Depression and ecstacy? - please don't judge...?
2007-06-21 02:28:37 UTC
Hi everyone, I've been sliding further into a depression the last few months, and have attributed much of this to suppressed childhood trauma, a failed marriage and an ex who chipped away at my self esteem. However, I've also been taking ecstacy when out clubbing. My mum has told me that she thinks it is the drugs that have caused my depression and has begged me to stop using it. I have been prescribed anti-depressants by the doctor, and am yet to start taking them (bit scared).

I just read up about ecstacy and depression and apparently there can be a link, that the drug destroys transmitters in your brain and then they grow back all wrong, not being able to transmit seratonin properly.

I'm really scared now, what if I've permanently done some damage? What if mum is right and it's the drugs that have made me like this? Is it reversible?

All my friends have taken it for 8 years (me only 1.5yrs) & they are all OK, so I question whether it IS the ecstacy. Very confused.
41 answers:
Miss independent
2007-06-21 02:39:09 UTC
Well either way, depression is going to hit you. Your going through a rough time and just need something to run away to and that's probably why you turned to ecstasy. I'm not saying its not the xtc but most of it was cause of your past experience. You taking the drug might make you think more of that factor but it's not all caused by it. I suggest you not to do the drug anymore, since it will ruin you in the long run and since you want to help yourself get through all this. Try not even taking the anti depressants and deal with it yourself. Studies say that they can increase your depression and make you think some crazy things such as suicide. But if your depression doesn't go away then try taking them. And if that doesn't work than maybe a therapist can help. We human being are very strong and I believe you can get through this.

Good luck =)
2007-06-21 02:45:43 UTC
Ecstasy can be known to cause depression in later life but the truth of the matter is that no one really knows the long term effects of ecstasy as there are not enough old people that have taken them.

I think you are being a bit paranoid though about there being some long term damage to your brain receptors. Although feasible, it is not very likely. Depression is VERY common especially in this era. It is thought that 90% of all people go through a depression at some point in their life! And especially with your troublesome past it is very likely to be just your time for depression.

Drugs can make you depressed though because your normal moods fluctuate in comparison to the enormous high you are on when you are taking the drug. It can seriously effect your emotions in a detrimental way.

My advice is to say from NOW that you will never do the drug again. You don't need it. Yes it may give you that 4 hour buzz but is that really worth it for the pain that goes with it, the worry, the come down, the depression and the dangers. Go out, have a good time and a good laugh, get drunk but just stay away from the chemicals. Announce it to your friends so they will not pressurise you.

You only have one life. Live it and don't rely on chemicals for your fun and joy. It is just fake and temporary and will never give you what you really want which is real happiness and real joy.
2007-06-21 04:27:25 UTC
I have been there and done that when i was in my teens, i too did not have a good childhood, and so i turned to drink and drugs and i still have long term depression so i know exactly how you feel. Do you want to stop? That is the question, because if the answer is yes, then all you need is will power and believe me, i know it is not easy but if you really want to stop then you can and will be able to.

Don't let people pull you down, you are your own person, yes life hasn't been easy but you have to think of your future and your mum, don't feel like your mum is getting on at you, she's only worried about your welfare, the best thing to do is stay away from your drug friends because they may be alright now but one day they may never wake up and that is the danger.

When i was 14 i accidently took an ecstacy overdose which very nearly killed me, i was in intensive care for 2months and when i found out why i was there, that was my wake up call but you can stop before you put yourself in any more danger and you have to take into account your mum's feelings too.

Life is never easy but you have to pick yourself up and hold your head high because things will get better but only if you put in the hard work into making your life better and believe me, it will pay off in the end but never put yourself down and then others can't put you down.

As for your self essteem, i know how you feel, but you have to look deep inside yourself and be able to gain your self esteem back and it will come back gradually as you start the slow process of recovery, there is no quick fix but if you really want to have a future then make it your future, make it what you want it to be, don't judge yourself either, you are who you are but life is full of great things, as i have learnt life is a gift and we should cherrish each and every moment because we never know what is round the corner.

