobs drive them into a depressive state. Life is too short to let it get you down. Take care all! :)
2008-05-05 12:20:43 UTC
Take full advantage of your breaks.

Get up from the desk and go for a brisk walk outside.

Breath deeply, filling your lungs with fresh air.

Do periodic stretches.

Make sure you have plenty of rest. Most people are stressed over their jobs on Mondays because of a lack of rest.

Do exercises such as deep knee bends, pushups etc. on your washroom breaks.

Cut down on your coffee consumption.

Eat healthy foods. No junk food.

Have a positive attitude!
Stephen W
2008-05-05 21:22:32 UTC
To beat depression I pray in the Holy Ghost according to I Corinthians 14: 15. Also thr joy of the Lord is my strengthen so I do not need to get depressed.
2008-05-05 23:32:13 UTC
I get up from my desk, go to the staff room and make myself a nice hot cup of green tea. I close my eyes and imagine myself on a beautiful beach and go on a 10 second holiday. I also have great pictures on my walls I can stare into and also be somewhre else for a few minutes.
2008-05-05 11:39:47 UTC
We have Chillax'in days every couple of months where the staff do no-work related activities to get us up an moving out of our routines....for example, last time we spent the morning bowling, had lunch brought in and then in the afternoon we had a yoga instructor come in for an hour and then each staff got treated to a 10 minute hot rocks massage while the rest of us played team games like scene-it and family feud. It was great for office moral and teamwork.
Awt H
2008-05-05 12:26:21 UTC
Why does a person feel depressed at a workplace? Often it can be due to:

1) how others treat/interact with the employee

2) the mismatch of an employee with the occupation

3) how an employee treats him/herself

4) the workplace induces ill-health to employee

If you can not clearly figure out the reason for another job / task / vocation / purpose / meaning.
Dom K
2008-05-05 12:12:05 UTC
I went through workplace depression for a couple of years before I decided to leave the "poisonous" workplace.

That was the best thing I have had done. I am now happy at my new workplace as the corporate policies are way above my previous work environment.

Sometimes leaving your place is a blessings in disguise, in my case it is.

2008-05-05 11:37:43 UTC
Knowing when they come, is as important as knowing why they come. I mean we can see when and how we get depressed in our workplace. If we can realize this, we are 50% done. In this way, the time you are down, you can quit that situation physically or spiritually, even for some seconds. As well, if for example you get depressed when it is raining outside, make your mind and think just to your sunny days. If a telephone call from your bank depress you, never answer it when you are doing your job. Or, ask the bank to call you later when you are finished with your job.

Then we can control and if not remove, we can minimize the depression or its cause.
2008-05-05 14:46:27 UTC
I definitely agree with one user who related the weather to Canadians employee/workers.

These winters can bring anyone down, even Canadians get depressed, how do you expect a latin guy like me living in Canada, not to get depressed?

One more thing is that, if you love your job, which is hard to achieve nowadays due to annoying customers and unreal schedules, you won't get depressed at all because you love what you're doing!!! makes sense?
brenda h
2008-05-05 14:49:44 UTC
I take a walk at lunch,and drink very cold water, while visually teaching myself to only allow positive thoughts. It takes real practice, I still have to really focus, but the end result is that my mind is clear and unstressed when I return to work. I have been dealing with stress like this for 6mths now, I lost 16" overall just getting back in shape. I like to thank positive thinking for being 2 dress sizes smaller this spring.
2008-05-05 15:39:24 UTC
My employer recently installed a machine on each floor in our workplace that dispenses about 15 types of fancy coffees, teas and hot chocolate ( complimentary ) and this machine has really added a positive beat to my day. I suggest every employer do the same.
2008-05-05 16:53:11 UTC
Everyone has their good days and bad days, but what makes the difference?

I think it's important to have a social network at work. Everyone needs a sympathetic ear or a shoulder to cry on. We need to vent our anger, but to someone who understands. As social creatures, we can't just partition ourselves off and expect to be happy! In some cases, I'm sure it's the friends at work that make the job even remotely bearable.
2008-05-05 16:43:42 UTC
If you're able to, put your headphones on and listen to some music, I'll listen to just about anything. Even if it's not something you usually listen to, it's something different which may distract you from the blues so that you are able to focus on the job at hand and feel a sense of accomplishment. Try anything from Abba to Frank Zappa.

Another way to make the blues go away is to recognize a co-worker for something good they have done...a quick email saying 'great job' to someone else is bound to make you feel good for saying it and your co-worker is bound to return the sentiment.

