Hello Bebop!
Bebop---we all have a fear of death in one way or another! You sound like my son, who is 13, who thinks about death and dying all the time. Because it scares him. Guess what--he was just diagnosed with anxiety. A very real disorder that tons, I mean tons, of people have this! My son is going to try a little medicine to take the edge off.
When I was a teenager, I too had a fear of death, and often I would cry at night before I fell asleep.
Life is hard being a kid if you do not have supportive people around you! School work, bully teachers, bully kids, interacting with friends--making social mistakes, like trying to say something funny, but you end up hurting peoples feelings, that sort of thing.
Hell, even boredome can be so damn depressing at times!
You are still in puberty-----hormones going bonkers, one minute you feel up, then something goes wrong and you go way, way down. This will level off soon when you're done growing.
Look forward to being an adult------where more decisions are made BY YOU! In a way, it helps to feel in control, because as an adult you are taking action and you feel like you are accomplishing something. Very hard to explain. Yes I do believe in hope! Hope has gotten humanity here this far----pretty shakey moments in history where things could have turned out bad!
Who said teenage years are the hardest times. Not for my nieces. They are beautiful, get straight A's easily, parents are rich, at least 10 vacations per year, and have the latest of everything!!!!!
You have an advantage, because you will know what it likes to questions life a bit, to suffer a bit, and to have worked out life problems. I would not want to be these girls when they face the adult world on their own. They are in for a big shock. You will be prepared, they will not.
Well, think of D-Day/ Normandy invasion which was one of the turning points of World War II. Those men (kids really) arrived on the beaches with bombs and bullets blasting. I'm sure they would have not been able to accomplish what they did without that precious word HOPE! They stared hell in the face-----and ran towards it!!!!! We are all thankful to those men ----some didn't make it, some did! But let their courage inspire you to get through the tough times. Great way to honor them-------and I just know that wherever they are now, (maybe heaven) they know they are being thought of whenever we face life's tough times with courage and hope for the better for all people, not just ourselves.
The Scotts even brought their bagpiper along that day----a tradition they kept since early Scottish battles! Such a human and inspiring thing to do! When things get tough---I think of the Braveheart movie and Mel Gibson and all those Scottish Clans lifting their kilts up and mooning the enemy!!!!
Whenever I hear bagpipes-----it's like the wind blowing on a real hot day. Life.
You will find what motivates you!
Please ask your parents or friends parents if you are not close to your own parents, to get you some help. Or even start with a regular doctor, he might prescribe something for you, but it's better if you try therapy first. The hardest part of therapy is the asking for it. Been there done that. So just go get it over with!
Exercise and eating right-------I know, I know, your a teenager --JUNK FOOD-------but it really has helped my son a lot by taking care of his body!
Passions for anything? Cars, girls, drawing, anime, reading, movies, clothes, something else. Why not dive into it and become and expert. My son is taking electric guitar and wanted to quit first few lessons. Now he's glad he hung in there because he had hope and now he's finally getting it!
I'm glad you have friends. Doing stuff with them, listening to their problems, might actually help you too. They may have similar fears.
Feel free to e-mail me if you need to talk. I do hope you see a doctor-----puberty can reek havoc on the body sometimes and that might be the cause of anxiety. It is a very real condition-----and you shouldn't have to suffer with it this day and age.
I believe in karma-----the bullies that bothered you---well.....what goes around comes around. Life is a learning process--------they'll feel bad later in life and learn from it! Remember the ending to the Neverending Story? The boy and his luck dragon chased those bully kids and got them running scared!
Good luck to you.
Edit: I think I just broke the record for World's Longest Yahoo Answer!!! Woooooooo Hooooooo!
You have 22 answers-----22 human beings bringing words of hope to you-----Hope just ran up to you and pinched your little nose!
Edit: two days later: I would really like to know who gave me these thumbs down! Have any idea how long it took to type this----and the care and concern for my fellow human, I have a soft spot for our young people---they are our earths future! These negative people who gave me a thumbs down would do the world a favor and just drop dead! Kidding! Sense of humor. Goes great with HOPE!