I only hope this advice helps you to decide where you want to go from here and what ever path you choose, good luck!
2007-06-21 02:50:08 UTC
Stop taking the E right now! I'm not putting a judgement on you here, but I did a study on the effects of E in the brain several years ago, and it is nasty s***! I used to be a First Aid Nurse at raves, and I've seen what E can do firsthand...

As few as ten doses can show permanent harm to the brain. People whose re-uptake inhibitors are already out of balance (as is true with most depression patients) are at an extra-ordinarily high risk of early damage even if you only rolled a few times in that year and a half... You cannot reverse the damage done, but you can stop further damage by quitting it now! E is not the answer you're looking for, and can easily be the cause of your deepening depression.

By and large, the meds your doctor prescribes are MUCH safer than any street drug. The side effects are much better known and predictable. The positive effects are also much better documented.

In my own case, we had to experiment. Originally, we tried Neurontin (for diabetic neuropathy) and to see what effect it would have on my mild depression. It made me profoundly depressed, and I felt better after tapering off. Now I am taking Elavil and it works great with NO side effects that I have been able to detect.

The key is to make sure that a few of your best friends know you are taking an anti-depressant. That way if you start acting even more depressed, they will warn you before it gets out of control. There are many meds that work for different people out there, and under a good doc, you will find a safe one that works...


Ed, RN

2007-06-21 02:40:08 UTC
Ecstacy has a similar effect to antidepressants (SSRI's - examples of these are prozac, zoloft, paxil) It increases the amount of serotonin around the nerve endings. Serotonin is the 'happy' chemical in your brain. Ecstacy obviously does this in a much great way than an SSRI.

When you take Ecstacy it generally ends up depleting the serotonin and you end up having some degree of depression the next day. As there is no very long term research as E is relatively new it is hard to tell but it is suggested that you may end up have long term problems with serotonin depletion and thus chronic depression.

I doubt taking E for 1.5 years would put you in this catagory. However I would not be considering taking it again.

You maybe just need a bit of a boost with some antidepressants while you work through your depression and issues and then wean off them at a later date.

Your depression may have nothing to do with your E intake but more to do with your life circumstances.

I dont think you need to be scared taking the antidepressants - after all they are much milder and kinder to your body than E. I would not mix the tablets with E as you can have a reaction called 'serotinin syndrome' where you just have too much serotinin floating about in the wrong place in your brain. It is a very unpleasant experience and also life threatening.

Go for the antidepressants.

Good luck
2007-06-21 02:45:57 UTC
If you are depressed, you should stop taking ecstasy.

Neurologically: The serotonin receptors do end up functioning irregularly, but this is a temporary issue. If you stopped taking ecstasy today, you would start to recover pretty soon.

Psychologically: The 'come downs' after the high can be a catalyst for depression. You can feel empty after the warm and contented feelings have gone, and this can end up causing a mild mental addiction to ecstasy.

Some people who used to take ecstasy have found that they can have just as much fun without it. Just 'pretend' - I know it seems crazy, but you CAN have as much fun, dance as much, and feel love for your friends. Try it!

Please don't worry about long term effects of taking E, it is unlikely that there has been any lasting damage. Just focus on the positives - you have come this far that you can admit your problems on this site. Try perhaps seeing a professional to discuss your feelings further, and mention the fact that you don't feel happy about taking anti-depressants.

Just remember, the more positive you can be - the sooner you will be able to deal with your problems.

Oh, and GOOD LUCK!
2007-06-21 02:39:59 UTC
Asides from pathological effects (as you mentioned destroying transmitters in the brain) drug abuse can also lead to psychological changes.

Taking ecstacy to raise your mood can in time lead you to depend on the drug to uplift you, so that when you are not buzzing you feel depressed and need the pills to help you out.

People do react to it differently, and if you've had other contributing factors in your life then that would explain partly why you react differently to it than your friends.