Take 5 minutes away from your desk and just get outside for a breath of fresh air, stretch the arms & legs, couple of deep breaths, and a huge glass of water afterward...the water actually really helps.
Lou K
2008-05-05 16:41:56 UTC
My tip for dealing with depression in the workplace is to eat Big Cup Peanut Butter Cups. Works for me.
2008-05-06 01:45:11 UTC
Setting a goal for yourself is a great way to battle against depression. Not only are you diverting your focus away from all the bad things that are happening, but once your goal is achieved you'll feel good about yourself.
Tamara M
2008-05-05 20:01:35 UTC
I don't let it consume me. I think about something that makes me happy, a song on my mp3 at break time, joke with co-workers. If another co-worker is bothering me or a situation is bothering me, I talk it out as soon as possible so I don't let it feister inside me. If I start crying, I just take a time out to settle down. If a boss is too bossy, I picture myself shovel his **** back into his own backyard.
Gordon C
2008-05-05 11:49:31 UTC
Overcoming depression within the work place, in my opinion, is as simple as appreciating the fact that you have a job. Times are tough, we all struggle to find and keep a descent job. If you are not able to find anything positive with your current job, see it as a tool to get you through until you find something you enjoy to do. Good luck with that, I do not know many people that love their job short of a few friends that play in the NHL and lets face it, those types of opportunities are not available to 99% of us.
2008-05-05 14:54:02 UTC
Its all about feelings, we change our feelings over 1000 times a day and if you let them run you, how are you going to know that the job that has you stressed out is only temporary till you figure what you want to do. If you are doing what you want to do and are still stress out is it what you think you want to do. It takes time, but you will find the company that will appreciate you and the good job you like to do if you look for it.
2008-05-05 16:23:57 UTC
After going though severe depression, I live my life by the 4 toltec agreements;

1)be impeccable with your word

2)don't take anything personally (working in customer service, i did this allot)

3) don't make assumptions

4)always do your best (i kept trying to do more then my best)

you can find more info at
Amy D
2008-05-05 12:43:53 UTC
I have all the symptoms of depression and have recently been seeing a naturopathic doctor for treatment. Unfortunately the prescribed supplement worked wonders for my state of mind, but I had a skin reaction that was too difficult to overlook. I am very reluctant to resort to medication but was wondering if anyone has had success with meditation?
2008-05-05 12:15:41 UTC
Make some friends! Get to know your co-workers and become buddies. Plan lunches and after- work activities with them so you have something to look forward to! Also, pick out the things about the job you really love, and remember why you were so excited to start when you were first hired.
2008-05-05 12:04:31 UTC
I work as a supervisor in a big box hardware store. Not mentioning names but the wear orange aprons :>)

We are so undersaffed, the load of work is hell. I work 8 hours by myself and then the next person comes in to do their 8 hrs. Customers are yelling, staff are yelling. Mgmt keeps putting more work on our shoulders.

The people I work with are great but the Alberta labour shortage is killing us. Is any other place better, probably not. Real hard to get in the mood to work now.

Trust me it has nothing to do with the winters.
2014-10-22 05:43:36 UTC
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2008-05-05 17:25:11 UTC
Great music. Keep it clean, though. Racy lyrics are unprofessional overall. Radio stations are a good bet. Upbeat and motivational rather than slow (and sometimes depressing!) love songs.
2008-05-05 12:47:47 UTC
Humor is the way I deal with stress at work! This doesn't work in all situations but I work in the Alberta oil patch with a group of men who love to laugh and 3/4 of them are from Canada's east coast. Some days it's a nonstop jokefest, usually when we are stressed the most!
2008-05-05 19:20:19 UTC
some say depression is anger turned inward.

i check out i mildy depressed? if so, this is normal and i just let it go and know it will pass.

if it continues and seems definitely work-related i will look for a more suitable job..yes..even if that means making some short-term financial sacrifices..i am worth it.

i am worthy of a happy work place for me.
2008-05-05 18:32:54 UTC
Keeping a picture of my 4 month old daughter on my desk, and on my computer screen always brings a smile to my face and to my co-workers faces.
2008-05-05 17:33:53 UTC
Have fun, lots of laughter and acting like school kids, behind the boss' back. It's always good if you have at least one co-worker who acts as childish as yourself. But of course, being professional when you have to be.
2008-05-05 10:51:02 UTC
Could it be the weather that keeps Canadians in ill somber? Its cold there longer than most places.

As far as depression in the workplace: if you get sick over your job, you need to get out. There's no ands or buts about it.
Sandra P
2008-05-05 12:05:18 UTC
Having a sharing circle like debriefing your concerns or issues with your co-workers.

