I am never happy. I am a Christian. I have a nice house. Decent job. I am losing my faith.I always wanted?
2007-09-07 14:48:41 UTC
I have always wanted to be a pastor, but have always struggled with 'am I good enough' and 'money for my family and future'. So here I set, with debt, a nice house, a decent job that I don't like and have a hard time giving time to. I have two awsesome kids. My wife is seriously depressed after the second child and not doing well in many areas. I am extremely committed to the marriage. It seems that ever year my life gets worse and I attribute it to my not making the decision to go into ministry. My father was a pastor. I have been to counseling, psyciatrists, small groups, etc. Lately, especially at work, it seems that all relationships that I make fail miserabley. If you asked people closed to me, they would say I am great. I don't like hobbies, sports, TV. All I do is think... think.... think... I feel that I am the only person this way. Being a strong Christian makes is 100x harder because 'God is supposed to be enough'.
All I want to do is sleep and be alone.
25 answers:
justin schwan
2007-09-07 14:54:30 UTC
You need to check out Lao Tzu, and Taoism. It's a philisophy, not a religion, so it won't interfere with your christianity no matter what some nut with a bible tells you. Open up your mind. Lao Tzu talks a lot about how to simplify life, how to live within the Universe and not within your indivduality. You may find the answers there, and I hope you do--if not there, somewhere.

Good luck,

2007-09-07 15:12:23 UTC
I can understand where you are coming from to a certain extent! I felt that way a couple of years ago. I had a nice house, a good job and a husband with a good job. We had always thought that we would become missionaries someday, but as soon as we got married we promptly left Bible College for other interests. Pretty soon we had good jobs, a nice house in a nice subdivision (a big house payment) and we were starting to think about kids. I went off birth control and couldn't conceive so we directed our attention to stuff! Nice things, nice resturants, nice weekends spent at places that I am still paying for. The thing was, I felt totally empty. By now we had too much debt to even try to bo back to Bible College, so we were stuck. I became very restless at the time I should have been the happiest. All of a sudden I had something happen that rocked my world. My husband was convicted of a crime he committed prior to becoming a Christian. I was devestated. He is now in jail. Strangely enough, the worst things got, the closer God got, and the closer he got the more joyful I was. In the middle of the biggest storm I could ever imagine, I was better mentally than I had been for a long time. Pretty soon I lost the huge house payment (I sold it, thanks to God) Moved out into the middle of nowhere to teach at a Christian School, and worked part time at McDonalds part time to keep up with the bills, and you know what, I was happier than I had been in a long time. The bottem line is the closer to God you are the more joyful you are (which has nothing to do with being happy by the way) and pretty soon you do things that you never thought you could do and you are happier doing it that you ever dreamed possible. Hold your wife, pray with her. Go to School to be a pastor (its not too late, I am now in school for nursing) Make sure you are eating right, and spending quality time with God. (you should spend the same amt. of time listening as you do praying, this is hard to do, but you will be bowled over with its results) Most of all keep your heart open to whatever God wants you to do...He is enough, you just have to let Him be enough for you!
2007-09-07 14:58:33 UTC
Sounds like depression to me.

If you cannot become a full time pastor - how about taking a more active role as a counselor, by heading a ministry outreach program or by becoming more involved in music for the services?

As for your job - think about transferable skills you have that would be suitable @ a non-profit organization or a school or something else that interests you.

It doesn't have to be all or nothing - 100% ministry or 100% misery. Jesus' apostles came from all walks of life & had their own styles.
2007-09-07 15:38:03 UTC
Yes you do sound depressed, it would seem both you and your wife need help.

I also agree with Threadstone who suggests you can do things for / with your church without being a full pastor, it's not necessarily an either / or situation. Yes check with your minister / pastor about all of the above.

I find it troubling that you attribute your life getting worse simply to not going into the ministry. It would seem to me that people should go into the ministry from an emotionally healthy position.

To me, an emotionally healthy person knows him / her self. There's some quote by Jung that goes something like we don't get enlightened by simply bringing in light, but by making darkness conscious. Are you conscious with yourself -- or are you doing what you think you should do as a good Christian? Christianity has a strong component of love -- including loving oneself through and through.

