I don't know you or how old you are, but my guess is that you're in your late teens or early 20's. You think the world has mistreated you, and you don't like it any more. I feel for you, I really do. But I've got to be honest with you. You're being pretty selfish. You need to get over yourself in a hurry, or you won't be around long enough for anyone to care about. Is that what you really want?
You lost the girl you love, so now you're not going to even try to be with anyone because all girls are dishonest liars who are out to hurt you. So you're going to hurt them first? Why bother getting to know them? Love 'em and leave 'em - huh?
Drink and drive; die young and leave a pretty corpse. Except you know what? When you drink and drive, the corpse is never pretty; it's usually mangled beyond belief ~ and it's your family that winds up being hurt and crying over you when you're gone too young. But what do you care - right? It's not like your mother will miss you.
You've always given people respect, but no one gives you the respect you deserve. What have you ever done to EARN that respect? You only get so much respect for walking in the door, you know; the rest has to be EARNED. Or didn't you know that?
Sometimes life is unfair. What seems unfair to you might seem pretty good to the next guy; it all depends on your perspective. Compared to me, your life looks pretty darn good, if you ask me. Do you want to trade?
I've 44-yrs old and I've been divorced twice: once from a man who beat the living crap out of me, and once from a man who took all my money then left me for someone half my age, who wound up beating the crap out of him. Sometimes life is funny.
I had to stop working 2-years ago and go on Disability because I just got too sick to keep working. I have Arthritis and Degenerative Disk Disease in my spine; I've been in constant pain for over 18-years now. My life is made up of more medications than you can imagine; I have to take some of them just to stay alive because of the diseases I have. If it weren't for pain killers, I wouldn't be able to get out of bed every day.
I moved to California 18-months ago to be near my father as he gets older. Unfortunately, when I moved out here, I noticed something wasn't right with him; he didn't seem like the man I remembered him to be. It took 9-months of trying before I could get him to the doctor to be checked out. When I finally got him to the doctor, we found out he has Multiple Sclerosis. His Multiple Sclerosis is causing him to have inflammation in his brain which is causing Dementia. From one day to the next I never know what he will be like ~ will he even remember where he lives today? It breaks my heart to see him struggle just to go grocery shopping.
Two weeks after we found out what was wrong with my father, we found out I have Cancer, Stage IV, the worst it can get. I'm the only person my father has to take care of him; I can't get sick and die on him, not now. But I am sick -- I have Cancer. And the chances that I'm still going to be here in 5-years are less than 20%. No one else in the family will step forward and help me with my father; it all falls to me.
I'd give anything to be able to work again, to be able to feel useful again instead of sick and useless to the world. I'd love to be able to drive a car without having to worry whether I'd black-out behind the wheel because of my illnesses. I can't even remember the last time I touched alcohol; it's too dangerous with the medications I take for pain.
I moved here to take care of my father; instead, I may wind up making him bury his only daughter. Can you imagine how that makes me feel? I feel like I'm ruining his life. But he doesn't even know it because of his Dementia; he doesn't even realize I'm sick.
Living like this, with Cancer, chances are I'll never know what it feels like to be in love again. I'll never know what it feels like to be loved, to hold hands with someone, or to know that rush of excitement when you share a first kiss with someone. I'm dying inside ~ who will want anything to do with me?
Do you still want to complain about how bad you've got it? Still want to trade places and see if you like another life better? I'll bet not.
Life can change on you in an instant, and you can lose everything in the blink of an eye. I know things seem really hard right now, but you have no idea how hard they can really be. Do yourself a favor -- don't find out.
If there's something out there you want out of life - GO GET IT.
Don't wait for life to come to you, go get life and live it. Don't sit back and expect things to come falling into your lap, because it won't happen. You've got to go out and get what you want in this life -- grab life by the horns and take charge. If you want to be respected, then you have to show respect and EARN respect. It's not that hard.
If you want love, then you have to dare to love. Will you get hurt? Probably. Is it worth it? When you find true love - yes!
But, doing anything less is just sitting around waiting to die. And let me tell you something -- that's not all it's cracked up to be, my friend. Even I won't do that. I'm fighting back, and I won't let my Cancer win. I'm determined to beat it.
The choice is yours. Stop fighting, and die losing out on life.