My younger sister is 11 and she has always talked to herself, like even if she's on the stairs and think no-one's there, she'll be muttering, and even if she's not happy, she'll walk in to the room and say 'helloo' like even if she's seen me that day, she'll walki in and say that in a forced sort of way. I've had a chat with her because sometime she's really fidgety, when she eat and she ha a really bad habit of looking up at the ceiling or somewhere, whether she's watching tv sitting or whatever like every minute. It's really odd, and when I ask her what she's looking at she gets all defensive and ay nothing, and has become more noticable over the last year especially although she has always been a little unconfident. Even when we tell her off like about somethhing minor, she can't look us in the eye. When she's upset or whatever she'll pretend that everythings hunky dory. Please, can I have some advice, or clues? I asked her if she has a person that she talks to and she said no and i believe her but she seriously is acting oddly...