Honey, you MUST not give up! If you need someone to talk to, just look me up.
I have been battling depression for 17 years, along with anxiety and some OCD ( checking and re-checking sometimes)
I grew up having a hard time in school with other students because they think of me as ugly. It was not until just as I was turning 32 that I for the first time in my life REALLY did I start to like what I see in the mirror. I am 60 pounds over, but I like what I see, and will even more once I lose the weight.
I have been in a couple of domestic violent relationships before and been raped by two guys I knew.
Thing kept looking more and more bleak to me, but recently God showed me the blue print to happiness. First, I needed to be better about accepting His advice for me and stop trying to make things happen I should not. That I needed to trust in Him more and put faith in Him, and change some of my ways. He even answered my prayers on helping me find the right kind of friends, and on y/a! I met a few friends on here that influence my faith instead of trying to get in the way of it. I recently realized had I committed suicide when I was a teen, the few times I tried, I would have cheated myself out of even the micro-tiniest pleasures of life. Yes, there are people who would like to see me dead, but I am not going to give anyone that pleasure. Especially since God put people in my life who needs me to live. God also gave me my life and it is not up to me to take it. Not if I want to someday be found with favor by God.
I know it's tough honey, I know what the most intense depression feels like, but once you die, that is it. You can never come back.
Keep praying to God to give you strength. And keep finding the right professional help. But also ask God if there is something He wants different from you spiritually. It may sometimes be difficult to hear what He says, I have to admit sometimes I find it difficult, but then we got to remember, He has all the answers. We don't.
As for when I starting changing my ways spiritually, I been even more blessed by God. I still am not perfect, and got a lot more work to do, but I know if I help myself, God will help with the rest.
Don't give up; it someday will get better. As hard as those 17 years were, it was definitely worth the wait for things to look up. My life is still not perfect, but it is better than it used to in some ways. Like, I am on the road to finally beating depression, anxiety, and OCD. I'm pretty close to winning the battle. I just need one more life change, and I'll even be closer to winning!
If you decide to write me, but don't believe in God, that is ok. I'll help you, and we won't get into religion.