Hello J2,
I would first like to say a huge Thank you for being honest abou how you are feeling. As you know this is he first sep towards recovery of any illness.
I am a qualified therapis based n the UK and have picked up on some intersting factors which may be making you feel the way you do.
Firstley you say all you do is think, think and think some more, you need to be writing your thoughts down as to remove theme from your houghts and then make a plan of postive action in order to challenge and work hrough your current problems.
Your wife I am sorry to read is not very well at ths moment in time. Does she currently receive help for her post-natal depression ? If so all you can do is support her and make sure she is taking any medcation prescribed you cannot do everything J2.
As for your career goals, please make sure you are happy with your job if this means making a change and becoming a pastor you need to make this change as you will not be able to cope working in unhappy conditions and then trying to make your home life better this will drain you as quick as pulling the plug from the bath tub.
You need to:
1: make a plan of positive action whch you can work on in small chunks. starting with the simplest problem and working towards the more demanding ones.
2; make sure you keep yourself happy. If you are happy then you will naturally start to make your wfe and working life better. This could be starting your pastor training / career.
3: Write down your thoughts before you go to bed as this will enable you to get a much more peaceful night sleep.
4: tke deep breaths before you take acton or make any changes be i at home, work in life in general. This will help calm you down and also clear your thoughts enabling you to make a more indepth and positive change.
Should you need to contact me please email me on robertwayneritchie@orange.net
Good luck and hope ths helps.
Im here for you and your family should you need to chat
Robert P