My advice would be to stop with the ecstacy and start enjoying your life for what it is, you can get high on a night out with friends without drugging yourself. Start the anti-depressents based on your doctor's instruction, but be careful not to become as dependant on them, or they can take over. Try to work out exactly whats depressing you so you can confront it and beat it once and for all, instead of hiding behind the numbness given by medication. Don't be scared of the medication, just don't rely on it.
2016-03-13 11:02:58 UTC
The real question is "were you feeling better on the meds?" If you were, then the depression is most likely a chemical imbalance. I've seen the difference that medications can have on a depressed person. If that is the case, I pray that you can somehow get government help with buying your prescriptions. Find a social worker to help you with any applications you may need to fill out. If that's not the case, try starting something so simple as an exercise program. Physical activity will get the endorphins moving and naturally improve your mood.
2015-08-26 22:40:04 UTC
This Site Might Help You.


Depression and ecstacy? - please don't judge...?

Hi everyone, I've been sliding further into a depression the last few months, and have attributed much of this to suppressed childhood trauma, a failed marriage and an ex who chipped away at my self esteem. However, I've also been taking ecstacy when out clubbing. My mum has told me that...
2007-06-21 02:46:22 UTC
I have used it for 5yrs and it definately has an effect. Usually around mid week (if u take it at the weekend) commonly known as the mid-week blues! it can be horrible, I describe as feeling like I have no soul!

My outlook becomes very negative, and i feel depressed. But come the weekend I feel fine again and do it all again.

However my days of doing it every weekend are over because the mid week blues became too much. you need to spread it out if your going to do it, to allow you body to replace the serotonin.

Ecstasy literally opens a gate in your brain that releases all you stored serotonin in one big go, thats why by about 4 in the mornin it doesnt matter how many more you take you wont have the same buzz as when you popped first that night.

My advice is either cut back or stop.

also you should read up about foods that can help rebuild serotonin such as Cucumber!

Also Mant is right when you are feeling down you need to remind yourself that it is just the after effects of the drugs and u need to try an maintain a Positive Mental Attitude

PS. Alcohol can have a magnifying effect on the comedown, so if you drink a lot of alcohol when ur out, you might want to consider dropping one.
2014-09-29 19:45:57 UTC
Hi, I've had Premature Ejaculation problem over 4 years. And now i can tell you how I went from lasting 10 seconds to over 30 minutes in bed You will be amazed by this video! - ( ) It will to expose a shocking secret that will change your life forever! In the above video you will discover the strange story of how I figured out the secret to go from lasting less than 10 seconds in bed to over 30 minutes. What I reveal in this video is not a trick, con or scam and has been taught to thousands of other men. You'll discover the special things to do during sex that will make you last longer in bed naturally. I recommend you watch the whole video now while it's still up, because there's a big surprise for you at the end! It explains how to end premature ejaculation for good. It’s basically a blueprint on how to develop natural control over your ejaculation. It actually reprograms your ejaculatory reflex so that you last longer without even trying. It involves a combination of techniques, learning knowledge, and following a specific approach that attacks premature ejaculation from all three angles; the physical, mental, and hormonal. I was able to cure my premature ejaculation problem in only 2 weeks and I never had a problem again. Good luck!
2007-06-21 02:59:57 UTC
Don't worry! old cliche'... every up has a down. E is a big up & an easy instant feel good escape from lifes hassles - problem is that it only last a short time before you have to come back to reality. After feeling really good all the bad stuff seems twice as bad etc etc... The Brain is amazing it will repair - But from someone who has been where you are I would suggest focussing on your confidence & self esteem! Do things that you enjoy and are good at only hang out with friends who are true, supporting & listen. good on ya for talking about it Depression is a nasty black cloud and will follow you if you let it - confront all the things you've been avoiding & the stuff you can't do anything about... well at least you've left it on your terms. As for the ecstacy: MODERATION is best; how many times do you ride a rollercoaster before it becomes boring?
2007-06-21 02:41:19 UTC
If the doc prescribed you the antidepressant, take it. Most have little or very minor side effects. Some of the newer ones have a bit more, but they subside. And the research is clear that they help more quickly and effectively than anything. I would also get psychotherapy, since there are clearly some underlying causes for your feelings that might be helped by good talk therapy. Stop worrying about the ecstasy. Just don't do it while you're in this state, and reevaluate later with the help of a psch doc who will have more to say about it. Depression is normal and common and easily helped in most cases if you actually go through the therapy.
2007-06-21 08:44:08 UTC
No judgement call here! I had depression along time ago, or it started then..and I started using meth. I felt on top of the world..Miracle It became such a habit that if I didn't use it, my depression tenfolded. Medical professionals say that the natural endorphins we have get canceled out when we use a stimulant, and our brain depends on the drug for it. I don't believe you are damaged, it's just your brain getting mixed up right now. Take the antidepressents like I do, it'll take a couple weeks to kick in tho, so hang in there...
2007-06-21 02:41:56 UTC
Anything that alters your brain carries a risk including 'safe' things such as weed and alcohol.

