You want to be a child and nurse your feelings and find sympathy. You don't want the responsibility of your future, because you're not prepared, because you're lazy and pretend.
Buy a gun, what the heck are you afraid of? Learn to use a knife. Get a crossbow, hang it on the mantel. Take control girl. Turn off the TV. Learn something. Go to the library and browse the aisle of hundreds of books on your favorite subject. Immerse yourself in learning something that will solidify your future. It's your control, or live under a bridge.
The only way to solidify your future is in truth and honesty, wherever it takes you. So you begin to build a foundation of truth from which you begin to make consistent decisions. Already, your future has become ordered. These are good decisions, not bad ones like gambling, and the prophecy of truth reveals itself, repeats itself back to you from different reliable sources, and your creation in truth grows into a mountain against even ISIS.
Nine out of ten homes in America have a Bible, but unfortunately, most of us quit reading it when we were told Noah's Flood was a "myth." That was part of the lie by science and evolution, to confuse truth, same as what the devil does, insert lie as doubt then divide and conquer. But here is how silly it is to deny truth. The Great Pyramid of Egypt (Mizraim) was named after Noah's grandson, duh.
The builders of the Great Pyramids had no doubt whatsoever, handed down by eyewitness account, that Noah's Flood was literal; just a matter of common knowledge history of the time, there was no question if Noah's Flood was literal, until evolution, then it became a "myth" according to the OPINION of "science." Usher in millions/billions of years (the OPINION/MYTH of evolution), out with the "myth"/truth of a Young Earth. Hogwash, the truth will eventually win out, and the lie of evolution will be gone within 10 years, crumbling from within on its self-made lies; at least the atheist is consistent, even when illogical, irrational, and unjustifiable or verifiable/unverifiable opinion. Peculiar life choice.
What if I can prove to you geologically that Noah's Flood was real? That would also show the Bible to be a real historical document (though a verifiable historical document needs no additional support from me). In fact, I challenge you to find another book with more truth than the Bible. Many people find solace in reading it. The power and promises in truth inserts confidence and defies terror.
Read the Bible as if it were true, as you would with any author, with a little faith, and see what it has to say. Of the top ten Hebrew departments in the world, all agree what the Bible "says" in Genesis. Literal six day Creation. Young Earth. There is no room for the lie of millions/billions of years. We are not here by chance, but were created and are all of us related to the first man, Adam, and to each other. Join a group. Further your cause. Learn truth every day as a way of life; not an option if you expect to guide your future, a must.
Geology of Grand Canyon & Noah's Flood
In what ways do you justify that the Earth is some 6000 years old?
Is the Bible a copy from Paganism
Seven Evidences for a Young Earth
Is Noah's Ark a Fairytale?
If the Earth is only 6000 years old? - Dinosaurs and fossils and POSSIBLITY OF CHANCE LIFE
How can the Earth possibly be only thousands of years old?
Question to YEC Christians about Genesis 1 ?
Is it written that GOD our Heavenly Father completed creation?
Any Creationists got proof that Evolution ISN'T true?