2009-11-13 04:18:53 UTC
So my question to you Yahoo Answerers, what do I do? How do I beat it again? Can I beat it?
I mean I thought I had escaped from it. Turns out it was just taking a vaction.
I suspect you will tell me to "confind in a close one... somebody you can trust"
Guess what, not going to happen :'] Sorry but my problems need to be my problems. IF others knew I'm not sure how they would handle it. And I'm not going to push my problems onto them. They have their own stuff.
Now, lets talk suicide! Oh yay what a fun topic.
So I don't think I will do it. I mean, I want to. I don't think I have the guts... I also feel incredibly guilty for thinking about it. I don't want to hurt people. I really don't. My parents are always talking about how devistating it must be for a parent to lose a child and what not. They're great. I love my dad to bits. I don't want to hurt him.
However, I don't know how long I can fight it off? It seems like there's opportunities everywhere. People looking at feeding the dogs as feeding the dogs... I look at it as being able to lock myself away and stab myself in the stomach without them noticing I was gone for enough time to bleed out.
Walking over a bridge should be... walking over a bridge. I see it as a place where I could throw myself off and if that didn't kill me then the cars below should.
It's just everywhere and, I crave it. Fantasize about it. There's a person who wants to come visit me for some... kink fun. They asked if they could strangle me for kicks. I told them as long as they finished off the job. They didn't say no... I'm kind of looking forward to our catchup.
So my questions for this part are:
If I were to commit suicide... what would be the less painful way to do it for my family? Like, what would hurt them the least? What could I leave them to take comfort in?
Should I meet up with this guy? Because it wouldn't exactly be suicide if something were to accidently go wrong. It wouldn't be so bad then right? It would just be an accident? No trouble, no loss. People able to move on?
Thank you.