The simple fact is that, by your own admission, you have been in a bad place and your mind is not stable at the moment. With this in mind you should stop worrying about what has happened in the past and take positive action now by stopping the ecstasy immediately!

You are in a delicate state and mind altering drugs are a very bad idea at the best of times - for you they could be catastrophic. By stopping you will be able to be certain that your state of mind is the 'real thing' and this will give you a more stable base to move forwards.

Listen to Mum ...they are usually right :)
2007-06-21 05:10:46 UTC
i used to be a ecstacy user and i never had any side affects the chances are that u are depressed because of all the bad times u have had.... taking ecstacy helps u escape your problems for a few hours but thats all, i think u need to start with some sort of counselling and start at the beginning and taking anti depressants is not gonna cause as much harm as escstacy! good luck
2007-06-21 03:50:44 UTC
I've done my share of recreational substances, but I've always avoided ecstasy, because of just the problems you cite. My advice is to stop taking the X and try those antidepressants your doctor prescribed. There's no reason to be scared of them; they're FAR less dangerous than X is.

As far as permanent damage, there's no way to tell right now. Just hope there isn't any. If your symptoms improve when you start your new meds, that's a good sign.
2016-04-23 11:03:01 UTC
There are steps you can take to actually build a strong, stable marriage and avoid divorce. Read here

Here are some key steps to apply to your marriage:

- Start by understanding and being informed.

You can never be too informed about tools, methods and studies about building successful marriages. Understand the risk factors like your age and maturity at marriage can determine how successful it will be, the anatomy of an affair and what you can do after infidelity. Understand the success factors like the personal and psychological circumstances that will influence your marriage, what are the tools and approaches available to you in dealing with conflict, and numerous other relevant data. All this information is readily available to you whether through self-help material, through a counselor, support group or other venues. In fact, we have made it our commitment to provide these to you in different formats to help you make the best marriage you can.

The thing is, remember, this is information is not available for you to begin hyper-psychoanalyzing your relationship, yourself and your partner. It's not a matter of spewing trivia for the sake of conversation ' information is there for you to ponder over and internalize to help you transform yourself and your marriage. That includes maturing to such a point that you become more competent in your knowledge but more prudent in approach.
Night Owl
2007-06-21 04:29:00 UTC

Your going through a rough time and it may feel good to take ecstasy as the escape from reality feels like it is helping. But it is not. You need to take stock and look at the positive side of your life. It may not feel like there are any, but there are alot of people around in alot worse position.

Long term use of these types of drugs will most probably lead to major mental health problems. I have seen people who have taken recreational drugs for a long period of time and it is not pretty. Please rethink and please don't mix the antidepressants with drugs, it is a very bad combination.

Your friends may have taken these for along period of time, but you have problems and it could tip you over the edge.

Ask your doctor for some counselling it might help. I know people who think that its nonsense, but go and see for yourself.