Prayer is also very important in my life I pray about it and if I have to deal with anything then I bring up in the circle.
Karri V
2008-05-05 15:53:54 UTC
Mental health days!!!! Knowing that you can take a day and sleep in and catch up on the things that you keep putting off is vital.
2008-05-05 19:16:40 UTC
I usually have a cd on. I find music lift my spirit and keeps me going throughout the day.
2008-05-05 11:02:15 UTC
I believe that good support from your employer is vital for people to remain inthe work place. This means dealing with bullying, providing stress management courses, meditation, education and providing a good counselling sevice. 10 years aso, I was diagnosed with clinical depression which was made worse by worplace bullying. Management appeared to support the bully, by sending me to occupational health and telling me not to use humour. I told my manager to take a hike, which was supported by occupational health.Which is indeed a good way of dealing with it. A lot of employers to not provide adequate support for people with depression by changing work hours or providing counselling. I am lucky to be working a good NHS trust whom provide so much support for people with depression which has been caused in/out of work. I have attended stress management, assertiveness courses and my manager has been very supportive. My work has even given me education on depression itself. I do agree that some employers are still predjudiced about mental illnesses, thinking that a person is going to commit suicide on the premises. I have been thrown out of someone's house for taking one antidepressant with a sip of beer. This can also be reflected in the workplace. Education is vital for people who are ignorant. The communication between my manager is excellent, I have trusted her with my history and what are my triggers of anxiety. It is nice to have an open and trusting relationship. In my last job, I felt my manager was quite predjudiced and I was quite hostile in parting with my personal information as there was no trust and respect. In my current role, I have even volunteered to be a contact officer for people who are being bullied, which is often a cause of depression. I feel my employer has given me so much, so I want to help them. All learnt from experience of poor employers.
Jake H
2008-05-05 16:55:24 UTC
Go for a walk, go for a smoke (if you smoke) say a prayer (the good Lord is always listening), joke with other employees, or find a new job!
al mama
2008-05-05 19:57:47 UTC
Take a radio to work and listen to rock n roll
D. V
2008-05-05 11:35:26 UTC
Read the book it is called "Go put your strengths to work" by Marcus Buckingham. He will help you success in your job no matter what. It will also help you to get over the blues. You will not regret to read this book! I read this book from the library. It will make your time worthwhile to your thinking and make you stronger than ever before.
2008-05-05 14:57:31 UTC
You must have fun while working. Talking with fellow emploies is important, as well as knowing your client base.
april e
2008-05-05 11:38:17 UTC
In our office we started having weekly meetings in our groups. This seems to work and our team work has improved alot from this. We even get paid to listen to the boss....
2008-05-08 12:05:03 UTC
talk to someone about it. anyone. see a therapist, vent to someone close, join an online community with people experiencing similar things as you. try the healia communities ( you can meet and talk to other people experiencing similar problems as you.
2008-05-05 20:24:10 UTC
having a bottle of whisky near at hand in the top drawer of my desk helps.
Bob C
2008-05-05 12:08:19 UTC
Do the job you where hired to do and getting paid for. When you leave work leave ALL the problems there. Don't take them home.
2008-05-05 11:59:18 UTC
It's not depression that gets to me in my job, it's the stress of dealing with rude ignorant customers all day. Unless you work serving the public, you have no idea how rude, disrespectful and dumb people really are!! It sickens me and makes for a lousy day!

2008-05-05 15:08:13 UTC
- See your Employee Assistance councillor or company nurse.

- Complain anonymously to your human resources department.

- Contact your union or association.

- Document your concerns.
2008-05-06 08:54:39 UTC
2008-05-05 17:33:36 UTC
where i work there is myself and my boss. very small office. when i go into work i am there for 7 hrs straight, no lunch break away from my desk no 15 min coffee break. it gets me down.......
2008-05-05 10:38:07 UTC
Depends what kind of work your doing in my opinion.

Even a slice of pizza can be depressing if it means 20 more hours of back breaking labor.

My two cents.
2008-05-05 17:05:34 UTC
just simply think of it as work not play and you'll never be confused again.

work is somthing you get payed to do so suck it up or just quit already.

you have to tell your self over and over again that this is so I can buy things.
2008-05-05 13:21:44 UTC
The Homer Simpson method...

Pictures of the people I love to remind me of who and what I am working for.
Bobby L
2008-05-05 22:16:05 UTC
I have struggled with depression since I was a small child, also I am an insomniac. I find the best solution to defend against "feeling blue," has a lot to do with what happens the day before whether it is a highly stressful environment at work or not.

1) Make sure after work you get yourself clean and do something social, just to get you relaxed and if you have a really close friend, spouse, or significant other you can share with them your thoughts and listen to them too, and maybe even daydream with them a little (slightly flighty I know, but hey whatever works, works right?). Keep things light hearted for the most part, and hopefully if your partner in this situation has a problem, you care enough to help them without getting too emotionally invested in their problems. It might feel good to help out.

2) With all of the craziness of the day, make sure before you go to bed with a clean conscience and a satisfactory demeanor. Once again you can socialize. Email, phone, instant messaging can be good. Or you can watch a funny movie, tv show, spend time on your hobby. Just really anything that clears your head so you can actually get to sleep.

