2010-03-08 22:42:22 UTC
First of all, I workout 45 mins a day 5~ days a week. (Sometimes less- too tired.) I eat very healthy and take all sorts of vitamins and supplements (inc. protein shake drinks)
I'm 19, 5'7", 130 lbs, female.
Yes I have anemia, yes I take vitamins and iron.
No, I don't snore.
No, I don't drink coffee.
I don't do drugs, I don't drink.
No, I do not have mono, I am what the doctor thinks as perfectly healthy.
I can't afford sleep studies.
Ok, yes, I am stressed but what teenager isn't? I can't change that.
When I sleep I often dream, a lot, many a night even. They are very strong and very vivid. I know this is probably ruining my rest.
Can anyone suggest anything to help me? This is taking my life away and seems to only be getting worse.