I know life is hard, but everything gets better with time. I too have thought of suicide and have almost been on the receiving end of a knife, but you have to think, yes the world may be a tough and sometimes unfair place, but thats not how everyone is right? If you have trouble controlling your thoughts of suicide do what i do to help my self, its just 4 simple things that work wonders:
1.Make a promise to yourself that you will never abandon your friends and family no matter how hard things get. This is a big thing that helps be, mainly because i value a promise and always keep it, no matter what it is or who it is to.
2.Always think about all the good things that you would be leaving behind (ex. friends, family, love, and all the small joys in life).
3.Look towards the future and see what you want to see, and work to make it a reality. ME??? I want to have a job were i can help others by protecting them, I'm going to be a cop, and i want a family. yes i'm just a senior in high school, age 18, at a school of about 1000 people (for all of k-12) but i'm looking into what future "I" want and i am making that future a reality.
4. If you can take things as a challenge, do it.Try to beat the challenge, don't just quit half way. when you finally achieve a goal you have been striving for, it helps you feel a lot better about yourself.
I had a hard life, I was adopted and still don't know anything about my parents except for the first name of my birth mom which is Amy, and I had severe emotional issues as a kid and had to go through lots of therapy. I also have Aspergers Syndrome, which makes me feel "different" but I just do something fun like hang out with my friends especially my best friend named Alex who even though I'm a catholic and he's and evolutionist (as different as you can get), we're still as good as best friends can be. Having someone to talk to about your problems that you can trust to keep just between you too, helps a lot.
I still have issues with everything in my life but because of these 4 things, even though i still get severely depressed at times, I refuse to commit what would have been the worst and last mistake of my life. Because i didn't commit suicide when i had the chance, I noticed that things got better and that my life soon became perfect.
Also if you ever need to release some stress, Video games help, I became a gamer mainly because it helped with my stress. feeling angry? Play a fighting game. Bored? play an RPG (Role Playing Game).
I hope you decide to march through life with your head held high, and make the future "YOU" want.
Hope this helps you.
With best of wishes, Nick M.