Suicide seems so much easier?
2011-01-12 14:55:48 UTC
Help me.
I'm 15, 16 in a couple months, and I'm just so fed up of everything. I hate to sound stereotypical, but no one truly 'loves' me. All boys do in my life is walk into it, mess it up a bit more, and then leave again. I have about 3 close close friends. A big thing is the fact I feel like a prisoner in my own mind because of my brain just going whack. I can't control my thoughts, sometimes I think I have OCD. Actually, I think that a lot of the time. Thinking just gives me a headache, and I'm just getting fed up.

I just feel like we're born into this world to see it and live, and yet we're confined to having to go to a school we hate and then going to college and getting jobs and I hate it. I want to live and be free but I just can't, it's not how the world works. Gay's are persecuted. There's racism. People are dying left right and centre. This world is hell!

So would suicide be an easier option? I just want to fall asleep forever and never wake up! Someone please help me
Twelve answers:
2011-01-12 15:40:06 UTC
I know life is hard, but everything gets better with time. I too have thought of suicide and have almost been on the receiving end of a knife, but you have to think, yes the world may be a tough and sometimes unfair place, but thats not how everyone is right? If you have trouble controlling your thoughts of suicide do what i do to help my self, its just 4 simple things that work wonders:

1.Make a promise to yourself that you will never abandon your friends and family no matter how hard things get. This is a big thing that helps be, mainly because i value a promise and always keep it, no matter what it is or who it is to.

2.Always think about all the good things that you would be leaving behind (ex. friends, family, love, and all the small joys in life).

3.Look towards the future and see what you want to see, and work to make it a reality. ME??? I want to have a job were i can help others by protecting them, I'm going to be a cop, and i want a family. yes i'm just a senior in high school, age 18, at a school of about 1000 people (for all of k-12) but i'm looking into what future "I" want and i am making that future a reality.

4. If you can take things as a challenge, do it.Try to beat the challenge, don't just quit half way. when you finally achieve a goal you have been striving for, it helps you feel a lot better about yourself.

I had a hard life, I was adopted and still don't know anything about my parents except for the first name of my birth mom which is Amy, and I had severe emotional issues as a kid and had to go through lots of therapy. I also have Aspergers Syndrome, which makes me feel "different" but I just do something fun like hang out with my friends especially my best friend named Alex who even though I'm a catholic and he's and evolutionist (as different as you can get), we're still as good as best friends can be. Having someone to talk to about your problems that you can trust to keep just between you too, helps a lot.

I still have issues with everything in my life but because of these 4 things, even though i still get severely depressed at times, I refuse to commit what would have been the worst and last mistake of my life. Because i didn't commit suicide when i had the chance, I noticed that things got better and that my life soon became perfect.

Also if you ever need to release some stress, Video games help, I became a gamer mainly because it helped with my stress. feeling angry? Play a fighting game. Bored? play an RPG (Role Playing Game).

I hope you decide to march through life with your head held high, and make the future "YOU" want.

Hope this helps you.

With best of wishes, Nick M.
Jack G
2011-01-12 15:02:15 UTC
No suicide is never a valid option it sometimes seems like the right way out but it never is. If you want this world to be better make it better. If you want to be free then be free. Be the best person you can be and change things up. And with boys in high school alot of them are assholes and will walk all over you there are good boys out there you just have to sift through the dirt to find the gold.
2011-01-12 15:07:22 UTC
In my opinion suicide is never the easier option. It may seem like it but your head isn't in the right place right now. Think about all the people you would leave behind and they have to find a way to live without someone thats been there for and supported them. I'm also 15 and when I was little and even still I think about things like growing up and going to college to become what I've always dreamt of being and being happy finding the person who loves me for who I am and raising a family with them and growing old together.....if you give up now you'll never be able to experience all the things you have to look forward to. Life may be hard right now but I think you have to learn to get through the hard things to make things easier in the end. There's always going to be these difficulties in your life but you need to continue to choose to overcome them and not give up. Things will get better I promise it may not seem like they are at first...but give them a while. And focus on your good days and the good people in your life. Living life isnt measured in being the most popular, the one everyone looks at, or having a ton of friends. Its about being you and who you were meant to be. If you need someone to talk to I can be here for you. I hate seing people who just want to give up...keep going.
2011-01-12 15:03:35 UTC
Suicide is definitely not the answer. My girlfriend is feeling super depressed and she told me yesterday the same thing you said. I just want to fall asleep forever, and never wake up!. You are a very young person, with the whole world waiting for you to grasp it. Give yourself a chance to explore the world for the beauty that it really has. Suicide... cowardous.. Think about who you'd be affecting around you, and how weak that makes you look as an individual. I hope everything goes well with you.. just don't give up.
2011-01-12 15:09:19 UTC
It's real simple and easy.But for those left behind it is hell forever.