As for all that thinking, vigorous exercise could balance that out. It will help you get out of your head and also give you a boost if there is a biochemical component to your depression.

And start doing what you love. Have gratitude for the things you do have. People who have love and gratitude in their life naturally bring more grace -- and isn't grace what you are seeking in your religius endeavors?
2007-09-07 15:13:37 UTC
I used to be a Christian, but found that it doesn't really help you deal with relationships. So I started studying Buddhist philosophy and found it to really improve my outlook on life. It teaches you to live in the moment. I think Christianity focuses on the afterlife, while Buddhism focuses on reducing suffering in the present. And in the US, Buddhism is really practiced as less of a religion than a philosophy, so don't worry about offending God. Why not spend some time in the library? At the very least you could hide there. If you fall asleep, no one will bother you.
2007-09-07 15:13:38 UTC
Definitely a spiritual thing.Most likely due to prayer.I will admit,I'm a resistor like you.But I guess we both know it's about us wanting to control our own life.I know this week while on vacation,I'm feeling that void of emptiness,and I ask God why have I spent so many years getting further away.But I believe he'll mold you until you see your life and success are fleeting,but he's forever.You can rationalize and get all the psychological help you want, but you know you have to give your soul to Him,exclusively.He's a jealous God.
2007-09-07 14:58:18 UTC
Find a way to become a pastor. That may mean attending seminary. That may mean selling your house. Possessions won't make you happy. A nice house won't make you happy. Nice clothes won't make you happy. Not even your wife will make you happy. You have to die of all your idols so you can worship the one true God. That is the only way you'll be happy. God bless and good luck.
2007-09-07 15:11:13 UTC
Hello J2,

I would first like to say a huge Thank you for being honest abou how you are feeling. As you know this is he first sep towards recovery of any illness.

I am a qualified therapis based n the UK and have picked up on some intersting factors which may be making you feel the way you do.

Firstley you say all you do is think, think and think some more, you need to be writing your thoughts down as to remove theme from your houghts and then make a plan of postive action in order to challenge and work hrough your current problems.

Your wife I am sorry to read is not very well at ths moment in time. Does she currently receive help for her post-natal depression ? If so all you can do is support her and make sure she is taking any medcation prescribed you cannot do everything J2.

As for your career goals, please make sure you are happy with your job if this means making a change and becoming a pastor you need to make this change as you will not be able to cope working in unhappy conditions and then trying to make your home life better this will drain you as quick as pulling the plug from the bath tub.

You need to:

1: make a plan of positive action whch you can work on in small chunks. starting with the simplest problem and working towards the more demanding ones.

2; make sure you keep yourself happy. If you are happy then you will naturally start to make your wfe and working life better. This could be starting your pastor training / career.

3: Write down your thoughts before you go to bed as this will enable you to get a much more peaceful night sleep.

4: tke deep breaths before you take acton or make any changes be i at home, work in life in general. This will help calm you down and also clear your thoughts enabling you to make a more indepth and positive change.

Should you need to contact me please email me on

Good luck and hope ths helps.

Im here for you and your family should you need to chat

Robert P
2007-09-07 15:03:11 UTC
God is calling you and it is hurting you for not answering the call. You don't mention you religion. To be a pastor, do you need to go to a seminary? Or study under a pastor? I assume you are not Catholic or you wouldn't have a dad!

Open your heart to your passion. No one is ever good enough. We are human, we have imperfections. Our human-ness is what makes us good at sharing God's word.

If we were perfect, we would have everlasting life without God and live forever.

Listen and hear. Focus on your family. Do what you have always felt compelled to do. Let God provide.
2007-09-07 14:58:40 UTC
You need to do 2 things, contact Focus on The Family In Colorado Springs, CO and also In touch Ministries, by going to In Touch .org. There are people there a lot more equip to help answer this dilemma your are currently facing. I have heard them both speak in depth on the subject and I would rather you get it from the horses mouth, than to try and paraphrase it. Keep the faith, the Lord is sufficient.
minister in the making
2007-09-07 15:20:05 UTC
I'm not sure I agree that your are miserable because you won't enter ministry but know this, If that is what God has called you to do, the provision for it is already in place. God saw where you would be this moment before it happened and he has made everything you need available to you. Happiness, joy, financial security and everything is ready for you, but you won't experience the fullness of it until you step out in faith.

