Hi. Last night we were driving looking for a resturant and I saw a bus stop with a few people. The I noticed two people without heads. I thought it was just my imagination but I'm pretty sure that's what I saw. We were walking along the streets when I looked inside a restaurant and saw two ladies who looked the same. They had the same short blonde hair, glasses, black jumper and they were sitting in a table together with some other people. On our way back to the hotel, It was dark and I looked out the window and saw someone a bike with no head. I was on the other side so I thought someone saw it but no one did. I don't know if I'm just imagining things or if I'm crazy. I didn't tell anyone yet what I think I saw but I'm thinking I should. I was going to write this last night, but as I was writing this the tv just turned off so I just got freaked out and went to bed. I watched a really scary movie the night before that happened and yesterday, also I was looking on information about ghosts and I've been sad recently so I'm not sure if that has to do with it. I know this sounds crazy but I am serious and I am really scared. If this has ever happened to you or you think you know what is happening please tell me. I am not a troll and serious answers and no smart ass answers please!!!! Sorry if wrong category.