I think as you do,the world and most people rot.I did say most.

I just make sure others know this fact from my poems.

You have 3 friends,great that's enough as long as they are true friends.

I made it to middle-age knowing how the world is,i sometimes never want to wake up.

A lot of people feel the same,just find what makes you happy,

Don't be worrying about boys,at age 15 you have a lot of time for that.

If this gets real bad,go seek help,everyone is precious..
2011-01-12 15:09:54 UTC
School was hell for me but i got through it just hold ur head up high and you will too. Trust me college is much better than high school and it is a chance to start a new. Go into a carrie that you love to do, do not do it for the money. Live your life to be happpy and do what you feel is best for you. Suicide is always the wrong answer.
2011-01-12 15:06:18 UTC
You're 15. Boys your age are immature, conceited little bastards. Of course they'll come and go. This stage of your life is not the time for romantic relationships, trust me. When you turn 18, start looking for guys in their 20's and you'll see a huge difference in how they act. For some reason guys mature way later than girls do. I agree with you that there's too much bad sh*t in this world and it sucks being in it, but there are some decent times ahead, I promise. I'm 21 and I felt the same way as you when I was your age...still do a lot of the time, but I found a guy who I want to spend the rest of my life with last year and if nothing else, he gives me a reason to live. You'll find yours too if you're patient.
2016-11-09 14:29:44 UTC
did you recognize that everybody has theory approximately suiciding? everybody interior the worldwide! yet many circumstances, even the atheists do no longer do it coz they don't have the heart to. do no longer concern approximately your self; once you're such an emotional and non secular man or woman, you will no longer have the flexibility to suicide whether you had to :) Even i've got been via issues in life, and out of your set of issues, the undertaking seems this: you have learnt some issues approximately how the worldwide works. you have learnt some issues approximately how relationships are meant to be. you have learnt some issues approximately faith. You walked into the genuine worldwide and found that issues happen so abruptly and uncontrollably that each little thing you learnt would not fit in with what's occurring to you. end: you experience you do no fit into the worldwide, and desire to suicide. do you recognize what you're attempting to do with the aid of figuring out to suicide? you're reacting on your undemanding psychological instinct to alter your environment. Like how a fish jumps approximately on land until it falls into water. what's incorrect with you is that your techniques and ideology do no longer experience our surroundings you're in. So what are you able to do now? Reject each little thing which you learnt, yet defend despite studying are mandatory so you might stay life legally in society. Reject faith too (there is no info of god. settle for it). seem around you, see how people stay their lives. Take trip on my own and think of roughly why they gain this. word people and be certain why they are doing what they do. Politicians, attorneys, clergymen, docs, drug addicts, prostitutes, disabled people, everybody. you do no longer want anti-depressants, you do no longer want a psychologist, you do no longer want suicidal techniques. All you could desire to be certain is how and why those people stay their lives and elementary how you could fit into their worldwide with the aid of doing what you have constantly had to do. come to a form on what you desire to do in life and pursue it relentlessly (no longer pursuing it truly is termed laziness :) ) and the girl who loves you and peace of techniques will come without delay.
2011-01-12 17:01:44 UTC
Yes my experience going through school was very similar. I wanted freedom, strength, vitality, skill, and life, and all school offered me was slavishness, weakness, unengaged lethargy, mediocrity, and social disharmony. I was depressed and lost for a long time. 5+ years. Eventually i found inspiration, and all the ways to improve myself and make everything that was supposed to be hard easy. You are a good person, and we need as many people as good as you in this world to be as strong as you can be. By making yourself and your life as good as it can be, that will affect everyone else around you positively too ! And we need more of that in this world ! If you need help with anything, and getting up the steep side of the hill, feel free to e-mail me at with anything. The steep side is easy too if you take your time, and get enough rest and nourishment !.
2011-01-12 15:02:42 UTC
HELL NO, thats never ever an option. i dont know you but i do know that your way to young to be talking this talk and thinking those thoughts, 16yr old girls should be into pop music, pink things and bunny rabbits, guys come and go they always will until one day you'l find the right one and it'l be all good. dont consider crazy things like suicide, try focus on improving the things your not happy with. look on the bright side it can only get better... :p
2011-01-12 15:11:38 UTC
Suicide is a cowards option. Yes, there's a lot of **** in the world but **** all that. You only get one life, what's the point in being miserable all through it? It only makes your sad existence seem longer. Ignore the stuff that upsets you, get on with your own life and have fun with it!
2011-01-12 15:07:32 UTC
I have the same problem. E-mail me with questions and I'll answer for you. I'd type my answer here, but then if it wasn't what you're looking for then that's a waste of my time.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.