It sounds to me you are okay financially, you just need to deal with your personal happiness. But if you ask anyone Chrisitan or not, the people who do big self-owned business, step out and took a risk out of there comfort zone. I think too many times we get so comfortable and so used to whats familiar, we are afraid to move out of that security blanket. But thats exactly what God asks of us, that takes FAITH!!! I'm praying for you and yours.
2007-09-07 15:06:31 UTC
Do you think that God does not want you to make use of resources that will improve your health and happiness? I don't. I think that He wants what is best for you--and that includes medical care for depression.

God *is* enough--but he is found in many places--not just inside your head or inside your church.

You may find him patiently waiting for you in your doctor's office, eager to restore you to good health.

When you are healthier and happier, you can address your calling.
2007-09-07 14:55:38 UTC
Brother, you are very depressed. You REALLY need to see a doctor and get some medication. Also, consider getting on a rigorous exercise regime. I recommend the exercise because it works wonders in curing depression.

I am not being funny here, I see some major risk for you.

Put things in perspective, 99% of the world would be jealous of what you have in all ways.

Put your faith in God. Be active in the church. Talk to a minister.

You don't have to be a minister yourself to serve God the way he wants you to.
Sunshine G
2007-09-07 15:32:06 UTC
People do have struggles in life. Do you know why? because of Satan the Devil.He tries to pull us to doing wrong things.He wants us to hurt with pain.He can even make us lose our family.He even tries to get us to lose our faith in God.He does not want us to be happy.So if you can do this for me. You should sit your family down and read the Bible together.I will keep praying for you to be happy and your family. I love everyone and Jehovah God does too?
Adele B
2007-09-07 15:03:17 UTC
See your doctor first because you are probably suffering depressed also.

I can solve the Pastor-ing issue for you with one simple question.

Did your father (God) call you to become a Pastor?

If not then get involved in another aspect of ministry.
Jeremy R
2007-09-07 15:07:06 UTC
Ok, this is going to sound really bad, but honestly my advice to you is set the bible and church and your religion aside for just a moment, and do something far more important. Close your eyes and speak with god. Let god know how you feel, what you need. Let your mind settle, open your heart and let yourself feel through everything you're going through. Let the pain go to god, and accept the strength and wisdom god offers you.

God will help you see more clearly what you need to do to improve the quality of life around you, and god will give you the strength to do it.
Your #1 fan
2007-09-07 14:59:51 UTC
Religion is just myth. God is the way to go. God never created religion. You are unhappy and unsettled because you are searching for greener pastures. You want to go into ministry? Do it. I wanted to be my own boss and I did. I did everything I wanted to do by not listening to anyone just my own head and heart. That is the real path. We're here a short time so make the most of it.
2007-09-07 15:00:09 UTC
You may be suffering from clinical depression. See your doctor. And don't be ashamed to take an anti-depressant. It works.

2007-09-07 14:54:47 UTC
You should smoke a fatty.

EDIT: Justin has a point. The Tao Te Ching, in specific, is a very good read. ; D

Oh, and taking the medication recommended under my answer is a sin. To do bad against god's temple by defiling it with drug toxins is one way to drive the big buggy on into hell. Whooo!
2007-09-07 14:57:14 UTC
Have you tried talking to your own Minister? I'm sure he's talked to many people who have similiar problems.
2007-09-07 15:11:18 UTC
Youre going through hard times..just keep praying,and everything should get better.
2007-09-07 15:01:18 UTC
maybe you need time for yourself

try talking to a pastor and see if they can guide you

try and list why you are unhappy
2007-09-07 14:54:27 UTC
I think u have depresson talk to someone
2007-09-07 15:12:22 UTC
T Leeves
2007-09-07 14:53:30 UTC
you should smoke a fatty

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.