2021-04-04 07:10:35 UTC
I thought getting involved is actually getting participating in a drama or situation with body and I thought a listening ear is actually just listening to somebody vent.
Why are text messages differcult to understand. I just wanted somebody to hear me out about somebody who put me through a deep depression and it still eats me up inside since that situation and all I wanted to do is vent? How is that involving somebody?
A therapist listens with a listening ear and gives advice but won't contact somebody I have a problem with. I just want to vent. But a family member shuts me down and says "I am not getting involved". I didn't ask for them to get involved, I just want them to listen and ask me "Are you OK?"
5 stars for best answer. Is there a difference or is it the same. Because that wasnt my intention to "involve" them.