hi ecstacy is severly linked to depression.......
Imagine ecstacy eats up a bit of your happiness chemicals in your brain (seratopnin) each time you take it...
The more you take it the harder it is for you to feel happy normally.....
My advice with ecstacy is savour it for those few nights when you PLAN to have the best sex of your life.......
Other than that stay away from the club drug scene I have seen it really destroy a lot of my friends and make personality changes in them that they cant notice.
Still go out and have a good time but dont associate drugs with going out as so many people feel the need to these days.
I cant talk in a sense I smoke a lot of pot and drink alcohol but that is ALL i do as I dont like the thought of these designer drugs entering my system.....
However the pill scene is very very large and social..
However I have noticed a lot of personality changes of friends especially in the speed based ecstacy pills....
there is no rush to live life.... ease off the drugs.....
My slogan has always been to save drugs for later in life leave the good stuff until last...
You probably will notice changes in your friends and their personality.
Finally I say this again there is no rush to live life save your next ecstacy pill for a night in with a guy maybe even in a few months to a few years and you will enjoy it a lot more than you will out in a club.........
Make sure it is not speed based and MDMA if you are going to do it.........
You may feel a bit glum and depressed at the moment but
it sure isnt for ever and fukin yourself up at clubs on ecstacy certainly doesnt help!!!!
Its not for ever, its depression and thats apart of it is thinking it might last forever and there is no way out........