3) It is extremely important not to get emotionally committed in others' affairs, and as far as to with one's self, you need to filter out what is important and what is petty or trivial. Days really aren't long enough to live life as most would like, and people who may have the tendency to take indirect negative comments to heart may struggle a bit still. But if that ever happens just focus on your work and it can be so self rewarding knowing that you worked so hard and did your job well and having beaten the down.

4) Make sure you eat!! Take breaks, drink coffee or tea or water, have a muffin, a whole grain bagel, something with complex carbs that will keep your energy balanced throughout the day, at lunch actually eat a decent meal. Keeps the energy up and thus keeping a more positive attitude for the last half of the day.

5) As for bullying I find if someone says something negative to me I'll snap back with an empty compliment (eg. nice shoes, they're very *pause* clean) which sends them for a spin because they're trying to figure out if I was being sarcastic or not and it's kind of funny looking back and they're looking at their shoes trying to find a smudge or stain. Just completely ignore them otherwise, or laugh it off, as they may be just dealing with their own stresses by lashing out at others. Try to keep a good sense of humour about it.

6) Often people in an office situation aren't too fond of others in the workplace. There are usually small circles of friends but that's about it. Just know we're all in the same boat whether you like it or not, and think what you will of others, but keep it to yourself, and try not to worry so much about what others think of you.

7) Rely on yourself and stay confident. Reading popular magazines like People, Cosmopolitan, other pop-media outlets and tabloids can be a horrible pitfall for many individuals as it often demoralizes self-esteem by presenting hyperrealistic (tampered most of the time) imagery of both genders and really has an adverse effect in the work place. As far as gender issues go in general, don't listen to female advice about males, and don't listen to male advice about females, anything they are right about is usually a lucky guess or at best someone talked (how dare you give away our secrets! And yes I'm not ashamed, I've read a few cosmos in my day, guy without his shirt? I have not once met a man who looked anything like those pics no matter how much time they spend at the gym and no matter how healthily they live unless they're a body builder, who often do not live healthily, or fitness trainer with an unusual body structure).

8) This is just a suggestion, not for everyone. Take time out to daydream. We all do it sometimes. But it really works like meditation. Basically fantasize about doing something amazing, great, and meaningful. It'll make you feel good, and keep you driven until you eventually forget about it. Just don't rely on it on a deep emotional level because I know some (myself included) tend to get extremely disappointed when plans don't work out.

9) Dealing with tragedy. If you need time for bereavement...then take time off. A week or two at least. Do some soul searching. Most employers will understand depending on the situation. And you know eventually you're going to get the itch again and feel like you need to go do something with yourself, and end up going back to life as you knew it.

Everyone has their own strengths and beauty, find out what they are and utilize them to your potential and that will cultivate growth. Follow your heart but don't be stupid.
2008-05-05 16:37:36 UTC
i have something to look foward too.

like if there is something that is coming up in the future like a holiday or something then i look foward to it and then things seam to go by faster
2008-05-05 12:21:50 UTC
Personally with the job market the way it is today, change careers.
2008-05-05 10:32:39 UTC
change the mood - aromatherapy with some lavender, chamomile, clary sage.


change the mood - find uplifting, Opptomisitic people, rent a funny movie, go to a comedy club. Laughter, the best medicine.


herbally - St. John's Wort.
Doug B
2008-05-05 11:34:25 UTC
Simple, I work with A LOT of nice looking women.

It's much easier to get up in the morning when you know you will be greeted with pleasant looking, smiling faces instead of angry, bitter women who hate life.
Tee B
2008-05-05 16:04:48 UTC
Quit your job and choose more rewarding work.

I am a tour guide, so by energizing others, I energize myself.
2008-05-07 09:24:20 UTC
I rather don't work and enjoy life!
2008-05-05 13:53:42 UTC
Get high
Nancy B
2008-05-05 13:49:10 UTC
I find a better job!
Mr K
2008-05-05 11:36:26 UTC
stop complaining and just deal with it, work is not fun. How I get through work is to think of getting home and how much fun I will have when I do. Thats all there is to it.
2008-05-05 16:08:11 UTC
its only in the mind, be proactive and always think, that everithing is temporary, so life must go on.
2008-05-05 18:45:17 UTC
I drink excessively!!!!! Cheers!!!!
2008-05-05 21:57:59 UTC
some marijuana and some food after it.
2008-05-05 14:21:40 UTC
bring a couple splifs with you and you'll be good :)
2008-05-05 11:22:56 UTC
Talking to some one in a up beat mood, have him/ her with out knowing make you laugh.
2008-05-05 13:46:26 UTC
I drink...heavily.
2008-05-05 11:21:18 UTC
If its the blues you have=Try rock
For my next trick...
2008-05-05 13:16:34 UTC
I go home.
2008-05-05 11:22:01 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.