Hope this has helped.
2007-06-21 02:52:13 UTC
its the drugs dont be fooled by your friends just cos they have been taking the drug for 8 years that doesn't mean your fine your mum is right kick the drug to the curb i smoked hash for 2 years and took ecstacy became depressed lost my real friends so i got myself away from that crap lost my drug buddies but in the end its well worth it now because the drug has left my system if i take one puff of hash my body brakes down i become dizzy and sick its not the same so i dont do it even if am temped and yes your right there is a link but i wouldnt worry about it id worry more about your friends so good luck and kick that drug to the curb
2007-06-21 03:30:49 UTC
hi ecstacy is severly linked to depression.......

Imagine ecstacy eats up a bit of your happiness chemicals in your brain (seratopnin) each time you take it...

The more you take it the harder it is for you to feel happy normally.....

My advice with ecstacy is savour it for those few nights when you PLAN to have the best sex of your life.......

Other than that stay away from the club drug scene I have seen it really destroy a lot of my friends and make personality changes in them that they cant notice.

Still go out and have a good time but dont associate drugs with going out as so many people feel the need to these days.

I cant talk in a sense I smoke a lot of pot and drink alcohol but that is ALL i do as I dont like the thought of these designer drugs entering my system.....

However the pill scene is very very large and social..

However I have noticed a lot of personality changes of friends especially in the speed based ecstacy pills....

there is no rush to live life.... ease off the drugs.....

My slogan has always been to save drugs for later in life leave the good stuff until last...

You probably will notice changes in your friends and their personality.

Finally I say this again there is no rush to live life save your next ecstacy pill for a night in with a guy maybe even in a few months to a few years and you will enjoy it a lot more than you will out in a club.........

Make sure it is not speed based and MDMA if you are going to do it.........

You may feel a bit glum and depressed at the moment but

it sure isnt for ever and fukin yourself up at clubs on ecstacy certainly doesnt help!!!!

Its not for ever, its depression and thats apart of it is thinking it might last forever and there is no way out........
2007-06-21 02:35:52 UTC
I would stop the E while your ahead. Eventually it is going to do some serious damage that is irreversable, (brain damage). And yes it will also make you depressed. Your friends might seem ok now but it will eventually catch up to them. When you see people that did a lot of drugs at a younger age you can notice how it took its toll on them. You are much better off trying the pills from the doctor, rather than the pills from your "friends".
2007-06-21 04:29:51 UTC
Your mum is right. The drugs have damaged your brain. My doctor said that if you have mental illness in your genes, it could manifest by using hallucinogens. Medications such as anti-depressants can make you feel better, but the damage can't be repaired. I know it's bad news. Try to take care of yourself and good luck to you.
2007-06-21 02:52:14 UTC
wow, you take ecstasy but are scared to take antidepressants?? I took all kinds of what i call "rave drugs" throughout my twenties and i know it has messed me up, I'm 34 now with three young children under 4, my memory is terrible (i feel like I'm as thick as 2 short planks) i never used to feel like this, i have suffered with depression and i put most of it down to my 12 year party season, i do understand the draw to it though, when i hear the music sometimes i want to run away and get off my head again but its not worth it, i know im not the person i used to be because my brain doesn't work like it used to, i took antidepressants for a year and a half and they helped so i would go for it, its great that you can talk to your mum, i could never of let my parents know what i got up to so i didn't have any support. as for your friends saying they're all OK i would question that if they tried to stop, paranoia was horrific for me and i felt constantly stupid when asked questions because i couldn't answer them, please stop now, take a course of tablets and get your head right, good luck.
2007-06-21 02:36:22 UTC
I find it hard to figure out why you are scared about taking antidepressants but could quite happily take ecstasy?? take the pills the doc has given you and stay away from the drugs. It will be the drugs that has done this to you and if you would like come kind of normal happy life in the future start by doing the right thing now....good luck!
2007-06-21 04:02:06 UTC
Ecstasy is methamphetamine, and yes it is a stimulant. It affects sleeping patterns and eating habits by inhibiting neurotransmitters in your brain for you not to sleep and not to eat.

But by the time the drug has lowered its effect, your brain doesn't respond immediately to produce those neurotransmitters for you to get sleep or to eat. So there's a gap, until when the effect is totally gone, there will be a surge of serotonin in your brain as a feedback to what had happen to its levels in your brain. Thus it will make you sleep for longer periods of time, and upon waking up it make you crave for food.

The effects of ecstasy aggravates your depressed condition. Despite ecstacy alone can make some depressive effects. Yes your mother is right, it can damage your brain cells permanently in one condition...

Overdosage - meaning taking it at large amounts and number of times you took it throughout a day.

Try to get sleep within 24hours with "sleeping aids" - such as beer (alcohol), milk, antihistamines, or a minor sedative such as diazepam or lorazepam, or even physical exhaustion such as raving/dancing or "high-powered sex" can make you sleep...after.
2007-06-21 02:35:39 UTC
XTC will react differently in everyones brain, but chances are the depression is linked in a few different ways to the drug. You are taking the drug to fill a void of some sort and you feel guilty about taking the drug. Guilt, Pain, and how you behave on the drug are probably making you depressed. You know you are doing something wrong, but at the same time you like how it makes you feel. This back and forth of emotions is bound to make anyone feel depressed. XTC does serious damage to the receptors in the brain and also the the brain stem and your spinal fluid. Stop while you are still ok...sounds like you know what you are doing is dangerous and wrong. Not to mention mixing antidepressants with XTC can be extemely deadly....dont do it!

Good Luck
2016-04-29 22:41:21 UTC
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2007-06-21 02:37:52 UTC
i think there IS a link. you should DEFFINATELY stop taking these drugs. you should take the medication that the doctor has prescribed you, if you really DO have depression, u may want to see a psychologist, u may want to do something other than the anti-dep. i think its unnatural.

you may need a rest from the hustle bustle? a good rest is half the work!

and remember to pace yourself through the elephant can be swallowed, one bite at a time.
2014-09-11 09:25:25 UTC

Premature ejaculation can be cured with natural methods. One really good one you can follow is

When a man is suffering from premature ejaculation, he is often climaxing before his partner and in the case of most men it is difficult if not impossible for them to continue intercourse after ejaculating. That’s because chemicals are released when a man ejaculates and these are the same chemicals that make a person feel sleepy and/or not aroused. It’s not that they have suddenly lost interest; just their brain is telling them that the sex is over. This effect is more prominent after intercourse than after masturbation because intercourse actually causes four times more of these chemicals to be released. If premature ejaculation occurs frequently, it can lead to embarrassment for the man and sexual frustration for both partners.

Cheers ;)
2016-05-14 19:11:59 UTC
Ask your doctor about an exercise routine. Regular exercise, such as walking three times a week, may reduce neuropathy pain, improve your muscle strength and help control blood sugar levels. Gentle routines such as yoga and tai chi might also help.
2007-06-21 02:42:26 UTC
If the effects are permanent there isn't much you can do about it now. Stop taking E and start taking the prescribed medication. Even if it isn't the E that is causing the depression it can kill you.
2007-06-21 02:36:45 UTC
you have taken ecstasy, produced in unhygenic, uncontrolled, backroom pharmacies, yet you are scared to take the propr drugs prescribed by your doctor. thats a bit backassward.

your doctor has a need to know what you have been taken.

He is the one who is treating you

he is the best person to advise you at this point
2007-06-21 02:46:42 UTC
Stop taking them. Also it's like someone trying to stop smoking or drinking. Don't hang around others that do it.
2007-06-21 03:01:27 UTC
Drop the x pill take the meds and hopefully you'll feel better
2007-06-21 02:36:35 UTC
i have tried them and they just used to make me be sick....and the morning after is the most shittiest feeling ever....

just got to go cold turkey, dont do them and try not to hang out with the people that do

good luck
2007-06-21 02:40:35 UTC
in all honesty i think you just needed an excuse to use drugs.
2007-06-21 02:32:08 UTC
it can cause depression but there are no long term effects, stop taking it and see if there are any improvements
2007-06-21 04:22:43 UTC
you've gotta pull it together.
2007-06-21 02:33:26 UTC
start taking salvia you could get it from some smoke shops or the internet
2007-06-21 02:39:50 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.